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The 3700 gets greater all the time.
Now there's a nitrogen detector that is selective, sensitive, and stable. The 7000/9000 x-ray energy spectrometer is a rapid, nondestructive instrument for multielement analysis. A four-position XRF turret selects the desired photon excitation source. Monochromatic x-rays are pro vided in three energy regions by the selected radioisotopes while broad energy range excitation is supplied by the x-ray tube. Price is $45 500. Kevex Corp. 405
The new Varian Thermionic Specific Detector (TSD) for Model 3700 gas chromatograph is highly selective for nitrogen: > 5 χ 10* with respect to carbon Minimum nitrogen detectivity is 1 χ 10 - " gN/sec and linearity is 105 It's also excellent for phosphorus detection; selectivity with respect to carbon is >104. CERAMIC INSULATORS
Sulfur Analysis
TLC Chamber
The continuous rate injector accessory is intended to complement existing Dohrmann microcoulometric titration systems ( M C T S - 3 0 or 3 0 D ) . Low-level sulfur analyses in light hydrocarbons with ± 2 0 ppb repeatability is possible. Sample injection is operator indepen dent. The injection is electronically a c tuated and controlled to provide con stant rate sampling. Effective range of the system is 0 - 1 0 0 0 0 ppb. S a m p l e requirements are 2 5 0 μL· minimum. Envirotech Corp. 419
The short bed/continuous development chamber consists of one glass tank, one glass cover top, and two Teflon sealing wings. Regis Chemical Co. 4 2 2
Frequency Synthesizers Model 5 6 1 0 is designed to offer incor poration of a programmable, high-per formance, high-purity frequency source into such scientific analytical instru mentation as a user-based add-on to NMR spectrometers. It has a frequency range from 100 kHz to 160 MHz, with constant resolution throughout the range. Options with resolutions of 0.1 Hz, 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, or 100 kHz are available. Price is $ 4 8 4 0 (1 Hz resolution). Rockland Systems Corp.
425 Luminescence Kits Luminescence kits for somatic ATP, bacterial ATP, N A D H , and NADPH m e a surements are available. The kits have a life span of two years if stored at 4 ° C . Lumac Inc. 421
Laser Microprobe Mass Analyzer The Lamma 5 0 0 combines a laser m i croprobe and a time of flight mass spectrometer of high transmission and extreme sensitivity. Each helium-neon laser shot gives a complete mass spec trum, either in positive or negative ions. Any point visible in the microscope can be chemically analyzed in a simple laser shot. Leybold-Heraeus, Bonner Strasse 5 0 4 , Postfach 5 1 0 7 6 0 , D - 5 0 0 0 Koln 5 1 (Bayenthal), Federal Republic of Germany 426
Chemicals Carcinogen Chemicals Eleven carcinogen chemicals, as de fined by the Federal Register, are avail able in kit form to be used as analytical standards. The CR 14 kit consists of 0.1 g each of the solids, and C R S 14 kit consists of 5 mL of 100 ppm of each of the appropriate solutions. The CR 14 kit costs $ 1 0 0 , and the C R S 14 $ 5 5 . C h e m Service, Inc. 429
In addition, this detector is stable and easy to operate The alkali source is a durable ceramic bead with an alkali compound imbedded in the ceramic matrix. The ceramic bead permits operation over a wider temperature range than glass, is more stable and requires less adjustment of bead temperatures. Result: reliable, reproducible operation with long bead lifetime for minimum maintenance and lower cost. It's another reason why the greatest gas chromatograph is getting greater all the time. For details write Varian Instrument Division, 611 Hansen Way, Box D-070, Palo Alto, CA 94303, or circle the Reader Service Number.