A new and efficient gas trap

L., AND TWEED, R., J. CAEM. Ennc., 31,266 (1954); VOGEL, A. I., "Practical Organic Chemistry" (3rd ed.) John Wiley & Sons,. Inc., New York, 1957, p. 7...
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A New and Efficient Gas Trap A new gas trap has been devised which is easier t o construct and more efficient than standard L., AND TWEED,R., J. CAEM. gas traps used in organic laboratories. [KAYE,I. A., SAT~LER, Ennc., 31,266 (1954); VOGEL,A. I., "Practical Organic Chemistry" (3rd ed.) John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1957, p. 71.1 The device consists of a glass or plastic T which has beenplaced in the top of areflux condenser. One end isleft open and the other is connected t o a water aspirator by means of tubing (rubber or Tygon, etc.) See Figure 1. If areaction has to be run under anhydrous conditions, a drying tube can be used as shown in Figure 2. More than one gas trap can he connected t o an aspirator using a manifold of some sort when the amount of gas given offis small.

Figure 1. trap.

(above1 Schematic of the g a r

Figure 2. added.

(right) Gas trap with drying tube


This gas trap was tested in undergraduate organic laboratories by Professor L. Gortler with complete satisfaction. He had several students perform the free radical chlorination (using SOr C12 Initiator) of cyclohexane on their table tops, snd there was no detectable odor of HC1 or SO1 even though 0.4 mole of these gases were produced per reaction. This gas trap bas also been used in our researchlaboratories with excellent results. The main advantages of this gas trap in its very high efficiency,ease of construction and law cost.


568 / Journal o f Chemical Edumfion