A Photometric Method for Trace Mercury Determination Using a

Chem. , 1963, 35 (12), pp 1981–1981. DOI: 10.1021/ac60205a060. Publication Date: November 1963. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abstract, th...
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of 1LIedPb and Et4Pb the relative standard deviation WE,S higher than 8 and 147,, respectively. This larger error is due to the difficulty in measuring the area under a small peak. The relative standard deviation for hIeaPb and Et4Pbusing higher concentrations of the individual compound:; was 3.5 and 3.65%. The sensitivities of all compounds n hich have electron affinity properties L-ary mith the conditions of analysis as: column temperature, cletector temperature, flow rate, voltage applied across the cell, and the cl2anliness of the source. For this reascn, it is advisable to calibrate the instrument frequently with known standards.

The scrubber section serves a very important function. It adsorbs the column material and thereby maintains the full sensitivity of the detector. It also removes the halogenated lead scavengers by reacting with silver nitrate in the packing. Since these scavengers elute a t approximately twice the retention time of ETdPb, time of analysis may be considerably shortened by their removal. If the analysis of these lead scavengers is important, i t may be included with the lead analysis by simply using a scrubber without silver nitrate. The possibility of chemical interchange in the column was investigated by injecting a mixture of Me4Pb and

Et4Pb into the chromatograph. S o intermediate compounds were detected. LITERATURE CITED

(1) Barrall, E. M., Ballinger, P., 144th

Meeting ACS, Los Angeles, Calif., March 1963, Abstracts of Papers, p. 18B. ( 2 ) Dawson, H. J., Jr., ANAL. CHEW35, 542 11963). (3) Ldvelock, J. E., Lipsky, S. R., J . Am. Chem. SOC.82, 431 (1960). (4) Lovelock, J. E., Zlatkis, A., ANAL. CHEM.33, 1958 (1961). ERXESTJ. BONELLI HAROLD HARTMANN Wilkens Instrument & Research, Inc. P. 0. Box 313 Walnut Creek, Calif.

A Photometric Method for Trace Mercury Determination Using a Beckman DlJ Spectrophotometer SIR: The photometisic determination of submicrogram amounts of mercury based on the absorption of the mercury resonance line at 2537 A. has been reported b y Ballard arid Thornton ( 2 ) . Subsequently, use of t GE ultraviolet intensity meter ( 3 ) and a method of correcting for organic: substances ( I ) \$ere published as refinements of the original method. Thi? apparent simplicity and high sejisitivity of the niethod recommended its use in the determination of trace amounts of mercury in various materials including those used by the photographic industry. V h e n the GE intensity meter was difficult to obtain, a n alternative measuring system was sought. I n the references cited, the Beckman DU spectrophotometer apparently was not used for the mercury determination but only in obtaining a correction for organic compounds present. This note describes modifications made to a DU to

adapt i t to mercury determinations using a narrow (0.02- to 0.05-mm.) slit. Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the apparatus. The photocell compartment is separated from the monochromator by the mercury absorption cell which is supported a t its ends b y two receiving plates. A blue filter C.S. (Corning Glass Works catalog KO. 7-54) is permanently mounted over the phototube aperture as a protection from exposure to room light. The whole sybtem is tied together with three long assembly screws. A 4-watt. Sola regulated, U-shaped germicidal lamp (GE catalog No. G4T4/1) is used as a mercury light source. A movable electric heating thimble completes the assembly. Compressed air is used t o flush the absorption cell betv-een samples. The cell is carefully painted and wrapped with opaque tape to prevent interferences from overhead fluorescent lights. The extraction procedure outlined by Ballard and Thornton (2) was generally

5lercury L i g h t S o u r c e Q u a r t z Prism

satisfactory. S n analytical curve was obtained allowing ready detection of 0.1 pg. of Hg. Approximate per cent absorption figures mere as follows: blank pad-4%, 0.1 pg.-30%, 0.2 pg.48%, and 0.3 pg.-GO%. A 50-gram quantity of KBr dissolved in water or a 1OO-nd. volume of 47% K&03 solution can be extracted and the mercury concentration determined in the p.p.b. range. Extraction efficiency was investigated using radioactive HgZo3isotope as a tracer. Quantitative separation (>%70) with these solutions was obtained using 12- to 20-mg. pads in the extractor. Tracer experiments also revealed erratic mercury extraction from urine samples with or without wet ashing. -4 convenient separation procedure for volumes u p t o 5 ml. of such acidified samples is to precipitate the mercury directly in the sample tube by adding cadmium acetate solution and saturating with HnS. After centrifuging, the decanted liquid contains less than 2% of the added tracer concentration. The residue may then be dried below 100OC. in preparation for the final measurement. LITERATURE CITED


(1) Ballard, A. E., Stewart, D. W., Kamm, W. O., Zuehlke, C. W., ANAL. CHEM.26,921 (1954). (2) Ballard, A. E., Thornton, C. D. W., IND. ENG. CHEM.,AXAL.ED. 13, 893 Beckman DU



Figure 1,


Schematic of apparatus




(3) Zuehlke, C. W., Ballard, A. E., ANAL.

CHEM.22,953 (1950). RALPHE. MANSELL ELWOOD J. HUNEMORDER Chemical Physics Research Laboratory The Dow Chemical Co. Midland, Mich. VOL 35, NO. 12, NOVEMBER 1963