A simple, student photochemical reactor

kept wmctsnt by ettnching the water outlet tube 11) HI, aspirat~r. A rubher stopper uirh the appropriate number of hole2 can he u~ed to eon- nert ...
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A Simple, Student Photochemical Reactor A recent note concerning a n inexpensive photochemical reactor J. W., J. CHEM.Eouc., 46, 568 (1969)l prompts me to [PAVLICK, describe a photochemical reactor we have successfully used a t Cortland. It consists of an erlenmeyer flask, s. large beaker, and a couple of pieces of glass tubing. The size of the flask depends on the amount of material being photolysed. It is large enough so that the reaction mixture forms a thin layer on the bottom of the flask. The beaker, which holds the cooling bath, is large enough to accommodate the um Bask, water inlet, and outlet. The flask and beaker are clamped on a ring stand so as to allow the water to circulate under the flask. The flask is irradiated from underneath with a standard conical spotlamp or wnlnmp. The rireulnring wnrrr lrvd is kept wmctsnt by ettnching the water outlet tube 11)HI, aspirat~r. A rubher stopper uirh the appropriate number of hole2 can he u ~ e dto eon* dditinn funnels, cte., ro the renctiou fla-k. The *el-up hns been used sucredully nert p ~ inl~tb, for a variety of simple photochemical reactions.




Journal of Chemicol Education