A New Colloid Mill - ACS Publications

A New Colloid Mill'. By William A. McLean. PREMIER MILL CORPORATION, GENEVA, N. Y. ODERN industrial development is vitally con- cerned in processes ...
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Vol. 16. No. 5

A New Colloid Mill’ By William A. McLean PREMIER MILLCORPORATION, GENEVA,N. Y.

ODERN industrial development is vitally concerned in processes and products of a colloid nature and to which the colloid mill is applicable. Power consumption, capacity, and quality of product are factors of greater importance than the cost of installation, and for many years industrial engineers and chemists have hoped for a perfected device which would meet all the necessary conditions for successful application. This article deals with a mill which seems to meet industrial requirements, and the discussion is based upon a year of constant use of this mill on a wide variety of problems submitted by several industries. The mill itself is the invention of Frederick J. E. China, chemist and plant manager for Burt, Boulton & Haywood, Ltd., of London, tar distillers and chemical manufacturers. The invention resulted from research and development in the processes and products of that company, where it was employed for about a year before publicity was given to it. The development of a colloid mill was of primary importance, and until its use and efficiency had been tested and proved in their own plants, exploitation for general industrial distribution was withheld. The mill is particularly adapted to the economical disintegration of solid, plastic, or liquid masses into colloidal particles whose dimensions are one micron or less in diameter. In the words of the inventor, it has developed a new art and technology--“mechanical chemistry.”


DESCRIPTION The mill is in no sense a “beater” type, but on the contrary is an hydraulic disintegrator in which several forces are developed as well as an electric effect, and in the combined resolution substances are reduced to a colloidal state. The basic principle involved in the internal disruptive forces created results in the minutest dispersion or disintegration of the materials, whether liquids, semisolids, or solids suspended in a liquid medium. Many solids are reduced to such a fine state of subdivision that they pass freely through filter paper. The dispersion occurs within the liquid medium or film, so that the disruptive action is accomplished without attrition or actual contact of the surfaces of the rotor and stator. Such method permits the disruption or grindinginto the minutest particles, not only of solid substances, but also of insoluble waxes 1 Received

March 21, 1924.

and greasy materials, to a degree unknown and in most instances heretofore impossible. Reference to a section of the mill (Fig. 2) shows that i t consists of an outer casing which surrounds the rotor, R. This rotor consists of a perfectly smooth face upon the frustum of a cone, which, for some conditions and processes requiring a preparatory action, may be truly conical, the apex extending into the subchamber, SC. The superficial area of the rotor is ground to extremely fine limits as regards accuracy, and is affixed to the spindle, SP, which in turn is mounted in special ball bearings. This frustum (or cone) works in accurate and close relation to a similarly ground surface of the stator, CS,which is an integral part of the casing. The arrangement and adjustable relation of the rotor R and the stator CS are suggestive of the clutch action in a motor car, except, while in operation, the aperture or clearance is fixed and the surfaces are never in actual contact. The clearance is always fine and varies from 0.002 inch u p ward according to the materials and the desired degree of dispersion. The rotor in operation acts as a centrifugal pump and draws the materials continuously, and with great force, into and through the subchamber SC. Action upon the surfaces of the rotor and stator is negligible. There are, therefore, two surfaces in exceedingly close proximity, while the speed of the rotor R may vary from 1000 to as high as 20,000 or more revolutions per minute, according to the size of the mill and the required peripheral foot-second speed essential in producing the proper disruption. The rotor R is driven by the pulley P , mounted on the spindle SP, while the bearings controlling this spindle are mounted in a micrometer head, M H , thus permitting any degree of clearance between the opposing surfaces of the rotor R and the stator CS. The mills are furnished in two types, with or without jacket, so that heating or cooling may be effected during operation. When heated or cooled, care should be taken to calibrate the clearance a t the required temperature. The Golden Rule of operation is-never use a finer clearance or a higher speed than is required to do the work at hand. A strict observance of this rule will insure a uniform product. Although the general form of the mill is standardized, yet for various specific uses other forms have been developed. For soda fountains, FIQ.1-COLLOIDMILL


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hotels, hospitals, and domestic use, a horizontal type; for excessive speed requirements, with two rotors running in opposite directions, the present stator becoming a rotor; the mushroom type with dome removed and base drive, for homogenizing and spray drying of milk, malt powders, fruits, and similar products. Other changes involve a complete conical rotor, with milled or grooved surfaces upon rotor or stator and similar millings upon the surfaces of the standard type.


HEATING AND COOLING Unlike some beater mills, there is no rise of temperature from operation, and therefore a cooling system is not required. The temperature may be raised or lowered through the jacket, however, when required for running certain plastic materials, in order to change the viscosity or t o prevent hardening. Steam is the usual method of applying heat, but in cases requiring accurate and uniform temperature oil has been deemed preferable.


Liquids are easily fed to the mill by gravity or slight pressure, but solids for suspensoids or wet grindings must iirst have a primary grinding from 75 to 150 mesh. It is evident that the finer such preparation the more easily minute dispersion is obtained. The materials are fed into the mill through the inlet I a t a suitable rate so that the subchamber SC is filled a t all times and thus prevents the influx of air, which, depending upon viscosity and materials, tends to “whip” or “cream” the product. Unless this supply is sufficient to furnish the mill to the capacity set, the action of the mill is not normal and proper results cannot be assured. The supply may be furnished by slight gravitation (the usual method) or with a feed pump for viscous materials. The pump is often used for transportation and supply. Pressure, while not detrimental, is a useless high additional cost and nonessential for operation or results. Many substances that will not flow rapidly require slight pressure to be applied for the feed. This may vary up to 8 pounds per square inch as a maximum; but the limits of pressure are determined for each size by the superficial area of the lower face of the rotor and proportional to the upper thrust limit of the ball bearings. Materials of great viscosity resist being lifted by suction, owing to the high coefficient of friction; no greater velocity should be applied than is necessary to obtain the proper constant flow. The action of the rotor in lifting materials from the subchamber is similar to the centrifugal pump. Viscosity and the supply control are important features, and are governed by conditions such as temperature and chemical properties. This mill, unlike other mills used a t present for grinding solid materials, is not an intermittent or “batch” machine. On the other hand, it is a continuous process, the 1.5-inch rotor type producing from 1000 to 1500 gallons per hour varying with viscosity, weight, hardness, and the degree of dispersion required. The period of treatment is determined by the length of the parabolic path of any particle through the clearance from inlet to exit. This path terminates without one complete revolution of the rotor, and the time of travel of a particular particle through the clearance is approximately 0.01 second, varying, however, with conditions of speed and clearance as well as with materials. Disruption and dispersion are so complete that all masses entering as a solid or fluid are expelled as a colloidal mist. Likewise, all materials passing through the mill must always receive the same complete treatment, which is not the case in the beater mill type. For use as an emulsifier the action of the mill is exemplary and successful, this class of work being the simplest to perform. The 15-inch rotor with a water capacity of 1.500 gallons will pass 6 tons per hour; while with solids, such as iron oxide, feldspax, phosphate rock, and similar substances, from 1 to 2.5 tons per hour may be milled with the passage of from 3.5 t o 5 tons of a water medium. One passage through the mill is sufficient.



ACTIONAND FORCES The disruptive action of the mill has been described as the resolution of several forces in combination: (a) The disintegration is carried out by hydraulic forces, the fdm of liquid being actually sheared under conditions that do not permit of the liquid acting as a liquid but as a solid, so that all particles in the line of shear must themselves become disintegrated during the shearing. ( b ) Internal disruption within the liquid medium by attrition due to the contact between the particles themselves. (c) The effectual lamination of the liquid under great pressure, due to the fact that one surface is retarded by contact with the stator and the other revolved rapidly in contact with the rotor. This produces an effect similar to that observed when a flat-bottomed boat is passed rapidly over the surface, the action decreasing with the depth; or it might be applied to the action of a pack of cards on material between the cards themselves spread for a cut on the table under heavy pressure of the hand. ( d ) Disruption of the liquid medium, due to the differential speed of the particles while traveling around and upward through the clearance on a parabolic spiral with increased diameter,.and consequent increased peripheral speed at each infinitesimal point of progression. (e) The electrical forces generated, particularly in emulsions, the resolution of which in relation to the product seems to upset the prevailing laws regarding stabilizers, in some cases requiring a different substance and invariably a minimum quantity. Many emulsions that formerly required from 8 to 15 per cent of the protective colloids are made stable with from 0.25 to 3.5 per cent. The control of these electric forces applied to clearance and speed will eventually determine many of the laws peculiar to this mill only.

The grinding of solids, as well as emulsifying, is governed by two factors-viz., the clearance or space between the rotor and stator, and the speed. For a specific problem the relation between these two elements is quite uniform, but, directly either is varied, the constant must be maintained by a proper change in the other. For example, the smaller the clearance or the higher the speed, the greater is the dispersion, and vice versa; hence, within limits the decrease of clearance permits a reduction of speed, and increase of



clearance requires an increase of speed. Therefore, as both speed and clearance are capable of innumerable combinations, the functions and possible applications of the mill are almost unlimited, which is not the case with the beater type, which permits of but one variant, speed. Photomicrographs are not yet available in this country to furnish accurate data as to the comparative size of materials that have been ground or emulsified in this colloid mill; but these will later be shown in the production of solids, such as glass, corundum, iron oxide, feldspar, sulfur, residual carbon, china clay, zinc oxide, graphite, and similar substances compared under 1000 and 2000 diameters-all of which show the Brownian movement when viewed with the ultramicroscope equipped with a dark, ground illuminator. With few exceptions, the size of the particles is less than one micron and varies downward to invisibility. The degree of fineness produced with this colloid mill is not obtainable by any other grinding machine; and many substances heretofore impossible of reduction to the colloidal state are thus successfully dispersed. Strange and rather unique phenomena have appeared in several cases when stability in a given product under other methods has shown Brownian movement, but with this colloid mill they have permanency and stability without such movement, probably due t o the electric effect mentioned in combination with the other forces, the small amount of stabilizer required, and the completeness and adherence of the film coating applied. CHEMICAL REACTIONS The action of the mill being instantaneous, chemical reaction increasing as dispersion and interfacial area increase, such reactions are equally instantaneous. Purification of organic chemicals is now accomplished by selective emulsification, and is a new branch of chemical technology. The impurities in the chemical are emulsified with proper substances and pass off leaving the purified chemical. This is now accomplished with crude naphthalene. Reductions and chemical separations, by breaking down emulsions, are examples now practiced. The continuous production of carbolic and cresylic acids from tar oils is accomplished by passing the tar oils through the mill; the tar oil carbolates and cresylates separate upon the breaking down of the emulsion a t the rate of 1500 gallons per hour with one mill. DISPERSATORS While in some cases the addition of certain substances in small amounts to aid in dispersion has been a general and well-known principle, yet with this colloid mill such substances are rarely of advantage, the protective colloid in small and minimum amounts being sufficient. It has been explained that the function of the dispersator is to put an electric charge on the particles. The electric effect of the mill, however, seems to eliminate the necessity of such a substance. Distribution and the law governing the control have, as yet, not been definitely enough worked out to warrant publication. I n most cases where a dispersator has been beneficial, acids prove most efficient.

POWER CONSUMPTION The drive is obtained with belt, direct-coupled, vertical motor or steam turbine. The table of tests for the 15-inch mill with belt drive carried out in England within, the past two months is as follows: Running empty, 3000 r. p. m., the mill requires 2.5 kilowatts. The mill under water load, passing 1500 gallons per hour, shows

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a power consumption of 19.25 kilowatts. On this basis, under load per hour of from 1 t o 2.5 tons solid matter, such as iron oxide, with water passage of from 3.5 to 5 tons, the power consumption is 19.25 kilowatts. While viscosity of the product will vary these figures somewhat, yet, for water grinding, as shown, the cost of solid matter per ton at 2 cents per kilowatt is from 16 to 40 cents, or 3.8 to 9.6 watt-hours per pound of solid, which includes the milling of from 3.5 to 5 tons of water.

I n the production of emulsions, except in case of great viscosity, the power required is considerably less, and where pressure feed is required, the mill load or suction lift is greatly reduced and consequently capacity is increased and power consumption reduced giving a lower cost. The cost of liquids based on 19.25 kilowatts per hour is 6.7 cents per ton or 1.6 watt-hours per pound. This low power cost is due to the high capacity in production. I n case higher speeds are required, the power consumption increases, but the percentage of increase can only be determined by the nature of the materials and the degree of dispersion required, as determined by the change in clearance. The foregoing figures, however, based upon water load and mill production of solids treated, should furnish a reasonable comparison between this mill and those of the beater type. REPAIRS The mills are of heavy construction, the 15-inch rotor size weighing 1325 pounds. The construction is simple, there being but a single unit in action, the rotor. Two self-aligning ball bearings constitute the only wearing parts. As there is no contact between rotor and stator, there is no appreciable wear on ‘these members. If, however, small pittings or erosion appear, the rotor and stator may be “ground in,” similar to the operation employed with the valve in an automobile engine, and under its own power (bu: at a greatly reduced speed-100 to 150 r. p. m.) the same as when originally ground a t the factory. Mills that have been in continuous operation for more than a year have shown no appreciable effect, and a regrinding, which requires not over 30 minutes, once a year should be sufficient.

INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS The advantages claimed are economy, low installation cost, simplicity, durability, low power consumption, and labor, no pressure requirement, high production capacity, quality and uniformity of product. The applications of this colloid mill in industrial work are numerous. New products and processes continue t o increase from time to time, thus adding to the present enormous field. Economy of operation and quality of product promise to make the mill a necessity in a variety of industries. The following uses will doubtless suffice to show that the mill is revolutionary in its character: emulsions, suspensoids, minute disintegration of liquids, solids, and semisolids, homogenization in all of its aspects, intensive mixing, reductions, chemical purifications, separations, regenerations, washings, blendings, wet grinding, de-inlung and grinding of paper in one operation. The following will serve as guides: CREOSOTING in all of its phases. The saving enables this industry to enter a larger field of usefulness, since the cost of imported oil has prevented general use. The emulsion iS stable whether boiled or frozen. These emulsions are called “Creoloid.” CREOSOTE STAINS-Emulsions in various colors for internal and external decorative purposes and preservation. HYDROLOID : DUST-LAYINGErrruLsIoNs-These consist of water and oils, such as creosote or petroleum oils, pitch, asphalt, bitumen or petroleum residues. The great advantages of such dust layers, which are applied in the cold with the ordinary street-sprinkling carts, are apparent. The cost per mile in England is 129 pounds sterling per mile as against 372 for water

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per season. This is a saving of 66 per cent and furnishes better service as well as being beneficial to the road surface. ROAD-BINDING EMuLsIoNs-The demand for road binders of the emulsion type has not, until now, been satisfied. The field is not only large, but an ever-increasing one. INSECTICIDES, DISINFECTANTS, Erc.-Tree sprays and disinfectants constitute a modern and important industry. The application of improper solutions is often deleterious and fatal. It has heretofore lacked efficiency owing to the inability to produce stable suspensions or emulsions. Colloidal sulfur is produced in powder or paste form as well as oil emulsions and extracts from tobacco. wATERPROOFINGS-Idea1 emulsions are made from asphalt or pitch for treating damp courses, stone work, and concrete. Such emulsions are also used for concrete floors in factories, etc. MEDICINALOIL EMULsIoNs+table emulsions of paraffin, linseed oil, malt, cod-liver oil, and the like. PHAKMACEUTICAL prescriptive preparations, such as “pink lotion,” have been easily and readily stabilized. PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS: EXTRACTS-There are more than two hundred of these processes, such as for tannin, ginger, atropine, and similar drugs by hyocymus muticus, quinine from cinchona bark, cocaine from cocoa, coffee, etc. The same process may be applied to any vegetable tissue for the extraction of chemical contents and essential oils for the manufacture of perfumes and similar preparations. If any material of a fibrous nature (providing it is not too tough) is passed through the mill, the powerful disintegrating forces a t work tear the fiber to pieces and expose the whole of the tissues to the disruptive action of the liquid medium. This is true for all meat and animal tissues and most vegetable tissues-. g., if chopped meat is used with a water medium (or other liquid), the whole of the soluble content is a t once passed into the liquid and the meat fibers remain free and quite colorless. A similar process is found in the breaking down of cellular structures such as kelp and other seaweeds for extraction and the production of cold soluble starch. EhluLsIoNs-The mill is peculiarly adapted to such products. SusPENsoIDs-These products are readily made stable with a proper protective colloid. Milk of magnesia is directly made by hydration and suspension in one operation. A 10 per cent solution will produce a paste or cream for a basis of toilet preparations. CLARIFICATIONS-This process includes chemicals and vegetable and fruit extracts. WAX-Emulsions of paraffin, montan, carnauba, Japanese, beeswax, and the like, have been produced for treating paper, corks, leather razor straps, and for laundry uses. DIslNTEGRATION-Solids and semisolids are readily disintegrated. The use of iron oxide suspensions for a wet process in gas purification is successfully carried out in England and is now being installed in the United States. Among other substances treated should be mentioned feldspar, glass for enamels, various colloidal coatings for paper fillers and sizing, colloidal salts, silver and the like for photographic processes, phosphate rock, sulfur, clays, printing and lithographing inks, lead arsenate, pastel pigments in gums, paints, enamels, varnishes, mineral polishes, zinc oxide cerate, and, in particular, the colloidal dispersion and suspension of coal and petroleum residues in fuel oils and graphite in lubricating oils and greases. FLOTATION OLs-The disintegration and separation of the tar and flotation oils and the dehydration of natural petroleum emulsions. GRINDINGOF WAXES-A~~chemicals of similar physical nature may be thus successfully treated. INT~NSIVE WASHINGS-The use of the mill for such processes is too apparent to need amplification. RUBBEREMULSIONS AND COMPOUNDS-A great amount of work In the production of artificial rubber latex from the crepe, various rubber emulsions, the reclaiming of scrap rubber from fibers and binders, and the removal OF sulfur therefrom, has been done in England with the mill, but the individual development Is secret and not obtainable. This work is now being carried out here. GRINDINGOF FIBERS-NOuse seems more revolutionary in its character than that applied to paper pulp and rag fiber for roofing felts, sulfide and soda pulp for paper stock, and the recovery of pulp from old newspapers. The newspapers are disintegrated and in the same operation de-inked by the addition of proper solvents to the water medium. Rag fibers, a mixture from the ordinary beater, are instantly transformed into a homogeneous smooth mass with a uniform distribution of the unequal and various fibers, which eliminates the manufacturing loss from “lumps” and produces an increase in tensile strength, a better felt, and more susceptible of perfect saturation of the waterproofing materials.


SELECTIVE SEPARATIoNS-The practical application of selective disintegration for purification or separation has been successfully proved in tests for the removal of silica, pyrite, and chalco-pyrite from clays, silica from residual carbon of mineral origin, sulfur washings from iron oxide, and the impurities in graphite. FOOD PRODUCTS-In the manufacture and preparation of food products in hotels, hospitals, soda fountains and in homes, the mill is important and useful. Ice cream compounds, flavoring extracts and sirups, chocolate and cocoa compounds, sauces, creams, fruits, regeneration of milk from milk powders, such as whole milk, skimmed milk, buttermilk, malt or similar products, baker’s compounds with powdered egg, are examples of work now accomplished.

The foregoing classification and specific examples, while covering the general lines only, will furnish the character of the processes and products which have been the subject of test and which should enable the reader to determine the application of the mill to his own problems. While the tests and demonstrations that have been made in the United States during the past year exceed two hundred, nevertheless, it is unfortunate that full and complete information regarding all the practical applications in England and on the Continent are not a t hand for publication. The reason for this is the apparent unwillingness of the industries to disclose the same, and, in most instances, information kiss been refused when requested. It has therefore been necessary to obtain most of these data through tests for American industries.

Cement and Concrete Investigation A broad and scientific investigation of the properties of cement and concrete will be undertaken by the Bureau of Standards in conjunction with the Portland Cement Association, of Chicago. The program, which is the result of many conferencesbetweenthese two organizations, has received the full endorsement of the Advisory Committee to the Department of Commerce on Cement and Concrete, and will be put into effect so soon as the technical forces can be assembled. It is contemplated that the Portland Cement Association will supply a staff of six engineers and chemists. This number will be augmented by a similar number from the Bureau of Standards. The entire equipment of the bureau for this type of work will be available. The committee was assisted in its conclusions by Assistant Secretary of Commerce, J. Walter Drake, and representatives of the Portland Cement Association, the American Concrete Institute, the Bureau of Standards, and the Division of Building and Housing, both of the Commerce Department, the Reclamation Service of the Department of the Interior, and the Navy Department. Besides utilizing the results of its own study of the problem, it is the purpose to secure from all laboratories, research institutions, organizations, and individuals, such information as they may possess regarding concrete which will permit the committee to recommend to the public the most improved methods for making and using concrete. The scientific research will include an intensive study of the chemical and physicochemical properties of Portland cements, of the raw materials from which they are manufactured, and of the products into which they are converted when used in concrete. The investigation will involve a study of the pure ingredients, the influence of rock impurities, and the natural deviations from the maximum composition, the temperature and time effects in manufacture, the reactions occurring in setting, the physical and colloidal behavior and hydration phenomena in setting, and the physicochemical influence of many extraneous agents possibly affecting the material in service. The following program has been prepared as a preliminary method of attack: (1) Study of available literature on the constitution of cements and related topics. (2) Consideration of related problems which have a bearing on the manufacture and use of cement. (3) Outline of tests: (e) studies of pure compounds; ( b ) studies of impurities, (c) manufacturing cements in experimental kiln; ( d ) studies in existing cement plants; ( c ) hydration of cements, studies of catalyzers, etc., (f) concrete-making value of rements