A simple method of crystal model construction - Journal of Chemical

A simple method of crystal model construction. Keith M. Seymour. J. Chem. Educ. , 1938, 15 (4), p 192. DOI: 10.1021/ed015p192. Publication Date: April...
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T LEAST an elementary knowledge of crystal structure is becoming increasinglymore important to the chemist. The authors of general chemistry texts have recognized this fact, and most of the newer books in the field devote considerable attention to the subject. Physical chemistry texts are also giving more space to this material. However, the implications of crystal chemistry ( 1 , 2 ,3 , 4 ) are becoming so significant in so many fields that it seems imperative that a place is found in the cumculum for a somewhat more complete study of this subject than is feasible in either the beginning or the physical chemistry course. In an attempt to meet this need an experimental seminar course in crystal chemistry has been offered in this college to interested upper-division students for the past two years.


'Present address: Northern Montana College. Havre, Man-


When introducing students to the subject of crystal chemistry it is desirable to have models of a t least a few of the more common types of crystals which the student can handle and examine. Concepts such as coordination number, close packing, polymorphism, layer lattices (see CdL, in the Figure), and interpenetrating lattices (see ZnS, zinc blende, and CaF2, in the Figure) which are frequently very difficult for the beginning student to understand become clear when a model is used. Such models can be obtained commercially for certain common crystals, but the number available is very limited and their cost is prohibitive for the small institution not specializing in crystal work. Furthermore from the educational viewpoint it is much more valuable to the students if they are able to construct some of these models themselves. In order for a method of crystal construction to be satisfactory for

student use, it is important that it fulfills the following requirements. 1. The materials are cheap, easily accessible, and fairly easy to use. 2. The models produced are stable, attractive, and large enough that the relationships of the parts are easily seen. Experiments were made with several different types of materials. For the atoms, or ions, such different materials as modeling clay, plaster of paris, sealing wax, wooden balls, and marbles* were tried or investi-

LiCl CdL

he used for permanent models for a school collection. The materials which were finally chosen as the most suitable were sponge rubber balls and in inch oak doweling. The rubber balls were the lacquered, brightly colored (red blue, yellow, etc.) balls obtainable from ten-cent stores. If not available from this source, they could undoubtedly be obtained from toy wholesalers. Quite a variety of sizes is to be had. Thus far only models for binary compounds have been prepared, but there is no reason why more complex crystals could not be constructed. The polari-

ZnS (zincblende) Cap, TiOv (rutilr)

gated. For the connecting rods wires of all kiuds were investigated. The most satisfactory material of this type was a a/,2-inch brass rod (see ZnS in the Figure) but the cost of the rod made it prohibitive for student use except for very simple models. Also this brass rod corroded rapidly in the laboratory atmosphere if not carefully lacquered. Monel metal rod was found which would be better, but it was still higher in price. - It is suggested that such material might well * Since this work was completed A. SCATTERG~OD (J. C n s ~ . Enuc.. 14, 140 (1937)) has described the preparation of simple models from marbles. These work v e r y well for the construction of close-packing and other simple models but have obvious disadvantages for large or complex models.

zatiou of the ions was neglected. For more elaborate models it would be possible to deform these soft balls to approximate the effects of polarization if desired. However, some more rigid means of holding the balls in position would be needed. When assigned the constructiou of a model for a given crystal, the student was expected to proceed as follows. First, he was to find the most reliable data for the dimensions of the unit cell of the crystal and of its constituents. The references given a t the end of this paper were found the most useful for this purpose. Second, from the balls a t hand those giving a radius ratio nearest the accepted value were chosen. It was

usually found impossible to find two sizes of balls giving exactly the desired radius ratio, but extremely close values were obtained in most cases. The Cap2 model was made from balls 3.1 and 4.2 cm., respectively, giving a radius ratio of 0.74, almost exactly the accepted value. Third, the proper dimensions, in centimeters, of the unit cell were calculated by proportion from the radius of the balls used and the radius of the atom or ion represented. In case there was a significant deviation from the true radius ratio the dimensions of the unit cell was taken as the mean of the respective values calculated from the two balls used. This method gave less distortion than the use of the value calculated from one ball. A few models were constructed in which the dimensions of the unit cell were larger than those calculated from the sizes of the balls used. This made i t possible to see the relationship within the cell more clearly. The unit cells for the TiOz and ZnS models (see the Figure) were made exactly twice the calculated size. The actual construction of the model involved no

particular technic. In using the doweling, it was found that an ordinary brass cork borer made the most suitable hole. Care must be taken to locate the holes properly, or the model will be distorted. In conclusion, let us compare the results with the requirements we set up for a suitable method of construction. The materials are quite cheap. The balls cost from three-for-a-nickel to five cents each. The doweling was one cent a foot. Only the CaF2 and the ZnS models cost more than fifty cents, and in the latter nearly half of the cost was for the rod. The materials are easily obtained, a t least in a fairly large city, and are very easy to use. The more compact models are very stable and will stand any ordinary handling. Models like the CdL must be handled carefully and should be mounted on a board. The finished models are attractive, and their bright colors draw the attention of other students and arouse their interest. The size of the models is convenient both for handling and for the demonstration of the relationships of the parts.


C. W., J. CHEM.EDUC.,10, 590--9, 667-74 (1) STILLWELL, (1933). (2) STILLWELL. C. W.. ibid., 13, 415-9, 49-77, 521-25. 5 6 6 7 5 (1936); ibid., l4,34-43,131-8(1937). (3) 0.. "Cr~stalchemistry," William Heinemann, Ltd.. . . HASSEL. London. 1935,-94 pp. W. L., "The crystalline state," The Macmillan Com(4) BRAGG, pany, New York City, Vol. 1,1934,353 pp. (5) WVCXOPF,R. W. G., "Structure of crystals." 2nd edition, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York City. 1931, 497 pp.

(6) WYCXOFP, R. W. G., "Structure of crystals," Supplement. 1930-1934, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York City, 1935,256 pp. M. AND R. VON MISBS,"Stereokopbilder van (7) YON LAUE, Kristdpittern." Julius Sorinper. . . . . Berlin. Vol. 1. 1926. 43 PP. (8) VON LATE,M. AND R. vo?i MISES,"Stereokopbilder von Kristallgittern." Julius Springer, Berlin. Vol. 2, 1936, 56 PP.