A topics course on chemical application of lasers

William F. Coleman. University of New Mexico. Albuquerque. NM 87131. There is little question that in the past ten years lasers have become among the ...
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A Topics Course on Chemical Application of Lasers William F. Coleman

University of New Mexico. Albuquerque. NM 87131 There is little question that in the past ten years lasers have become among the most important tools available to the modern experimental chemist. An excellent case can he made for the statement that a knowledge of lasers and their applications to chemical pnlhlems is as important to a well trained chemist today as a knowledge of NMR has been over the previous decade. In spite of the increasing use of laser techniaues in aure and aoalied chemical research, as well as in .. many other areas of academic and industrial science, medicine, communications, etc., relatively little attention appears trl have heen paid to this powerful experimental tool in the chemistry curriculum. Most modern texts in physical chemistry and instrumental analysis pay lip service trplill" and emi*sim prlrerlex and thedvnamlrr i d , he tw,>.lev~lryrtom. Preqwntlv, sludents w f h i w s ( n m ~ lhnrkyrmmds i n rpertroampg i m n d l h n l this . ", " I.,filllavsrlmeofthrpaprrusod 091 Shimdn. K.. lEdcr,ri. "Hiph H ~ s d ~ ~ Ll ai x~rmS~PC~IIC(IIIV."Sprinyer.Ver1~1;. !e*ll"""dd ,hem v i l h Lhs l u r k ~ n r m nPrMa.r d 1976. 1201 7crail. A. H . I F d i l ~ l r l . " A d w n r ~i r r !.as-r ~ Vhrmirlry."Sprin~cr~\'crlsp.1977. 1?11 ,I~~~~~ctt-lluhien..I.. IF.'ditnri."l.s~~rri n I'hwical IChomixtnssnd Riuphyrirx." Elrcvier. 1975, I211 i . ~ l ~ ~ kV.h S.. ~ w" N m l i n e ~ rl.arrr Spwtnxropy." Sprin~er-Verlae,1977. I!:%) West. M.A.. IMi(orl."Ccmlerenreim 1.aaera inChemil