A Simple Gas Burner for Small Laboratory Furnaces. - Industrial

A Simple Gas Burner for Small Laboratory Furnaces. D. L. Randall. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1915, 7 (10), pp 873–873. DOI: 10.1021/ie50082a024. Publication ...
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T H E J O C R S d L OF I i T D C S T R I d L A N D E N G I N E E R I N G C H E M I S T R Y

c a n be attached readily t o a n y individual connection o r placed a t or near t h e outlet from t h e air supply. T o operate, air is admitted t o t h e main pipe t o about I j lbs. pressure when t h e valve on t h e air bottle is


orifice in order t o release air pressure gradually, for if released suddenly there will be upward flow of solution through t h e relief valve. T h e amount of air consumed is very small and as bottles are recharged at a cost of 31.00,t h e cost of air per a n n u m in operating a table with eight solutions should not be over j o cents. White tilings 6 in. square are placed along t h e front of t h e bottles a n d under t h e spits of t h e burettes, t h e distance between tiling a n d spit of burette being about 7 in. U. S . CCSTOXSSZRYICE, TREASURY DEPARTMENT 641 W A S H ~ X C T O N S T . , h7EW Y O R K



Received June 21, 1915


closed, followed b y t h e closing of air valve on t h e vertical pipe leading from t h e supply. T o fill a n y burette, its corresponding air cock is opened cautiously until solution is moving into burette, when i t is closed, After t h e solution has passed

T h e burner described below was devised t o use natural gas instead of gasoline in heating a small assay furnace of t h e combined muffle a n d crucible type. Its merit lies in its simplicity a n d cheapness, as i t can easily be made b y any pipe fitter. A section of t h e burner is given in t h e accompanying figure a n d it is constructed as follows: T h e part C is a piece of 2 in. iron pipe about a foot long. On one end of this is screwed a cap, B , a n d on t h e other a tee, D , 2 X 31/4in. I n t h e end of t h e cap as many in. holes as possible are bored. T h e air is led into t h e burner through t h e large end of t h e tee. This air

Gas inlet

Release halve

-/--d#1-4, waif ~f f u r n a c e


t h e zero mark, t h e relief valve attached t o t h e side of burette is opened, when liquid flows back and automatically sets at zero. The relief valve is made with a small piece of glass tubing with a nozzle end connected with rubber tubing t o t h e air outlet attached t o side of burette, using t h e pinchcock on t h e rubber t u b e connection. The glass tube outlet must be a nozzle of comparatively small

is supplied b y a centrifugal blower a n d is under a presin. of water. I n t o t h e side opening sure of about of t h e tee is screwed a bushing, I , 3 / 4 t o in., a n d into this is screwed t h e 1/4 in. pipe t h a t admits t h e gas. The lower, end of this pipe, J , is tapped out t o receive t h e l / 8 in. pipe E a n d t o t h e lower end of this is screwed t h e l / ~in. elbow E . .4 stopcock not shown in t h e figure regulates t h e gas supply while t h e air supply is regulated by the damper G . The burner so constructed, when properly adjusted, burns very steadily a t t h e openings at t h e end of t h e burner. There is no danger of it snapping back a n d a temperature sufficiently high for all assay purposes is easily obtained. This simple burner will doubtless be useful in heating other forms of apparatus and t h e writer sees no reason why it could not be used with a n y form of fuel gas. CHEMICAL L A B O R A T O R Y , BAKERUXIVERSITY BALDWIN C I T Y , KANSAS
