A Suburban Magnet High School's Perspective on Authentic

This chapter will provide an overview of the research options at the school for students and ... This is wealthy part of the state with four of the fi...
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Chapter 3

A Suburban Magnet High School’s Perspective on Authentic Research Experiences for Students: An Overview of Research Pathways and a Discussion of the Benefits Mark S. Hannum* Divisoin Manager, Science and Technology Division, Director, Neuroscience Research Laboratory, Physics Department, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, 6560 Braddock Road, Alexandria, Virginia 22312 *E-mail: [email protected]

For three decades Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology has served as a national leader in promoting high school students performing authentic research in science, technology, and engineering related fields. Through this long history of promoting, engaging, and evaluating students as they embark on real scientific investigations many lessons have been learned. This chapter will provide an overview of the research options at the school for students and the observed benefits of participating in this research.

Science inside the Beltway Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology was founded in 1985 as a Governor’s School for Northern Virginia. Affectionately known as TJ, this publicly funded school managed by Fairfax County serves the residents of five counties of Northern Virginia and attracts some of the best students from a combined population of more than two million. This is wealthy part of the state with four of the five counties represented in the top ten wealthiest counties in the United States as measured by median household income (1). The mission of the school is to provide an atmosphere for gifted students to explore © 2016 American Chemical Society Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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the STEM areas in more authentic ways than what is available in traditional high schools. The school attempts to prepare its 1700 students to not only develop a rich understanding of science, but also learn the processes of science though open-ended investigation, scientific collaboration, and emphasizing the importance of scientific communication to both expert and layperson audiences. For this work the school has been named as one of the top public schools in the county as ranked by US News & World Reports for as long as high schools have been ranked (2–4). These rankings, by design, don’t capture the real scientific output of TJ students. Students consistently appear as top winners at events such as the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, the Intel Science Talent Search, Siemens High School Science Competition, members of the US International Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Teams, and as published authors in peer-reviewed journals. Although not factored into the national rankings of high schools, it is these more authentic research experiences that make TJ a unique place to learn and teach. There is an easy case to be made that many of the students who attend our school would seek out open-ended research experiences no matter where they attended high school. Our goal as a school however is to provide a systemic approach that not only supports a few students, but enshrines a culture for all of its students that values not just learning science, but doing, thinking, evaluating, and communicating science.

Multiple Opportunities To Learn To Ask Questions Starting Students on the Path to Authentic Investigations The gateway into the school culture of investigation is our freshmen IBET course. IBET is an acronym for Integrated Biology, English, and Technology and it is the cornerstone of the scientific education at the school. Incoming ninth grade students are presented with the typical challenges of entering high school combined with the added stress of integrating themselves into new social groups composed of peers who live across a very wide geographical area. To aid this integration process and to initiate the culture of science, the approximately 480 incoming students are divided into six research groups that compose one IBET each. Each IBET is then assigned to a team of teachers composed of Biology, Technology, and English instructors, plus a school counselor. This team of teachers is given broad autonomy and a flexible school schedule to teach the core concepts of their disciplines and to guide their students through a long duration research project. Examples of projects include the study of lichen as bio-indicators of air and habitat quality, the tracking of deer populations through the genetic information obtained from droppings, or the development of microbial fuel cells. One of the hallmarks of these projects is their multi-year arc. Successive generations of students add their own observations and data to continuously push the bar of understanding forward. These projects all fall under the broad theme of Ecology, which fits nicely within our ninth grade biology curriculum. What are less apparent are the integrative aspects of these projects across Technology and English. Our 50 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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beginning technology courses introduce students to the fundamentals of the engineering design process and to basic electronics and microcontrollers. Students are asked to take what they are learning in these courses and apply it to their Ecology based project by developing an embedded sensor or other data logger to add evidence to their investigation. Throughout the project the English teachers work with students to develop scientific communication skills in both written and oral forms. The school year concludes with teams of students presenting their work to the school community during our school wide science symposium (5) as well as generating a well-composed scientific paper on their topic. Both these deliverables are done under the guidance of the English team member working in concert with the science faculty. A secondary integrative factor across all of the IBET disciplines is driven by partnerships with the Fairfax County Park Authority or the US Fish and Wildlife Service. These agencies use the results of these projects to make policy decisions about the region’s recreational parks or a local National Wildlife Refuge. Students are asked to view the ramifications of their research through the lens of these governmental agencies and the people they serve. This requires the synthesis of skills and ideas from all of the constituent courses of IBET. Although not officially part of the IBET structure, a recent important addition to the indoctrination of students into our school culture of inquiry is a required first course in research statistics. Starting in the fall of 2014, first semester of the ninth grade begins with a required course in descriptive and analytical statistics as well as experimental design. It is too early to see the direct impact of this newly required course, but the intent is to provide a mathematical platform for students to evaluate data and scientific observations as early as possible.

Sustaining and Building Skills through Core Classes Throughout the tenth and eleventh grade years, students develop scientific and technical background knowledge through required and elective courses. Science elective courses span such diverse topics as Astronomy, DNA Science, Neurobiology, Organic Chemistry, Computational Physics, Electrodynamics and Quantum Mechanics. We have an equally diverse assortment of specialized Computer Sciences and Engineering elective courses such as Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Engineering Design, Signal Processing, Digital Electronics, Prototyping, and Automation and Robotics (6). Embedded in all of these courses are more opportunities for independent research, which can be expanded upon in the TJ JUMP (Jefferson Underclassmen Multidisciplinary Projects) Lab. This science incubator is a resource for students who have an investigable question that they want to study but need space and resources to jumpstart their exploration. Students are allocated time during the school day to work with the JUMP lab director and external experts to design and implement structured, but open ended investigations. Like all research projects at the school the results of these projects are presented at the end of year symposium or external science competitions like the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. 51 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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The Capstone Experience As students progress through their first three years at our school they are working towards a singular goal. The capstone experience, and graduation requirement for all students at TJ is to complete a yearlong research project in one of the 13 senior research laboratories (7). A listing of the different research labs as well as enrollment can be seen in Table 1. These labs, which are scheduled during the school day as a class allow students to explore a research question of their own choosing from the initial literature searches, setting research timelines, working within budgetary constraints, designing and testing protocols, and data collection, to writing a formal scientific paper. Each senior lab is managed by a lab director who guides students through this investigative process, but rarely fills the roles of a traditional teacher standing at the front of the room delivering content. Each student, or small working group of students is given ownership of a project and takes responsibility for its success or failure. These lab experiences represent the most authentic research experiences our students are presented with and are designed to fully immerse them in the scientific or engineering endeavor.

Table 1. 2015 – 2016 Enrollment in Senior Research Laboratories Research Lab




Astronomy and Astrophysics




Automation and Robotics




Biotechnology and Life Sciences




Chemical Analysis and Nanochemistry




Computer Systems




Energy Systems




Engineering Design








Mobile and Web Applications








Oceanography and Geophysical Systems




Prototyping and Engineering Materials




Quantum Physics and Optics




The other option for students to fulfill their research graduation requirement is our Mentorship Program. About 13% of the senior class elects to complete a research experience at an external laboratory under the guidance of a professional scientist. Table 2 shows the participation of students by research lab in our Mentorship Program. In the metro Washington DC area there is an elevated concentration of high quality research universities, federal institutions, and private 52 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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companies with which TJ has developed long-standing relationships. Table 3 highlights the research institutions that participate in our Mentorship Program. Our students are welcomed into these labs as contributors and generally given substantive responsibilities. Like the in-house research labs, time to travel and conduct research at these facilities is built into student’s daily class schedules, which greatly facilitates the students working outside the school. Students’ daily class schedules are set so that they have approximately 16 hours a week spaced out over two and a half days to work at their Mentorship location during the Fall Semester. As a result of their work in these professional labs many students jointly author papers with their mentors for peer-reviewed journals or present their work at national or international meetings.

Table 2. 2015 – 2016 Participation by Research Lab in External Research Lab




Astronomy and Astrophysics




Automation and Robotics




Biotechnology and Life Sciences




Chemical Analysis and Nanochemistry




Computer Systems




Energy Systems




Engineering Design








Mobile and Web Applications








Oceanography and Geophysical Systems




Prototyping and Engineering Materials




Quantum Physics and Optics




Benefits of Open-Ended Investigations What then are the direct and indirect benefits to students who learn in an environment that places clear value on students conducting open-ended authentic research? This is a difficult question to answer in any measureable, reliable way in a high school without longitudinal data. There are, however, some strong anecdotal observations we have made as our program has evolved over the last 30 years that can approach answering this central question. 53 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

Table 3. 2015 – 2016 Research Institutions Participating in Mentorship Program

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Research Institution


Num. Of Students

Children’s National Medical Center


George Mason University


George Washington University


Georgetown University/ Georgetown Medical Center


NASA Goddard Space Flight Center


National Institutes of Health


Naval Research Laboratory


University of Maryland, College Park




These institutions or private companies only host 1 student each

Learning To View Science as an Investigative Tool When students are presented with a view of science that is exclusively couched as a means to verify things we already know in the form of canned confirmation style experiments we are doing the future of science harm. We are also denying students the opportunity to see how the practitioners of science and engineering use the language and processes of their disciplines as a lens to view and assess the world in which they live. From our students’ early experiences in their IBET and research statistics courses, through opportunities in the JUMP and senior research labs, our students’ formal high school experience centers on learning to ask and evaluate testable questions, not just reconfirm long known concepts. Being able to look for and formulate testable questions becomes as important of a skill to our students as gathering pure knowledge. Sharpening students senses to view the world critically not only strengthens their budding experimental endeavors, it spills over into more traditional class time. Providing students the opportunity to practice the generation of investigable questions starts the slow transformation from student to practitioner of science. Once students learn that science is a tool and a way of thinking, they start to apply it everywhere including classroom discussions and lectures. They start to take a more active role in evaluating and questioning what is presented to them and they dive deeper into understanding. Providing multiple avenues for students to ask authentic, rich questions in the lab or in the classroom propels them forward into the mindset of a scientist or engineer and pushes them to become dynamic learners. Learning the Nature and Evolution of Scientific Discoveries This country is midway through the second decade of educational reforms at the K-12 level that encourage the measurement of instructional gains via high stakes tests. With the 2001 reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary 54 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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Education Act, better known as No Child Left Behind, we entered into an era where success is measured against unrealistic goals. It launched an unwinnable race towards perfection in education. Schools and school systems that only provide students a view of science through confirmation style laboratory experiences reinforce this message. With this narrow perspective, students may start to see the process of scientific investigation as being straightforward, uncomplicated, and leading to only one clear result. However, students who are provided the opportunity to engage in more authentic investigations very quickly learn that there is more failure in science than advances. Students develop persistence and the ability to look past setbacks and learn from false steps. Professional scientists learn patience and understand that the daily announcements of scientific discoveries are the result of many investigators taking measured steps rather than a few sprinting towards perfection. Giving students the opportunity to learn these lessons of fortitude and perseverance has not only provided them a strong, realistic scientific education, it has given them an advantage over their peers who have been saddled with the notion that success must be absolute, it operates on a fixed timeline, and that failure is always catastrophic and unproductive. Strengthening the STEM Pipeline The attrition rates of STEM majors at the undergraduate and graduate levels have been widely discussed in academic and public circles. This is a complicated problem that is associated with the demographic characteristics of students, pre-college academic preparation, type of undergraduate institution, and early performance in university level STEM courses. A recent report stated that 48 percent of undergraduates entering STEM majors in 2003 had either changed to non-STEM majors or had not finished their degree within six years (8). Recruiting more talented students into STEM areas with special attention to building a diverse cadre entering the STEM workforce is systemic problem that requires high-level structural changes as well as classroom level initiatives. Early exposure to scientific research in high school can be one of approaches to this problem. Helping students see science is a tool and way of thinking as well as helping them develop a real understanding of the nature and evolution of scientific discoveries improves their pre-college academic preparation but it also might be a factor in their longevity in the field. When students feel comfortable with measured risk, uncertain outcomes, and have experience in formulating questions they become more confident in their courses. When students learn that research requires diligence and often times is tedious and repetitious they are ready for the ground level work presented to them as undergraduates. Although there are no formal ways of tracking the career pathways of our graduates there is a healthy alumni network. When recent graduates return to the school after starting college they often discuss these two perceived advantages over their new peers. They report lower general stress levels, more confidence and academic success, and most importantly excitement about their future. It would be naïve to assume that all graduates of TJ proceed onto undergraduate degrees in STEM fields, but by providing them an authentic research experience in high school they are fortified 55 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

with knowledge and experiences that better prepare them to rationally choose a scientific career and to persist through its early stages.

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Lessons for Other High Schools How to transfer the model of inquiry based learning at TJ to other schools is a question that is often asked. There are many advantages that the school has because of its geographic location, level of funding, and the gifted students and innovative faculty it attracts, which make implementation of this model difficult in other locations. Given these caveats there are some specific steps that schools should consider if they want to increase the quality and amount of authentic research in their buildings. Build a culture of investigation at your school. It’s not about the establishment of a special research course or honors classes; it is all about the culture in which students learn. Encouraging students to think and act like scientists and engineers requires a systemic approach and some patience. From beginning classes through the last days of high school, involve every subject and every discipline in the construction of opportunities for students to develop testable questions and support students in every way possible to pursue them. Spend time developing a school wide philosophy of how to get students to not just be consumers of science, but users of scientific knowledge and scientific ways of thinking. This goes beyond simply supporting the annual science fair; it’s about establishing a multiyear, methodical program that engenders the knowledge, skills, dispositions, and core beliefs of science into the daily experiences of students. Reach out to the surrounding community of professionals. Science is not a solitary pursuit, it is best done when ideas can be freely shared and mutual benefits are apparent. Schools should not feel the need to rely solely on the faculty members of their schools for research ideas or even technical knowledge. Accomplished scientists and engineers are just fingertips away. Local universities, colleges, hospitals, small businesses, and governmental agencies all have too many problems to chase down on their own and all are willing to help inspire young investigators. A good place to start in developing these relationships is to find research faculty who participate in summer enrichment or research programs for high school students at their institutions. If these faculty members find it valuable to participate in summer programs, then it is likely they would consider mentoring students during the academic year. The U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists program provides a clearinghouse of information about research opportunities at National Laboratories across the county (9). Every National Laboratory has a designated outreach office and contacting that office would be a good first step in developing a relationship. It is also important to stress that any relationships that are established are done so out of mutual benefit. Students need to be given real problems to grapple with and explore, and they need to see themselves as contributors and problem solvers. In return, institutional and individual research partners not only gain personal satisfaction from being a scientific mentor, they gain eager workers who often have more time and focus than undergraduate 56 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

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students. Many of our students who work in conjunction with external researchers are trusted investigators who contribute in measureable ways to the research groups in which they work. It is the willingness of professional scientists to open the door to real science that makes these partnerships mutually beneficial. Rethink professional development for teachers. Teachers are flexible, inventive professionals who desire intellectual growth as much as their students. Help teachers see the benefits of learning along with their students and support them when they jump into the unfamiliar. This may require strengthening the investigative skills of the faculty. Supporting teachers going to national STEM conferences to learn the current state of the field is one way to accomplish this task. Another, possibly more useful approach is to support teachers participating in research experiences for themselves. NSF supported Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) (10) are excellent ways for teachers to grow. It is important that like their students, the faculty needs to perceive themselves as practitioners of science, not just consumers of it if they are going to lead students to the same conclusion. Work towards the establishment of a school culture that understands what standardized testing measures, when it is appropriate to use these measures in decision making, and when its appropriate to develop other tools. The benefits of authentic scientific investigations are rarely measured by the content driven standardized tests that are pervasive in the United States. If a school wants to move towards increasing the quality of the research experiences it provides for its students it needs to look beyond these easily accessible tools and develop metrics that actually provide information to the school community about the thinking, questioning, and investigative process skills that students should gain. Like scientists, be ready to experiment. When institutions try new instructional approaches there is often a desire to see positive results quickly. It takes time to build research programs for students. It also takes some trial and error. Schools should be excited by the opportunity to investigate ways to inspire students and be willing to go down some wrong turns.

Call for Further Research Many of the observations presented in this chapter are supported only by anecdotal evidence. There are some that are supported by current educational research (11–13); however, the body of research based knowledge that specifically identifies the benefits of high school students exposure to open-ended STEM research should be expanded upon. The potential benefits of exploring this issue have important social, economic, and scientific ramifications. Unfortunately, K-12 institutions are not able to devote the time or resources to answering this question so there is a need for the scientific community, specifically researchers in STEM departments to consider exploring this issue in more detail. There is also a need for researchers in STEM disciplines to consider involving high school students and teachers as partners in research projects. Rightfully, many university faculty apply for NSF or other federal mission agency funding for Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) programs. However, there 57 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.

could be additional benefit in the establishment of more RET opportunities. The long term benefits to student, teachers, and researcher that we have experienced justify this expansion.


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4. 5. 6.



9. 10.




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58 Murray et al.; The Power and Promise of Early Research ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2016.