an I*rofM#i€pn. 24 and 25. A n additional 6,125 were maLled on Feb. 2 6 . Between the time the pzrint order was established and the addressing of the envelopes began, the ACS mcnx"bershir> had increased by about 1,500. Therefore, a rerun of some of the material ha^d to be made, so t h a t the final mailing o-df 1,568 questionnaires was made on Marcti 4. Originally a deadline of IVIarch 14 had been set for ttie return of t h e question naires. After t h e mailing was completed, it became apparent t h a t the q_u.estionnaires were not readying members in some sec tions as quickly as expected because of un usually slow a-nd erratic handling in the mails. The deadline was, therefore, ex tended to périrait ample time for returns. Returns Of the 49,82*7 questionnaires dispatched, a total of 21,9&T, or 43 %, are accounted for. Of these 21,937% 20,97