A New Project-Based Lab for Undergraduate Environmental and

Feb 1, 2006 - A Multidisciplinary Science Summer Camp for Students with Emphasis on Environmental and Analytical Chemistry. Journal of Chemical ...
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In the Laboratory


A New Project-Based Lab for Undergraduate Environmental and Analytical Chemistry Gianpiero Adami Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Trieste, Via L. Giorgieri 1, I-34127 Trieste, Italy; [email protected]

During the undergraduate analytical chemistry lab activity, students often execute a well-defined series of analytical operations that require only laboratory skills and data-analysis skills, but today’s students need a broader range of technical and nontechnical skills. The instructor’s ability to communicate knowledge and attract student interest is becoming more important in the various analytical chemistry curricula (1). It is also well demonstrated that good teaching requires an interpersonal relationship between students and instructor; moreover, it is very important that students are able to make independent choices and resolve problems (2). On the basis of these considerations and other learning experiences (2–7), a project-based lab has been developed (8) for third-year undergraduate chemistry students based on realworld applications. The course has a duration of 90 hours and is based on instrumental analytical chemistry, especially on chemical analyses of environmental samples, such as natural water samples. Each student follows the steps of the analytical procedure from sampling design, data treatment, and discussion: thus, the project name is TAP, total analytical procedure. To begin the project, students perform an initial sampling of natural freshwater. After sampling, various parameters are tested by means of chemical analyses with the goal of estimating the quality of the water. The data treatment is conducted during the next step of the project, focusing on the evaluation of data quality by means of replicates or by using reference materials. Finally, the students present their results in a public forum open to interested people, students, and researchers. The event is called Young Analytical Chemists day (YAC day). The final discussion leads to useful debate on the various theoretical and practical aspects of environmental and analytical chemistry.

Table 1. The Six Steps of TAP Project Step





Theoretical lessons

15 hours



Project design

4 hours




4 hours

In situ


Analysis (literature search)

6–8 weeks

Analytical chem lab


Data analysis (interpretation, final report)

2 weeks

PC lab



4 hours

Public room

Project Description The course consists of six steps (Table 1). During Step I, theoretical concepts (9–11) are discussed, especially on how to solve an analytical problems concerning environmental chemistry and water monitoring (river, lake, groundwater, etc.). In addition, the sampling steps and the applicable analytical techniques are discussed, such as conductimetry, UV– vis spectroscopy, atomic absorption spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy, and voltammetry. Parameters for data quality evaluation, how to present a result or a certified analysis in a correct way, and the major environmental laws pertaining to natural water control are also described during Step I. The project design is carried out in the classroom (Step II); each student chooses a water system (river, lake, pond, etc.) or a particular point (spring, source, etc.) relevant for a

Table 2. Chemical Species and Analytical Methods Employed during the TAP Project Species

Analytical Techniques


Sources and Comments


Conductimetry (16)

Conductometer Metrohm model 660

Salt content; dilution effect


UV–Vis Spectroscopy (17, 18)

Lange LASA20

Fertilizers pollution

Ammonia Phosphate Total Phosphorus

UV–Vis Spectroscopy (17, 18)

Lange LASA20

Sewage urban pollution


UV–Vis Spectroscopy (17, 18)

Lange LASA20

Natural sources (gypsum) or industrial sources


UV–Vis Spectroscopy (17, 18)

Lange LASA20

Seawater permeation or sewage pollution

Calcium, Magnesium

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (19)

Varian SpectrAA10


Zinc, Iron

Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (20)

ICP-AES SpectroFlame Modula E (Spectro)

Sewage urban and industrial pollution


Voltammetry (21)

Polarecord 626 Metrohm

Industrial and agricultural pollution

Lead, Cadmium

Voltammetry (21)

Polarecord 626 Metrohm

Industrial pollution


Vol. 83 No. 2 February 2006

Journal of Chemical Education


In the Laboratory

chemical–environmental study. Sampling points, sampling procedure, and treatment methods are also defined and chemical analyses decided. Sample containers are prepared in the laboratory, then each student, usually during the holiday periods, collects the required samples (Step III). Chemical analyses are performed in laboratory during Step IV (Table 2). Analytical methods are based on standard procedures mainly selected from the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater manual (12) and U.S. EPA methods (13). Details are available on the TAP project Web site (14,15) and in the Supplemental Material.W During this step each participant collects information and literature data about his specific water system, performing a literature search using the Internet, visiting the university libraries, and contacting local environmental control agencies. Step V requires data analysis by means of Excel (Microsoft Corp.) software, such that the results can be better analyzed and a final report written. An oral presentation is performed using PowerPoint software (22, 23). At the conclusion of the course, the presentations are discussed in a public forum during YAC day where students can describe their results and conclusions (Step VI). Public posters, brochures, and a Web site advertise this event (24). At the end of the presentations, each student receives a certificate of participation similar to those of a scientific congress. Some reports are published on the Internet where they can also be downloaded (15). Project Results and Student Responses Fifty-five students participated in the TAP project over the four-year period reported here. The studies, subdivided

Table 3. Students, Water Systems, and YAC Day Dates Academic Year

Number of Students

Number of Water Systems

1999– 2000


Water Typology



Spring: 6 Tap: 2 Ground: 3

Not held

May 30

2000– 2001



Spring: 2 Tap: 7 River: 2 Ground: 1

2001– 2002



Ground: 1 River: 3 Lake: 5

May 28


Spring: 2 Ground: 2 Lake: 2 River: 9

June 3

2002– 2003


by the different water systems, are listed in Table 3. The data obtained by students during 2000–2001 course are reported in Table 4. Data are divided in three subgroups: Friuli Plain, Trieste City, and Belluno Province water samples. Students are numbered from 1 to 18. During this academic year the reported data were the subject of 6 oral presentations at YAC day. Students debated the data and discussed the differences between the various water samples. In particular the high values of nitrates (students 5 and 18) and ammonium (students 1 and 7) suggested possible agricultural and sewage pollution.

Table 4. Student-Generated Data Obtained on Real Samples during 2000–2001 Academic Year Student Number

Conductivity/ (µS cm᎑1)

NO3/ (mg L᎑1)

NH4/ (mg L᎑1)

PO4/ (mg L᎑1)

Ca/ (mg L᎑1)

Mg/ (mg L᎑1)

Fe/ (mg L᎑1)

Zn/ (mg L᎑1)

Cu/ (mg L᎑1)

Pb/ (mg L᎑1)

Cd/ (mg L᎑1)

Friuli Plain (Friuli Venezia Giulia region) 1


