A New Technique for Drawing Music Paper Several years ago a pedagogical article entitled "Chemistry and Music" appeared in THIS JOURNAL.' More recently a technical paper was devoted to "Musical Molecular Weights!" We report here a fortuitous discovery showing a graphic aspect of GC analysis, as a hitherto unperceived meeting hetween Musical Art and Chemical Science. During his thesis work one of us developed a gas chromatography device allowing the automatic analwis of traces of water in a k 3 It was noticed that the recorder was drawing musical staves! A study of the economics of producing ruled paper in this way is yet to be undertaken. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The music in the figure is the beginning of a song of the French "Renaissance" hy G. Costeley;the accompanying words (making reference t o water) are: "Je uais des glissnntes eoux les ruisseaw coulersous undour murrnure,. . "(approximate translation: I watch the brooks of gliding waters flowing with a gentle murmur,. .I. N.R. "Air" also means "tune" in French as i t does in English.
' Kohn, H. W., J. CHEM.EDUC., 49, 728 (1972).
"'mnP. Nak Pi P a t J. P. Canselier lnstitut du mnie Chimique F 31078-T0uIou~e Cedex, France
Davenport, D. A,, Howe-Grant, M., and Srinavasan, V., J. CHEM.EDUC.,56,523 (1979). Nak Pi Pat. P., Thesis, I.N.P. Toulouse, n06, 1978; Gilot. B., Nak Pi Pat. P., and Guiraud. R.. Journees d'etude d e la Societe d e Chimie Industrielle. Analyse e t contr6le de I'environnementairet eau, Paris, February 6-7, 1980; Gilot. 6.. Nat Pi Pat. P.. and Guiraud, R., Analusis, (1981) accepted.
of Chemical Education