A New Triterpenic Acid from Schefflera impressa

May 13, 1991 - C.B. Clarke (Araliaceae). The present communication describes the isolation and struc- ture elucidation of a new triterpenic acid provi...
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Journal of Natural Prodws Vol. 5 5 , No. 3 , pp. 298-302, March 1992


A NEW TRITERPENIC ACID FROM SCHEFFLERA ZMPRESSA S.K. SRIVASTAVA Central Institute ofMedidna1 and Aromatic Plants, k k n w 22601 6 , India ASSTRACT.-A new triterpene, 3a,1ladihydroxylup-20(29)-en-28-oic acid 111, has been isolated from the bark and stem of S c h - a impressa. Its structure has been deduced from spectroscopicdata and chemical investigations.

In previous reports (1-3) we described the isolation and identification of twelve compounds including three new saponins from the stem and bark of Scbefia impressa C.B. Clarke (Araliaceae). The present communication describes the isolation and structure elucidation of a new triterpenic acid provisionally named impressic acid, 3 a , l l a dihydroxylup-20(29)-en-28-oicacid (l),and three known compounds, stigmasterol, campesterol, and chrysophanol. Triterpene 1 is chemotaxonomically important because of its structural similarity with the main active constituent of Scbefia octopbylla ( 4 ) , which is used in Vietnamese folk medicine as a tonic, as an antirheumatic agent, and for liver diseases. Pharmacological investigations of impressic acid El) are in progress. The stem and bark ofS. impressa were extracted with MeOH, and the crude saponin fraction on chromatographic separation over Si gel afforded triterpene 1 (C30H4804) at m/z 472, mp 234-236". Its ir spectrum (KBr) showed absorptions at 3474, 1705, 1639, and 886 cm-' assignable to hydroxyl, carboxyl, and >C=CH2 functions, respectively. Acetylation of 1 gave diacetate 2 (mp 120-1243. This indicated that impressic acid contains two hydroxyl groups. The 'H-nmr spectrum of 1 showed two olefinic protons at 6 4 . 5 9 and 4 . 7 2 , five tertiary methyl groups, one vinylic at 6 1.67, and two secondary hydroxyl protons. The triplet-like signal centered at 6 3.32 (WlI2= 7 H t ) indicated that one hydroxyl group was present at the C-3 position which, on acetylation with Ac,O and pyridine, shified from 6 3.32 to 4 . 5 0 (Wl,2= 7 H t ) . Stereochemistry of the C-3 position is clear from the 'H-nmr data with a W 1,2 of 7 H t for the hydrogen geminal to the hydroxyl group, and an equatorial P-hydrogen and an axial a-hydroxyl group are required ( 5 ) . Further evidence for this assignment was obtained from the 13Cnmr spectrum. Kang (6)has shown that resonances of C- 1 , C-5, and C-24 are strongly influenced by the stereochemistry of the hydroxyl group at C - 3 . Conversion of the C-3 hydroxyl group from equatorial to axial stereochemistry re-

1 R=H 2 R=Ac

3 R=H 4 R=Ac

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Srivastava: TriterpenicAcid



Journal of Natural Products

{Vol. 55, No. 3

sults in an upfield shift of C-1 and C-5 of ca. 6 ppm and C-24 shifts downfield by ca. 6 ppm, leaving C-23 almost unaffected (6). On comparing the 13C-nmrsignals of 1 with those expected for C-3 equatorial and axial hydroxyl epimers, it was evident that impressic acid has an axial (a-oriented) hydroxyl group at C-3. The observation that impressic acid [l]cannot be oxidized with periodic acid indicates that the second hydroxyl group is not at C-2. No acetonide was formed, but impressic acid was partly dehydrated to dehydroimpressic acid 131 mp 224226" on stirring in Me,CO containing a few drops of concentrated H2S04. The ms of this compound (EM]+ at m/z 454) indicated that only one hydroxyl group was eliminated as H,O. The nmr spectrum showed only one additional olefinic proton signal, as a triplet at 6 5.22. The signal due to H-3P was present as a broad singlet at 6 3.35, which on acetylation with Ac20 and pyridine (to 3a-acetoxydehydroimpressicacid 141 mp 190192), shifted from 6 3.35 to 4.55. Thus, the other hydroxyl group, which is eliminated during acid-catalyzed dehydration, must be present on a ring other than A. Rahman et a/.(7) reported that triterpenoids having unsubstituted D and E rings show characteristic fragment ions f - H , g, and 1 in their ms. The ms of 1 also showed similar fragments at m/z 152 [i], 205 Egl, and 219 Ef- HI, indicating that rings D and E are not substituted. Thus, the position of the second hydroxyl group is restricted to ring B or ring C. It may be noted that the presence of a second hydroxyl group at C-6 in ring B would be expected to give rise to a peak at d z 223 as observed in loranthol(8). This was not observed in the ms of impressic acid, but the appearance ofan intense a type ion at mlz 237 indicated that a second hydroxyl group is present in ring C at C- 11 (Scheme 1). This conclusion was supported by the fact that compounds containing the lup-20(29)-ene skeleton show a peak for C- 11 at ca. 20.9 ppm in their 13C-nmrspectra, but shifting of this signal to 69.8 ppm clearly indicated the presence of a hydroxyl group at C- 11. The signal due to the C-11 proton in 1 appeared as a ddd centered at 6 3.90, which on acetylation to 2 shifted to a ddd centered at 6 5.19. This indicated that the 11-OH is in the a position. This was further supported by correlation of 13C-nmrvalues of 1 with the substituent effect of a hydroxyl group at the 1la position of a steroidal skeleton (9). Besides the expected large downfield shift for the signals corresponding to C- 11, signals at C-9, C-12, and C-1 were also significantly displaced downfield due to the 1la configuration of this hydroxyl group (10). The appearance ofa signal at 179.2 ppm showed the presence of a free carboxylic group. Furthermore, ions at mlz 152 111 205 [g] and 2 19 [f - H] locate the carboxylic group at C- 17 (i.e., C-28) in 1 (7). Stigmasterol, campesterol, and chrysophanol were identified on the basis of their 1 mp, ir, H nmr, ms, and co-tlc with authentic samples. EXPERIMENTAL GENERAL EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES.-Meking points were determined on a Toshniwal melting point apparatus and are uncorrected. Ir spectra were taken with a Perkin-Elmer 399B spectrometer. 'H- (80 MHz) and I3C- (20 MHz) nmr spectra were measured with a Varian F T 80A spectrometer. TMS was used as the internal standard, and chemical shifts were given in 6 (ppm) values. Ms was determined on a JMXDX-300 spectrometer. Optical rotation was measured with a J A K O model DIP-181. Si gel 60120 mesh (BDH) was used for cc and Si gel G or H (Merck) was used for tlc, preparative tlc, and vlc. TIC spots were visualized by spraying with 10% H$O, followed by heating at looo. PLANT MATERIAL.-Pht material was collected from Darjeeling, India, and identified as S.i m p . S.P. Jain ofthe Botany Division. A voucher specimen (No. 1909)was deposited in the herbarium of this institute.

su by Dr.

ISOLATION PROCEDURES.-POwdered airdried stems and bark ofS. impressa (2.3 kg) were extracted with MeOH at room temperature for 10 days. The extract was concentrated in vacuo, and the residue was dissolved in H 2 0 . The H 2 0solution was extracted with n-hexane, C6H,, CHCI,, and EtOAc, and finally

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with n-BuOH saturated with H 2 0. The n-BuOH fraction when concentrated under vacuum yielded a brown viscous mass (62.8 g). which was subjected to Si gel (725 g) cc and eluted with EtOAc with increasing amounts ofMeOH . Fractions (250 ml each) were collected and monitored by tlc . The EtOAc eluate afforded a solid (0.28 g) which on further cc afforded 1(0.20 g). The other eluates yielded saponins as reported earlier ( 1-3) . IMPRESSIC ACID El].-White powder (0.20 g): mp 234-236'(MeOH); [aI2'D +2.6"(MeOH, c = 0.06); ir Y rnax (KBr) cm-' 3473, 1705, 1639, 886 cm-'; 'H nmr (CDCI, ) 6 0.84,0.90, 0.90, 0.98, 0.98(s,Me-23,-24,-25,-26, .27). 1.67(s,Me-30), 3.32(brs, W1,,=7Hz. H.3p). 3.90(sixlinepattern. ]= 11 Hz. 1'= 5 Hz. H.11P). 4.59 and 4.72 (2xm. H2-29); eims m/z (re1. int.) tMJ+ 472 (23). [M - H201+ [dl 454 (57). tM - 2H201+ [el436 (54). [M - 2 H 2 0- C021+ 392 (25). tcl285 (30). Ehl 246 (29). tal 237 (2% tbi 234 (98). 22 1 (24). [f) 220 (49). If- HI 2 19 (75h 205 (32). 203 (52). 201 (93). 189 (96). 175 (100). 161 (44). til 152 (3 1). 147 (59). 133 (80).121 (86). 107 (99). FoundC 70.91, H 9.95; calcd for C3,H4,042H20. C 70.86, H 10.23%. 13Cnmr see Table 1.


3a. 1~~-DIACETYLIMPRESSIC ACID [2].-A solution of 1(50 rng) and Ac, O/pyridine was allowed to stand at room temperature for 1 day . Cc on Si gel gave 2 (35 mg): rnp 12C-124"; ir u max (KBr) 1735 (ester). 1700(COOH). 1645 (>C=CH,). 1248 (0Ac)crn-'; 'H nmr(CDCI3)60.78, 0.80,0.90, 1.00, 1.20, (s. Me.23. .24. .25. .26. .27). 1.60 (s. Me.30). 1.92, 2.02, (2 X s. .OAc). 4.50 (br s. Wl, = 7 Hz. H.3P). 4.50 and 4.65 (2x171. H2.29). 5.19 (six line pattern. ]= 11 Hz. ]' = 5 Hz. H- lip); eims m/z

c-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c-2 c-3 c-4 c-5 C-6 c-7 C-8

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c-9 . c-10 . c-11 . c-12 .

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C-13 . . C-14 . . C-15 . . C-16 . . C-17 . . C-18 . . C-19 . . c-20 . . c-21 . . c-22 . . C-23 . . C-24 . . C-25 . . C-26 . . C-27 . . C-28 . . C-29 . . C-30 . . COOMe COOMe

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'In CDCI. .




35.8 26.8 74.8 38.4 49.4 19.2 36.0 42.7 55.9 39.8 69.8 38.4 37.5 42.9 29.9 32.8 56.5 47.5 49.4 151.0 31.0 37.5 29.6 22.7 18.0 17.4 14.4 179.2 110.0 19.2

35.8 22.1 78.0 38.6 49.0 19.3 35.8 42.4 52.7 38.8 72.3 34.9 36.9 42.8 29.9 32.3 56.3 46.6 49.8 150.0 30.8 36.9 29.5 21.9 17.8 17.2 14.5 180.9 110.4 19.3 170.5, 171.3 21.9,21.3

34.1 26.5 74.4 38.0 46.0 18.8 32.4 43.8 152.2 39.2 116.0 37.0 38.0 40.4 30.1 32.5 56.0 47.7 49.0 150.8 29.8 37.0 28.6 22.5 22.0 22.0 16.3 178.7 110.3 19.3


Journal of Natural Products


[Vol. 5 5 , No.3


(rel. int.) 556 (3), IM - HOAcl+ 496 (42), 437 (15). IM - 2HOAcl+ 436 (34),42 1 (17), [a1 32 1 (12), IC] 285 (131, Ch1246 (20), Cb1234 (IO), Cb - HI 233 (26). [f) 220 (7), If- HI 2 19 ( 3 4 , 2 0 3 (26), 201 (26), 189 (39), 187 (32). 175 (36). 161 (18), 147 (39), 133 (62), 107 (100); I3C nmrsee Table 1.

DEHYDROIMPRESIC ACID [3].--Impressic acid 111(100 mg) was dissolved in 3 ml of Me,CO and after addition of 5 drops ofconcentrated H W 4 , the solution was stirred at room temperature for 3 h. The solution was diluted with H,O, extracted with CHCI,, and dried over anhydrous N a m 4 . Distillation of the solvent under vacuum gave a product which on cc over Si gel gave the dehydrated product 3 (35 mg): mp 224-226' I a ] 2 5 ~1' (MeOH, c = O . 16); ir Y max (KBr) 3441, 2960, 1705, 1642, 1618, 1465, 1388, 888, 759 cm-'; 'H nmr (CDCI,) 6 0.80,0.86,0.88, 1.10, 1.20, (s, Me-23, -24, -25, -26, -27). 1.65 (s, Me-30), 3.35 (brs, W1/,=7 Hz,H-3@,4.57and4.72(2xm, H,-29), 5.22(t, H-1l);eimsdz (rel. int.) {MI+ Id] 454 (23), [M - H,O]+ I e l 4 3 6 (90),42 1 (loo), IM - H2O - CO,]+ 392 (22), IC1 285 (86), Chi 246 (32), Ibl234 (64A Ia1221(34), Ifl220 (87), If- HI 219 (57L 203 (W,201 (53A 189 (86), 175 (74); 13C n m r see Table 1.


~~-AcET~xYDEHYDROWPW ACID I C [4].-A solution of 3 (10 mg) and Ac20/pyridine was dlowed to stand at morn temperature for 1 day. The crude product was passed through a small Si gel column to give 4 (8 mg): mp 190-192'; ir Y max (KBr) 1735 (ester), 1705 (COOH), 1645 (unsanuation), 1248 (OAc)cm- 'H nmr (CDCI,) 6 0.78,0.83,0.85, 1.08, 1.19 (s, Me-23, -24, -25, -26, -27), 1.65 (s, Me30), 1.97 (5, OAc), 4.55 (ba, Wl/2= 7 Hz, H-3Ph4.55 and 4.70 (2xm, H2-29), 5.20 (t. H-11); eims d z (rel. int.) [MI+ [dl 496 (34), 437 (6), CM - HOAc]+ [el 436 (16), 421 (24). IC] 285 (35), &I246 (7), [b] 234 (51, fb- HI 233 (51, Ifl220 (7),If- HI 219 189 (47), 187 (37), 175 ( 2 0 , 161 (13), 133 (21), 121 (291, 107 (23). 55 (loo), 43 (95).


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author thanks S I C , CDRI, Lucknow for eims of the samples. LITERATURE CITED 1. S.K.Srivastavaand D.C. Jain, Pbytorhnnistty, 2 8 , 6 4 4 (1989). 2. S.K.Srivastava,]. Nut. Prod., 52, 1342 (1989). 3. S.K.Srivastava, Fitoterupiu,6 1 , 376 (1990). 4. G. Adam, M. Lischewski, H.V. Phiet, A. Preiss, J. Schmidt, and T.V. Sung, P b y t a h i m y , 21, 1385 (1982). 5. P.J. Hylands, E.S. Mansour, and M.T. Oskoui,]. C h . Sa.,Pwhin Trans. I, 2933 (1980). 6. S.S. Kang, Kmron]. Phmamgn., 1 8 , 15 1 (1987). 7. A. Rahman, M.A. Khan, and N.H. Khan, Pbytahhty, 12,3004 (1973). 8. E. Wenkert, G.V. Baddely, I.R. Burfin, and L.N. Moreno, Org. Map. Ram., 1 1 , 337 (1978). 9. H. Eggert, C.L. Vant Antwerp, N.S. Bhacca, and C. Djerassi,]. Org. C h . , 4 1 , 71 (1976). 10. A.G. Gonzala, B.M. Fraga, P. Gonzala, M. M o m , F.D. Monache, G.B. Marini-Bettolo, J.F. Mello, and 0. Goncalves, P b y t a h i s h y , 2 1 , 4 7 0 (1982).

Ranivrd 13 May 1991