reviews busy as to be distracting. Using fewer colors and less imposing typefaces, the fifth edition is not so intimidating in this respect. While I believe that the maioritv of color ohotoma~hsshould contribute substantially to &dent interestand &d&.tanding, the credits that accompany every illustration add to the 'busyness' of the page. I would prefer they were collected a t the end of the text, as is a common practice. Some photographs obscure what they are supposed to illustrate; for example, in Figure 3.10 sodium chloride and sucrose are nearly invisihle against a light background; in Figure 13.25 I cannot discern the difference between light passing through a solution and through a colloidal suspension; and while Figure 15.11 in the fifth edition is a superb demonstration of Le Chstelier's principle, its replacement in the sixth is useless. The annotated instructor's edition is quite modest in the scope of its suggestions, which too often merely repeat verbatim what is said in the text; I would wish for more insightful and camprehensive assistance. -~ A more significant reservation I have, not only about this text, hut of every first-year chemistry text for science majors I have seen, is that biochemistry is not integrated in any meaningful way into the development of basic chemical concepts. Given the primary audience for these textbstudents majoring in the biological or medical sciences-why is it that topics sueh as thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibrium, and the properties of solutions are treated with few, if any, references to the rich array of examples from hiochemistry? Perhaps as they plan their next editions, publishers might consider adding a biochemist or two to the current teams of authors, mast ofwhom seem to he inorganic or physical chemists. ~
Jonathan Mitschele Saint Joseph's College Standish, ME 04084-5263
Creators of Modern Chemistry. From the Lab into the World: A Pill for People, Pets, and Bugs Carl Djerassi Robert N. Ubet Series Editor. American Chemical Society: Washington. DC, 1994. xv + 230 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.9 x 23.4 cm. This inaugural volume in the Creators of Modern Chemistry series is a collection of 24 essays written over the course of the past quarter century by Carl Djerassi, the multifaceted scientist, writer, and poet hest known for the synthesis and suhsequent industrial development of the first oral contraceptive pill at Syntex beginning in 1951. The essays reflect the author's personal growth from laboratory scientist to spokesman on scientific issues as well as the myriad ways that laboratory developments can affect peaple all over the world. Following the introductory essay,*From the Lab into the World," Djerassi's 1992 Priestley Medal address, originally published in Chemical & Engineering News, the hook is divided into three sections4l)"Birth Control and Contraceptive Research" (four essays), (2jYFutureProspects in Birth Control" (10 essays), and (3)"Miscellaneous Topics" (nine essays), chronologically arranged within logical subtopics because t h e author "wanted to transmit a sense of haw Ihisl own attitudes and assumptions changed over time." Originally published in hooks, journals, magazines, and proceedings, the essays range in length from two pages ("Illuminating Science Facts through Fiction") to 17 pages ("Reversible Fertility Control") and in most cases still are as relevant to the 1990's as when they were written. Because he considers the growth of the world's population to he the most important problem of contemporary life, Djerassi begins with the Pill, the history of its development, and its future. He broadens his scope to consider the entire area of hirth control and voices his opinions on factors influencing abortion, its relationship to the availability of contraceptives, the problem of teenage pregnancy in the United States, the need.for chemical abortion inducers, and the possibilities far a male contraceptive. He then branches out to discuss the dangers of extrapolating animal toxicity studies to humans, the role of the pharmaceutical industry in bringing new drugs to the market, and fertility regulation and the necessity for collaborative research centers in developing cauntries. In the final section Djerassi deals with insect control, pesticide development, a "Pill" for pets, the lack ofwomen in academia,
Journal of Chemical Education
how improved mentoring can help prevent ethical misconduct among scientists, the literary medium that he calls "science-in-fiction," the pleasures of collecting art, and sponsoring art through his Djerassi Resident Artists Rogram. This intriguing and thought-provoking book dealing with a variety of socially relevant topics, especially those related to science, will he of interest to the general reader and scientific and technological specialist alike.
search and interest surrounding public health issues since the
Third Edition was published 12 years ago. Part E, the fiRh book of %lurne 2, continues the detailed examination begun in Part A of the host of toxins common to the modern industrial workplace. The hook's systematic, chapter-hy-chapter analysis includes the following topics: heterocyclic and miscellaneous nitrogen compounds; aliphatic carboxylic acids; synthetic polymers; and halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons containing chlorine, bromine, and iodine.
George B. Kauffman and Laurie M. Kauffman California State University, Fresno Fresno, CA 93740
Titles of Interest
Methods in Carbohydrate Chemistry. Volume 10, Enzymic Methods James N. BeMiller, Editor. Wiley: New York, NY 1994. xvii i 332 pp. Figs. and tables. 15.9 x 23.7 cm. $69.00.
SI Chemical Data, Third Edition Gordon Aylwardand Tristan Findlay. Wiley: New York. NY 1994.xi+ 180pp.Tables. 15.3x22.8cm. $20.95 PB.
This hook. like the orevious editions. is desiened as a suoolemen..
tary text for the first-year college chemistry course. It is a compen-
dium of SI data for common pure substanma. It is essentially a "25 "C (298 K)book". Every effort has been made to find data at this temperature or to correct data to it, because this is the temperature at which standard thermoehemical data are tabulated.
Recognition of Health Hazards in industry: A Review of Mater~als and Processes, Second Edition William A. Burgess. Wiley: New York, NY. 1995. xiii + 538 pp. Figs. and tables. 16.3 x 24.4 cm. $69.95.
Dictionary of Named Processes in Chemical Technology Alan E. Comyns. Oxford University Press: New York, NY 1993. xi + 338 pp. 16.5 x 24.1 cm. $75.00. The purpose of this dictionary is to pmvide concise descriptions of all the process names in current use in chemical technology, which covers the production of chemicals and all those processes in which chemical reactions are conducted. These include extractive metallurgy, plastics manufacture, sewage treatment, and many others. It also covers the more important historical ones. Many references are provided, dwumenting the original inventions, definitive reviews, and the current commercial status of the processes. Derivations of the names are given where known.
A Jump Start Course in C++ Programming James W. Cwperand RichardB. Lam. Wiley: New York, NY, 1994. xv +278 pp. Tables. 1 5 . 6 23.5 ~ crn. $29.95 PB.
Whatever Happened to "Eureka"? Cartoons on Science Nick Downes. Rutgem University Press: New Brunswick, NJ, 1994. 157pp. Illus.20.4~20.4cm.$10.95PB. This collection of more than 150 cartaans deals with the foibles of science. medicine. technolow. the environment. human nature. and dogs.'& author's first co~crionofcanoons,~~~erence, was originally pubhshed by the American Assmiation for the Advancement of Science in 1992.
New Volumes in Continuing Series Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology. Volume 2E: Toxicology, Fourth Edition Geome D. Clavton and Florence E. Clavton, Editors. Wilev: . tables. 17.2.~ New Vork. ~ ~ , . 1 9 9xvi 4 . + 1025 pp. ~ i g sand 24.3 cm. $195.00. Expanded to six books containing a total of 46 chapters, the Fourth Edition of Volume 2 reflects an intense proliferation in re-
Volume 72 Number 5 May 1995