a polarized neutron diffraction study - American Chemical Society

Jan 6, 1989 - Cu(salen)Ni(hfa)2: A Polarized Neutron Diffraction Study. Beatrice Gillon,*. *'1 11Christian Cavata,+ Peter Schweiss,f Yves Journaux,1 O...
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J . Am. Chem. Soc. 1989, 111, 7124-7132


Spin Density in the Heterodinuclear Compound Cu( salen)Ni(hfa)2: A Polarized Neutron Diffraction Study BBatrice Gillon,*-+Christian Cavata,+ Peter Schweiss,+Yves Journaux,t Olivier Kahn,*,$ and Daniel Schneidert Contribution from the Laboratoire LPon Brillouin, Laboratoire Commun CEA-CNRS, CEN Saclay, 91 191 Gif sur Yvette, France, and Laboratoire de Chimie Inorganique. U R A 420, UniversitP de Paris-Sud, 91 405 Orsay, France. Received January 6, 1989

Abstract: The spatial spin distribution for the title compound in its doublet ground state has been determined from polarized neutron diffraction (PND) at 2 K and within an applied magnetic field of 5 X lo4 G. Two sets of data have been collected, providing 76 and 212 independent reflections, respectively, with 1101 > 3a. To obtain the spin density, a multipole model has been used, consisting of a superposition of atomic densities, developed on the basis of multipolar functions, product of a radial function of Slater type and a real spherical harmonics. The spin density map shows a strong positive zone in the nickel surroundings and a weak negative zone in the copper surroundings. The atomic spin populations were as follows: -0.25 (1) pB for the copper atom, 1.26 (1) pB for the nickel atom, an upper limit of 0.02 pB for the two bridging oxygen atoms, and a total of 0.14 (4) p B for the four peripheral oxygen atoms and of -0.02 pB for the two peripheral nitrogen atoms. The almost negligible spin population on the bridging oxygen atoms has been attributed to a compensation between a positive contribution coming from the nickel(I1) ion and a negative contribution coming from the copper(I1) ion, characterizing the antiferromagnetic nature of the Cu(I1)-Ni(I1) interaction. A semiempirical interpretation of the PND data has been proposed. The wave functions associated with the doublet ground state, of the Heitler-London type, were constructed by using the three magnetic orbitals as the basis set. Each of these magnetic orbitals has been calculated in the extended Huckel approximation by contracting the atomic orbitals of the metal ion on which it is not centered. The atomic spin populations calculated according to this approach not only are in fairly good agreement with those deduced from the PND data but also have led to a rather simple and heuristic picture of the exchange interaction in C~(salen)Ni(hfa)~. In addition to the spatial spin distribution study, the molecular structure of C~(salen)Ni(hfa)~ has been redetermined at 19.6 K by unpolarized neutron diffraction. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P2'/n, a = 9.16 (5) A, b = 21.47 (2) A, c = 14.70 (3) A, p = 93.9 (4)', and 2 = 4. The intramolecular Cu-Ni separation is rather short, 2.906 (5) A, owing to a significant bending of the Cu02Ni bridging network along the direction joining the two phenolic oxygen atoms.

A tremendous amount of work have been devoted to the understanding of the exchange interaction phenomenon in polymetallic molecular compounds.' It is definitely not possible to summarize, even briefly, all the studies dealing with this subject. It seems to us worthwhile, however, to point out the main advances that have emerged in the last 10 years or so: (i) The first qualitative model that has been proving to be successful is that of the active electrons.2 This model directly arises from the pioneering work of A n d e r ~ o n . ~It explictly takes into account the only unpaired electrons of the metal centers and the magnetic orbitals they occupy. Two variants of this model have been developed, the former with orthogonalized magnetic orbitals: the latter with natural magnetic o r b i t a k 2 A good example of the possibilities of this model is provided by the interpretation of the role of the CuOCu bridging angle in hydroxo-bridged copper(I1) dimer^;^-^ (ii) The importance of the relative symmetries of the interacting magnetic orbitals has been demonstrated in a clearcut fashion by comparing the magnetic properties of the two related compounds C ~ ~ ( f s a ) ~ e n . C Hand ~ 0 CHu V 0 ( f ~ a ) ~ e n . C H ~ 0with H, Hz(fsa)*en = N,N'-(2-hydroxy-3-carboxybenzilidene)-l,2-diaminoethane. In the former compound, the two magnetic orbitals have the same symmetry; they do overlap and the spin-singlet is the ground state. In the latter compound, the two magnetic orbitals are strictly orthogonal and the spin-triplet is the ground state.' More generally, new exchange pathways may be obtained in heteropolymetallic systems and the studies dealing with compounds of that kind have played quite an important role in molecular magnetism;8 (iii) In 1981, the first all valence electron a b initio calculation concerning a magnetically coupled compound a ~ p e a r e d . This ~ calculation deals with copper(I1) acetate and shows that several additional terms beside those considered in the active electron model may contribute significantly to the relative energies of the low-lying states. In the perturbational approach used for this calculation, these terms are defined as the double-spin polarization, the metal ligand and ligand metal charge



Laboratoire LCon Brillouin. *Laboratoirede Chimie Inorganique. 0002-7863/89/1511-7124$01.50/0


transfers, the kinetic polarization, etc. This approach has been extended to other copper(I1) dinuclear compounds'@I5 as well as to the C U V O ( ~ S ~ ) ~ ~ ~ . C compound H,OH mentioned above.16 Other recent calculations are based on the broken symmetry formalism within the X a scheme;"-21 (iv) Finally, owing again

( I ) See, for instance: Willett, R. D.; Gatteschi; D.; Kahn, 0. NATO ASI Series Ser. C 1985, 140. ( 2 ) Kahn, 0 . in ref I , p 37, and references therein. (3) Anderson P. W. Solid Stare Phys. 1963, 14, 99; In Magnetism; Rado, G. T., Suhl, H. Eds.; Academic Press: New York, 1963; Vol. 1, p 25. (4) Hay, P. J.; Thibeault, J. C.; Hoffmann, R. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1975, 97, 4884.

(5) Crawford, W. H.; Richardson, H. W.; Wasson, J. R.; Hodgson, D. J.; Hatfield, W. E. Inorg. Chem. 1976, 15, 2107. (6) Charlot, M. F.; Jeannin, S.; Jeannin, Y . ;Kahn, 0.;Lucrece-Abaul, J.; Martin-Frere, J. Inorg. Chem. 1979, 18, 1675. (7) Kahn, 0.;Galy, J.; Journaux, Y . ;Jaud, J.; Morgenstern-Badarau, I. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1982, 104, 2165. (8) Kahn, 0.Struct. Bonding (Berlin) 1987, 68, 89, and references therein. (9) De Loth, P.; Cassoux, P.; Daudey, J. P.; Malrieu, J. P. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1981, 103, 4007. (10) Daudey, J. P.; De Loth, P.; Malrieu, J. P. in ref 1, p 87. (11) De Loth, P.; Daudey, J. P.; Astheimer, H.; Walz, L.; Haase, W. J . Chem. Phys. 1985, 82, 5048. (12) Charlot, M. F.; Verdaguer, M.; Journaux, Y . ;De Loth, P.; Daudey, J. P.Inorg. Chem. 1984, 23, 3802. ( I 3) Nepveu, F.; Haase, W.; Astheimer, H. J . Chem. Soc.,Faraday Trans. 2 1986, 82, 551.

(14) Astheimer, H.; Haase, W. J . Chem. Phys. 1986, 85, 1427. (15) Gehring, S.; Astheimer, H.; Haase, W. J . Chem. SOC.,Faraday Trans. 2 1987, 83, 347. (16) De Loth, P.; Karafiloglou, P.; Daudey, J. P.; Kahn, 0. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1988, 1IO, 5676. (17) Ginsberg, A. P. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1980, 102, 111. (18) Bencini, A,; Gatteschi, D. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1986, 108, 5763. (19) Noodlman, L.; Baerends, E. J. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1984, 106, 2316. (20) Noodleman, L.; Norman, J. G., Jr.; Osborne, J.; Aizman, A.; Case, D. A. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1985, 107, 3418, and references therein. 0 1989 American Chemical Society

Spin Density in Cu(salen)Ni(hfaJ2 to the investigations dealing with heteropolymetallic systems, the relations between local and molecular g, zero-field splitting D, and hyperfine structure A tensors have been tested and their range of validity s p e ~ i f i e d . ~ !These ~ ~ , ~relations ~ are based on the assumption that the molecular functions can be constructed as products of local functions, which corresponds to the HeitlerLondon approach for weakly coupled systems. So far, the kinds of information available for a given polymetallic system were the relative energies of the low-lying states as deduced from magnetic measurements or eventually from spectroscopic techniques like inelastic neutron ~ c a t t e r i n g and ,~~ the precise nature of these low-lying states as deduced from E P R data. The various theoretical models were then utilized to interpret, qualitatively or quantitatively, these energetic properties. To our knowledge, very few experimental data concern the spatial spin distribution. This paper is devoted to one of the first studies of this kind. The knowledge about spin distribution in mononuclear coordination compounds has made significant progress in the last 10 years owing to polarized neutron diffraction (PND). This technique allows for the full determination of the spatial distribution of the spin density, over a unique single crystal. As P N D is only sensitive to electrons carrying unpaired spins and belonging to the outer valence shell, it provides a direct test for metal-ligand bonding. The determination of the spin delocalization on the ligands allows for detailed studies of covalency in coordination compounds. About 10 complexes of first-row transition ions have been investigated thus far, with different kinds of ligands: monoatomic COB^^^-,^^ and CrF63-;28polyatomic ligands ligands in coc142-,25326 in Cr(CN),3-,29 Fe(CN)63-,30Mn(H20)62+,31 Ni(H20)62+,32and N i ( N H 3 ) 4 ( N 0 2 ) 2 3macrocycles 3 in C O P Cand ~ ~ M ~ P with C ~ Pc~ = phthalocyaninato. A recent paper reports on a compound with two different Fe(II1) complexes in the same lattice, namely, { Fe(bipy)2C12)+and ( FeC14)-.36,37 Combined charge and spin density studies on a given compound offer a unique test for the electronic wave function and are now systematically performed .26.29.33,37,38 The P N D technique is also a unique tool to study magnetic materials. For instance, superexchange through C1- bridges between Cr(I1) ions separated by more than 5 8, has been demonstrated by P N D in Rb2CrC14, which exhibits a ferromagnetic ordering.39 Applied to polymetallic molecular compounds, P N D

J. Am. Chem.SOC..Vol. 111, No. 18, 1989 7125 Table I. Information Concerning Crystallographic Data Collection Crystallographic and Physical Data space group monoclinic P2,ln 19.6 123.0 temp, K a, A 9.16 ( 5 ) 9.287 (4) 21.533 (2) b, 8, 21.47 (2) c, 8, 14.70 (3) 14.733 (3) P, deg 93.9 (4) 94.36 (3) v,A' 2886 (2) 2937.8 (7) Z 4 abs factor, cm-' 0.531 sample single crystal morphology dark red max size 6 mm min size 3 mm

Data Collection temp, K radiat monochromator A,


scan mode max Bragg angle, deg no. of steps step width, deg counting time/point, s contrl reflcn

19.6 neutron copper 0.831 w scan 50 35 0.09

4 (0,7,7)

Condition for Refinement no. of reflcns for refinement of cell dimens no. of recorded reflcns no. of utilized reflcns, I > 3a no. of refined param reliability factor: refinement on R = XIklF,I - lFcll/XkF2 RI = ClkF: - F?l/XkF: RIw = [ X w ( k L - I c ) 2 / X ~ ( k I o ) 2 1 w = 1/a:


2672 1731 378 0.049 0.064 0.074

should yield useful information on the exchange interaction mechanism. However, to our knowledge, only one study of this kind has appeared so far, dealing with a ferromagnetically coupled hydroxo-bridged copper(I1) dimer.40 No P N D study concerns heteropolymetallic systems. In this paper, we report on a P N D study dealing with the heterodinuclear compound Cu(salen)Ni(hfa), with salen = N , N'-ethylenebis(oxosa1icyldiiminato) and hfa = hexafluoroacetylacetonato. A short communication on this work has recently

(21) Albonico, C.; Bencini, A. Inorg. Chem. 1988, 27, 1934. (22) Scaringe, R. P.; Hodgson, D.; Hatfield, W. E. Mol. Phys. 1978, 35, 701.

(23) Gatteschi, D.; Bencini, A. in ref 1, p 241, and references therein. (24) Giidel, H. U. in ref I , p 329, and references therein. (25) Chandler, G. S.;Figgis, B. N.; Phillips, R. A,; Reynolds, P. A,; Mason, R.; Williams, G. A. Proc. R. SOC.London 1982, A384, 31. (26) Figgis, B. N.; Reynolds, P. A.; White, A. H. J. Chem. SOC.,Dalton Trans. 1987, 1737. (27) Figgis, B. N.; Reynolds, P. A.; Mason, R. Proc. R. SOC.London 1982, A384, 49. (28) Figgis, B. N.; Reynolds, P. A.; Williams, G. A. J. Chem. SOC.,Dalton Trans. 1980,2348. Mason, R.; Smith, A. R. P; Varghese, J. N. J . Am. Chem. SOC.1981, 103. 1300. (29) Figgis, B. N.; Forsith, J. B.; Mason, R.; Reynolds, P. A. Chem. Phys. Lett. 1985, 115, 454. Figgis, B. N.; Forsyth, J. B.; Reynolds, P. A. Inorg. Chem. 1987 26, 101.

(30) Brown, P. J.; Day, P.; Fisher, P.; Giidel, H. U.; Herren, F.; Ludi, A. J. Phys. 1982, 43, C7-235. (31) Fender, B. E. F.; Figgis, B. N.; Forsyth, J. B.; Reynolds, P. A.; Stevens, E. Proc. R. SOC.London 1986, A404, 127. (32) Fender, B. E. F.; Figgis, B. N.; Forsyth, J. B. Proc. R. SOC.London 1986, A404, 139.

(33) Chandler, G. S . ; Figgis, B. N.; Phillips, R. A,; Reynolds, P. A,; Mason, R . J. Phys. 1982, 43, C7-323. (34) Williams, G. A.; Figgis, B. N.; Mason, R. J. Chem. SOC.,Dalton Trans. 1981, 734. (35) Figgis, B. N.; Williams, G. A.; Forsyth, J. B.; Mason, R. J . Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1981, 1837. (36) Figgis, B. N.; Reynolds, P. A.; White, A. H. Inorg. Chem. 1985, 24, 3762. (37) Figgis, B. N.; Reynolds, P. A.; Forsyth, J. B. J. Chem. SOC.,Dalton Trans. 1988, 117.

(38) Becker, P.; Coppens, P. Acta Crystallogr. 1985, A41, 177.

been p ~ b l i s h e d . ~ ' In Cu(salen)Ni(hfa),, the intramolecular antiferromagnetic interaction gives rise to a ground doublet and an excited quartet pair state with a doublet-quartet energy gap of 35.4 ~ m - ' . The ~ ~ magnetic susceptibility at low temperature is high enough to make possible the measurement of the magnetization density pM(F), induced by a magnetic field of a few Teslas. P N D on a single crystal provides a set of experimental (39) Day, P.; Fyne, P. J.; Hellner, E.; Hutchings, M. T.; Munninghoff, G.; Tasset, F. Proc. R. SOC.London 1986, A406, 39. (40) Figgis, B. N.; Mason, R.; Smith, A. R. P.; Varghese, J. N.; Williams, G. A:J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1983, 703. (41) Gillon, B.; Journaux, Y.; Kahn, 0. J. Phys. 1988, 46, C8-863. Physica B 1989, 156-157, 373. (42) Journaux, Y.; Kahn, 0.;Morgenstern-Badarau,I.; Galy, J.; Jaud, J.; Bencini, A,; Gatteschi, D. J. A m . Chem. SOC.1985, 107, 6305.


J . Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. 111, No. 18, 1989

Gillon et al.

magnetic structure factors FM(hkf),Fourier components of pM(F), which permits determination of the spin density distribution pM(F) in the whole space. The paper is organized as follows. T h e structure a t 19.6 K of Cu(salen)Ni(hfa),, obtained by unpolarized neutron diffraction, is briefly described. Then, the results of the PND experiment are reported and interpreted in terms of spin distribution maps and of atomic spin populations on the metals and their eight nearest neighbors. A theoretical interpretation of the PND data is proposed. Finally, a thorough discussion is presented.

. . , . . ,



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. , _ . a

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1.0 0.8 m I f


0.6 c 0.4 0.2

Experimental Section and Calculation Method Synthesis. Cu(salen)Ni(hfa)2 was synthesized as previously described.42 Large and well-shaped single crystals were obtained by slow evaporation of a saturated solution of C~(salen)Ni(hfa)~ in chloroform containing small monocrystalline seeds of Cu(salen)Ni(hfa)2. Structure Determination at 19.6 K through Neutron Diffraction. In order to determine the atomic positions and thermal parameters at low temperature, including those of the hydrogen atoms, we performed an unpolarized neutron experiment at the Laboratoire Leon Brillouin on the four-circle diffractometer 5C2. The experimental and refinement conditions are summarized in Table I. The crystallographic structure was known from X-ray diffraction at 123 K!2 The space group is P2,/n with Z = 4. The cell parameters refined from 16 reflections are given in Table I. No equivalent reflections were recorded. Lorentz factors were applied. Absorption corrections were performed by assuming a regular block shape with the three faces perpendicular to the main crystallographic axes. Only reflections with I > 3a were used in the refinement. The structure at 19.6 K was refined by using the position and thermal parameters of the structure at 123 K as initial parameters. The data at 123 K displayed some disorder of the fluorine atoms over three crystallographic independent positions, with different occupancy factors. After cooling down, the fluorine atoms were found to be frozen in the positions Corresponding to the highest occupancy factor. Only 24 atoms including the Cu, Ni, and bridging oxygen atoms were allowed to refine with anisotropic thermal parameters. A reliability factor of 0.049 was obtained. The atomic position and thermal parameters are listed in Table 11.

Polarized Neutron Experiment. The polarized neutron diffraction technique consists of measuring the flipping ratio R(hkl) at the peak of each Bragg reflection of a crystal. R(hkl) is defined as the ratio between the intensities diffracted when the neutron beam is polarized parallely [(It(hkl)] and antiparallely [ ( I i ( h k l ) ] ,respectively, to the vertical magnetic field:

R(hkl) = I t ( h k l ) / I i ( h k l )

(1) In the case of a centrosymmetrical crystal, the experimental value of this flipping ratio permits direct determination of the value of the ratio y = ( F M / F ~between ) the magnetic and nuclear structure factors of the Bragg reflection, from the equation

R(hkl) = (1 + 2pq2y iq 2 y 2 ) / ( 1- 2peq2 + q2y2)


where p is the beam polarization, e the flipping efficiency (e = 1.O for the cryoflipping device we utilized), and q2 = sin2 cy, cy being the angle between the induced magnetic momentum and the Bragg scattering vector. The experiment was performed on the normal beam-polarized neutron diffractometer 5C1 at the Laboratoire LBon Brillouin (reactor Orphte located at Saclay, France, of which the power is 14 MW). The experimental conditions are indicated in Table 111. The sample was a regularly shaped dark red single crystal. Its dimensions were 8 X 3 X 2 mm3, with the long dimension along the a axis. The experimental conditions of temperature (2 K) and of magnetic field (5 X lo4 G) obtained by a superconducting cryomagnet were chosen in order to approach the saturation magnetization, i.e., 1.15 fiB mol-'. Two separate sets of data were collected for two different orientations of the crystal with respect to the magnetic field, at X = 0.730 and 0.865 A, respectively. The neutron beam polarization is then equal to 0.972 (4) and 0.976 (4), respectively. An Erbium filter (absorption maximum between 0.73 and 0.90 A) was used in order to eliminate most of the h / 2 contribution. The crystal was first mounted with the a axis vertical, and 200 reflections Okl were measured within (sin B ) / X = 0.50 .k'.It was then mounted with the b axis vertical, and 652 reflections h,k,l with k = 0, I , 2 were measured within (sin O)/h = 0.53 A-'. Averaging the reflections measured more than once and the equivalent reflections provides two sets of 76 and 212 independent reflections, respectively, with 14 > 2a, including 11 reflections common to both data collections. For each reflection, eq 2 was solved, giving the y value. The choice of the solution is generally obvious. The magnetic structure factor was














' 40






Figure 1. Magnetization vs external magnetic field plot at 2 K for Cu(salen)Ni(hfa),. then deduced from y and the value of FN calculated from the low-temperature crystal structure. Magnetization. The magnetization was measured at 2 K and in the (0-5) X IO4 G external magnetic field range with a laboratory-made apparatus working according to the extraction method. The curve is shown in Figure 1. At 5 X lo4 G, the magnetization is equal to 1.15 f i g mol-' (or 6700 cm3 mol-' G), which is close to the expected saturation where gl/2is the Zeeman factor assomagnetization M S = (1/2)Npg1,2, ciated with the doublet ground doublet state. Molecular Orbital Calculations. They were performed by using the FORTICON 8 version of the extended Huckel program for the hypothetical complex of which the atomic coordinates are given in Table SVIII. The calculations were carried out in two steps, the former concerning the ligands, the latter the dinuclear complex as a whole. A charge iteration procedure including Madelung corrections was used for phenolato and 1,2-ethanediimine ligands in order to optimize the H,,'s parameters for oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon atoms. For hexafluoroacetylacetonato, a slightly more complicated approach was used, consisting first of consideration of the CF, group, to determine the H,, parameters for the carbon atom in CF,, then of performance of the calculation for the acetylacetonato ligand replacing the CF, group by a carbon atom. The calculations for the binuclear compound were performed without charge iteration and with the corrected H,, values extracted from the previous calculations. All the parameters used for these calculations are given in Tables SIX and SX.

Description of the Structure at 19.6 K A perspective view of the Cu(salen)Ni(hfa), unit is shown in Figure 2. A list of selected bond lengths and angles is given in Table IV, in comparison with the values obtained a t 123 K. T h e bond lengths a r e very weakly modified between these two temperatures. The copper environment is almost square planar, with C u - 0 and Cu-N lengths very close to each other, ranging from 1.90 to 1.92 A. The bond angles slightly deviate from 90' in quite a symmetrical way, the 0 , C u 0 2 and NSCuN6angles being both contracted and equal to 83.6 and 85.7', respectively. T h e nickel atom is in a slightly distorted octahedral configuration with Ni-0 lengths ranging from 2.00 to 2.10 A. T h e O N i O bond angles are distributed over a range from 75.4 to 102.3'. T h e CuOIOzNi direction; bridging network is significantly bent around the OIOz the 0 1 C u 0 2and 0 , N i 0 2planes make a dihedral angle equal to 142.7'. T h e bridging angles C u 0 , N i and Cu0,Ni a r e equal to 94.56 and 92.48', respectively. T h e Cu-Ni separation is equal to 2.906 ( 5 ) A.

Determination of the Spin Density T h e experimental magnetic structure factors F M ( K )yielded by the PND experiment are related to the magnetization density p ~ ( 7 ' ) through a Fourier transformation:

FM(@ =




exp(ik7) d 7


T h e magnetization density p M ( 3 integrated over the crystallographic cell is equal to the magnetization corresponding t o t h e four molecules of t h e asymmetric unit, Le., M = 4 X 1.15 pg a t 2 K and under 5 X lo4 G. T h e magnetic structure factors a r e here expressed in Bohr magnetons pg. Strickly speaking, the magnetization density is the sum of two contributions, namely, the spin density reflecting the spin dis-

J. Am. Chem. SOC.,Vol. I l l , No. 18, 1989 1 1 2 1

Spin Density in Cu(salen)Ni(hfa)2 Table 11. Atomic Positions and Thermal Parameters

cu Nil 01

02 N5 N6 Cll c12 HI 12 C13 H113 C14 H114 C15 H115 C16 c 21 c22 H122 C23 H123 C24 H124 C25 H125 C26 C5 1 H151 C52 H152 H252 C61

(A2)for Cu(salen)Ni(hfa)2Determined by Neutron Diffraction at




0.4055 (4) 0.3332 (3) 0.2844 (5) 0.5178 (5) 0.2930 (3) 0.5221 (3) 0.1897 (5) 0.1336 (5) 0.1685 (10) 0.0367 (5) -0.0020 (10) -0.01 18 (5) -0.0854 (10) 0.0407 (5) 0.0050 (10) 0.1451 (5) 0.6192 (5) 0.6895 (5) 0.6596 (10) 0.7913 (5) 0.8417 (10) 0.8317 (5) 0.9091 (11) 0.7677 ( 5 ) 0.8011 (10) 0.6623 (5) 0.1920 (5) 0.1387 (10) 0.3305 (5) 0.2597 (10) 0.3102 (10) 0.6184 ( 5 )

-0.0101 (1) 0.1061 (1) 0.0592 (2) 0.0503 (2) -0.0680 (1) -0.0801 (1) 0.0629 (2) 0.1224 (2) 0.1631 (4) 0.1284 (2) 0.1748 (3) 0.0761 (2) 0.0814 (4) 0.0178 (2) -0.0223 (4) 0.0099 (2) 0.0359 (2) 0.0851 (2) 0.1328 (4) 0.0743 (2) 0.1 118 (4) 0.0126 (2) 0.0043 (4) -0.0366 (2) -0.0833 (4) -0.0259 (2) -0.0528 (2) -0.0894 (4) -0.1326 (2) -0.1485 (4) -0.1618 (3) -0.0803 (2)

0.5962 (2) 0.6842 (1) 0.5640 (3) 0.6670 (3) 0.5206 (2) 0.6334 (2) 0.4923 (2) 0.4666 (2) 0.5062 (5) 0.3899 (2) 0.3707 (5) 0.3381 (2) 0.2810 (5) 0.3639 (2) 0.3262 (5) 0.4395 (2) 0.7326 (2) 0.7816 (2) 0.7619 (5) 0.8533 (2) 0.8906 (5) 0.8785 (2) 0.9332 (6) 0.8283 (2) 0.8438 (5) 0.7553 (2) 0.4591 (2) 0.4184 (5) 0.5413 (2) 0.5948 (5) 0.4809 (5) 0.7022 (2) P(2, 2) 0.0002 (1) 0.0002 (1) 0.0002 (1) 0.0002 (1) 0.0006 (2) 0.0011 (2) 0.0010 (2) 0.0009 (2) 0.0006 (2) 0.0006 (2) 0.0002 (1) 0.0002 (1) 0.0007 (2) 0.0008 (2) 0.0000 (1) 0.0002 (1) 0.0003 (1) 0.0007 (1) 0.0001 (1) 0.0006 (1) 0.0005 (1) 0.0005 (1) 0.0005 (1) 0.0004 (1)

cu Nil 01

02 H113 H123 H124 H152 H252 H262 03 04 H12 H17 F14 F34 F15 F3 5 F19 F29 F39 F110 F210 F310

0.0018 (7) 0.0027 (7) 0.0018 (7) 0.0076 (13) 0.0081 (14) 0.0087 (14) 0.0037 (13) 0.0042 (12) 0.0076 (13) 0.0022 (7) 0.0016 (7) 0.0101 (15) 0.0038 (12) 0.0025 (7) 0.0042 (8) 0.0039 (7) 0.0029 (8) 0.0022 (7) 0.0037 (8) 0.0042 (8) 0.0048 (8) 0.0039 (8) 0.0049 (8)

0.73 (5) 0.51 (5) 0.57 (7) 0.61 (7) 1.79 (15) 0.59 (7) 0.75 (7) 2.10 (15) 0.66 (7) 1.85 (15) 0.65 (7) 0.64 (7) 0.70 (7) 1.60 (15) 0.68 (7) 0.84 (7) 0.53 (7) 2.02 (15) 0.51 (7) 0.51 (7) 1.94 (15) 0.69 (7) 0.84 (7) P(3, 3) 0.0006 ( 2 ) 0.0004 (2) 0.0007 (2) 0.0004 (2) 0.0019 (3) 0.0022 (3) 0.0027 (4) 0.0028 (4) 0.0028 (4) 0.0019 (3) 0.0005 (2) 0.0004 (2) 0.0026 (4) 0.0028 (3) 0.0009 (2) 0.0011 (2) 0.0008 (2) 0.0013 (2) 0.0014 (2) 0.0014 (2) 0.0014 (2) 0.0012 (2) 0.0010 (2) 0.0023 (2)

Table 111. Information Concerning the Polarized Neutron Diffraction Data Collection temp, K 2 field 5 x 104 G single crystal 8 x 3 x 2 mm3 sample dark red block morphology

vertical axis wavelength, 8, (sin e ) / h , , , no. of reflcns measd no. of indepnt reflcns .l f .l > 20


0.730 0.497 200 81 76

b 0.865 0.433 652 256 212

tribution of the unpaired electrons, and the orbital momentum density, corresponding to the magnetic momenta created by the rotation of the unpaired electrons on their orbit around the di-




H161 C62 H162 H262 03 04 05 06


c2 H12 c3 c4 c5 C6 c7 H17 C8 c9 c10 F14 F24 F34 F15 F25 F35 F19 F29 F39 F110 F210 F310

0.6719 (10) 0.4915 (5) 0.5594 (10) 0.5164 (10) 0.2732 (5) 0.3890 (5) 0.1356 (5) 0.4139 (5) 0.3032 (4) 0.3496 (5) 0.3623 (11) 0.3830 (5) 0.2800 (5) 0.4259 (5) 0.1203 (5) 0.2173 (5) 0.1837 (10) 0.3554 (5) -0.0297 (5) 0.4467 (5) 0.3196 (5) 0.1397 (6) 0.3570 (6) 0.3424 (6) 0.4089 (6) 0.5644 (6) -0.0440 (6) -0.1382 (6) -0.0505 (6) 0.5026 (6) 0.3693 (6) 0.5610 (6) P(2, 3) 0.0001 (1) 0.0001 (1) -0.0001 (1) -0.0002 (1) -0.0001 (2) -0.0001 (2) -0.0001 (2) 0.0007 (2) -0.0004 (2) 0.0003 (2) 0.0002 (1) 0.0001 (1) 0.0000 (2) -0.0005 (2) -0.0001 (1) 0.0002 (1) -0.0003 (1) -0.0004 (1) 0.0001 (1) -0.0006 (1) 0.0003 ( I ) -0.0001 (1) 0.0005 (1) 0.0002 (1)

-0.1243 (4) -0.1354 (2) -0.1325 (4) -0.1783 (4) 0.0297 (2) 0.1504 (2) 0.1467 (2) 0.1805 (2) 0.0230 (2) 0.0674 (2) 0.0535 (4) 0.1283 (2) -0.0441 (2) 0.1758 (2) 0.2049 (2) 0.2502 (2) 0.2974 (5) 0.2340 (2) 0.2268 (2) 0.2875 (2) -0.0865 (2) -0.0531 (2) -0.0560 (2) 0.2267 (2) 0.1539 (2) 0.1938 (2) 0.2889 (2) 0.2038 (2) 0.2079 (2) 0.3217 (2) 0.3259 (2) 0.2674 (2) 3) -0.0004 (3) -0.0002 (3) -0.0008 (3) -0.0002 (3) -0.0002 (6) -0.0018 (6) -0.0014 (6) -0.0002 (6) -0.0012 (5) -0.0001 (5) -0.0001 (3) -0.0005 (3) -0.0012 (6) 0.0008 (5) 0.0002 (3) -0.0006 (3) -0.0007 (3) -0.0005 (3) 0.0000 (3) -0.0004 (3) 0.0007 (3) -0.0006 (3) -0.0005 (3) 0.0020 (31

19.6 K ZIC


0.7219 (5) 0.5772 (2) 0.5191 ( 5 ) 0.6137 (5) 0.7563 (3) 0.8022 (3) 0.6883 (3) 0.6224 (3) 0.8404 (2) 0.9052 (2) 0.9751 (5) 0.8800 (2) 0.8746 (2) 0.9560 (2) 0.6838 (2) 0.6542 (2) 0.6523 (4) 0.6250 (2) 0.7122 (2) 0.5912 (2) 0.8138 (3) 0.8879 (3) 0.9532 (3) 0.9453 (3) 1.0385 (3) 0.9523 (3) 0.71 14 (3) 0.6568 (3) 0.7968 (3) 0.6622 (3) 0.5363 (3) 0.5464 (3)

1.74 (15) 0.60 (7) 1.77 (15)

0.47 0.49 0.51 0.69

(7) (7) (7) (7)

0.34 (6) 0.41 (7) 0.59 (7) 0.48 (7) 0.66 (7) 0.66 (7) 0.68 (7) 0.58 (7) 1.01 (9) 1.22 (9)


0.0001 (2) 0.0001 (2) 0.0002 (2) 0.0005 (4) 0.0009 (4) -0.0004 (4) -0.0002 (4) 0.0004 (2) 0.0008 (4) 0.0002 (2) 0.0001 (2) -0.0003 (4) -0.0001 (4) 0.0000 (2) 0.0001 (2) 0.0007 (2) 0.0001 (2) 0.0004 (2) 0.0002 (2) 0.0005 (2) -0.0006 (2) 0.0001 (2) -0.0004 (2)

rection of the applied magnetic field. This latter contribution is negligible when the interacting magnetic centers have no first-order angular momentum. This is the case for the nickel(I1) ion in octahedral surroundings and copper( 11) in square-planar surroundings. In the following, we will relate the magnetization density obtained from PND to the spin density, which will be expressed in pg A-3. Fourier Summation. A first way to deduce the spin density from the experimental magnetic structure factors FM(hkl) is to perform a Fourier summation of these FM(hkl)’s,which is mathematically correct for an infinite series with h,k,l taking all integer values from --03 to + m : p(x,y,z) =




F ~ ( h , k lexp[-i(hx ) -I-ky

+ [Z)]


where V is the cell volume. Truncation of the Fourier series

1128 J . Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. I l l . No. 18, 1989 H12

Gillon et al. Y









Figure 2. Perspective view of C~(salen)Ni(hfa)~ at 19.6 K.

Table IV. Bond Lengths and Angles for Cu(salen)Ni(hfa)2 at 123 K (from X-ray Diffraction) and 19 K (from Neutron Diffraction) 123 K 19 K Bond Lengths 1.892 (2) 1.897 (1) CUlOl 1.908 (2) 1.918 (12) Cu102 1.914 (3) 1.921 ( I O ) Cu 1 N5 1.903 (1) CulN6 1.904 (3) 3.441 (5) CUlCU'l 3.432 (2) 2.906 (5) CulNil 2.897 (2) 2.056 (10) NiOl 2.064 (2) 2.102 (2) Ni02 2.107 (2) 2.048 (5) Ni03 2.043 (2) 2.014 (10) 2.011 (2) Ni04 2.015 (4) Ni05 2.011 (2) 2.003 (4) 2.011 (2) Ni06

01-CUI-02 02-CU 1-N6 N6-Cul-N5 N5-Cul-01 Ol-Cul-N6 02-Cul-N5 Cul-01-Ni 1 Cul-02-Ni 1 05-Ni 1-01 05-Nil-02 05-Nil-03 05-Ni 1-04 05-Ni 1-06 04-Ni 1-0 1 04-Ni 1-02 04-Nil-03 04-Nil-06 06-Ni 1-0 1 06-Nil-02 06-Nil-03 03-Ni 1-01 03-Nil-02 01-Nil-02

Bond Angles 83.9 (1) 95.6 (1) 86.3 (1) 94.2 (1) 177.4 (1) 177.5 (1) 94.08 (8) 93.70 (8) 96.1 (1) 169.7 (1) 93.3 (1) 86.9 (1) 91.2 (1) 177.0 (1) 102.0 (1) 90.0 (1) 86.0 ( I )

93.8 (1) 94.5 (1) 173.8 (1) 89.9 (1) 81.6 (1) 75.1 ( i j

83.6 (3) 96.2 (3) 85.7 (2) 94.6 (4) 177.3 (1) 177.4 (1) 94.56 (70) 92.48 (30) 95.4 (4) 169.3 (6) 93.3 (2) 86.9 (2) 91.6 (1) 177.7 (2) 102.3 (4) 89.6 (1) 86.2 (4) 93.8 (1) 94.3 (1) 173.4 (5) 90.1 (4) 81.5 (1) 75.4 (2)

introduces spurious oscillations in the density map. In order to reduce these truncation effects, one can average the density over a small volume around each considered point. This corresponds to minimizing the relative weight of the missing factors at the end of the series with regard to the factors used in the Fourier summ a t i ~ n . On ~ ~ the other hand, such a procedure does not compensate the errors due to terms missing in the explored domain [(sin 6)/X' ], of the reciprocal space. A significant percentage, which can reach 50%, of the FM(hkl)factors in this domain may (43) Shull, C. G.; Mook, H.A. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1966, 16, 184.

Figure 3. Fourier projection along the crystallographic axis 0 of the experimental magnetization density. The positive contours (continuous lines) are 0.005 X 2"' p B with n = 1-5, and the negative contours (dotted lines) are -0.005 X 2"' p B with n = 1-3.

be impossible to determine because the corresponding nuclear reflections are too weak to enable measurement of the flipping ratios with good accuracy in a reasonable counting time. This is true even for low h,k,l values. These errors are responsible for substantial distortions of the spin density map. The projection of the spin density along the a axis onto the ( b , c*) plane obtained from 81 FM(Okl)magnetic structure factors is shown in Figure 3. The FM(OOO)term, equal to the experimental magnetization value in the cell (4.56 wB), has been included in the summation. Most of the spin density appears to be located around the nickel atom. A region of negative spin density is also observed around the copper atom. Regarding the distortions of the map due to the lack of 70% of the FM(0kf) factors in the domain (sin @/A < 0.5 A-', it is not possible to estimate the spin delocalization on the ligands. A projection along the b axis onto the (a, c) plane also shows a strong positive density around the nickel atom and a weak negative spin density around the copper atom. Spin Density Modeling. A second way to visualize the spin density consists of fitting the experimental magnetic structure factors by refining the parameters of a spin density model and using the final parameters to represent the spin density. Such an approach is close to that used to determine the charge densities. Actually, the spin density and the charge density problems are formally similar. Of course, the former only takes into account the singly occupied orbitals, whereas the latter takes into account This all occupied orbitals. We will use the multipole model consists of expressing the total spin density pM(q as a sum of atomic densities, developed on the basis of spherical harmonics centered on each atom i, with population coefficients PIm:

(5) Each multipolar function is the product of a Slater-type radial function R / ( r ) ,depending only on I , and written as

R / ( r ) = [3i"1+3/(nl+ 2)!]r"/exp(-S;r)


by a real spherical harmonics: Y / m + ( r ) = Y*(Y/m+ + Y/m-)

where Yr, is the classical spherical harmonics. The Fourier (44) Brown, P. J.; Capiomont, A,; Gillon, B.; Schweizer,J. J . Magn. Magn. Mater. 1979,1 4 , 289.

J . A m . Chem. SOC.,Vol. 111, No. 18, 1989 7129

Spin Density in Cu(salen)Ni(hfa)Z Table V. Values of the Refined Multipole Parameters on no = 277

Experimental Structure Factors with IFMI > 2 8 1

n, variables

12 8.8 (7)

-0.249 (10)

8.89 (13) 1.262 (11) 0.020 (10) -0.003 (10) 0.029 (9) 0.027 (9) 0.043 ( I O ) 0.024 (9) -0.024 (9) -0.010 (10)

2 16 9.07 (14) -0.250 (10) -0.033 (44) -0.126 (100) -0.062 (136) 9.07 (14) 1.259 (11) 0.115 (85) 0.006 (10) -0.003 (10) 0.039 (9) 0.027 (9) 0.039 (9) 0.034 (9) -0.017 (11) -0.003 (10) 0.0858

0.0915 1.417 1.466 OColumn 1 corresponds to spherical monopole refinement and column 2 to the final multipole refinement. R = [E(F,- F , ) * / u ~ ] ~ / * / D=o2/a:. c x = [[C(F0 - Fc)2/U21/(n, - 4)1'/2.



l i "


transform of expression 5 yields the following parametrical expression for the structure factors: m


FM(G = C [C+I'(K) C P / ~ v / ~ ( Kexp(-ik+i) )I /=o m=-1





Figure 4. Projection along the direction perpendicular to the CuOINi

plan of the spin density obtained by multipole refinement. The contours are the same as in Figure 3, with n = 1-9 for the positive contours (maximal 1.28 pg A-2) and n = 1-7 for the negative contours (minimal -0.32 pg k 2 ) . The monopole populations in pg are indicated for each atom. The uncertainty is 0.01 pg.



wherej, ( K r ) is a spherical Bessel function. The parameters are the populations PI, and the radial Slater exponents { I for each atom. They are refined by comparing the experimental values of the magnetic structure factors to those derived from eq 8. The radial function coefficients n, and {/ are chosen by analogy of the multipole density functions with products of atomic orbitals. This is obvious for the case of a transition metal with only one unpaired electron in a 3d atomic orbital, the square of which corresponds to the spin density p ( r ) in a restricted Hartree-Fock scheme. From the products of 3d functions arise multipolar functions with nl = 4 and = 2a3d for all 1 values, (Y3d being the Slater exponent of the atomic orbital. We made the choice of larger values of nI for octopoles and hexadecapoles (n3 = 6 and n4 = 8, respectively), which actually gives better refir1ements.4~ By analogy, the same kind of multipolar function is used for nickel(I1) with two unpaired electrons. Similarly, the choice of the radial parameters for nitrogen and oxygen atoms gives nl,* = 2, n3 = 3, and n4 = 4, with