A relevant source of samples for instrumental analysis laboratory

Abstract | PDF w/ Links | Hi-Res PDF · Freezing points, triple points, and phase equilibria. Journal of Chemical Education. Parker and Kristol. 1974 5...
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A Relevant Source of Samples for Instrumental Analysis Laboratory Recently our attention was called to a program of [he Environmental Protection Agency which strrves for quality control in lahoratorirs doing analyses related err the environment. An addttional interest of the promam is in the tram. ing of analysts for this type of work. Analyzed reference samples may be obtained from EPA, without cost, which serve as cheeks on reagents, instmments, techniques, and procedures used in these types of analysis. Sample types available are nutrient analyses, oxygen demand analyses, mineral analyses, mercury analyses, nitrilotriacetic acid, and trace metals. Samples are received as concentrates in sealed ampules which dilute to concentrations commonly found in environmental samples. One reference sample is usually sufficient for an average class. These samples have been used in our course in instrumental analysis. Several objectives are conveniently realized. Students are made aware that standard methods of analvsis do exist and learn where to find them. Students realize -~~~ the need for quality control in the various laboratory procedures. Using these samples, they can compare their results with those of an established laboratory. Further information ahout these samples can be obtained by writing to EPA and asking for details about the Method and Performance Activity of the Analytical Quality Control Laboratory program. ~

E. C. Shearer M. L. Rumpel Fort Hays Kansas State College Hays, Kansas 67601



Journal of Chemical Education