A Short Course in Quantitative Analysis (Willard, Hobart H.) - Journal

A Short Course in Quantitative Analysis (Willard, Hobart H.) Paul K. Glasoe. J. Chem. Educ. , 1958, 35 (3), p 161. DOI: 10.1021/ed035p161.3. Publicati...
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EDWARD WILLIAMS MORLEY, HIS INFLUENCE ON SCIENCE IN AMERICA Howard R. Williams, Chemistry Mastel., Emeritus. Western Reserve Academy, Hudson, Ohio. Chemical Education Publishing Co., Easton, Pennsylvania. 1957. xi 282 pp. 16 X 23.5 cm. $6.50.


THIS is the biography of one of the immortal8 in science, Edward Williams Morley, professor of chemistry and natural history from 1869 to 1906 a t Western Reserve College and University. Above all, Rlorley was devoted to making the most accurate of measurements. When only 23 years of age he determined with precisian the latitude of the astronomical observatory a t Williams College. Chemists will always honor him for his exceedinglv accurate measurements on the densities of oxygen and hydrogen gases and and the ratio of their weights which eombine to form water. Upon this man's pioneering wovk in this field is based the chemist's table of atomic weights. But his name will long be remembered for an experiment which, strange as it may seem, "found nothing" mensurable. Familiarly known as the "Michelson-Morley experiment," this piece of u-ork with its negative results waa an investigation conducted in 1887 jointly with Albert Miehelson. The results show that the hypothetical "ether" thmugh which the earth was supposed to move doe8 not exist. Not until Albert Einstein developed his special theory of relativity in 1905 was the magnitude of the Michelnon-Morley experiment appreciated. Consequently, the year 1887 is often considered the birth date of modern physics. This biography tells not only of scien. tific achievements but also portrays t,he character and human qualities of a tnlly great man. The reader seems to be transplanted to a very different period from today, the nineteenth century. The author mites his story with a feeling of affection and admiration for his subject and in turn this feeling is passed on to the reader. Fmm this biographv, the reader will know not only Morley the scientist but also Morley the man. The book contains much hitherto unpublished material. Most of the information came by way of interviews by the author with men well dong in years v h o knew Morley and from a large number of Morley's letters to his family which were discovered in an old and forgotten family trunk. Theauthor has done aremarkably good piece of work in the selection and arrangement of excerpts from these letters. As a result the reader often hse the feeling that Morley is telling his own story. The book is illustrated by a considerable number of well-chosen balf-tone photographs

VOLUME 35, NO. 3, MARCH, 1958

aud : q p w l s both n 1,iiiliographr of msterial ahout Mol.lt:y and a romplete list of Morley's seientilie puhlicstionti. This book i~ recommended to the many who enjoy biography, to chemists and other scientists. Stndents in high school and college, when the going is sometimes hard, will be inspired in theiv own work by the examples of Morley's virtorirs over discouragements and hy his devotion to seientific pursuits. With its good format, tvpography and binding, the hook might well be a most acceptable gilt. I t should find a place in all public and firhool and university libraries as well as on the shelves of most chemi~ts. NORBERT A. LANCE MARION CLEAVELAND LANGE

ORGANIC SYNTHESES: AN ANNUAL PUBLICATION OF SATISFACTORY METHODS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ORGANIC CHEMICALS. VOLUME 3 7 James Cason, Editor-in-Chief. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1957. vii 109 pp. 15.5 X 23.5 cm. $4.


THIS37th addition to a familiar and popular series of annual volumes again contains the common names, the Ch:hcrnieal Abstracts indexing name if different, the equations, procedures, notes, and additional methods of preparation for 32 organic compounds. 1)irectians have been submitted by 53 contributors. Each preparation has been carefully cheeked by competent chemists. The cumulative subject index lipts all materid contained in Volumes 30 to 37 inclosive. The style, size, appearance, and quality are identical to those of previous volumes of the series. "Organic Syntheses" are too well known and widely accepted to require any elaborate justification or description in this review. Their popularity is further attested by the fact that 25 of the individual volumes are already out of print. A significant development, however, is the inclusion of a "Warning" that p-tolylsulfanylnitrosamide has heen reported in a t least one instance to have detonated spontaneously after storage for severel months. For long periods of storage, it is recommended that the material be recrystallized and then stored in a dark bottle. Holders of Volume 34, page 99, note 9 (1954), should make corresponding notations. RALPH E. DUNBAR Nonm D n a o STATE ~ ~ COLLEGE F ~ a o oN. o m n D A K O T A

A SHORT COURSE IN QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS H o b a r t H. Willard, Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan, N. Howell Furman, Professor of Chemidry, Princeton University, and Egbert K. Bacon, Professor of Chemishy, Union College. Second edition. D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton, New lersey, 1957. vi 243 pp. 4 0 figs. I0 tables. 16 X 23.5 cm. $4.25.


INTHE preface to this revised edition of a basic text for a one semester course in quantitative analysis, the authors state that this edition is different from the first edition in the following: (1) The order of presentation stresses, in general, the experimental procedrtres. Principles and theories follow experimental work. ( 2 ) The experiments have boen selected on the basis of surveys which show them to be the most typical and most commonly used determinations in introductory courses in quantitative analysis in this country. (3) The number of problems has been increased. Answer8 are given for about one-third. (4) The analysis of brass has been added and experiments which use the pH meter and the calorimeter have been included. Experimental work includes: volumetric snaly~es,3 acid-ham, 5 oxidationreduction, 3 precipitation (all chloride determinations); pravimetric analyses, 5 determinations including limestone (5 oonstituents) and brass (4 constituents); instrumental aoalyson, 2 determinations (pH titration and colorimetrio manganese). For each determination, a short d i s enssion of the principles of the determination precede8 the instructions on procedure. The "proccdore" section contains a considerable amount of explnnation for the steps taken ss well as the o p erational instructions. This takes the place of the more common method of following the procedure with s. set of explanatory notes which are referred to in the operational instructions. In effect, this makes the student read the otherwise annotated explanstions, which may be an advantage. I t does, however, make the steps of the proeem less dearly delineated. Volumetric analyses are given first, followed by gravimetrie and instrumental methods. The experimental procedures are conventional and are clearly written with adequate explanation^ of the chemical principles involved. The parts of the hook covering theory present the traditional material in present day quantitative analysis. Since the book is intended for a one semester course, the treatment of this material is quite elementary. The discussion of electrode potenti& and cell potentials is qualitative. Calculations of points on a titration curve

for acid-base are worked out but this is not done for red-ox systems. The electrode potentials are listed as reduction poten-

common practice, but the &dent might wonder why he must refer to other sources for "modern views on acids" (n. 60). The appendix contains a. discussion of the salving of quadratic equations, the use of logarithms and exponential numbers, care of platinum ware, tables of constants, and a five place table of logarithms. This book is well worth the serious oonsideration of teachers of a one semester course in elementary quantitative analysis in the conventional manner. PAUL K. OLABOE


The authors state that such a study presupposes no particular science or mathematical background. However, this reviewer feels that, since this ia not an examination of a few isolated ideas and facts about physical science, it will demand some very serious, concentrated, difficult study. A fairlv extensive biblioera~hv mo-



Edited by Paul Pascal, Honorary Profassor, Sorbonne. Masson et Cie., Paris, 1956. xi 1101 pp. 275 figs. 18 X 26 cm.


PRINCIPLES OF PHYSICAL SCIENCE Francis T. Booner, &thur D. Little. lnc., and Melba Phillips, Washington Univer. sity, Addison-Wesley Publ~shmgCo., Inc.. Reading, Massachusetts, 1957. mi 736 pp. 15 X 23.5 om. $7.50.


THE authors, with a background of teaching the subject to non-science students in a liberal arts colleee. "resent in

It is their intent to develop an appreeiation, an understanding, and an interest in this field through conscious effort and serious study, even though the student msy have a non-science future. The study begins with the growth of the physical world fram the abstract geometrical astronomy of Greece and proceeds to modern chemistry, nuclear physics, geophysics, and stellar astronomy. Considerable emphasis is placed upon developing concepts of whet science is, how scientific knowledge has xtcoumulated and the relationship of the present status of ecienee to its past. The role of the planned experiment is stressed as a procedure essential to the production of seientific concepts. The elimination of the conventional bbundaries of the disciplines involved is well achieved and suw ceeds in creating an awareness, for the student, of the unified, interdependence of the physical sciences The book opens with Benjamin Franklin's definition of man as a "tool-making animal" who had questions that demanded answers. Then, it prooeeds to the solutions of problems which had varying degrees of success, each being dependent upon man's accumulated background of ideas. Special consideration is devoted to the fact that science has had 8.8 its considered objective the interpretation of natural phenomena. The book is well written, with sufficient eltamplea, illustrations and exercises that it makes very interesting reading for anyone. Consequently, it should provide a needed stimulus for the student.

TEE first volume of Pascal's "Nouveau Trait6 de Chimie Min6raleV begins a. 19volume set to be completed by 1960. This comprehensive wark of inorganic chemistry is intended to replace rather than to supplement the earlier 12-volume "Trait6 de Chimie Min6ra1e'.le" published in 1931-34. While this may be the reason so many references fram the past century appear in the bibliographies at the end of sections, the question does arise as to whether more modern sources might exist in some areas. It is stated that a critical seleotion and limitation had to be employed for the bibliography of sources, and it will be noted that the periodical literature is limited to 146 titles. Yet only two Russian journals are included, and they are under old titles which have changed or oessed publication years ago. As an de Soeiete Physicoexample, the Jou-1 Chivnipue Russe is listed, and it ceased publication in 1930 t o form two other journals, the present Zhurnal Obshchei Khimiz and the Zhurnal Fizicheskm Khimii. In 1954, the last year in which the literature was searched for this volume, Chemical Abstrae2s has some 369 abstracts from the former and ahout 219 from the latter. In view of the increasing importance of Russian chemical literature in recent years, it is felt that original Russian sources should have been included to greater extent. But the bibliography does include such abstracting ionrnnls as Chemical Abslraela. British Abstracts and Chemisehes Zentralblatt which could be used as secondary sources for other journals. The arrangement of the bibliography in the text is to he commended. The bibliographies of citations are gathered at the end of sections instead of into one unwieldy grouping a t the end of the volume, and notes at the bottom of each page of text tell on which page the next bibliography occurs. The bibliographies include data on periodical holdings and locations of the major libraries in France. A most vduable device in the bibliographies is the inclusion of the date of sources cited. The introductory materials, except for


those on isotopes, and sections on air, water, and hydrogen were written by the editor, Paul Pascal, for the first 686 pages, while the sections on hydrogen isotopes were presented by R. Vidlwd, including one page on hydrogen of mass 4. Helium and the inert gases comprise the section written by G. Pannetier, and the final section, Radon, was written jointly by G. Bouissieres and Haissinsky. Pages 1087-1101 include the index and table of contents. In such an ambitious project to compile data and bring the comprehensive body of data on inorganic chemistry up to recent years into one set of volumes, it is possible to find faults, omissions, snd several areas of criticism. Yet the overall plan, the projected work, and the great need for s. modern comprehensive reference set in this area. of chemistry will make it possible to balance favorably the good points against the criticisms. If the other volumes of the set are completed ne planned and measure up to the generally good standards of the first volume, there is little doubt but that this wark will become a standard reference set required by libraries which provide chemical reference senrice. R. KRUMM U ~ r v e s s l wOP FLORIDA GAINEBYILLE. FLORID*

NOwEAlJ T M T ~ DE CHIMlE MI-ALE. VOLUME 10 Edited by Paul Pascal, Honorary Professor, Sorbonne. Masson et Cie., Paris, 1956. m i x 963 pp. 130 figs. 18 X 26 cm.


VOLUMETen of Pascal's "Nouveau Trait6 de C h i Min6raleH is the second to be published of the 19 planned for the entire set. The introductory material is but a repetition of explanations, tables, and lists presented in the first volume about the aver-all plan and bibliography. In this connection, no other periodicals have been added as sources. The text is limited to an attempted comprehensive coverage of nitrogen and phosphorus, except for a few pages about elements of Group V as a whale. Literature searches were conducted into 1955, except for one section with a coverage into 1956. Only 234 pages are devoted to phosphorus, while the main portion of the volume is reserved for nitrogen. Ammonia. and ammonium compounds are included under nitrogen and are not treated as a section in the other parts of the set. The editor has written the introduction, the section on nitrogen, and the material about organic compounds of phosphorus. With the latter exception, the material on phosphonis is by R. Dubrisay. The excellent bibliographic arrangement of the first volume has been retained so that bibliographies are scattered a t intervals, with a. note at the bottom of each page of text to indicate where the bibliography may be located. An index and table of contents are a t the end of the volume. (Continued on page Al?W JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL EDUCATION