A PORTABLE PHOTOMETER. - Journal of the American Chemical

A PORTABLE PHOTOMETER. James A. Evans. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1907, 29 (7), pp 1009–1011. DOI: 10.1021/ja01961a004. Publication Date: July 1907...
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irrigation purposes, and will eventually i f not at once seriously injure land to which it is applied. To further prove that land irrigated bv the Deer Lodge River contains excessive amounts of copper, samples were taken a t various distances from the smelter with the idea of determining in them both soluble and insoluble copper. Several of these have been examined but the results show such excessive amounts of copper that the writer is not lvilling to publish the results until he has confirmed them by collecting and examining new samples. T h a t considerable quantities of copper are present in this soil, however, is undoubtedly true since the soil along the edges of the irrigation ditches, 12 miles and more below the inlet of the smelter waste into the river, is colored distinctly blue with copper. Further than this, the writer tested the soil on a farm irrigated by the Deer Lodge River u a t e r I O to 1 2 miles below the inlet of the tailings, with his knife blade and was able to obtain a n excellent coat of what afterwards on examination proved to be copper. Ailthoughthe results of the examination of the injury to vegetation and animals by the Anaconda Smelter is not completed, from the lvork already done the following definite conclusions can be d r a w i . 1st. T h e vegetation around the smelter for at least 7 to 8 miles south and 13 to I j miles west is seriously injured. 2nd. T h e Junipers a r e very resistant to smelter fumes and appear able to grow close to the smelter; the Ked Firs are very susceptible to the fumes and are badly damaged at distances of 13 to 15 miles from the snielter ; Lodge Pole pines are intermediate between the other two species of trees, but shorn damage for at least I O miles. 3rd. Large quantities of arsenic are discharged from the smelter on the surrounding country, being present in forage crops in large enough quantities to poison cattle. 4th. T h e waste from the reduction plant discharged in the Deer Lodge River renders it unfit for irrigation purposes.


Received May

EVANS. 1 1 , 1407.

During the years 1901 and 1902 the writer was Gas Inspector for the city of Cleveland, Ohio. During that time it became very urgent to know in concrete numbers what caiidle power the street lamps were producing, because the contract for street lighting was given on the basis of a definite candle power, with a penalty for falling below the specified standard. T h e lamps were mantle burners with glass chimneys and enclosed in glass globes. They were fed by artificial gas and by gasoline. We



.i light spring \\-ago11 as secured and an adjustahie top h i l t on it. T h e frame \vas niacle of light steel and covered ivitli oilcloth. \vIiich \vas painted a dead black on the inside. thus forming a veritable (la-!< rooii!. The frame \vork esteiideti about four feet liej~onclthe back cntl of tlie \\-agon. the roof \vas hung 0x1 hinges, at the front end. \vliile tlie back cml could he raised during operation, to take i n tlic street lamp. T h e \vagon was backed up to the curb and the lamp c n c l u s e t l \i.itl:iii tlic csteiision. -4hlack 'oilcloth ciirtain was then dra\vii across tlie I)ack, t h u s completing the Clark rooiii. \\-ithiii tlic \\.agon. tlic pliotometer l n r rested on round steel rods which \\.ere, in turn, attachctl to tlie upright pieces of the uagoii top. giving place for the operator on the floor o f the \ragon. T h e bar \vas held i n place b!. sliding set scre\vs and could be iiiovecl out o r in and up or do~vii\'cry conveiiieiitl!- aiid brought into perfect alignment ivith the light. I n the front end of the wagon, under the seat, \vas a storage battery of i z cells, \\it11 lead plates aiitl dilute sulphuric acid for the electrolyte. A i i 8 candle p v e r iiicantlescent lamp \\.as attached to the fonvard end of the bar and connectetl \\it11 tlic storage hatter?. rll t h e circuit was a i17eston \.olttiieter mid rfieo-tat. Tlie lamp was standardized in tlie laboratory, from time t o time. t o find the esact voltage required to deliver esactl!. 8 candle po\t.cr. a i d this volt-



a g e \vas held constant when at bvork by ineaiis of the volt meter and rheostat. T h e bar hvas of nwod and carefully graduated to sisteenths of a n inch. Its base served as a track for the Luiiimer-Rrotlliun sighting box to run on. T h e bar was 8 feet long with the electric lanip a t zero. T h e distance from the other end of the bar to the street light was measured by means of a light stick, with a pointer at one end of it a n d a fork at the other, large enough to span the lamp. Each prong of the fork terminated with a ring with a wire cross-hair stretched across it. This afforded an easy and accurate means of getting the distance from the center of the mantle t o the end of the bar, which of course, varied with the different lamps. T h e instrument required two inen to operate i t ; one to adjust the bar a n d take the reading and the other to line up the cross hairs rvith the mantle and get the distance from the bar. T h e time required to back up t o a lamp, adjust the bar, take the readings and measurements and g e t away was about seven minutes. T h e candle power of the lamps for each night's work was figured out afterwards by means of logarithms a n d a table of squares. Erie, Pa.


.4 :Vex! Jfctlzod f o r f h c Grwiiiictric Detcrrriiiiation of Tlzaiiiriiii. By precipitating and weighing the thallium as thallium sulphostannate, T1,SnS,l, a very accurate and easy determination of thallium can be made. T h e thallium sulphostannate can readily be prepared in pure condition ; it is practically insoluble in water so that it can be washed very thoroughly without loss, and it can be dried at 105' without decomposition. 'l'he thallium may be in either the thallous or thallic condition at the time of precipitation since t h e precipitants will also act as reducing agents. All t h e elements precipitated by sodium sulphide, including those which are soluble in excess. will interfere with t h e formation of pure thallium sulphostannate. T h e reagents rtquired are a solution of primary sodium sulphide with a concentration of about I jo grains per liter, and a solution of sodium sulphostannate containing only a slight excess of sodium sulphide. This latter solution need not be free from the sodium salts formed in its preparation and can therefore readily be made by adding sodium sulphide solution to a solution of stannic chloride until the precipitate first formed is just dissolved. T h e procedure for the preparation of the pure thallium sulphostannate is as follo\vs : To the hot a n d very slightly acid solution of the thallium salt add a n excess of the sodium sulphostannate solution, i. c.. more than enough to form Hawley, J . Physic. Chem., 10, 6j4 (1906).