A practical application of molality - Journal of ... - ACS Publications

A practical application of molality. John F. Penrose. J. Chem. Educ. , 1983, 60 (1), p 63 ... Published online 1 January 1983. Published in print 1 Ja...
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Roo O'CONNOR Texas A&M Un~vets~ty College Statlon, TX 77843

A Practical Application of Molality John F. Penrose Jefferson Community College, Watertown, NY 13601

College students are always on the lookout for ways of earning extra cash. A rather unique means of making some spending money came about locally. There are a number of summer cottages and camps in our area (Thousand Islands) which are frequented extensively during the summer months but are vacated and closed up for the remainder of the year. It is during this "closing up" time that our chemistry students become potential moneyearners. I t seemed that a nuinher of cottage-camp owners wanted anti-freeze added to their toilet howls to prevent freeze up during the winter months. They were willing to contract an individual to ~ r o v i d ethis service alone with the necessarv anti-freeze. Assuming the lowest poss~hletemperature to be -45.0°F (local record) and the total volume of a toilet bowl drain to be 3.50 quarts, students were asked to give an estimate for each bowl adjusted. Ethylene glycol (Density = 1.1155 glml) was to be the ant~freezewhich sold locally for $4.29 a gallon. (Assume the density of water to be 1.00 glml). If there were 1,000 cottage-camp owners interested, and the contracted individual was mine to add a 10%service charre to the actual cost of the an;-fr;eze, what would the contract bid he for all of the 1,000 cottage-camp owners?


Answer Total Contract Bid = $2024.11

Volume 60

Number 1

January 1983