A tube fitting might look like a - American Chemical Society

received his BS degree in biology from. Christian Brothers ... ies at the Veterans Administration. Medical Center, Connective Tissue. Section, in Memp...
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extracts of p l a n t tissue, soil, water, a n d biological specimens s u c h as blood, urine, or bovine r u m e n fluid can be assayed for pesticide c o n t a m i ­ nation by t h e E L I S A m e t h o d .


References (1) Engvall, E.; Perlmann, P. Immunochemistry 1971,8,871. (2) Engvall, E.; Jonsson, K.; Perlmann, P. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1971,251, 427. (3) Rubenstein, K. E. et al. Biochem. Bio­ phys. Res. Commun. 1972, 47, 846. (4) Engvall, E.; Pesce, J. Scand. J. Immu­ nol. 1978,8, 7. (5) Avrameas, S. Immunochemistry 1969, 5,43. (6) Modesto, R. R.; Pesce, A. J. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1971,229, 384. (7) Hsu, S. M.; Raine, L.; Fanger, H. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. 1981, 75, 734. (8) Hsu, S. M., Raine, Ε.; Fanger, Η. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 1981, 29, 577. (9) Ruitenberg, E. J. et al. J. Immunol. Meth. 1977,16, 351. (10) Monroe, D. Am. Clin. Prod. Rev. 1983,2(3), 22. (11) Yolken, R. H. Hosp. Pract. 1978, 13(12), 121-27. (12) Notermans, S. et al. Jpn. J. Med. Sci. Biol. 1978, 32(1), 81-85. (13) Saunders, G. C ; Bartlett, M. L. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 1977,34, 518. (14) American Society for Microbiology, abstract of paper # P 5 0 , p. 194, 78th An­ nual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nev., May 1419,1978. (15) Saunders, G. C.; Clinard, E. H. J. Clin. Microbiol. 1976, 3, 604. (16) Saunders, G. C. Am. J. Veterin. Res. 1976,38,1. (17) Ellens, D. J.; De Leeuw, P. W. J. Clin. Microbiol. 1977,6,530. (18) American Chemical Society, abstract of paper # 2 6 , 176th National Meeting, Miami Beach, Fla., Sept. 11,1978.

A tube fitting might look like a SWAGELOK Tube Fitting. You might even be told it& a "SWAGELOK" Tube Fitting. But ifyou are not buying from an Authorized SWAGELOK Sales and Service Representative, itb probably not a Genuine SWAGELOK Tube Fitting. You ΊΙ be offered many imitations at lower prices, prices which neither reflect true in-service performance costs, nor match the SWAGELOK Tube Fitting standards for leak-tight integrity, ease of installation, availability and service. There is only one way to assure yourself of Genuine SWAGELOK Tube Fitting performance. Buy from an Authorized SWAGELOK Sales and Service Representative.

Dan Monroe is a Research Associate at the University of Tennessee Center for the Health Sciences (UTCHS). He received his BS degree in biology from Christian Brothers College (Mem­ phis, Tenn.) and attended UTCHS Medical School. For the past 17 years, he has been a member of the strepto­ coccal research team, Infectious Dis­ ease Section, with major interest in streptococcal pathogenesis, autoim­ mune diseases, and rheumatic fever synthetic vaccine production. His present work includes collagen stud­ ies at the Veterans Administration Medical Center, Connective Tissue Section, in Memphis, Tenn.

There are many copies, but there is no equal to the Genuine SWAGELOK Tube Fitting.

Swagelok® TUBE FITTINGS Crawford Fitting Company 29500 Solon Road, Solon, Ohio 44139 Crawford Fittings (Canada), Ltd., Ontario © 1984 Markad Service Co.. all rights reserved C-421 CIRCLE 34 ON READER SERVICE CARD