A new laboratory course in cosmetic science at a community college

A New Laboratory Course in Cosmetic Science at a Community College. A "different approach" to chemical science is being offered to students at Miami-D...
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A New Laboratory Course in Cosmetic Science at a Community College A "different approach" to chemical science is being offered to students at Miami-Dade Community College (North). Showing relationship between chemistry and the formulation of everyday useful products is a chief goal of the course. Students meet for two hours per week for a period of 15 weeks. Each one is given a course outline and a labratory manual. The lab manual is presented in simple terms with easy to follow procedures. Every week a different cosmetic is prepared. The products include: a cold cream, cleansing cream, all-purpose cream, hand lotion, face powder, liquid make-up, cologne, the students learn how chemistry rouw. eve-shadow. suntan lotion. etc. In addition to comnoundine their own DreDarations. , . . i.i involved in the formation 181 the various producrs thr; mnkr. 6 m d s i m t e r h n h g y , rurfact. active cornponrnts, e~aenlinl oils,and all other hssi~coimeticingredients arr dian~ssed.The pn,ducrjare put i n bottlesor jars, thenlnheled,and taken

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The first experiment explains how to prepare a cold cream using beeswax, mineral oil, b r s x , distilled water, and perfume. Students are shown that because of the following chemical reaction a smooth white cream is formed: NazB40.i 2H20 2NaOH H ~ B a 0 7 (borax) (base (tetraboric formed) acid) Successive experiments are performed in a similar manner. Prior to preparing a cosmetic in the lab each week, emphasis is placed an the factors involved in creating such a product. Students learn the reasons why oil and water can he combined to form an emulsion, the differences between fats and oils, the chemistry of surface active ingredients, the structure of skin and hair, odor perception, raw materials for each product, cosmetic dyes, preservatives, antiseptics and germicides. Responses to question #1 of a student evaluation questionnaire: Describe your general opinion of the course-ranged Course organization and instruction is excellent,". ."Educational and from, "It was great", ". . . Very interesting," fun," to being ..Very informative".



Miami-Dade Community College 11380 N. W. 27th Avenue Miami, FL 33167

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Stanley R. Kaye

Volume 57, Number 9, September 1980 I 641