A new ACS Audio Course that offers insights I into the physical properties of polymers PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY of POLYMERS An Audio Course Produced by the American Chemical Society If you're just beginning to work with polymers or want to brush up or gain a new approach into this rapidly developing field, you'll find this course exceptionally valuable. The course provides a survey of physical polymer chemistry for chemists and technicians without formal training in this area. You'll learn about the basic structure-property relationships and polymer applications. You'll cover molecular weight determinations and distributions, solution thermodynamics, chain configuration, polymer crystallininty, and thermal analysis. You'll also gain an understanding of the mechanical properties involved in polymers. The course includes four cassettes that explain the subject as well as an accompanying manual that follows and supports the audio lectures. This course is suitable for both novices and practicing polymer chemists. Course Outline • Some Selected Definitions and Introductory Concepts • Determination of Molecular Weight • Thermodynamics of Polymer Solutions • Configurations and Statistical Properties • Crystallinity in Polymers • Transitions, Thermal Analysis, and Spectroscopy • Rheology and Mechanical Properties • Polymer Processing • Structure-Property Relationships The Instructor James E. Mark is Professor of Chemistry, Chairman of the Physical Chemistry Division, and Director of the Polymer Research Center at the University of Cincinnati. He is a frequent lecturer in polymer chemistry and has published over 150 papers. He is also an author/instructor for the popular ACS Audio Course Physical Properties of Polymers (Catalog No. 82). Course Materials (Catalog No. 89) Four cassettes (3.7 hours playing time) and a 156-page manual. U.S. and Canada: $285.00; export: $342.00. Additional manuals are also available: U.S. and Canada: $18.00 each; export $22.00 each.
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TOTAL Complete course(s), Physical Chemistry of Polymers, at $285.00 each (U.S. & Canada) or $342.00 (export). Catalog No. 89 Additional manuals at $ 18.00 each (U. S. & Canada) or $22.00 each (export). TOTAL
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