A sense of evolvement - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Eng. News , 1964, 42 (8), Inside Front Cover. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v042n008.ifc. Publication Date: February 24, 1964. Copyright © 1964 AMERICAN CHEMICAL ...
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A sense of evolvement At Celanese, we try to keep our thinking


enough to see the advantages of a new idea . . . our

makes over fifty products, at four different locations, from the same basic material.

chemical disciplines sharp enough to prune away the

W e judge a new chemical on its flexibility in meet-

impractical. We know that an educated pipedream may

ing present and future market needs. And judge our

evolve into a new chemical or process improvement.

operating facilities on their capacity to produce as

Combining imagination with innovative skill helps us meet changing markets. W e grow in usefulness to

manv and varied chemicals as possible. There is a time to dream. And a time to grow.

our customers by tempering long range plans with

Celanese is doing both. To the benefit of our cus-

flexibility. In acetyl chemistry, for example, Celanese

tomers and stockholders.

