A simple universal apparatus for steam distillation - Journal of

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A Simple Universal Apparatus

Frederick T. Wallenbarger, William F. O'connor, and Emil J. Moriconi Fordhom University, New York,

for Steam Distillation


A s a standard laboratory operation, the time-consuming art of steam distillation using conventional apparatus suffers from certain inherent disadvantages: in indirect steam distillation where the steam is generated in a separate flask or obtained from a steam line, it involves generation and handling of live steam; in direct steam distillation where the steam is generated in situ in the distilling flask, only limited amounts of water and organic substance can be distilled. Further, in both direct and indirect steam distillation the equipment is nnwiedly and its manipulation difficult, especially when the steam is generated a t the bench; large volumes of water are distilled to recover small amounts of organic substance. If the organic product (e.g., quinoline, citral) is partially water soluble, the large volume of water condensate must be further concentrated, or extracted, to recover organic product; and solids may crystallize in the condenser with consequent interruption of the distillation process. To circumvent some of these difficulties, several varieties of steam distillation apparatus for specific preparations have been described with (la), and without (lb, 2, 3,4a) provision for return of water condensate to the distillation flask. Further, there are available several types of automatic separators (4h, 4c, 4 4 4e, 6a, 5b, 6, 7) which may be adapted for steam distillation purposes. Nonetheless, it has been the authors' experience that, a t the undergraduate preparatory level and in academic and industrial research, the conventional apparatus described in organic laboratory manuals (8,Q, 11, I%,13) is most often resorted to. On a recent visit t o the Jackson Laboratory, Research Division, Organic Chemicals Department of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company in Wilmington, Delaware, one of the authors (F. T. W.) was shown a steam distillation apparatus1 of simple design which could be used for substances both heavier and lighter than water. Further, it seemed t o have none of the disadvantages of the conventional assembly. This paper reports on an evaluation of a modification2 of this apparatus hereinafter designated as a Universal Steam Distillation Apparatus, Figure 1, in comparison with a conventional steam distillation assembly and two special steam distillation assemblies of more elaborate design lib, 2). In addition, we have also simplified the design of the apparatus (Fig. 2) so that its cost is no more than Private communication: Dr. V. Weinmayr. The apparatus was designed by Adrian L. Linch, Chamber Works. It is made bv the Ace Glass Co.. Vinebnd. New Jersev. from drawinn No. k-33 designated as "~niversalwater Separator," 125 ml &e. 'The receiver jacket has been eliminated from the original design. Our apparatus was made by Eck and Kreha, Inc., Long Island City 1, New York.

that of some of the standard equipment found in undergraduate organic lockers. This modified apparatus has no standard taper joints and the three-way stopcock has been replaced by a Y tube connected to the column and the receiver with Tygon tubing. Flow is controlled by three pinchcocks. The all-glass apparatus (Fig. 1) is designed to accomplish steam distillations of all water-immiscible and steam-volatile organic liquids and solids, both heavier and lighter than water. Its operation is based on two principles: direct steam distillation and recycle of the condensed water phase. I n brief, the heterogeneous mixture of water and organic substance is heated in the distilling flask to form the two-phase vapor. The condensate from the attached reflux condenser separates in the straight column which acts as a receiver when the three-way stopcock is closed. When water appears as the top layer, it continually overflows through the upper feedback into the distillation flask for reuse while the organic product accumulates in the receiver. When water appears as the bottom layer, its recycle is effected through the lower feedback via the three-way stopcock. I n either case, the organic layer may be drawn off through the same stopcock at any time. The apparatus has been used with round-bottom distilling flasks of 250-1000 ml capacity t o recover approximately 30 ml of organic material. Since the organic layer can be continuously drained without disrupting the distillation process, the receiver capacity is unlimited.


Figure 1. Universal steam distillotion opporotur.

Figure 2. Modifled univend steam di%tillotian apparatus.

Volume 36, Number 5, May 1959



Table 1.

Comparison of Rate of Recovery of Organic Products in Steam Distillations Using the Universal Steam Distillation Apparatus and the Conventional Steam Distillation Assembly

Specific Compound

MP, Ce

Benzene Toluene p-Cymene Mesitylene p-Diethylhenaene Cyelohexene N,N-Dimethylmiline

Recovery of organic compound (dmi.1 The Conventional apparatus assembly

-Bp, ''CV


(10) .....

(8) p. 69 (11j p. 433 (9) P. 59 . ....

(8) pp. 43, 121; (9) p. 79; (11) p. 406 (9) p. 60; (1%) p. 283; (lbb) p. 246 Nitrobenzene Aniline

1.203 1.022

o-Dichlorahenzene m-Bromotoluene Acetophenone s-Tetrachloroethane

1.306 1.410 1.028 1.600



(9) p. 256 (9) p. 149; (IS) p. 231; (11) pp. 365, 386, 470




73" 0.992 7 4 1.145 2.261 18100" 1.883 q.


1.295 45"

Biphenyl Naphthalene p-Dihromohenzene



20° 1.160 -. 20 (a)1.083 54' Beneophenone Ambenzene 1.203 Quinoline ( S k r r t ~ p ) ~ 1.095 20" 0-(3-Acenitphthoy1)propionic acid ... (Friedel-Cmfts)' l-hydroxy-l-phenyl1,2,3,4-tetra hydronaphthalene ... (Grignard)' Diphenylamine

(lea) p. 246; (1Zb) p. 214; (13) p. 279 ..... (16)

* Physical data, from N. A. Lsnge "Handbook of Chemistr,~,"8th ed., Handbook Publishers, Inc., 1952, unless otherwise noted 20" Specific gravity data 3 unless otherwise noted. Bp data a t 760 mm unless otherwise noted. Solvent nitrobenzene and the reaction product qoinaline me successively steam distilled from the reaction mixture. acid. Solvent nitrobenzene is steam distilled from the reaction ~ r o d u c.B-(3-acenaohthov1)-~ro~ionic t . . .. . benzene, biphenyl, etc. from the 1 Steam distillation removes unused bromahenzene and o-tetralone, and Grignard by-products: reaction product l-hydroxy-l-phenyl-l,2,3,4-tetrahhvdronaphthalene. 0 Receiver sdvent: toluene; other suggested receiver solvents lighter than water: petroleum ether, methylcyelohexane, cycloheaane and n-hutylether. "eceiver solvent: chloroform; other sugxested receiver solvents heavier than water: chlorobenzene, 1,2-dichloroethane, carbon tetrctchloride, 1,2-dibramoethane and dihromomethane. Partidly water-duhle; extration of water condensate necessary for complete recovery of organic product. i Slow separation of layers. k Slow solidification of organic product. Steam distillation with super heatedstesm. The special assembly described in this reference has a reeoveryrate of5.7 g/min. " Requiresa tedious steam distillation on a heat sensitive product. The special assembly described in this reference with a recovery rate of 0.4 g/min inoludes two large condensers, 12-liter distilling flask and receiver; over 12 liters of distillate are collected.

Operating Procedure

For convenience, the distilling flask should be about one-half filled. However, not less than 200 ml of water should be used. The use of boiling stones is recommended. Heating may be supplied by either a heating mantle or burner. Organic liquids are steam distilled and collected by a proper setting of the three-way stopcock. For liquids of density slightly higher than water, the condensed heterogeneous phase sometimes does not properly separate, and forms an immiscible additional top layer. This appears to be a surface phenomenon which may be eliminated by simply extending a thermometer through the condenser into the apparatus so that its lower tip rests 1 to 3 mm above the liquid level. The droplets of condensate originating on the thermometer will sufficiently break the surface film to facilitate the separation of layers. Organic solids are distilled in the same manner, but are collected in a proper water-immiscible organic solvent. The solvent is placed into the receiver before distillation to fill approximately two-thirds of its capacity. A solvent should be selected so as to make the final solution of solid in the solvent considerably lighter or heavier than water. In this manner a possible interchange of layers during the distillation is avoided. The solvent should have a boiling point greater than 80°C, since this is the approximate temperature in the receiver during distillations. Suggested receiver solvents are found in Table 1. If this solvent, containing distilled solid, is withdrawn from the apparatus during distillation, it may be replaced through the condenser. To recover the desired organic product, the collecting solvent may easily be removed via steam bath or water aspirator. Efflciency of Operation

As an approximate measure of the relative efficiency of the apparatus compared to conventional steam distillation assembly, rates of recovery of organic material have been studied for some 30 compounds. For organic liquids, 10-30 ml of matkrial was steam distilled and the volume of condensed immiscible organic material measured. Organic solids (1-10 g) distilled in the conventional assembly were filtered, dried and weighed. When distilled using the apparatus, the receiver solvent was drained, evaporated to dryness, and the residue weighed. In all cases, the rate of recovery is reported in grams of organic material recovered per minute for time intervals less than that required for quantitative recovery. The results summarized in Table 1 indicate that with the exception of benzene and m-bromotoluene, recovery rates with the apparatus are considerably faster than those using the conventional assembly. The higher recovery rates for the apparatus may be due to the generation of slightly superheated steam in the vigorously heated flask and to the efficient transport of the heterogeneous vapor from the distilling flask to the condenser. More elaborate assemblies are available for the preparation and steam distillation of quinoline (Ib) and for the steam distillation of solvent nitrobenzene from &(3-acenaphthoyl)propionic acid (2). In this

evaluation it was found that the recovery rates with these special assemblies are much better than with the conventional assembly and are comparable to or somewhat better than with the apparatus. Although these high recovery rates are extremely desirable in the art, it should be noted that the most outstanding feature of the apparatus is its unique recovery procedure. Acknowledgments

We are indebted to Dr. Victor Weinmayr for his interest and cooperation in this evaluation. The assistance of Fordham graduate and senior students is greatly appreciated: John L. Ferrari and James F. Riordan made the apparatus described in Figure 2; John Barone, Robert Keane, and Matthew Moran ran some of the steam distillations. This work was supported in part by a grant from the Research Corporation, and in part by a grant (C-3325) from the U.S. Public Health Service, National Cancer Institute. Grateful acknowledgment is hereby made. Literature Cited (1) (a) ADAMS, R., AND VOORHEES, V., in "Organic Syntheses," Coll., Yol. I, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, H. T.,A N D DAVIES,A. W., ibid., 1946, p. 282; (b) CLARKE, p. 479. (2) FIESER,L. F., in "Organic Syntheses," Coll. Vol. 111, John Wiley & Sons, Ine., New York, 1955, p. 7. J., MAVORDINEAU, R.,A N D COE,R. R., Anal. (3) GWIRTSMAN, Chem. 29,887 (1957). (4) (a) DYSON,G. M., in "Organic Syntheses," Coll. Vol. I, 2nd ed., John Wiley & Sons, Ine., New York, 1946, p. H. T., 507; (h) DnKlN, H. C., ibid., p. 151; (c) CLARKE, A N D DAVIS,A. W., ibid., p. 261; (d) ADAM& R.,A N D MARVEL,C. S., ibid., p. 368; (e) CLARKE,H. T., A N D DAVIS,A. W.,ibid., p. 421. S., A N D GOT~FRIED, S., in "Organic Syn(5) (a) NATELSON, theses," Coll. Vol. 111, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New M., A N D NEWMAN, M. S., York, 1955, p. 382; ( b ) RENOLL, ibid., p. 503. (6) COPE,A. C.,ET AL., in "Organic Syntheaes,"Vol. 31, John Wiley & Sons, Ine., New York, 1951, p. 25; COPE,A. C., ET AL.,J. Am. Chem. Soe., 63,3452 (1941). D. D., Ind. Eng. Chem., 12, 486 (7) DEAN,E. W., AND STARK,

- --- .

11 02n> \ ,

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Volume 36, Number 5, Moy 1959
