A Reilly War Development . . . Now Available For Your Evaluation

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A Reilly War Development . . . N o w Available For Your Evaluation

• Reilly 2-Vinylpyridine copolymerizes with

I n addition to its use in the production of

butadiene, in emulsion suspension, t o give a

plastics and synthetic elastomers, Reilly 2-

rubber-like latex possessing unusual properties.

Vinylpyridine also has m a n y interesting appli-

T h e vinylpyridine-butadiene copolymer has

cations in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals,

a low heat build-up and a high tear resistance.

insecticides and fungicides. Manufacturers in

The rebound value of vinylpyridine-butadiene

these fields will find i t well worth their inves-

rubber is about the same cold as it is hot. T h e


vinylpyridine-butadiene latex possesses a remarkable ability t o wet fibres. This convenient size b o o k l e t a n d s u p p l e m e n t

Reilly 2-Vinylpyridine polymerizes at room

describing Reilly Coal Tar Chemicals, Acids,

temperatures t o give tough, clear resins which

Oils, Intermediates a n d Bases, will be sent on

are soluble in dilute acid.






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