A thermochemistry experiment for freshman chemistry lab

hazardous reagent (bromine water) albeit in small quantities. Two methods will be described for generating the elution profile of nickel-one spectroph...
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Evaluating Spectrophotometric Results The absorbance data is plotted on a graph on which the ordinate is absorbance and abscissa is tube number or fraction number. The absorbance scale need not be the same for each ion; maximum absorbance for each ion should simply be the top ofthe graph. Plot absorbance versus tube number for each ion, and connect the absorbance values with a smooth curve. In evaluating the efficiency of the separation, recall that ideally each ion would be removed totally from the column before a new one begins t o elute. Practically, however, each ion first appears in the eluant in low concentration, reaches a maximum and then taners off. As one ion's concentration decreases. another ion appears in the eluant. Some nv~rlnpof the lorn ulll rherefwr w w r duril~gthe elution. A separation may br cunsirlwrd rrawnahlr fur the purposes of this exprrlmtnl if the mnxlmum