J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111, 1946-1956
Nanoporous Crystal 12CaO‚7Al2O3: A Playground for Studies of Ultraviolet Optical Absorption of Negative Ions Katsuro Hayashi,*,† Peter V. Sushko,‡ David Mun˜ oz Ramo,‡ Alexander L. Shluger,‡ Satoshi Watauchi,§ Isao Tanaka,§ Satoru Matsuishi,† Masahiro Hirano,† and Hideo Hosono† Materials & Structures Laboratory and Frontier CollaboratiVe Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama 226-8503, Japan, Department of Physics & Astronomy, UniVersity College London, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom, and Center for Crystal Science and Technology, UniVersity of Yamanashi, Yamanashi 400-8511, Japan ReceiVed: September 6, 2006; In Final Form: NoVember 7, 2006
A novel nanoporous material 12CaO‚7Al2O3 (C12A7) offers a possibility of incorporating large concentrations (>1021 cm-3) of a wide range of extraframework anions inside its nanopores. We have investigated, both experimentally and theoretically, optical absorption associated with several types of such anions, including F-, OH-, O-, O2-, O2-, and O22-, and assigned their optical absorption bands. It is demonstrated that the chemical identity and concentration of extraframework anions can be controlled by an appropriate treatment of “as grown” C12A7. We also show that the position of the adsorption edge is, in turn, determined by the chemical identity of the extraframework species and can be varied in the range of ∼4-6 eV. We suggest that C12A7 is a unique host material, which can be used as a playground for studying negatively charged species that are unstable in other environments.
1. Introduction A wide range of CaO-Al2O3 compounds have been studied for several decades. Their properties are considered to be wellestablished and they are routinely used in construction industries and other areas.1 However, a novel material 12CaO‚7Al2O3 (C12A7)1-24 stands out of this family as its physical and chemical properties are very different from those of other CaOAl2O3-based compounds. For example, C12A7 can form a glass phase,2 its lattice hosts a large concentration of unusual anion species, which are stable at a wide range of external conditions,3-15 and it is a fast ionic conductor.16 Finally, the fundamental absorption edge of C12A7 is much lower than that in other CaO-Al2O3 materials.17 These properties of C12A7 result from its unique crystalline structure: it consists of the positiVely charged lattice framework, which is compensated by negatiVe extraframework species.18 The stoichiometric cubic unit cell with the lattice constant of approximately 1.2 nm (see Figure 1a) is represented by the formula [Ca24Al28O64]4+‚2O2-, where the first part denotes the framework built of 12 cages with inner free space of ∼0.4 nm each, while the O2- ions are extraframework species that occupy 2 out of 12 framework cages. As a result of this unusual structure there exists a large concentration of unoccupied cages (∼5 × 1021 cm-3) each having positive charge of +1/3 |e|. As we discuss below, this has a dramatic effect on the electronic structure of this material. Moreover, a wide variety of negatively charged extraframework species can be incorporated into C12A7 at concentrations much higher than usual defect concentrations in solids. This allows one (i) to modify the properties of C12A7 by varying the content of the extraframework species and (ii) to use C12A7 host as a * Corresponding author. E-mail:
[email protected]. † Tokyo Institute of Technology. ‡ University College London. § University of Yamanashi.
playground for studying exotic anion species, which are either unstable or exist at low concentrations in other systems including “exotic” interstitial species. It has been demonstrated that the extraframework O2- ions can be partially or completely replaced by other oxygencontaining anions such as OH-,3,4 O2-,8-10 O-,9,10 and O22-,11,12 as well as extrinsic species, e.g., F-,5,6 Cl-,5,7 H-,13 and Au-.14 Furthermore, when C12A7 is subjected to severe reducing conditions, all extraframework ions can be replaced by electrons leading to the formation of a stable inorganic electride, where the extraframework electrons serve as anions.15 Monovalent anions occupy 1/3 of the total number of cage sites, which corresponds to the anion concentration of 2.3 × 1021 cm-3. C12A7 fabricated in an oxidizing atmosphere can accommodate a large amount of (up to >1021 cm-3) active oxygen anions including O2-, O-, and O22-. These ions are encapsulated in the framework cages and remain stable even at a few hundred degrees Centigrade. This is in a sharp contrast with the behavior of the same ions on metal-oxide surfaces or in the gas phase, where they are very reactive and hardly persist in ambient air.29 Extraframework OH- ions are likely to be the most stable substitutive anions, since they promptly replace the extraframework O2- ions when the sample is treated in a wet atmosphere. Similarly, when C12A7 is treated in an F-containing atmosphere, extraframework F- ions are readily formed. The results of our earlier theoretical and experimental studies demonstrate that apart from the usual valence and conduction bands associated with the framework, C12A7 has a narrow band of unoccupied s-like states associated with the empty cages (see Figure 1b). Spatial distribution of the charge density due to several states of this band, as calculated using the periodic model approach described earlier,21 is shown in Figure 1c. An unusual feature of this band is that its states are not associated with any particular lattice atoms, like, for example, the 4f-band of Ce in CeO2. Instead, they can be characterized as states of a “particle in a
10.1021/jp065793b CCC: $37.00 © 2007 American Chemical Society Published on Web 02/02/2007
Nanoporous Crystal 12CaO‚7Al2O3
J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 8, 2007 1947
Figure 1. Crystal and electronic structure of C12A7. (a) Crystal structure of C12A7. Yellow, red, and light blue spheres indicate Ca, Al, and O, respectively. The orange frame indicates the cubic unit cell, which contains two C12A7 molecules and has the lattice constant of ∼1.2 nm. The highlighted part is a pair of neighboring cages that are connected through an Ca-O-Al-O-Al-O opening. Note that parts of the two complete cages extend to outside of the unit cell. Each cage is coordinated by 8 first-neighboring cages. Extraframework O2- ions that occupy 2 of 12 cages are indicated by orange spheres. (b) Electronic structure of stoichiometric C12A7 containing extraframework O2- ions only. The relative positions of the bands and 2p states of the extraframework O2- are determined by one-electron energies (see Section 4). (c) Charge density associated with several unoccupied states of the cage conduction band. The black frame indicates the cubic unit cell. The blue areas show the surfaces of the constant charge density. These areas are located in centers of unoccupied cages.
TABLE 1: Sample Annealing Conditions no.
temperature profile
1 2 3 4 5 6
dry oxygen wet air, p(H2O) ) 0.04 atm wet He, p(H2O) ) 0.02 atm wet He, p(H2O) ) 0.02 atm wet He, p(H2O) ) 0.02 atm wet He, p(H2O) ) 1 × 10-3 atm
1350 °C for 12 h, cooled with 50 °C‚h-1 1200 °C for 24 h, cooled with 50 °C‚h-1 1000 °C for 80 h, quenched 1200 °C for 15 h, quenched 1350 °C for 6 h, quenched 1350 °C for 6 h, quenched
7 8-12b
CaF2 vapora wet He, p(H2O) ) 0.02 atm
1100 °C for 240 h, quenched 1000 °C for 0.5-48 h, quenched
a Annealed in a silica-glass ampule encapsulated with CaF powder. b Sample 7 was used as a starting material. The annealing and the optical 2 measurements were performed sequentially.
box”, where the “box” is formed by the cage wall. Thus, this band is referred to as cage conduction band or CCB. The CCB is located approximately 1-2 eV below the band of unoccupied states associated with the framework (framework conduction band or FCB).19-21 In the following we will use notations VB and FCB to refer to the states at the top of the valence band and at the bottom of the framework conduction band, respectively. Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of this material is expected to induce several types of electronic transitions: (i) from encaged anions to the FCB, (ii) from encaged anions to the CCB, (iii) from the VB to encaged anions, and (iv) intraanionic transitions. Our previous results have also shown that the extraframework ions deform the surrounding cage wall, thereby inducing a structural inhomogeneity in the lattice. Such an inhomogeneity is expected to affect noticeably optical transitions associated with the intrinsic energy bands as it does the ionic and electronic transport characteristics. In this study, we have investigated the ultraviolet and visible (UV-vis) optical absorptions of C12A7 incorporating several kinds of anions. We focus on O2-, OH-, F-, O2-, O-, and O22ions in this work. None of these anions in C12A7 have been investigated by the optical absorption spectroscopy in the previous works. The presence and the concentrations of these ions can be determined by using several characterization techniques including IR spectroscopy, Raman scattering, and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Moreover, relative concentrations of these species are well controlled by suitable thermal annealing treatments in oxygen, steam, and fluorine atmospheres. Anions formed under reducing conditions, specif-
ically H- and electrons, are not treated in this study, because the detailed investigation of their optical properties has been published elsewhere.19,20 Our experimental results, together with theoretical calculations, demonstrate that the position of the absorption edge of C12A7 strongly depends on the chemical composition of the extraframework species. We describe the electronic structure of several extraframework species and establish the nature of the transitions responsible for the observed absorption bands. We also discuss a strong effect of the lattice inhomogeneity on the Urbach tail of the fundamental absorption edge in this material. 2. Evaluation of Extraframework Anion Concentrations 2.1. Sample Preparation and Evaluation Methods. Twelve C12A7 samples with different kinds and concentrations of the encaged anions were used in this work. Samples 1 and 2 were prepared from single crystals,22,23 while samples 3-12 have been obtained from transparent polycrystalline ingots of C12A7 grown or refined by a floating zone method. The samples were sliced into ∼3 × 3 mm pieces and then the slices were ground and polished to 50-200 µm thick plates with mirror surfaces. To control the incorporation of extraframework anions, these C12A7 plates were annealed in an alumina tube furnace under several conditions as listed in Table 1. Steam partial pressure, p(H2O), in the atmosphere was regulated by bubbling air gas through water at ∼30 °C (sample 2) or passing helium gas through a humidifier (samples 3-6 and 8-12). A dew point meter was used to monitor p(H2O). Sample 7 was prepared by annealing a polycrystalline ingot at 1100 °C for 240 h in a silicaglass ampule encapsulated with CaF2 powder (99.99% purity,
1948 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 111, No. 8, 2007
Hayashi et al.
TABLE 2: Concentration of Extraframework Anions concentration (cm-3) no.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(1.9 ( 0.1) × 1020 (2.3 ( 0.1) × 1021 (2.3 ( 0.1) × 1021 (1.7 ( 0.1) × 1021 (1.0 ( 0.1) × 1021 (3.2 ( 0.1) × 1020 < (9.5 ( 0.5) × 1019 (5.8 ( 0.2) × 1020 (1.3 ( 0.1) × 1021 (1.9 ( 0.1) × 1021 (2.2 ( 0.1) × 1021
(7 ( 2) × 1019 (1.8 ( 0.5) × 1018 < < < < -
(2 ( 1) × 1019 O2- > oxygen radicals. Thus, the absorption edge is controlled by the chemical identity and relative concentrations of the extraframework species and can be varied from ∼4 to ∼6 eV. The edges for OH- and O2- ions are assigned as transitions from localized anion states to FCB, while those for oxygen radicals are likely from the VB to the anion state. Elimination of the oxygen-related extraframework anions by F- ion substitution allows us to observe the fundamental absorption edge originated from the lattice framework. A good correlation between our results and the reported excitation energies, for example, for O2- and O22- ions in other host lattices, further supports our view that C12A7 can be used as a matrix for characterization of anions that cannot be generated in other materials at sufficiently large concentrations. In addition, the analysis of the Urbach tail structure makes it possible to estimate the intrinsic exciton formation energy as 6.6 eV, which is smaller than the intrinsic band gap energy (difference between the VB and FCB edges) by the exciton binding energy. The thermal vibration and the structural disorder, both of which are likely associated with the displacement of Ca2+ ions, contribute to the Urbach energy. In particular, the structural contribution is due to an inhomogeneous displacement of Ca2+ ions caused by a random distribution of anions (Fions) over the cages. Acknowledgment. This work is supported by the Grant-inAid for Creative Scientific Research (No. 16GS0205) from Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, and in part by the Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists B (No. 17750193) from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The calculations were carried out on the UCL Central Computing Cluster C3. We also thank K. Kawamura for experimental assistance and J. L. Gavartin and K. McKenna for their comments on the manuscript. Supporting Information Available: F- exclusion process and complete ref 28. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org. References and Notes (1) Calcium Aluminate Cements 2001; Mangabhai, R. J., Glasser, F. P., Eds.; The University Press: Cambridge, UK, 2001. (2) Hafner, H. C.; Kreidel, N. J.; Weidel, R. A. J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 1958, 41, 315-323. Wallenberger, F. T.; Weston, N. E.; Dunn, S. A. J. Non-Cryst. Solids 1990, 124, 116-119. Shirnov, G. S.; Chatterjee, A. K.; Zhmoidin, G. L. J. Mater. Sci. 1973, 8, 1278-1282. Kim, S.-W.; Miyakawa, M.; Hayashi, K.; Sakai, T.; Hirano, M.; Hosono, H. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 1370-1371. (3) Nurse, R. W.; Welch, J. H.; Majumdar, A. J. Trans. Br. Ceram. Soc. 1965, 64, 323-332. Imlach, J. A.; Glasser, L. S. D.; Glasser, F. P. Cem. Concr. Res. 1971, 1, 57-61. Zhmoidin, G. I.; Chatterjee, A. K. Cem.
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