A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry for Colleges (Norris, James F

A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry for Colleges (Norris, James F.; Young, Ralph C.) John C. Bailar. J. Chem. Educ. , 1939, 16 (11), p 549...
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given in tabular form. I t does not include separation of the anions or cations but only the identification of a single substance. Part 11, "Qualitative Organic Analysis," begins with a brief discussion on preliminary examinations and group tests. Then follow reactions of common organic compounds. Finally, there is a tabulated scheme of analysis. No use is made of the melting points of solid derivatives, but, instead. odors, precipitates, color reactions, reducing properties, and so forth, are used in the identification tests. The most valuable section of the book is Part 111, "Volymetric Analysis." After a preliminary discussion, methods in acidimetry and alkalinity, argentometric titrations, iodimetry and potassium permauganate titrations are given along with examples of calculations. The appendix contains a number of chemical equations and several useful tables. Thirty-two pages are left blank for notes. Ten more are blank or contain only the title of the section. The book would be of little use in a modern American medical school which requires in the premedical curriculum, general inorganic, elementary organic, elementary physical, and quantitative analytical chemistry. SYLVAN E. FORMAN

A T s x r s p o ~oa INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FOR COLLEGES.James F. Norrir and Ralph C. Yozmg, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York Citv. 1938. x 803 DO. .. 14 X 20.5 cm. $3.75. This book is a revisionof the well-known text by Professor Noms. Large portions have now been rewritten t o include the newer knowledge of atomic structure, radioactivity, and ionization. These subjects are not discussed extensively, however, and the book retains a conservative tone. Although the study of atomic structure is introduced very early and is touched upon in several subsequent chapters, it is never developed very fully. Electronic formulas are used in some plsces, but in other portions of the book the older type of structural formula is retained. The Br$nsted theory of acids and bases is not mentioned by name, but is neatly introduced as a development of the older theory. Like the first edition, the baok contains a large amount of descriptive inorganic material. The outstanding feature of the book is the beautiful literary style of the authors, who seem almost to be convening with the student. The definitions are models of clarity, and the usual catalog-like recitals of the properties and uses of the elements have given way to interesting descriptions. Properties which do not lend themselves to such treatment are tabulated a t the beginning of the chapters. Numerous historical notes and allusions t o the methods and value of research give the student an excellent view of chemistry as a living, growing science. It is unfortunate that the authon have not seen fit to give more prominence t o the newer industrial processes. The electrolytic preparation of sodium carbonate is not discussed, and the Castner-Kellner cell for the production of sodium hydroxide is given more attention than the newer and more extensively used diaphragm cells. The use of vanadium pentoxide catalysts in the contact process is given less than one line, and the preparation of hydrogen peroxide by electrolysis is subordinated t o the barium peroxide method, which it has largely superseded. It seems nnfortunate, too, that the mineral silicates are not discussed in the light of recent discoveries. Each chapter is concluded with a group of exercises and references for further reading. The chapters entitled "The Chemical Prooerties of the Metals" and "The Properties of Oxides, Hydroxides and Salts" are excellently done, and the reviewer wishes t o give them special commendation, even though he believes that the passivity of metals and the failure of nitric acid


to attack aluminum are incorrectly explained.

In these chapters and in the presentation of chemistry as a living science, the authors have made definite contributions to the teaching of elementary chemistry. Their book should find a wide arceptance. Tom C. BAILAR.TR.

THE SOYBEAN INDUSTRY. A . A. Hov~ath,Agricultural Experiment Station, Newark, Delaware. The Chemical Publishing Company of New York, Inc., New York City, 1938. vi 221 pp. 14 X 22 cm. $4.00. The soybean industry is growing rapidly and technical workers, dealers, executives, and the general public are asking for information reeardinr Dr. Horvath was selected bv the oub" " it. lislwr.; t o write t h i c hook hecauseof his study at Kazan. \ladivostu