A simulation game for decision-making

Important to the success of a simulation is how closely it du- plicates those areas of a real experiment that the simulation is designed to emphasize...
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Microcomputer Simulation of Lab Instruments G. L. Breneman Eastern Washington University Cheney, WA 99004

Important to the success of a simulation is how closely it duplicates those areas of a real experiment that the simulation is designed to emphasize. The planning and logic used in an exneriment can he duvlicated m i t e well usina standard in121 !.~ t m ~ r d 1er;wtwr prinring t c r n ~ l t h i l.WIV.- t c e : i ,~tm~pIrer .,I .jnbul3red in.truule111.. in thv-c exprrimmti (a11 he Yt.r\ iirtii&I. h t ~ ~ ~ vI\licr.,< w r . umputers with anlrnatad ~r.lphic Figure 4 Spectrophotorneter meter simulated by an Apple I mciocornand re.11 time vmtrt I these raph hi as CIU mnkv ~imc.I;itcd puter. instrumen1 opt rath I) very rt~:i~lstk. I'rard;scan rates are typically :{ slamu. I f mure


Volume 58

Number 5

May 1981