A Perspective and a New Integrated Computational Strategy for Skin

Feb 7, 2018 - Biography. Vinicius M. Alves received his Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences (2017) from the Federal University of Goias, Brazil. He is a ...
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A Perspective and a New Integrated Computational Strategy for Skin Sensitization Assessment Vinicius M Alves, Stephen Joseph Capuzzi, Rodolpho C Braga, Joyce Borba, Arthur Silva, Thomas Luechtefeld, Thomas Hartung, Carolina Horta Andrade, Eugene N. Muratov, and Alexander Tropsha ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., Just Accepted Manuscript • DOI: 10.1021/ acssuschemeng.7b04220 • Publication Date (Web): 07 Feb 2018 Downloaded from http://pubs.acs.org on February 13, 2018

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A Perspective and a New Integrated Computational Strategy for


Skin Sensitization Assessment


Vinicius M. Alvesa,b, Stephen J. Capuzzia, Rodolpho C. Bragab, Joyce V. B. Borbab,


Arthur C. Silvab, Thomas Luechtefeldc, Thomas Hartungc, Carolina Horta Andradeb,


Eugene N. Muratova,d,*, and Alexander Tropshaa,*.

6 7



Hall, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599, USA.



Laboratory for Molecular Modeling, Division of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry, 301 Beard

Laboratory for Molecular Modeling and Drug Design, Faculty of Pharmacy, Federal University of Goiás,


Rua 240, Qd. 87, Setor Leste Universitario, Goiânia, GO, 74605-170, Brazil.




615 N. Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD, 21205, USA




Odessa, 65000, Ukraine.

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT),

Department of Chemical Technology, Odessa National Polytechnic University, 1 Shevchenko Ave,

15 16 17

Corresponding Authors


*Address for correspondence: 100K Beard Hall, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina,


Chapel Hill, NC, 27599, USA; Telephone: (919) 966-2955; FAX: (919) 966-0204; E-mails: [email protected]


and [email protected].

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Traditionally, the skin sensitization potential of chemicals has been assessed using animal


models. Due to growing ethical, political, and financial concerns, sustainable alternatives to


animal testing need to be developed. As publicly available skin sensitization data continues to


grow, computational approaches, such as alert-based systems, read-across, and QSAR models,


are expected to reduce or replace animal testing for the prediction of human skin sensitization


potential. Herein, we discuss current computational approaches to predicting skin sensitization


and provide future perspectives of the field. As a proof-of-concept study, we have compiled the


largest skin sensitization dataset in the public domain and benchmarked several methods for


building skin sensitization models. We propose a new comprehensive approach, which integrates


multiple QSAR models developed with in vitro, in chemico, animal, and human data, and a


Naive Bayes model for predicting human skin sensitization. Both the datasets and the KNIME


implementation of the model allowing skin sensitization prediction for molecules of interest have


been made freely available.

35 36

Keywords: Skin sensitization, QSAR, Naïve Bayes, alternative methods.

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Approximately 20% of the general human population suffer from allergic contact


dermatitis (ACD), an immune-mediated inflammatory skin reaction caused by the contact with


chemical allergens.1 The first phase of the ACD adverse outcome pathway (AOP) is an allergic


response by the epidermis called skin sensitization.1 Since ACD has a significant impact on


working ability and quality of life, chemicals with potential skin sensitization liabilities need to


be identified and regulated. Routine chemical testing on humans, however, is not feasible due to


ethical concerns, high cost, and low throughput.2 Consequently, animal testing is used commonly


to evaluate chemically-induced skin sensitization.


The murine local lymph node assay (LLNA)3 is the preferred animal testing model used


by various regulatory agencies4,5. At the same time, opposition to animal testing has grown over


the past several decades.6 Indeed, animal testing for cosmetic products was banned in the


European Union (EU) in 2003,7 and the sale of cosmetic products tested on animals, except for


complex toxicological properties, has been prohibited since 2009.8 In 2013, this ban was


extended to all properties, along with the sale of cosmetics tested on animals outside of the EU.9


It is worth noting that these regulations apply only to cosmetics; thus, the assessment of


substances other than cosmetics for their skin sensitization potential still relies on animal testing.


Along with ethical concerns, the validity of animal testing has also come under question


in recent years. Several studies have shown that animal-based assay outcomes do not always


equate with human response10,11 and that animal models are less reproducible than some


alternative methods.12 Though these observations provide strong arguments against continued


reliance on animal testing, the evaluation of a large number of chemicals by in vitro alternative


methods may not be financially sustainable under the REACH law, which obligates

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manufacturers to provide detailed information on chemicals manufactured, marketed, or


imported on a scale of more than one-ton per year in Europe.13


Computational methods have begun to gain prominence as a practical solution for the


evaluation of experimentally untested substances. Along with speed, low cost, and high-


throughput, in silico methods can deliver accurate toxicity assessments that circumvent the need


for animal testing.14,15 For chemical toxicity prediction, the most commonly used approaches are


structural alerts, read-across, and Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR)


modeling.16 These approaches leverage historical data generated for chemicals tested for skin


sensitization potential across animal, non-animal, and human models. These approaches have


been used for prioritizing compounds; however if carefully evaluated and rigorously validated,


they may entirely replace animal testing.17


This Perspective has three major objectives. First, we describe all skin sensitization data


available in the open literature and report on our effort to compile and curate this data to form the


largest skin sensitization dataset available in the public domain. Second, we discuss current


computational approaches and models for predicting skin sensitization. Finally, we propose a


new approach that integrates multiple computational models based on in vitro, animal (LLNA),


and human data. We show that this new method affords models with the highest predictive


power as compared to alternative computational or experimental approaches. We hope that the


data, methods, and models summarized and discussed in this study will enable both scientists and


regulators to move closer to fully adopting these intelligent computational approaches as


scientifically sound and legitimate alternatives to animal testing.

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Skin sensitization data


In this section, we provide a comprehensive overview of all data available on skin


sensitization that can be used to develop computational models. These data encompass human,


animal, and non-animal sources, making it the largest curated skin sensitization dataset reported


to date (Table 1). The human data are composed by human repeat insult patch test and human


maximization test18,19, animal data by local lymph node assay (LLNA)20–22, and non-animal data


composed by Direct Peptide Reactivity Assay (DPRA), KeratinoSens, and the human Cell Line


Activation Test (h-CLAT)23. We also discuss protocols for data collection, curation, and


integration, as well as examine the important issues of assay concordance and chemical space




(http://www.chemspider.com/) or SciFinder (https://scifinder.cas.org) databases using Chemical


Abstracts Service (CAS) registry numbers and chemical names. Datasets were thoroughly


curated for both chemical and biological data according to the workflows described by Fourches





















96 97

Table 1. Skin sensitization dataset compiled and curated in this study. Assay

Assay type

Human LLNA DPRA KeratinoSens h-CLAT

In vivo In vivo In chemico In vitro In vitro

No. of sensitizers 88 481 121 126 107

No. of non-sensitizers 50 519 73 64 53

Total 138 1000 194 190 160

References 18,19 20–22 23 23 23


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LLNA data


Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods




The LLNA database was compiled and made available by the National Toxicology


Program Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods on behalf


of ICCVAM.20 The original database included 1,060 chemical records. Since a compound could


be tested in multiple assays, several records were often found for the same compound. If the


experimental properties associated with two duplicated structures were identical, then one


compound was removed. However, if their experimental properties were significantly different,


we removed both records from the dataset. After curation, 516 unique compounds (332


sensitizers and 184 non-sensitizers) were retained.

110 111



REACH data are available for public access, and the dataset was downloaded from


ECHA (European Chemical Agency) as described by Luechtefeld et al.21 This dataset initially


comprised 10,588 records for 9,801 chemicals. The REACH dataset is composed of many types


of assays and study categories. Two study categories were discarded from the dataset – the in


vitro and “weight of evidence” categories. Data from different OECD (Organization for


Economic Co-operation and Development) skin sensitization assays (OECD guidelines 406, 411,


429 and 442B)28–31 were available; only the data corresponding to LLNA assays (429 and 442B)


were selected, resulting in 1,275 LLNA records. After curation, 566 compounds (197 sensitizers


and 369 non-sensitizers) were retained.

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Combined LLNA dataset


We merged the curated data from ICCVAM and REACH and examined the content of


this combined data. There were 58 pairs of duplicates between these two datasets, and the


sensitization potential of five of these pairs was different. These discordant records were


removed, and only one record for each concordant pair of duplicates was kept. The merged


dataset had 1,000 unique compounds (481 sensitizers and 519 non-sensitizers) making it the


largest curated LLNA dataset reported to date (cf. Table 1). The dataset is available from the


Chembench Web Portal27 (https://chembench.mml.unc.edu/).

129 130

Human data


Human skin sensitization data were retrieved from the ICCVAM Test Method Evaluation


Report18 and merged with the data collected by Strickland et al.19, in which the authors corrected


the human result for six compounds present in the original ICCVAM report. The original human


dataset from ICCVAM consisted of 302 chemical records and associated human data. Skin


sensitization potency relies on human DSA05 data (dose per skin area that produces a positive


response in 5% of the tested population). Compounds with reported DSA05 values were defined


as sensitizers, and those with no DSA05 values were labeled as non-sensitizers.18 After curation


of both chemical and biological data24–26, 135 unique substances remained. Twenty-six inorganic


compounds or co-formulated mixtures were then removed from the modeling sets to avoid errors


during descriptor generation. The final dataset contained 109 compounds. The data from


Strickland et al.19 consisted of 96 compounds, 29 of which were absent in the ICCVAM dataset.


In the end, 138 compounds (88 sensitizers and 50 non-sensitizers) were retained.


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Non-animal data


Non-animal data compiled by Urbisch et al.23 were retrieved from the respective


publication. In that study, the authors compiled non-animal data from several sources. Here, we


considered one in chemico (DPRA, 194 compounds) and two in vitro (KeratinoSens, 190


compounds, and h-CLAT, 160 compounds) sources. The DPRA assay was developed to address


the molecular initiating event in the skin sensitization AOP through peptide reactivity


measurements of test chemicals; therefore, it is regarded as an in chemico assay. This method


quantifies the depletion of synthetic heptapeptides containing either lysine or cysteine.32,33 The


KeratinoSens assay is associated with keratinocyte activation. The test method is a reporter gene


assay, which uses an immortalized adherent cell-line derived from an expanded clone of HaCaT


human keratinocytes transfected with a selectable plasmid. The plasmid contains the luciferase


gene under transcriptional control of the SV40 promoter fused with the electrophile response


element from the akr1c2 gene, which was identified as one of the genes upregulated by contact


sensitizers in dendritic cells.34,35 The h-CLAT assay is associated with the activation of dendritic


cells. This method measures the modulation of CD86 and CD54 by THP-1 cells using flow


cytometry after 24 hours of exposure to a test substance.36,37

160 161

Concordance analysis of LLNA and non-animal data vs. human data


A concordance analysis of LLNA and non-animal data vs. human data was conducted to


verify the relevance of the LLNA and non-animal data for human outcomes. Similar analysis


comparing LLNA and human data was performed by our group recently.38 However, since the


overlap of both datasets increased from 109 to 121 compounds and six annotations of the human


data were corrected by Strickland et al.19, we elected to repeat this analysis. In addition,

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comparison of DPRA, KeratinoSens, and h-CLAT to LLNA23,39–41 with human23 data has been


explored by others. Our present analysis differs insofar as we did not consider the compounds


that were excluded from modeling, such as inorganics, mixtures, and organometallics. Moreover,


we report the largest set of collated human skin sensitization data to date, as we have increased


the number of overlapping compounds. In Figure 1, we present the distribution of the full skin


sensitization data on LLNA, human, and non-animal assays.

173 174 175 176

Figure 1. Distribution and overlap of skin sensitization data on LLNA (pink circle), human (green circle), and non-animal (blue circle) assays.


It is commonly accepted that LLNA results correlate well with human skin sensitization


potential; therefore, LLNA has been regarded as a reliable method to assess whether a chemical


is expected to be a sensitizer or not.18,42 We repeated concordance analyses performed by our


group recently38 with the new available data. Out of the 137 compounds with human data, 119


were tested in LLNA; 109 – in DPRA; 111 – in KeratinoSens; and 105 – in h-CLAT. As one can


see in Table 2, the accuracy of using LLNA results to predict human data is estimated to have a


Correct Classification Rate [CCR, (sensitivity + specificity)/2] of 68%, sensitivity of 84%,


positive predictive value (PPV) of 76%, specificity of 43%, and negative predictive value (NPV)

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of 65%. Compared with our previous analysis38, the 29 new compounds with human data and the


correction of human sensitivity values for six compounds from our dataset reported earlier38


increased the specificity of prediction from 43% to 52%. Despite this, however, LLNA results


are still more sensitive than human outcomes. This oversensitivity may result in the rejection of


safe cosmetic and agricultural compounds. When analyzing the non-animal assays, DPRA


appears to be the most predictive human skin sensitization method with CCR as high as 79%,


sensitivity and PPV above 82%, and specificity and NPV above 70%. The KeratinoSens assay


alone presents low specificity (55%) and NPV (56%), while h-CLAT presents acceptable


prediction metrics. The “2 out of 3” non-animal approach described by Natsch et al.41 was shown


to be predictive, but this consensus approach is not as predictive as DPRA alone. Moreover, the


use of LLNA in consensus with all non-animal assays to predict human skin sensitization


presented lower CCR, PPV, specificity, and NPV than the DPRA assay and the “2 out of 3”


approach, which advocates for the greater use of non-animal assays in place of LLNA for skin


sensitization prediction.

199 200 201

Table 2. Concordance between human vs. LLNA and non-animal outcomes for compounds with defined chemical structures. Assay LLNA (n=119) DPRA (n=109) KeratinoSens (n=111) h-CLAT (n=105) 2 out of 3 (non-animal) (n=113) Consensus (all assays) (n=100)

CCR 0.68 0.79 0.65 0.73 0.76 0.69

Sensitivity 0.84 0.82 0.75 0.85 0.85 0.86

PPV 0.76 0.86 0.74 0.81 0.82 0.75

Specificity 0.52 0.75 0.55 0.62 0.67 0.51

NPV 0.64 0.70 0.56 0.68 0.72 0.69


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Chemical space of current skin sensitization data


In this section, we explore the chemical space of current skin sensitization data to verify


if compounds tested on different assays share the same chemical space. The chemical space


formed by LLNA, human, and non-animal skin sensitization data was analyzed by plotting the


barycentric coordinates of all 1,033 unique structures, defined by the 2D DRAGON43


descriptors. Barycentric coordinates correspond to the location of the points of a simplex (a


triangle, tetrahedron, etc.) in the space, defined by the vertices44. In this case, a simplex is


defined by all the DRAGON descriptors of a particular chemical substance. Barycentric


coordinates were determined using the Methods of Data Analysis module in the HiT QSAR


software45. As one can see from Figure 2, there is a large section of LLNA data (801


compounds) that is not covered by human and non-animal data, meaning that certain structurally


unique chemicals have been tested only in LLNA. There are 109 compounds with LLNA,


human, and non-animal data, 79 compounds with both LLNA and non-animal data, and 44


compounds with other assay combinations. Although results of the previous section reveal that


LLNA is prone to false-positive human skin sensitization predictions, LLNA outcomes are the


only data available for a large number of compounds. These LLNA data could still be utilized to


build QSAR models that predict human skin sensitization. These models, which will have greater


coverage of the chemical space than human models only, could thus be applied to a larger


number of new compounds. These models could serve as an alternative to the murine LLNA



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223 224 225 226

Figure 2. Chemical space of 1,033 investigated compounds in barycentric coordinates obtained from 2D DRAGON descriptors.


Computational approaches to predict skin sensitization


Computational approaches may represent a sustainable alternative to animal testing for


reliable skin sensitization assessment. In this section, we provide an overview of existing in


silico approach, highlighting their strengths and weakness in the field of skin sensitization


prediction. We also provide a discussion of the attempts to model the various data sources.

232 233

Structural alerts and read-across


Structural alerts are molecular substructures that are associated with a particular adverse


outcome (Figure 3).46 Structural alerts are widely accepted in chemical toxicology and regulatory


decision support as a simple and transparent means to flag potential chemical hazards or to group


compounds into categories for read-across.47 Otherwise known as “expert rules”, structural alerts

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are based on human expertise and are intended to reflect the chemical basis of the mechanism of


action or, at least, the molecular initiating event in the case of more complex endpoints.48 Several


tools such as the OCHEM ToxAlerts49 and Toxtree (http://toxtree.sourceforge.net/) web servers


have a special module for skin sensitization.


Read-across is a technique that extrapolates data based on structural similarity to


previously tested compound(s) for compounds lacking experimental evaluation (Figure 3).50 This


method has earned prominence due to its simplicity, transparency, and ease of interpretation.51


From a regulatory perspective, read-across has attracted considerable attention, especially in the


EU and has been promoted by significant legislation like REACH13 and the Cosmetic


Regulation8. Based on structural similarity, read-across predictions and interpretation have been


addressed by agencies like OECD (http://www.oecd.org/env/ehs/risk-assessment/hazard-


assessment.htm) and ECHA that conceptualized the Read-Across Assessment Framework.52 This


Framework aims to establish a consistent set of principles for estimating read-across


justifications in the context of REACH regulations. The OECD QSAR Toolbox


(https://www.qsartoolbox.org/) is an OECD-sponsored software application to predict


(eco)toxicity based on chemical grouping and read-across that leaves the assessment of the


prediction to the end user.53 This software also includes a skin sensitization module.


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256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264

Figure 3. Chemical toxicity prediction based on structural alerts and chemical read-across. The schema shown herein illustrates how the read-across approach is used to assign skin sensitization potential to phenyl salicylate, for which no experimental data is available. The presence of a known structural alert leads to annotation of this compound as a sensitizer. The read-across approach designates this compound as a possible non-sensitizer in human but sensitizer in LLNA. This example thus also illustrates discordance between LLNA and human data (see text for discussion).


Despite the enthusiasm around structural alerts, there has been a growing concern that


alerts disproportionally flag chemicals as toxic, which calls into question their reliability as


toxicity markers.54 Recently, we have contrasted structural alerts-based predictions from


ToxAlerts49 and QSAR Toolbox against QSAR models for skin sensitization.55 Although


predictions made with QSAR Toolbox and ToxAlerts show higher sensitivity than our models


when evaluating the same set of structures, our models featured a much higher PPV. These


results indicate that the probability of correctly classifying sensitizers is much higher using


QSAR models and that alert-based prediction has a bias towards false positives.


A prior study has compared QSAR Toolbox and Toxtree to predict skin sensitization with


LLNA and human data.56 The authors found that structural alerts could predict human data better


than LLNA, concluding that in silico models for skin sensitization should be preferably

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developed using human data. Recently, we38 and others18,57 have shown that in some cases


LLNA does not correlate well with human data and that QSAR models based on human data


outperform the ability of LLNA to predict human response. Despite the similar conclusions made


by both studies, it is worth noting that the simple use of alerts for chemical read-across often


leads to erroneous assessments, since this approach tends to be oversensitive.55


Read-across is an approach used to predict a property of interest (toxicity, activity, etc.)


of a chemical using its structural analogs with known experimental values of this property. Read-


across consists of the seven following steps: (i) decision context; (ii) data gap analysis; (iii)


overarching similarity rationale; (iv) analogue identification; (v) analogue evaluation; (vi) data


gap filling; and (vii) uncertainty assessment.58 However, to be useful for hazard/risk assessment,


as well as to meet regulatory rules, only rigorously validated approaches should be used.


Therefore, read-across should be used to aid expert decision-making only after analyzing all


available information sources, e.g., predictions from externally validated QSAR models, in vitro


and in vivo outcomes, etc.50,59,60

290 291

Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) modeling


QSAR modeling is a computational approach that employs statistical or machine learning


techniques to establish correlations between intrinsic chemical properties (chemical descriptors)


and measured property (activity, toxicity, etc.). Developed models are used to forecast the


respective target properties of novel or untested compounds, leading to substantial use both in


toxicology and medicinal chemistry to evaluate chemical safety or design novel bioactive


compounds, respectively.61,62 As we have demonstrated to in our recent papers,38,63,64 until 2015,


most of the published QSAR models were not compliant with the best practices of model

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development and validation,61,65 and thus their reliability for assessing chemically-induced skin


sensitization is not assured.


Recently, Strickland et al.19 have developed models trained on 72 substances employing


six physicochemical properties, in chemico and in vitro assay outcomes, as well as in silico read-


across predictions of skin sensitization potential as descriptors to predict both LLNA and human


response. These hybrid models predicted human skin sensitization potential better than LLNA or


any of the alternative methods either alone or combined.19


Despite progress in developing QSAR models for skin sensitization, this approach


currently has two limitations: (i) LLNA results have limited concordance with human skin


sensitization data and (ii) the majority of currently available models are binary, i.e., chemicals


are classified as a sensitizer or non-sensitizer, which decreases their range of utility in skin


sensitization risk assessment.66,67


The TImes MEtabolism Simulator for predicting Skin Sensitization (TIMES-SS) is a


semi-quantitative hybrid expert system combining metabolism and toxicity prediction.68,69 In this


tool, models are generated by combining data from LLNA, GPMT (guinea pig maximization


test), and a collection of data retrieved from the literature on substances with documented contact


allergic properties in humans and animal experiments that have been evaluated by experts at the


BgVV (German Federal Institute for Health Protection of Consumers and Veterinary Medicine).


Models were externally validated using two external datasets: 96 compounds randomly selected


from the literature70 and 40 compounds randomly selected and purchased for testing in LLNA.68


Despite the high specificity (ca. 87.5%), the sensitivity of the model was poor (ca. 56%). The


TOPKAT (Toxicity Prediction Komputer-Assisted Technology) also provides semi-quantitative

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predictions, distinguishing weak/moderate and strong sensitizers. This tool is composed of


QSAR models built from GPMT for 315 chemicals71,72 that allow to assess skin sensitization.


Recently, several innovative in silico methods and tools providing quantitative and semi-


quantitative predictions of skin sensitization were reported. For instance, CADRE-SS73 is a


multivariate hierarchical model for skin sensitization. In this tool, skin permeability is evaluated


using Monte Carlo simulations, chemical reactive centers are determined with expert rules, and


protein reactivity is predicted by quantum-mechanical modeling. The authors reported


impressive results for predicting skin sensitization of an external set mostly composed by LLNA,


Buehler’s test, and GPMT data: sensitivity as high as 87%, specificity as high as 100%, and


balanced accuracy of 93%, which exceeded the reported74 concordance of 89% between LLNA


and GPMT.


Pred-Skin75 is a freely available web-based and mobile-enabled application for the


assessment of skin sensitization potential using externally validated QSAR models based on


animal (LLNA) and human data. The app represents a benchmark in the prediction of skin


sensitization, since it is the first tool to provide predictions from models based on human data.


Predictions for a single compound are produced within seconds. The following outputs are


provided: (i) binary predictions of human and murine skin sensitization potential; (ii) multiclass


predictions of murine skin sensitization potency; and (iii) probability maps76 illustrating the


predicted contribution of chemical fragments. This service is freely available at


http://labmol.com.br/predskin/ and in the iTunes App Store.


Zang et al.77 used in chemico and in vitro assays combined with physicochemical


properties to build multiclass models from both LLNA and human data. These models are


available to the public at https://ice.ntp.niehs.nih.gov/#!Workflows. Toropova and Toropov78

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developed the first continuous models for skin sensitization using descriptors calculated directly


from SMILES and molecular graphs optimized by the Monte Carlo method. These continuous


models are implemented on the CORAL software (http://www.insilico.eu/coral). These models,


however, suffer from several limitations. The models were developed from non-curated data,


which undermines model reliability, and the accuracy of models depends on how molecules are


rendered in SMILES format. Canipa et al.79 recently developed two-tiered, k-nearest neighbors


models based on in-house LLNA data comprising 659 compounds. Expert alert predictions from


Derek Nexus 5.0.2 (using Derek Knowledge Base 2015 2.0 and Derek EC3 Model - 1.0.6) were


used with molecular fingerprints as descriptors. The authors reported overall, and not very high,


accuracy (64 %) for the models only, which is not sufficient to guarantee the predictivity of the



355 356

Using alternative methods to predict skin sensitization


Within the last two decades, the field of toxicology has begun moving toward a better


understanding of disease pathways at multiple biological levels.80,81 Skin sensitization is a


complex reaction, and it is now acknowledged that a single test will most likely not be able to


predict human response.82 As we discussed above, several in vitro tests have been proposed and


validated when used as integrated testing strategies (ITS).82 ITS that combine different chemical,


biological, and in silico methods have been recommended to replace conventional animal tests


due to the complexity of skin sensitization.83,84 For instance, an expert panel recently published a


study revealing that in chemico and in vitro assays correctly identified most of the compounds


requiring abiotic or biotic activation to cause skin sensitization, even though the assays not


always agree.85 In another study, the authors compared the results from a “2 out of 3” consensus

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ITS, using DPRA, KeratinoSens, and h-CLAT data to map key AOP steps of LLNA and human


data.23 This approach gave higher accuracy predictions for human data than LLNA data. Clouet


et al.86 employed a similar approach and concluded that assays should be performed in a certain


order so that assay disagreement is better managed and fewer assays are needed. As another


example, Jaworska et al.87 proposed a Bayesian network ITS that provides the LLNA distribution


over four potency classes using data from DPRA, KeratinoSens, and h-CLAT. This approach has


been implemented for public use at http://its.douglasconnect.com/. Otsubo et al.88 proposed a


binary method combining predictions of DPRA and h-CLAT and KeratinoSens and h-CLAT


independently, but both approaches were shown to be oversensitive.


Here, we present binary QSAR models for the three validated alternative methods


(DPRA, KeratinoSens, and h-CLAT). These models were developed and rigorously validated


according to the best practices of QSAR modeling65 using open-source chemical descriptors


based on ECFP4-like circular fingerprints with 2048 bits and an atom radius of 2 (Morgan2)


calculated in RDKit (http://www.rdkit.org), along with the support vector machines algorithm89


(radial basis function, C = 100, γ = 0.01) written in Python 2.7. We followed a 5-fold external


cross-validation procedure to estimate the predictive power of the models.61 The full set of


compounds with known experimental activities was divided into five subsets of similar size


(external folds) using the Kennard-Stone algorithm90. For each fold, we selected five models


with the highest correct classification rate (CCR, computed as the average of the model’s


sensitivity and specificity). The applicability domain (AD) was estimated as defined by Tropsha


and Golbraikh.91 Also, 20 rounds of Y-randomization92 were performed to assure the absence of


chance correlations. The statistical characteristics of binary QSAR models are summarized in

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Table 3. As one can see, all the models presented high accuracy as evaluated by CCR,


sensitivity, specificity, predictive positive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV).

391 392

Table 3. Statistical characteristics of QSAR models for non-animal assays assessed by 5-fold external cross-validation. Assay Model DPRA KeratinoSens h-CLAT

CCR 0.86 0.80 0.81

Sensitivity 0.94 0.96 0.98

PPV 0.90 0.85 0.85

Specificity 0.77 0.63 0.63

NPV 0.86 0.88 0.94

393 394

Use of LLNA to predict human skin sensitization


Recently, we38 and others18,57 have shown that in some cases LLNA does not correlate


well with human potency, although it certainly contributes valuable information to the binary


categorization of sensitization. Despite progress towards non-animal testing for skin


sensitization, LLNA is still considered essential for the evaluation of compounds that lack human


skin sensitization data.42 Moreover, the amount of publicly available LLNA data is growing.21


Considering this, as well as the difficulties with routine human evaluation, we decided to update


the Pred-Skin web app75 with the new skin sensitization data reported in this paper (see LLNA


data section). The updated model was built using the same conditions described in previous


sections for LLNA data. The models showed CCR = 77%, sensitivity = 71%, PPV = 73%,


specificity = 84%, and NPV = 83%. Despite slight (4%) decrease of sensitivity compared to the


previous version of Pred-Skin75, other model characteristics increased, i.e., CCR (by 5%), PPV


(by 2%), specificity (by 14%), and NPV (by 10%), as a result of the overall improvement of data




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Integrating computational approaches for predicting skin sensitization


As we have advocated before38, further efforts are needed to identify additional high-


quality human data both by more extensive searches of substances in the literature and digital


sources with known effects on humans and by additional experimental testing. Rebuilding our


models with additional data for 29 compounds and correction in the sensitization outcome of six


compounds has increased the predictive power and reliability of the models by 5%. The


statistical characteristics of binary QSAR models for each skin sensitization assay (non-animal,


LLNA, and human) to predict human response are summarized in Table 4. Comparing the


models built for this project with those reported before in our web and mobile app Pred-Skin75,


we observed an increase of at least 10% for all major statistical characteristics except specificity:


10% in CCR (72% vs. 82%); 22% in sensitivity (72% vs. 94%); 12% in PPV (74% vs. 86%); and


17% in NPV (69% vs. 86%). These results reinforce the idea of using human data to build


predictive models for skin sensitization. Pred-Skin was the first publicly available tool to predict


skin sensitization based on human data.


Nevertheless, as non-animal data for skin sensitization continues to grow, we elected to


leverage this data to assist regulatory agencies and scientists with enhanced decision-making.


Available non-animal data based on DPRA, KeratinoSens, and h-CLAT allowed us to develop


predictive QSAR models for each of these datasets individually. However, as one can see from


Table 4, QSAR models developed only on LLNA and non-animal data, respectively, did not


have high accuracy in predicting human skin sensitization. Certainly, the predictivity of QSAR


models based on non-animal data will not have higher accuracy than the method itself to predict


human response, but this approach provides more powerful predictions than the mere use of


structural alerts alone.55 Following recent successes of using QSAR predictions as descriptors in

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hierarchical models93–98, we combined the outcomes of all QSAR models reported in this paper


into a Naive Bayes model to predict the human response. The developed Bayesian model was


found to be more predictive of the human response than the QSAR models based on human,


LLNA, and non-animal assays, respectively. The Bayesian model had a CCR = 89%, sensitivity


= 94%, PPV = 91%, specificity = 84%, and NPV = 89% (cf. Table 2 and Table 4).


Skin sensitization is an endpoint of interest for many industrial products, such as


cosmetics, drugs, pesticides, food additives, among others.18 This raises the question as to


whether QSAR models in general, and those reported in this study Bayesian in particular, could


predict not only cosmetics, but also compounds of other industrial classes. Certainly, models


developed on small organic molecules could not predict polymers, mixtures, inorganics, etc.


However, most of industrial chemicals, which are the object of immediate interest, are small


organic molecules. Moreover, we have demonstrated recently that QSAR models generated for


cosmetics, drugs, and pesticides can be used interchangeably, i.e., a model developed using


mainly drugs and drug-like molecules can be used to evaluate cosmetics and pesticides.99 This


finding greatly expands the applicability of QSAR models built for different classes of industrial


chemicals as reliable and sustainable alternatives to experimental testing for skin sensitization.


We analyzed if this would be true for the Bayesian model presented here. Thus, we


retrieved a diverse and unique set of 9,785 industrial chemicals labeled as cosmetics, drugs, or


pesticides curated earlier by us99 to estimate the applicability domain of the Bayesian model. The


ADs were calculated as Dcutoff = + Zs, where Z is a similarity threshold parameter defined


by a user (0.5 in this study), and and s are the average and standard deviation, respectively,


of all Euclidian distances in the multidimensional descriptor space between each compound and


its nearest neighbors for all compounds in the training set.91,100 In total, 8,854 compounds (90%)

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were inside the applicability domain of the Bayesian model. For individual classes, 83% (n =


3,862) drugs, 98% (n = 3,539) cosmetics, and 97% (n = 1453) pesticides were inside the AD of


our model. These results provide a strong argument in favor of using computational models as an


alternative to animal testing. The developed Bayesian model is available in a KNIME workflow


at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5758644.


Considering the high predictivity of the generated model and its wide applicability


domain to three major classes of industrial chemicals, we propose the following integrative


computational approach as a sustainable alternative to animal testing (Figure 4). New


compounds should be virtually screened by all reported QSAR models, and the corresponding


predictions will then serve as an input for the Bayesian model. We posit that this integrative


workflow could substitute animal testing and significantly reduce non-animal experimental


testing for skin sensitization. This will help to save resources, cost, and animal lives used for


chemical toxicity assessment.


All data used to generate all models described in this paper are available on Chembench


(https://chembench.mml.unc.edu/) allowing any interested party to reproduce our work.


Alternatively, users may predict compounds of their interest with QSAR models available at the


Pred-Skin portal (http://www.labmol.com.br/predskin/) and then employ the resulting predictions


as an input for the Bayesian model, which, as stated above, is available in as a KNIME


(https://www.knime.com/) workflow at https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.5758644.

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Table 4. Human data prediction using all available computational models. Model Human LLNA DPRA KeratinoSens h-CLAT Bayesian model

CCR 0.82 0.59 0.67 0.54 0.57 0.89

Sensitivity 0.94 0.65 0.84 0.84 0.92 0.94

PPV 0.86 0.71 0.75 0.66 0.68 0.91

Specificity 0.70 0.54 0.50 0.24 0.22 0.84

NPV 0.86 0.47 0.64 0.46 0.61 0.89


476 477

Figure 4. A novel integrative computational approach to predict skin sensitization.

478 479



a) Promoting Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing


Although skin sensitization is one of the most well studied toxicity endpoints with an


already-established AOP, the determination of skin sensitization potential still involves animal


testing. Different countries require examination of different classes of chemicals, e.g., skin


sensitization potential of pesticides must be assessed in all countries, while policies for


cosmetics, drugs, household and workspace materials, and other industrial chemicals vary from


country to country. Currently, the preferred test for skin sensitization, i.e., the LLNA, and even


the reduced LLNA (rLLNA), requires more than 10 animals per substance tested. At the same

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time, the use of alternative methods for estimating skin sensitization potential is of high demand,


and we forecast that in near future LLNA will be replaced by these methods.


The first steps towards this achievement have been completed in recent years.101,102 For


instance, the International Cooperation on Alternative Test Methods (ICATM) is promoting the


standardization of defined approaches for skin sensitization testing to support their regulatory use


and international adoption.101 It was demonstrated that alternative methods currently adopted for


the estimation of skin sensitization, when used in isolation, are not sufficient to fulfill regulatory


requirements on the skin sensitization potential nor are the potencies of chemicals comparable to


those provided by the regulatory animal tests.103–105 Thus, these approaches will be modified,


improved, and, if needed, extended or corrected by other relevant methods to enhance their


regulatory consideration and adoption as an alternative to current animal testing. As another


example of such efforts, Cosmetic Europe’s Skin Tolerance Task Force is developing a data


integration approach for the skin sensitization safety assessment of cosmetic ingredients.82


In vitro – in vivo extrapolation is another promising direction for alternatives to animal


testing.106,107 The central goal of this approach is to develop fast and inexpensive in vitro tests


that will correlate with the results of slow and expensive in vivo animal studies.107 Toxcast and


Tox21 initiatives provide good starting points for the identification of in vitro tests capable of


replacing LLNA. The first steps have already been made,101 with special attention paid to in vitro


assays related to the skin sensitization AOP; however, statistical analyses of other tests may


reveal non-obvious in vitro – in vivo correlations which may result in new assay candidates.


The AOP for skin sensitization is already established, and alternative approaches should,


therefore, be mechanistically related to this pathway. At the same time, further studies of skin


sensitization may find new processes and/or mechanisms responsible for the adverse action of

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chemicals. We have recently demonstrated that skin permeability alone, despite being a key


element in skin sensitization AOP, does not necessarily correlate with skin sensitization.64 Thus,


some factors such as bioavailability, clearance, or blood-brain barrier permeability may play an


unexpected role. In addition, environmental factors as well as socioeconomic and demographic


variables may be shown to influence skin sensitization effects and its epidemiology.

516 517

b) Data Science of Skin Sensitization


Computational approaches for the prediction of skin sensitization potential have recently


garnered much attention.75,78,83,108 Despite obvious advantages and recent successes,


computational approaches have yet to receive acceptance for regulatory use. As obvious from


this paper, we strongly promote the substitution of current methods by computational tools, and


we will continue to improve our Bayesian model as well as advocate for its use in regulatory


purposes. However, before computational models can be considered as a reliable alternative,


several steps in the data science of skin sensitization testing should be executed.


In order to build predictive models, it is not enough just to utilize adequate chemical


descriptors and statistical techniques. The key to success in any modeling project is a clear


understanding of modeling endpoints and careful selection and curation of high quality data.


Ideally, all skin sensitization data generated by different regulatory agencies, research institutes,


industry, etc., should be compiled in an open, curated, and annotated database. In addition to


traditional data sources, the authors forecast an increased growth of data obtained by text mining


such sources as PDFs of scientific and non-scientific papers, as well as social media. These tools


already exist and are widely used.109,110 Certainly, the sources of the data and the reproducibility


of the results must be ensured.

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Compounds should be preferably classified according to their potency, in addition to


binary classification on sensitizers and non-sensitizers. This classification is mainly related to


sensitizers, as all non-sensitizers, by nature, will remain non-sensitizers. Compounds with


sensitization potential could be divided on several groups, e.g., weak, moderate, strong, and


extreme sensitizers. As a starting point, the authors recommend the six categories of human skin


sensitization proposed by Basketter et al.42 To increase the utility and reliability of the data, we


propose collecting all available information about the experiment, e.g., vehicle, concentrations,


pH, etc. As the next step, we suggest to employ a minimal information package about a new


compound that will be required for inclusion into the database.


The data should then be carefully curated from the perspective of both chemical structure


and biological activity. Duplicate analysis will help account for the variability of skin


sensitization potential associated with compounds tested several times in the same assay. After


curation, all information should be integrated and annotated in a single database with a defined


structure and ontology. During this process, unreliable data sources could be revealed and


excluded from further consideration.

549 550

c) Modeling of Skin Sensitization


Best practices for QSAR modeling are already well-established by the practitioners in the


field.65 All future skin sensitization models must comply both OECD principles111 and


aforementioned best practices65. Briefly, all the models should be built for defined endpoints


using curated data and unambiguous algorithms for descriptor generation. These models should


be externally validated as rigorously as possible, either by data excluded or unavailable during


the initial modeling or by n-fold external cross-validation procedures.112 Although current best

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practices61,65 state that statistical metrics of predictivity, robustness, goodness-of-fit, etc., should


be at least 60%, we hope that access to high quality data and vigilant curation will improve the


acceptance thresholds to above 75% in the future.


Most of the existing QSAR techniques were designed for use in computer-aided drug


discovery and are amenable mostly for small organic molecules. However, many cosmetics


represent a mixture of components with possible synergistic and/or antagonistic effects. We


forecast that there will be an emerging need to develop methods to predict the skin sensitization


effects of mixtures due to their increased relevance in the cosmetics industry. Likewise,


approaches to describe, model, and forecast the effects of polymers and their complexes with


small organic molecules will be in high demand. The attempts to model mixtures has already


been performed in the drug discovery field113–116, and similar approaches may be repurposed for


predictive toxicology.


Although the development of a single model for a single endpoint to successfully


characterize the skin sensitization potential of a new formulation is strongly desired, we expect


that only the combination of several models/endpoints could provide an adequate answer. As


discussed in this paper, we think that Bayesian models incorporating several endpoints will


outperform single endpoint models, irrespective to the degree of their complexity and dataset


size. Here is critical to establish simple in vitro tests, which, when used in combination, could


substitute animal testing. It will then become necessary to generate enough data from each test


and to unite them in a Bayesian network, which will provide the final prediction of skin


sensitization potential.


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d) Open Science


We want to emphasize that future skin sensitization studies should be oriented not only


towards their use as official regulatory mechanisms, but should also consider the interests of


manufacturers and consumers of cosmetics, drugs, pesticides, etc. Achieving this goal will


require transparency and constant communication among these groups. Open science principles


supported by our group will play an important role in the successful solution of this challenge.


Moreover, the resulting tests, models, and tools should be understandable and easily accessible to


a general audience through open-access publications and Web-portals.

587 588



Although the AOP for skin sensitization is well studied, prediction of chemically-induced


skin sensitization remains a challenge. While several in vitro and in chemico methods have been


proposed to address key points of the skin sensitization AOP, none of these alternative methods


have been approved to replace the animal-based LLNA, which remains the preferred test to


estimate skin sensitization potential. At first sight, computational approaches could serve as an


ideal alternative to animal testing; however, most of them are based on structural alerts or


chemical read-across systems. Despite their obvious attractiveness and transparency, these


approaches have very limited predictivity and are prone to high false positive rates. At the same


time, the amount of publicly available data on various skin sensitization assays continues to


emerge, which can facilitate the development of more predictive and statistically meaningful


computational models.


Although many computational studies for predicting skin sensitization have been recently


published, and several free and commercially available Web-applications and software exist,

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their common drawback is that they predict the outcome of LLNA, which fails to correlate well


with the human response. Here, we propose a new approach that integrates multiple QSAR


models based on in vitro, LLNA, and human data in a Bayesian model.


In developing this approach, we were inspired by enormous and continuous growth of


various forms of data, and we sought to leverage all available information on skin sensitization in


order to provide scientists, regulators, and other users with more accurate and informative


predictions. The currently available non-animal (DPRA, KeratinoSens, and h-CLAT), animal


(LLNA), and human data allowed us to develop predictive QSAR models for these endpoints. As


expected, none of these models had higher accuracy in predicting human response than the


experimental methods themselves. However, the strength of computational approaches is that


they could be used to predict the sensitization potential in a corresponding assay for any new


molecule, thereby eliminating the need for experimental testing. To further improve model


accuracy, we have combined the predictions of all developed QSAR models into a single


Bayesian model for predicting human response. Indeed, we found this model to have higher


predictive power (major statistical metrics are within the 84-94% range) than any existing


computational or experimental models.


Considering the high predictivity of the generated model, we propose this integrative


computational approach as a reliable and sustainable alternative to animal testing. New


compounds should be virtually screened by all reported QSAR models, and the corresponding


predictions will serve as an input for the developed Bayesian model. All QSAR models are


available online at the PredSkin (http://labmol.com.br/predskin/) web application; and all


datasets are available in the Chembench web portal (https://chembench.mml.unc.edu/). The

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The authors declare they have no actual or potential conflict of interests.

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628 629



This study was supported in part by NIH (grant 1U01CA207160) and CNPq (grant


400760/2014-2). JB and AS thank CAPES for PhD scholarships. SJC thanks the organizers of


the 22nd Annual Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference.

633 634


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Synopsis: Perspective and a new approach to using computational methods as an alternative to


animal testing for skin sensitization.

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Vinicius M. Alves

Vinicius M. Alves received his PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences (2017) from the Federal University of Goias, Brazil. He is a cheminformatician, computational chemist, and data scientist with experience in the development and implementation of innovative cheminformatics and molecular modeling approaches. He received in 2014 the Chemical Information Scholarship for Scientific Excellence awarded by the American Chemical Society. He visited the University of Florida (USA) as a Research Intern (2011) and attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (USA) in 2012 and in 2015-2016 as a visiting scholar. Stephen J. Capuzzi is a Pharmaceutical Sciences PhD candidate in the Division of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry in the Eshelman School of Pharmacy at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. His research interests include in silico drug design, computational drug repurposing, and machine learning. He was graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from St. Joseph’s University in 2012 with a BS in Chemical Biology.

Stephen J. Capuzzi

Rodolpho C. Braga

Rodolpho C. Braga is a Data Scientist and Drug Discovery Specialist at Altox Alternative Toxicology Inc. He worked 9 months on the Lead Optimization Latin America project (LOLA), sponsored by the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), as a cheminformatician and computational chemist. He was a Visiting Professor in Medicinal Chemistry at University of Turin (UniTO) (2015 – 2016). He received the CINF Scholarship for Scientific Excellence of the American Chemical Society (2014). He is a Research Scientist with experience conducting and overseeing a variety of successful computational chemistry, cheminformatics, project management, molecular modeling, and complex data analysis research projects. His academic qualifications including a Postdoctoral fellowship (2016), a Doctor of Philosophy (2015) and a Master of Science (2012) in Medicinal Chemistry from the Federal University of Goiás.

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Joyce V. B. Borba

Arthur C. Silva

Thomas Luechtefeld

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Joyce V. B. Borba is a PhD student at the Federal University of Goias, Brazil, where she also received her M.Sc. in Tropical Medicine and Public Health and her B.Sc. in Pharmacy. During her M.Sc. studies, she worked on the identification of potential antifungal candidates using molecular biology techniques. Currently, she is working on the identification and classification of Leishmania, Schistosoma and Plasmodium kinomes, as well as on the prioritization of protein kinases as drug targets and drug repurposing strategies. She has also developed of QSAR models for skin sensitization, skin irritation and eye irritation. Her main interests are in the fields of medicinal chemistry, cheminformatics, bioinformatics and molecular biology. Arthur C. Silva is a PhD student at the Federal University of Goias, Brazil, where he also he completed his M.Sc. in Pharmaceutical Sciences and his B.Sc. in Pharmacy. During his M.Sc. studies, he completed an internship at Faculty of Sciences of UdelaR (Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay) working with design and identification of potential anticancer agents. His current focus is on the application of cheminformatics and molecular modeling techniques for the design and identification of new therapies for neglected tropical diseases. He also applies cheminformatics methods to identify chemicals capable of causing skin sensitization and eye irritation. His main interests are in bioinformatics and medicinal chemistry specifically machine learning for applied drug discovery projects. Thomas Luechtefeld is a toxicology PhD candidate with a focus on computer science and machine learning. During his time as a PhD student, he indexed the European Chemical Agency database for REACH regulation, which resulted in 4 publications analyzing an unprecedented 800,000 chemical / toxicological studies. Following these publications, he created two small start-up companies focused on health informatics (insilica) and cheminformatics (toxtrack). These small companies have delivered multiple applications in active use in industry, academia and regulatory agencies. He continued to contribute to research publications and gave presentations of this work at the FDA, EPA, Society of Toxicology, American Society

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for Cellular and Computational Toxicology, National Center for Computational Toxicology, and in many industry settings. It is his goal to translate the same practices used in toxicology-focused bioinformatics to analysis of cancer data.

Thomas Hartung

Carolina Horta Andrade

Thomas Hartung, MD PhD, is the DoerenkampZbinden-Chair for Evidence-based Toxicology with a joint appointment for Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore. He holds a joint appointment as Professor for Pharmacology and Toxicology at University of Konstanz, Germany; he also is Director of Centers for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT, http://caat.jhsph.edu) of both universities with the portal AltWeb (http://altweb.jhsph.edu). CAAT hosts the secretariat of the Evidence-based Toxicology Collaboration (http://www.ebtox.org), the Good ReadAcross Practice Collaboration, the Good Cell Culture Practice Collaboration, the Green Toxicology Collaboration and the Industry Refinement Working Group. As PI, he heads the Human Toxome project (http://humantoxome.com) funded as an NIH Transformative Research Grant. He is the former Head of the European Commission’s Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM), Ispra, Italy, and has authored more than 500 scientific publications. Adjunct Professor at Federal University of Goias. Graduated in Pharmacy (2004) and Doctor of Philosophy (2009) in Drugs and Medicines from University of Sao Paulo. Her research focuses on Computer-Aided Drug Design, with the aim to discover new drug candidates for Neglected Tropical Diseases and cancer. Her field of expertise also includes cheminformatics tool development and QSAR modeling for the prediction of toxicity properties of chemical compounds. She is a CNPq productivity research fellow since 2012. In 2014, she was awarded the “For Women in Science” award from L’Oréal-ABC-UNESCO, and, in 2015, she received the “International Rising Talents” from L’Oréal – UNESCO. In 2016, she was elected Affiliated member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. Currently, she is vice-director of the Medicinal Chemistry Division of the Brazilian Chemical Society.

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Eugene N. Muratov

Alexander Tropsha

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Eugene N. Muratov is a Research Assistant Professor and Associate Director of Laboratory for Molecular Modeling at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He received his MS in technology of organic substances from Odessa National Polytechnic University in 2000 and PhD in organic chemistry in 2004 from the A. V. Bogatsky Physical-Chemical Institute. From 2014-2017 he was an Invited Professor at the Federal University of Goias, Goiania, Brazil. His research interests are in the areas of cheminformatics (especially QSAR), computerassisted drug design, antiviral research, computational toxicology, and medicinal chemistry. He has coauthored more than 100 peer-reviewed publications, and edited two books. Alexander Tropsha, PhD. is K.H. Lee Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean for Pharmacoinformatics and Data Science at the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, UNC-Chapel Hill. Prof. Tropsha obtained PhD in Chemical Enzymology in 1986 from Moscow State University, Russia and came to UNC-Chapel Hill in 1989 as a postdoctoral fellow. He joined the School of Pharmacy in 1991 as an Assistant Professor and became full professor in 2002. His research interests are in the areas of Computer-Assisted Drug Design, Computational Toxicology, Cheminformatics, (Nano)Materials Informatics, and Structural Bioinformatics. He has authored or co-authored more than 200 peer-reviewed research papers, reviews and book chapters, and co-edited two monographs. He is an Associate Editor of the ACS Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling. His research has been supported by multiple grants from the NIH, NSF, EPA, DOD, and private companies.


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