O. A. Krone. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1916, 8 (3), pp 231–237. DOI: 10.1021/i500003a007. Publication Date: March 1916. Note: In lieu of an abstract, this i...
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Mar., 1 9 1 6

No. 2 was made by absorbing t h e hydrogen with colloidal palladium solution a n d burning t h e methane with a hot platinum spiral. TABLE V-PERCENTAGE

ANALYSESOF A MIXTUREOF NATURAL GAS AND HYDROGEN BY T W O DIFPERENT METHODS NO. ANALYSESBY Hz Natural gas 1 Copper oxide and slow combustion. . . . . . 5 0 . 7 48.3 2 Colloidal palladium and slow combustion. , 5 0 . 2 48.1


The above analyses showed t h a t t h e paraffin hydrocarbons higher t h a n methane were not oxidized, a t least in any significant amount, by t h e copper oxide. Lastly, there is shown work upon t h e analysis of t h e artificially mixed coal and water gas of Pittsburgh. The first analysis was made by burning t h e carbon monoxide a n d hydrogen with copper oxide a t about 290' C. a n d paraffin hydrocarbons in t h e slow-combustion pipette with a hot platinum spiral. The second analysis was made by using copper oxide at about 290' C. t o burn the carbon monoxide, a solution of colloidal palladium t o absorb t h e hydrogen, a n d a hot platinum spiral t o burn t h e paraffin hydrocarbons. The third analysis was made by burning carbon monoxide and hydrogen at about 290' C. with copper oxide a n d by burning t h e paraffin hydrocarbons at a red heat with copper oxide. TABLE VI-PERCENTAGEANALYSESOF

23 1

capillary of I . j mm. internal diameter. J is t h e brass body holding t h e combustion tube. K is a three-way glass cock of z mm. bore. ;L' is a two-way glass cock of j mm. bore. P is a glass-covered pipette stand whose height is adjustable. Q is a set screw for adjustment of P. J , t h e brass body holding t h e combustion tube, has two small holes, a little smaller t h a n I . j mm. diameter, drilled from the posterior side into of t h e body J. Into these are fitted t h e two legs of a platinum combustion tube of I . j mm. outside and. 0 . j mm. inside diameter. Th'e small holes are I cm. apart. The platinum tube is about I O t o 1 1 cm. long and is bent to form a U, t h e two legs of which run parallel about I cm. apart. Into t h e forepart of t h e body two large holes, about 8 mm. in diameter, are drilled, whose centers meet t h e centers of t h e I . j rnm. holes drilled from t h e rear. The brass body has grooves milled in large enough t o have a water circulation t o keep t h e rubber tubing cool, which holds t h e bent glass capillaries of I . 5 mm. bore fitting tightly into t h e larger holes A,A. These



No. I..... 2,.... 3.....

COS Illuminants 2.5 2.6 2.4

7.4 7.0 7.5

0% 0.4 0.4 0.4




43.6 43.9 43.4

11.7 11.5

CH4 CXHB iVz TOTAL 30.6 2 . 1 1 . 9 100.0 3 0 . 7 2.2 1.5 1 0 0 . 0 3 0 . 4 2 . 2 2 . 2 100.0


I-The authors' experience with the copper-oxide method, devised by Jager for t h e fractional combustion of hydrogen a n d carbon monoxide, is described. 11-A gas-analysis apparatus, embodying a copperoxide tube somewhat different in form from others on t h e market, but containing no new principle, is also described. 111-A temperature of t h e copper oxide of between 275' a n d 300' is adapted for burning hydrogen and carbon monoxide in a wide variety of mixtures. Most previous experimenters have adopted temperatures in this range. LABORATORY GAS INVESTIGATIONS BUREAUOF



Figs. I a n d I1 show t h e apparatus used for estimating t h e quantities of carbon dioxide, illurninants, oxygen, carbon monoxide, methane, ethane, hydrogen a n d nitrogen in gaseous mixtures. B,B1 are I O O cc. burettes graduated t h e entire length in 0.1 cubic centimeter. C,CI are water jackets for t h e burettes. D is a three-way glass Geissler cock of 2 mm. bore. E,E1 are bent capillary tubes of I mm. bore. F is a three-way Geissler cock, G is a two-way cock having a T capillary fused t o F. H is a bent I . 5 mm. bore capillary, whose orifice, HI, is melted t o measure 0.3 mm. I " i s a piece of glass tubing having walls of sufficient strength, and a n internal diameter of 1.75 cm. drawn down t o a

glass capillaries are bent so t h a t t h e combustion t u b e protrudes in t h e rear of t h e apparatus. Around t h e brass body is soldered a piece of sheet copper t o form a cup for water. The platinum tube is then soldered in, gas-tight. If mercury is used as t h e confining fluid in burette B, t h e platinum tube is either brazed or silvered in, gas-tight. The ends of the platinum tube are tapered so t h a t tight joints are secured by forcing t h e ends into t h e brass body. A small piece of asbestos paper is fitted onto t h e platinum capillary t o prevent t h e unused heat from softening t h e solder. A Meker or Bausch and Lomb high temperature burner is used t o heat t h e tube and is adjusted t o position with a n iron clamp fastened t o t h e apparat u s support. All rubber connections should be made with t h e best heavy-walled rubber tubing which should be of small enough size t o give a tight joint. All glass capillaries should fit shoulder t o shoulder



when connections are made, and all rubber connections should be wired by iron wire I mm. in diameter, a t t h e edge of t h e tubing. All joints t h a t are t o be rigid should be stiffened by wrapping a piece of sheet copper of suitable size around t h e rubber within t h e space of t h e two iron wires which hold t h e tubing tight at t h e edge and then wiring this sheet on tightly with three iron wires. I mm. in diameter. A S S E b I B L Y OF A P P A R A T U S

D is fastened t o t h e body of burette B with rubber tubing, wired and stiffened. K is fastened in like manner t o B1. B is then p u t into C, t h e rubber stoppers put into place a t t h e ends of C. E a n d El are fastened t o D and K with rubber tubing a n d wired. T h e burette B is fastened t o t h e right side of apparat u s support with a universal clamp. The burette BI is fastened t o the left side in t h e same way. F a n d G are connected t o D, mired a n d stiffened. H is fitted tightly into I a t HI with a piece of rubber t u b ing. I is connected t o J with rubber tubing. J is connected t o K in like manner. P a n d PI are then adjusted. N is connected t o B1, wired, stiffened a n d fastened t o table by wiring i t t o a large cork nailcd t o t h e table. N is then connected with 36 inches of heavy-walled mercury rubber tubing, wired, a n d connected t o t h e mzrcury aspirator bottle which connection is also wired. The lower 18 in. of this tubing should be



wrapped with good adhesive tape t o prevent t h e mercury from bulging through t h e tubing when t h e aspirator bottle is raised. All stoppers are wired t o t h e cocks. The mercury aspirator bottle is then filled with mercury. A is connected and wired t o 40 in. of smooth bore heavy-walled, best grade rubber tubing, which is then connected t o a 500 cc. aspirator bottle which is filled with one part of HC1 (sp. gr. I . 2 ) t o I O parts distilled water. The water jackets are filled with distilled water. If preferred, manometers a n d compensating tubes may be added t o t h e burette; otherwise compared Centigrade thermometers should be inserted in t h e water jackets through t h e t o p rubber stoppers. Mercury should not be allowed t o get into the platinum capillary nor should explosive mixtures be run through too fast when t h e joints are soldered, as this will destroy t h e solder joints. For accuracy it is preferred t o use mercury in burette B also. A small amount of water on t h e surface of t h e mercury may be allowed, provided t h e burettes are cali-

Vol. 8, No. 3

brated for mercury and the water meniscus for t h e amount of water on the mercury surface. REAGEKTS USED

(I)-One part of purified stick potash t o one part pure water by weight: 1 5 0 cc. of this solution are poured into a stoppered, single Hempel pipette filled with clean iron turnings t o increase t h e absorbing surface of the potash. (a)-Nordhausen sulfuric acid, or where preferable, saturated bromine water. (3)--Yello~ phosphorus cast into 5 mm. sticks set upright in a stoppered, single Hempel pipette covered by I jo cc. of pure distilled water. The Hempel pipette body is painted black. A '/*-inch strip extending lengthwise on t h e front side of t h e phosphorus bulb a n d t h e capillary are left unpainted so t h a t t h e action of t h e phosphorus may be observed. (4)-=1 stoppered, double Hempel pipette filled completely with straight I . j mm. copper wires a n d covered by 1 2 5 cc. of t h e following solution: one part b y weight of ammonium hydroxide (sp. gr. 0.90) t o four parts by weight of pure distilled water. A large excess of ammonium chloride is then added t o this diluted ammonium hydroxide and a saturated solution is made a t about 80" F. After being sure t h e solution is saturated, t h e excess of ammonium chloride is allowed t o settle a n d t h e clear solution decanted into a clean flask, stoppered, a n d kept for use. This copper pipette is the best absorbing agent for oxygen b u t can not be used when carbon monoxide or dioxide i s present. Saturated ammonium chloride in ammonium hydroxide (sp. gr. 0.90) should not be used as t h e nitrogen of the theoretically ionized N H 4 is, t o a certain extent, oxidized t o free nitrogen when a 99y0 oxygen is analyzed. Weaker solutions of ammonium chloride should likewise be avoided. Phosphorus, according t o G. Lunge's 1914 publication, is t h e best reagent for absorbing oxygen from illuminating or heating gases. This assertion has been proven t o be correct. Low concentrations of oxygen, up t o 5 per cent oxygen, mixed with gases such as hydrogen, water gas, coal gas, etc., were separated by treatment with phosphorus and in no case was a perceptible excess contraction noticed. On t h e other hand, high concentrations of oxygen, 98.670 pure, with hydrogen a n d other combustible gases, when treated with phosphorus, showed excess contraction due to chemical combination with some of t h e hydrogen or other gas with t h e oxygen. With high concentrations of oxygen t h e phosphorus melted, trapping gas. Even air, when allowed t o come into contact with t h e phosphorus, gradually melted the phosphorus, necessitating t h e recasting of t h e phosphorus. Hence for low concentrations of oxygen, when carbon monoxide is present, phosphorus was considered t h e best reagent t o be used. The oxygen is absorbed very rapidly. As soon as t h e white phosphorus pentoxide fumes have nearly

Mar., 1916


settled or if t h e pentoxide fumes are washed into solution giving t h e small amount of oxygen diffused in t h e gas t h e opportunity of coming in contact with t h e moist phosphorus, as t h e pentoxide fumes retard t h e movement of t h e molecules of t h e gas, t h e absorption is complete. Further treatment of t h e gas with phosphorus causes no contraction. Phosphorus gives valuable indication of t h e complete absorption of t h e unsaturated hydrocarbons b y t h e fuming sulfuric acid or bromine water. A phosphorus pipette lasts much longer t h a n a pyrogallate pipette a n d one pipette can be used for all of t h e gases while when using alkaline pyrogallol i t is necessary t o have a separate pipette for each kind of gas analyzed. Phosphorus is much speedier in action t h a n pyrogallate; besides, continuously accurate results are obtained by its use, which can not be said of pyrogallol. Pyrogallol prepared as directed b y R. P. Anderson1 is also very unpleasant t o handle. Fuming sulfuric acid should always be fresh enough so t h a t t h e reaction between t h e oxygen a n d phosphorus is not interfered with, due t o presence of remaining hydrocarbons. For concentrations of oxygen higher t h a n 5 per cent a n d where carbon monoxide or dioxide is not present, t h e best method for absorbing oxygen is b y copper with t h e ammonium chloride solution as directed previously. Such a pipette lasts a very long time. We have used one daily for about two months without renewing any part of i t a n d i t does not at present show a n y signs of becoming exhausted. It must be remembered t o use t h e ammonium chloride solution as specified. The results obtained b y this method agree exactly with those secured by combustion. Samples of air analyzed gave a value of about 2 0 . 8 7 per cent oxygen, a n d samples of commercial oxygen analyzed checked among themselves t o t h e hundredths of one per cent when measurements were performed accurately a n d these results checked with t h e oxygen determined by combustion over a large number of determinations. The pipette should have as much copper surface as possible ; therefore t h e copper wires should be t h i n a n d straight a n d should fill t h e entire length of t h e pipette body as otherwise t h e absorption of oxygen is not as rapid as is possible. The copper wires should be very clean a n d bright before putting t h e m into t h e pipette a n d t h e last bulb of t h e pipette should have a little of the ammonium chloride solution in i t also. The copper going into solution b y chemical change seems t o be precipitated back onto t h e metallic copper as t h e metal, t o some extent. When making a n absorption of oxygen b y copper it should be remembered t h a t t h e absorption takes place on t h e moist surface of t h e copper; consequently t h e aim should be t o wash gently over t h e copper with t h e ammonium chloride solution so t h a t t h e blue compound is dissolved, giving a fresh 1


(1915), 587


copper surface, a n d not t o shake t h e pipette t o have t h e liquid absorb t h e oxygen. When using a mercury burette care should be taken t h s t no mercury comes in contact with t h e copper surface as i t readily amalgamates a t t h e surface of t h e copper. The salts of mercury also precipitate on t h e surface of t h e copper as metallic mercury a n d this spoils t h e pipette. APPLICATION O F THE METHOD T O ANALYSIS

Exactly I O O cc. of t h e sample of gas t o be analyzed are drawn into t h e water burette. The capillary i s then washed by turning cock G, and t o seal t h e gas in t h e burette, acidulated water is then allowed to completely fill all of t h e capillaries and t r a p I up t o t h e edge of t h e cock K. The potash pipette is then connected t o t h e capillary E , and t h e gas in t h e burette aspirated back and forth three times. This procedure removes all of t h e carbon dioxide. The residue is measured and t h e reading recorded. The difference between I O O cc. a n d this reading gives t h e per cent of carbon dioxide present in t h e sample. The potash pipette is disconnected, t h e capillary washed, t h e gas in the burette p u t under slight pressure, t h e t h u m b is placed on t h e end of capillary E, cock D is opened and t h e water in t h e capillary allowed t o run almost t o t h e end of E. Cock D is then closed a n d t h e fuming sulfuric acid pipette attached t o E. Not more t h a n 0 . 0 2 cc. of air should be introduced at this point, if t h e pinching u p of t h e sulfuric acid in t h e pipette capillary a n d t h e connection is made carefully. The gas is aspirated back and forth two times, t h e acid drawn back t o t h e same mark in capillary a n d cock D is closed. A quick, smooth pull with one hand and with t h e t h u m b and finger of t h e other h a n d pinching t h e rubber t u b e connecting pipette with E prevents t h e acid from getting into t h e rubber connection. The other t h u m b is quickly slipped over t h e end of E, preventing diffusion of t h e small amount of gas in the capillary with t h e air. Water from a wash bottle is now blown into t h e rubber connection of t h e potash pipette and this pipette quickly connected t o E , a t t h e same time withdrawing t h e thumb. T o take out the sulfuric fumes, t h e gas is passed back a n d forth four times. The reading is taken a n d recorded. The difference between this a n d t h e previous reading gives t h e per cent of illuminants (unsaturated hydrocarbons, benzene vapor, etc.). If"all of t h e illuminants are not withdrawn by two passages through t h e sulfuric pipette they should be removed b y passing through one more time. Next remove t h e oxygen with phosphorus. Allow t h e gas t o remain in contact with t h e moist phosphorus until most of the fumes disappear. The gas is then drawn into t h e burette, measured a n d t h e amount recorded. The difference between this and t h e previous reading gives t h e per cent of oxygen in t h e mixture. A gas holder is made b y connecting two 500 cc. aspirator bottles with rubber tubing, which is wired on. A I-hole rounded rubber stopper is fitted t o



the neck of one of t h e aspirator bottles and a piece of capillary glass tubing inserted. The end of this capillary is then closed with a piece of rubber tubing a n d a pinch-cock just as t h e pipettes for t h e reagents. Enough acidulated water (distilled) is added t o this holder t o completely displace t h e air in t h e bottle having the capillary. The other bottle is fitted with a t u b e and rubber stopper t o blow t h e water, out of the capillary. The rubber stopper for t h e capillary bottle should be rounded into a n inverted basin-like depression so t h a t the air may be quickly and completely displaced. This is done by heating a heavy copper wire t o redness a n d moulding t h e stopper t o t h e proper shape. The stopper is then rather soft and unfit for use, but it should be hardened by immersing i t in a little fuming sulfuric acid. The residue of gas left after determining t h e oxygen is transferred t o this holder, a measured excess of oxygen is then added by opening cock F and allowing t h e oxygen t o flow into the wat,er burette. After measuring, t h e oxygen is transferred t o t h e holder a n d the entire gaseous mixture shaken, a t t h e same time pinching t h e rubber connection between t h e t i v o aspirator bottles to prevent air from entering or gas from leaving t h e holder. Mercury might be used in this holder having a very slight amount of acidulated water on its surface. After thoroughly mixing t h e gas a n d oxygen, I O O cc. of t h e mixture or a close approximation t o I O O cc. are drawn into t h e water burette and t h e amount accurately measured. The mercury burette is then adjusted so as t o contain I: or 20 cc. of air. Water fills all of t h e capillaries, including t h e t r a p I up t o cock K. A 2 5 0 cc. aspirator bottle can be made a part of burette B, using a small rubber stopper, then t h e entire mixture may be burned instead of I O O cc. in one operation. After recording all of t h e measurements t h e water in t h e t r a p I is forced into t h e water burette by putting t h e measured am0un.t of air in t h e mercury burette under pressure and opening cocks D a n d K so t h a t t h e flow is into t h e water burette. As soon as t h e water reaches the orifice HI cock D is closed, t h e mercury in t h e burette leveled, and cock S closed. Cock K is kept open, The burner heating t h e platinum capillary is then lighted. It should give a flame hot enough t o melt t o a globule the end of a piece of copper wire I mm. in diameter in 5 to 8 seconds. A Bausch and Lomb high temperature burner or a X'lkker burner should be used. After t h e platinum tube becomes heated t o a bright red, D is opened, t h e aspirator bottle on t h e water burette is raised slowly s o t h a t t h e water remaining in t h e capillaries is not forced through t h e heated tube, a n d then p u t on t h e high shelf. The small amount of water, not more t h a n 0 .I CC., which is forced into t h e t r a p , prevents t h e explosion of the mixture of gases from traveling back into t h e burette, which, if it should occur, would wreck t h e apparatus.

YO]. 8, S o . 3

Cock S is now slightly opened and the explosive mixture of gases allowed t o bubble through the water in t r a p I at a moderate rate a n d as soon as all of t h e gas has passed through t h e water seal, t h e water is allowed t o rise until t h e beginning of t h e heated portion of t h e tube is reached. Cock N should be closed as soon as water flows through t h e orifice HI. Cock D should next be closed when t h e heated portion of t h e combustion t u b e is reached. The heating is then stopped and water thrown on t h e hot tube from a wash bottle t o cool the tube rapidly. Cock D is opened and t h e water allowed t o come t o t h e edge of cock K , which is then closed. This residue of gas, after combustion, is measured and the amount recorded. The potash pipette is now connected t o E1 a n d the gas aspirated back and forth four times. The amount of gas left is measured and recorded and t h e pipette disconnected. The pressure on t h e gas is now slightly decreased a n d T cc. of acidulated water drawn into t h e mercury burette. This is done t o prevent mercury from fouling t h e copper in t h e copper pipette. The copper pipette is connected t o E and t h e residue of gas completely transferred thereto. I n order t o absorb oxygen completely in this step it is not necessary t o disconnect t h e copper pipette t o shake it. I t is only necessary t o see t h a t t h e copper wires have a clean coppery color by washing over them a time or so gently with t h e solution in the pipette. As soon as t h e clean copper color is seen t h e oxygen is completely absorbed, t h e absorption being very rapid. ilfter drawing t h e residue of gas into t h e burette, it is measured, then passed into a dilute solution of sulfuric acid t o see whether a n y ammonia fumes are taken out. This last residue is then measured and t h e amount recorded. I t is necessary t o heat t h e platinum combustion tube t o t h e degree mentioned, as otherwise t h e paraffins will .not be completely decomposed. Mercury should not be run into or through t h e combustion tube. The burettes should be calibrated and t h e proper meniscus used. One passage through t h e properly heated tube decomposes all of t h e gases quantitatively. Cock K a n d burette B should be thoroughly washed out with acidulated water by opening S and drawing through I part of sulfuric acid to 4 parts water. Cock K is completely revolved several times while drawing t h e acidulated water into t h e burette. The formula used for calculating t h e combustion results is easily remembered. Representing t h e oxygen used in t h e chemical combination by 02,t h e contraction by C, we have:


= C-0

CH4 =


3 0 2- (C

+ COz formed) 3

CO = C O z formed minus CHI The nitrogen is found by difference. I t can also be calculated by t h e residual nitrogen. Both methods give t h e same results. When a part of t h e mixture of gas and oxygen is


Mar., 1916

taken for combustion as directed above, a proportion must be made between t h e amount of t h e mixture used for combustion a n d t h e total amount on hand. The following example taken from practice illustrates the method of writing down t h e measurements and making t h e computations. ANALYSESBY H. L. DAHM Sample of water gas July 3, 1915 Burette reading cc. 5.4 coz 20.2 C,H,11



. ......... T o t a l mixture., . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . , , . . . . . Amount of mixture taken for combustion., , . , ,,,, , ,,

coz - CHI


COz) Nitrogen is figured by difference

Should we use these formulae, t h e figures of t h e previous water gas analysis would appear as follows: Burette reading

Per cent 5.4 14.8

Residue of g a s . . . , . . . Impure oxygen added. Total mixture


302- C 3

HZ = C - (Oz

Residue of gas for combustion. , , , Amount of oxygen t a k e n . . . . . . ,


79.2 cc. 77.2 cc.


156.4 cc.

100 . O O cc.

5 3 . 6 cc. reading after combustion -15 .O cc air in mercury burette

3 8 . 6 cc. measurement of the residue of the 100 cc. of gas taken for combustion 100.00 cc. taken for combustion -38.6 cc. residue after combustion

23 5


5.4 20.2 20.8



0 2

79.2 cc. 77.2 cc.


Per cent 5.4 14.8 0.6 17.86 25.94

1 5 6 . 4 ~ ~ . Hz N

31.55 3.85


100,00 5 3 . 6 cc. -25.6 cc. 2 8 . 0 cc. 100.0 cc. 1 5 . 0 cc.


residue after combustion residue after using potash COz formed in 100 cc. of mixture o! mixture taken for combustion air

115.0 cc. -25.6 cc. residue after using potash


8 9 . 4 cc. total contraction for 100 cc. 25.6 cc. residue after using potash -15 .O cc. residue after using Cu pipette


6 1 . 4 cc. contraction for 100 cc. of the mixture 5 3 . 6 cc. reading of gas after combustion plus the 15 .O cc. of air -25.6 cc. reading of residue after using potash pipette 2 8 . 0 cc. equals the COz formed in 100 cc. of t h e mixture 2 5 . 6 cc. reading after using potash pipette -15.0 CC. reading after using copper pipette 1 0 . 6 cc. of 02 left which did not take part in the combustion. This amount also contains t h e oxygen in 15.0 cc.

of air used

10.6 3.1


amount of 02 in 1 5 . 0 cc. air

7 . 5 cc. equals the oxygen not taking p a r t in the chemical combustion of 100 cc. Compute the contraction, the carbon dioxide formed, and t h e excess oxygen for the 156.4 cc. of the mixture, t o get the proper figures for t h e entire mixture, b y using the proportions 156.4 : 100.0 cc. 156.4 6 1 . 4 X Innn = 9 6 . 0 3 , contraction for total gas 156.4 2 8 . 0 X __ = 4 3 . 8 , C o t for total gas 100.0 7.5 x = 1I .73, excess oxygen for total gas I"U.U 77.2 cc. of commercial oxygen is added t o the 79.2 cc. gas for combustion. This oxygen contains 1 . 3 per cent nitrogen. 77.2 X 0.013 = 1 . 0 cc. of nitrogen in 77.2 cc. 0 2 1 . O cc. nitrogen

1 0 . 6 cc. unused oxygen plus oxygen in 1 5 . 0 cc. air oxygen in 15.0 cc. air.

- 3 . 1 cc.

7 . 5 cc. unused oxygen in 100 cc. of mixture 2 8 . 0 X 1.564 = 43.80 = total COr = COz 8 9 . 4 X 1 , 5 6 4 = 139.82 = total contraction = C 7 . 5 X 1.564 = 11.73 = total unused oxygen 77.2 cc. = impure oxygen added - 1 , O cc. N Z = 1 , 3 per cent nitrogen in impure oxygen -1

76.2 cc. = pure oxygen added 1 . 7 3 cc. unused oxygen 64.47 cc. = used oxygen = 0 2 CHa = = 64.47 X 3 = 193.41 -139.82



CO = COz - CHI = 43.80 -17.86


Hz = C


76.2 cc. pure oxygen added -1 1 . 7 3 cc. excess oxveen. left after combustion .I

64.47 cc. equals the oxygen used t o combine chemically with the gas 96.03 64.47 (oxygen used) = 31.56 per cent hydrogen 3 X 64.47 (oxygen used) = 193.41 minus 96.03 4 3 . 8 (Con formed) = -139.83



j3.58 = 17.86 per cent CH4 3 4 3 . 8 (COz formed) - 17.86 (CH4) = 25.94 per cent CO. Nitrogen is found b y computing as follows: In t h e 15.0 cc. of air used we have 1 1 . 9 cc. Nz. T h e residue of nitrogen after burning the 100.0 cc. of the mixture plus the nitrogen of the air after taking out all the oxygen equals 15.0 cc. 1 5 . 0 cc. -1 1 . 9 cc. A-z in the air used 3 . 1 cc. Nz in 100 cc. of mixture In total mixture 156.4 we will have 3' ______ 1 5 6 ' 4 = 4 . 8 4 cc. Nx due t o the nitrogen in the original gas 100 plus the nitrogen in the commercial oxygen used. I n this case t h e nitrogen as calculated previously equals 1 .O cc. in the commercial oxygen added 4.84 -1.0 3 . 8 4 cc., amount of nitrogen in the original gas

When it is desirable t o measure t h e total contraction-that is, t h e contraction due t o t h e formation of COz-the following formulae may be the HzO used: Representing t h e total contraction by C a n d t h e oxygen used in t h e chemical combination of t h e gases by 0 2 we have:


- (0 +

= 53.59 3

17.86 per cent CHI

25.94 per cent CO COS) = 64.47 139.82 4-43.80 -108.27

- 108.27

31.55 per cent Hz

Using this method, a complete analysis can be made in twenty minutes, as I have repeatedly made a n analysis in this time. A convenient way of cleaning phosphorus is by adding a 3 per cent solution of hydrogen peroxide, if possible free from acetanilide, t o t h e pipette and allowing it to remain until phosphorus assumes t h e yellow waxy color. When t h e ethane is t o be estimated t h e hydrogen is absorbed in a colloidal palladium solution or in a palladium tube as directed in G. Lunge's (1914) '' Technical Gas Analysis." Another wash bottle containing pure water is a t tached t o t h e apparatus along t h e side of the wash bottle containing t h e dilute hydrochloric acid. After absorbing t h e hydrogen t h e residue consisting of carbon monoxide, methane, ethane and nitrogen is transferred t o t h e gas holder and excess of oxygen added and t h e gases burned as before. T h e theoretical formulae for calculating t h e constituents of t h e mixture, when 02 equals t h e oxygen used in t h e chemical action, C equals t h e observed contraction, a n d COz equals t h e observed carbon dioxide formed, are



I t is usually necessary t o remove t h e carbon monoxide before t h e absorption of hydrogen. The mercury can be cleaned by putting i t into a two or three liter bottle with some dilute nitric acid and shaking it until t h e mercury is finally divided. Repeat this operation with pure water. When mercury is used in burette B, a glass cock exactly t h e same as is used a t t h e bottom of burette B1 is attached to B. The mercury surface should be leveled at t h e lowest part of t h e meniscus showing as a sort of bright line. Burrell and Seibert in Bureau of iilines Technical Paper 54 (1913)again call attention t o certain cases of gas analysis where corrections in calculating results are t o be made due t o certain of t h e gases not obeying t h e ideal gas laws. Below is a new easier method of calculating corrected results a n d proven b y simple stoichiometry t o give at least as accurate results as t h e method given in Burrell and Seibert’s paper. When carbon monoxide, methane a n d ethane are estimated together, and t h e factors for t h e partial pressures of t h e carbon dioxide formed for each constituent are used, as is necessary in Burrell and Seibert’s calculation, the sum of all of t h e separate parts of corrected carbon dioxide does not equal t h e total corrected carbon dioxide calculated by dividing t h e total measured carbon dioxide by its partial pressure factor. Theoretically, according t o Avogadro’s hypothesis a n d Gay-Lussac’s law, etc., t h e molecules in one volume of methane combine with t h e molecules in two volumes of oxygen t o form t h e molecules in one volume of carbon dioxide a n d t h e molecules in two volumes of water vapor. This water vapor should condense at t h e ordinary temperature a n d pressure if t h e original gases were saturated with moisture. Therefore, 1000 cc. of methane should combine with 2000 cc. of oxygen t o form 1000 cc. of carbon dioxide. By observation i t had been found t h a t t h e number of molecules in 1000 cc. of methane combine with t h e molecules in


-5 cc.

of oxygen t o form t h e mole-

999 995 cules in 99j - cc. of carbon dioxide a t t h e ordinary 999 temperature a n d pressure. If this amount of carbon dioxide is corrected by dividing by t h e quotient obtained by dividing t h e theoretical b y t h e observed specific gravity of carbon dioxide a t 20’ and 760 mm., t h e corrected amount

Vol. 8,SO.J

and if this last amount is multiplied by the quotient of the theoretical, divided by t h e observed gravity of methane, as shown in Burrell and Seibert’s paper, t h e product will be the actual amount of methane measured. Nom ii the methane is t o be calculated from t h e contraction the measured amount of methane must be divided by its pressure factor and the carbon dioxide formed also must be corrected in the same way. Divide t h e corrected contraction by 2 and t h e quotient will be t h e ideal volume of methane. Multiply this quotient by t h e pressure factor for methane a n d t h e product equals t h e measured volume of methane. This method of reasoning can be extended to more complicated formulae. Therefore, if t h e original amount of gas present as measured or calculated from the theoretical formulae be divided by the factors for t h e separate gases a n d t h e measured volume increased by the difference between t h e calculated amount and the measured amount, also if t h e carbon dioxide as measured is corrected by dividing by its pressure factor, t h e ideal quantities of all of t h e gases present can be calculated by t h e usual theoretical formulae by using t h e corrected values for t h e contractions and t h e carbon dioxide. An oil gas gave these combustion measurements: C = 130.69cc., O 2 = 117.78cc., COS = jj.5 1 cc. By t h e usual theoretical formulae t h e methane equals 5 j . 7 1 per cent, t h e carbon monoxide - 0 . 2 0 per cent, t h e hydrogen equals 12.91per cent, and t h e nitrogen equals 0.28 per cent. The total was 68.7 per cent of t h e original I O O cc. taken for analysis. The carbon dioxide partial pressure equaled 5 0 . 3 per cent a n d t h e partial pressure of t h e methane was 84.7 per cent. From Burrell and Seibert’s paper t h e molecular volume factoy for the carbon dioxide is 0.99717 and for methane 0.9991j. Divide j j . j I CC. by 0,99717;t h e quotient, 5j.668,is the corrected volume of carbon dioxide. Divide 55.71 cc., t h e calculated amount of methane, by 0.99915;the quotient, j j . 758 cc., is t h e corrected volume of CH4 if 55.71 cc. was t h e measured volume of methane. This is not t h e case here; t h e idea is t o get t h e increase of t h e corrected over t h e theoretically calculated methane; add this difference t o t h e total volume of gas for combustion in order t o arrive at t h e corrected figures for t h e contraction. This difference is 0 . 0 4 8 and can be added t o t h e uncorrected contraction provided the difference between t h e corrected and measured carbon dioxide is subtracted, as this last difference is 0 . I j 8 cc., the corrected contraction is 130.58cc. The corrected carbon dioxide is jg .668 cc. The oxygen used is I 17.78CC. By t h e ordinary theoretical formulae t h e calculations are completed and give t h e following values: Methane Hydrogen Nitrogen

5 5 . 6 per cent 1 2 . 8 per cent 0 . 3 per cent

From the foregoing deductions, t h e molecular volume factors a n d t h e specific gravity of t h e pure cc. will equal t h e ideal amount of methane IOOIL gases can be determined by t h e ordinary combustion 999

Mar., 1916


method a s described in this paper provided pure gases can he obtained as directed in Bureau of Mines Technicd Paper, 104 ( 1 9 1 5 ) by Burrell, Seibert and Robertson. For accurate work in these determinations larger measuring instruments should be used.


volume of the hydrogen peroxide solution and nitric acid in the same manner. The difference between thenumber of cc. of potassium permanganate solution required for t h e blank titration and the number of cc. required for the red lead titration is the amount required for the hydrogen peroxidc 34.2 34.1


JOXN A. S C ~ Z A ~ F F Z R Received AYPYL4. 1915

34.0 33.9 33.8

In estimating t h e chemical value of red lead and orange mineral, i t is essential t h a t the true red lead, 3 3 . 5 Pb,O,, content or the lead dioxide, PbOl, content be 33.4 determined. Where a large consumption of these 3 3 . 3 products or their purchase on specifications necessitates 33.2 a determination of these constituents a t d l times t h e 33.1 methods in use a t present are rather long and involved. The following method has been perfected for this 32.8 analysis and gives accurate results in a most rapid 3 2 . 7 inn.on manner. The method depends upon t h e initial decomposition 9 9 . 6 9 99.38 of t h e true red lead, PbaO,, with nitric acid, according 99.07 t o t h e following reaction:' 98.77 PbaOd 4HNOa = zPb(NO& H10 HQPbOa. 98.46 The H2Pb03 or PbOa is then decomposed with hydrogen 98.16 peroxide as follows:2 97.85 Pb02 HlOz = PbO H20 On. 97.55 The excess of standard hydrogen peroxide used is then 97.24 titrated with a standard potassium permanganate c 96.94 solution. 96.63 I n carrying out the analysis, one gram of t h e red, 96.32 lead or orange mineral is treated with 1 5 cc. of nitric 96.01 acid, having a specific gravity of 1 . 2 . The mixture 95.71 is then stirred until t h e first reaction given is complete, 95 40 as is evidenced by a n entire disappearance of all red color. There is then added from a calibrated burette or pipette exactly IO cc. of dilute hydrogen peroxide, made u p of a mixture of I part of 3 per cent hydrogen 94.49 peroxide solution t o 3.5 parts of water. It has been 9 4 . 1 8 found t h a t a I O cc. automatic pipette, with a three9 3 , R8 way stop-cock, is excellent for delivering a definite 93.57 volume of hydrogen peroxide solution a t all times. 93.26 After the addition of t h e hydrogen peroxide solu92.96 tion, the resultant mixture is stirred until almost 92.66 complete decomposition of t h e lead peroxide has been 92.35 effected, a s shown by the second reaction. The 92.04 decomposition is completed by t h e addition of a little 9 1 . 7 4 hot water and stirring. The contents of t h e beaker, 91.43 after complete decomposition and solution of t h e lead peroxide, are diluted with hot water t o about 2 5 0 cc. no. I volume and titrated directly with a standard potassium permanganate solution having an iron value of o.oo5. necessary for the complete decomposition of the lead The solution is titrated t o a faint pink permanganate Peroxide. This difference multiplicd hy 3 . o j 8 givcs t h e percentage of red lead according t o the following color. proportion: A blank titration is then made on exactly t h e same aFe : PbrOl = 0.005 : X, or, 1 1 2 : 6 8 j = 0.005 : X I Treadwell and Hall. "Analyfieal Cbemirtry,'' Vol. 11, p. 623. ' [ b i d . . Vol. I. p. 53. whence, X = 3.058.






