A university-level course in laboratory safety ... - ACS Publications

an Undergraduate Course in Chemical Laboratory Safety through an Academic/Industrial Collaboration. Ericka M. HustonJohn A. MilliganJaclyn R. Powe...
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MALCOLM M. RENFREW University of Idaho MOSCOW, ldaho 83843

A University-Level Course in Laboratory Safety (Concluded) by George G. Lowry Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49008 The two essay paper topids that have been assigned are as follows: 1) Assume you are hired a3 a faculty member in the chemistry department of a new four-year college, and that you are assigned the primary responsibility for develooine.. a safetv . oromam . " for the departmmc. 1)esrrihe how you would advisc rhe huildin~architecu regarding safety cons~derari