A textbook of inorganic chemistry - Journal of Chemical Education

A textbook of inorganic chemistry. Walter C. Schumb. J. Chem. Educ. , 1951, 28 (1), p 55. DOI: 10.1021/ed028p55.1. Publication Date: January 1951. Cit...
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weight m h t n n e a in films, oRrrinp inl~*rpn.tationso l phenomenn thin pnrl of thc bmk, M hns Ihr inrluxion o l a luller m u n t of the nl,.wrvnl with pmtrinr. polymrm, fonm* nnd cmulsinn*, pnstn, ntwr r l r m m t s nnd 01 m w n t thwmtiod nncl experimental adnnd l~iolodrnls y ~ t r n ~ inr the light of r r r r n l work. I t p m v i d n vnnws is thia field 01 ehcmirtry. n frnnwwmk of inf~~rm:ttinn with IiOnrlrrtnl w f r r n ~ r n mninly , tr~ Rmlizntion of the p w i n g signifirnncn of the rtmetuml e t a work within t h p~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ l w ~ u l ~ . of inorannir. ehcmixtry fin~lpw f l w t i m in t h r m l ~ j c c tmatter, Spxt is n rhnptm on the qunntitntive i n t ~ r p m t s t i o nof thr wprriidly of Clwptvm S S I t o S S V . I t ia mfmrhing to note, ~lertrophorrticvelocity a1 colloids 11). J. Th.G. Overlmk. It is in thir rvynnl, th:ht whilr tIw nulltor l m in~ltalcvlin thc test vnridcvotrcl mninly to n qunntitntivc intcprctntion o f c l n t n p h o m t i c nun rlrwriptionr rrf molcrulrw snd crystal xtnletum~,hc l n k a mobility, with a moclwt dvpnr! o f rurrtr*. >lore nntl l r t l r r e- nmmiw, in 11w I'n41wc, t o mution t h r s t u d m t lo thceITwt tlmt ~wrirnmtnlchin RIG IKYYINI fvr cnmparison with thwry. "thia informntion rannot. n.pl:,n* n clrt:dwl knowlnlg~01 tho TIw ft~llowinprhnptw on lyngcls I,? I;. A. Ilnurrr and D. 9. prvl>ar:ttion nnd prnlwrtin ni wlrtnnwa, whirh forms the m m t 1eHr:tu disrussn g d rtrurturr :mcl slnhility and the nuthorn' imprt:tnt r o n t m t of IIIV ml,jvrt of t h d r i t u d i m I t l r n I~I ~ C v i e w on t l ~ i r v t n q ~ yrlwqwry, , dil:drunry, nncl r k l i r i t y . Tlw mula. n l : ~ t i o n d ~ ito p thr lnlltv r ~ * nnntorny < l w st o p h y r i o l ~ . " tn~:,tnsmtof tlu*lr. n h j w t s is sketchy nnd mnkm no auhstnntinl This nttitudr torvxrd tllr rnl!idly grnWing l l m l of vtnleturnl ineontrilmtivn 1 8 , tlw litvrntun.. 1 ' 1 ~rlwtmn ~ plmtnmirmgmphs orprmir infnrmation i m p m w s onr n* ~rarlirul:dysnnr rind cownnd ultn~~~l~ot~~n~i~n~gr:t~lr xhnwn "re of high qunlitv nnd do "l,.nd111,11'. give x c m v xulquwt to tlw nuthon' thcnry of ~I:wlivity. which l'hc rwthor's r e d n h l r rtylr nnd his pnchant. lor giving his ~ l v w r v wconxidwnlion !I, thc,?u. w r k i u g in this fidd. I t is Im- ncroml. n plmRing hixtoried flnvor, eaprridly t o ir notnl in the fortunstr thnt tlw tl~coryclaw not inc,ludc the kinrtic rxpl:+ rnrlivr rhnptrm, nm mnint:tinwl in thv pnwnt. rcvixion, mnny of n:dinns whirh R W I ~t o lie m w4I founchl. the f i m m rmcl cuts i r i n g n,tsinnl from t h pnwious ~ rclition~. T h r chnptrr on ultrnrmtrifugal r~vlimcnlntion01 polymolm Alllxougl~ w m r of tlw ilvarriplioas o f induxtrinl prnduetion ulm ~ u l ~ t by : mPer-Old ~ ~ liinvll nnql I l ~ n g t14. I h n h y is dim r t l ~ n l s:xw n l ~ l ~ l i n ~t ol ~I