A Treatise on Light. By R. A. Houstoun. - The Journal of Physical

A Treatise on Light. By R. A. Houstoun. J. W. Perry. J. Phys. Chem. , 1939, 43 (9), pp 1234–1234. DOI: 10.1021/j150396a015. Publication Date: Septem...
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Methods of studying non-radioactive isotopes by various physical means and modes of their separation are given briefly in the following three chapters. The remaining chapters (five) are devoted to the consideration of the preparation of radioactive substances, the chemical properties of individual radioelements, various effects of the radiations, problems of the age of minerals, and cosmic rays. A short appendix describes the cyclotron. The text is supplemented with fiftyseven tables and fifty-four figures. The book should prove to be an excellent text for honor students in the natural sciences. ALOIS F. KOVARIK.


A Treatise o n Light. By R. A. HOUSTOUN.22 x 14 cm: xi 528 pp.; 8 plates. London: Longmans, Green and Company, 1938. Price: 14/-. This new edition of Dr. Houstoun’s standard treatise shows signs of a thorough revision, and new matter has been incorporated in places to amplify the older work. A new chapter, forming a good general introduction to the quantium theory, has also been added, but the general plan of the book remains unaltered. This has much to recommend it. The whole work is divided superficially into four parts but essentially into two, the fist of which, in three sectiom, covers geometrical optics, physical optics, spectroscopy, and photometry. The remaining part, entitled “Mathematical Theory”, supplements more particularly the sectiom on physical optics and specbroacopy. This arrangement enables due emphasis to fall upon the physical concepts involved, so that a proper balance is maintained between the different aspects of the subject. The newer applications of optical instruments receive consideration in this edition, but i t is t o be hoped that a later edition would allow space for a more extended treatment, for example, of x-ray analysis, colorimetry, turbidimetry, and the Raman effect. The rapid strides made by the theory of spectra in recent years have had a revolutionary effect upon theories of the structure of matter and have placed a very valuable tool in the hands of the investigator. It is therefore rather disappointing to find that Dr. Houstoun should abandon this child upon the doorstep of “mathematical chemistry”. The student will, moreover, find no references to facilitate an introduction to this field. Throughout the work, indeed, the lack, in all but a few caaes, of references to original works is to be considered a shortcoming. From other points of view this edition is well adapted to the use of students. The book is well got up, the exposition is clear, and the style is easy. A number of plates and the answers to the exercises have been added. The present edition gives the impression of a well-considered and, on the whole, an accurate and reliable work. J. W. PERRY. Kurze Geschichte &r Katalyse i n Praxis und Theorie. By A. MITTASCE.22 x 14 cm. ; viii 139 pp. Berlin: J. Springer, 1939. Price: 6.80 RM. In this small book a historical survey of the development of the study of catalysis up t o the present day is combined with a concise yet informative presentation of the main facts and theories of catalytic phenomena. All the important stages of development are reviewed, and the contributions of the numerous workers are clearly stated. The author emphasizes the leading part played by Ostwald in reviving and extending studies in this field, and he continues the story t o the present stage of investigation. The book is one that every chemist will read with pleasure.
