A simple and convenient ion-selective electrode for instructional use

courses. An effective way to enable students to gain more than the usual black box feel for the physical phenomena involved in the operation of these ...
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A Simple and Convenient lon-Selective Electrode for Instructional Use T h e practical use and theoretical basis of ion-selective electrodes are important tsjpics i n undrr~mduatcchtm~rtry.chemknl engiwrring, and hiulu~yInhc,rntury w u r w An rttertwe wny coenaldr iturlms togain mow tuan the wunl hlw k Ixrx frrl iw I h? ~hv.sicd~ ~ h e n c ~ ninvdwd mu III I I W ~ ~ p e r m cd m lhc%r~ m h 1-s 10 :wrdncr ftjr them t i constr&t their own electrodes. Several methods fur the construction of cheap and simple ion-selective electrodes have been reoorted.'-Vhese methods invalve ineorooratine a liauid ion-exchanee



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