A simple all glass filtration apparatus

The accompanying diagram shows an all glass filtration apparatus which we have ... is attached to a 29/26 female ground glass joint fixed with a drip ...
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A Simple All Glass Filtration Apparatus T h e accompanying diagram shows a n all glass filtration apparatus which we have found to he particularly well suited lor rapid, contamination-free separations requiring recovery of the supernatant liquid, the solid product, or both. T h e upper section consists of a 75-ml harrel attached to an inverted 10-ml beaker through which 15-20 small holes have heen punched using a hot tungsten wire. This should he done from the outside. This assembly is attached to a 29/26 female ground glass joint fixed with a drip spout and vacuum side arm. The reception vessel consists of a 250-mi flask with a ground glass joint. Lubrication of the joint is unnecessary. We have found 2.1 cm glass fiher filter disks (Whatman 934 AH) to be particularly wellsuitedfor use with this vessel although filter paper may also be cut to size for recovery of small amounts of solids. Use of the apparatus with a hand pump eliminates t h e need for a water aspirator.

Edward T. Borish Louis J. Kirschenbaum and Andrew Kocsi University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI 02881

Volume 60

Number 3

March 1983