A simple and inexpensive distilling head

up which we find to be quite useful. The apparatus (see drawing) is a simplified distilling head consisting of a round bottom flask to which an inner ...
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A Simple and Inexpensive Distilling Head Anhydrous solvents m e needed every day in our laboratow and different methods have been tried to obtain various dry solvents. Most of the solvent.3 we employ are best dried by causing them to reflux constantly over appropriate drying agents and removing the solvent as needed. The available glassware for such procedures is expensive so we have designed a simple set up which we find to be quite useful. The apparatus (see drawing) is a simplified distilling head consisting of a round bottom flaskto which an inner joint is sealed. A threeway stopcock connects the bottom of the round bottom and the inner joint allowing the solvent to either be collected, emptied continuoudy back, or removed. This design has the advantage over most simple distilling heads in that the anhydrous solvent can be collected within the apparatus. The volume of the solvent depends on the size of the round bottom used. These distilling heads are filled with appropriate condensers which are connected by a nitrogen inlet tube. The solvent is normally emptied into Sehlenk type round bottom flasks which are vented to the same nitrogen line as the reflux condensers.


Volume 48, Number 7, July 1971
