A simple method for deriving a boiling point-composition diagram for a

Prior work published by the author2 developed a simple direct procedure for analyzing binary mixtures of toluene andacetone which avoids these handica...
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A Simple Method for Deriving a Boiling Point-Composition Diagram for a Binary Mixture The teaching of the basis for the important fractional distilliltion process has always been handicapped by the use of costly equipment and indirect andytical procedures.' Prior work published by the author2 developed a simple direct prooedure for analyzing binary mixtures of toluene and acetone which avoids these handicaps. This involved the addition of water containing 10yo NaCl to such binary mixtures in which the toluene is quantitatively immiscible and the acetone completely miscible. Direct volume readings were then made of the separated toluene. Thus. the emeriment consists of ctoolvine , , . . this method of analvsis to both liuuid and condensxte (rcprrwnrinp v.,p