A Simple Catalog System for Chemical Reagents in the Organic Laboratory
Because of the continued growth and use of a wide number of chemicals by organic chemists. any cataloging system which lends itself to simplicity and efficiency is of great value. One such system, described below, has greatly reduced the time spent searching for reagents within our own laboratory. ..The system uses a storage file card designed by us. The storage card illustrated a t left consists of a 4 x 6 in. index card on which there is a place for writing the name of the reagent, the molecular formula. a functional group code. the structure. and a storage code. On the back of each card is typed the key for the different storage codes and functional group codes. These file cards can be mass-produced cheaply and quickly by mimeoeraohine. For each organic compound a t least two, and most cases three, file &ds are completed. One card is filed according to the number of carbons, and the second and the third cards are filed according to the functional group codes for cross-reference. For each inorganic reagent only one card is completed and is filed according to the cation. Far every new reagent received in our laboratory an appropriate card is completed and filed. When a reagent is removed from general storage, the user simply removes the card from number of carbons for arganic reagents or from cation for inorganic reagents and places this card behind his name in the card file. Should another person need the same reagent it can still be located easily. Most research groups and laboratories have some system of cataloging chemicals; however. this system is simple, inexpensive, efficient, and easy to use. University of Illinois Urbana. 61801
Harvey N. Myers Kenneth Christy
Volume 51. Number 3. March 1974
/ 185