A versatile, stable glycol with a variety of industrial applications

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A versatile, stable glycol with a variety of industrial applications T H E DIVERSIFIED USES of Hexylene Glycol are a result of four distinguishing features. Hexylene Glycol is (1) an ideal coupling or blending agent; (2) a high-boiling (198.3° C) solvent and penetrant; (3) an efficient wetting and dispersing agent; and (4) a mild humectant.


Hydraulic Brake Fluids. Brake fluids which contain Hexylene Glycol have high tolerance for moisture . . . show little tendency to p r o m o t e rubber swelling . . . exhibit low c o r r o s i o n characteristics . . . form clear solutions with other castor oil brake fluids. Printing Inks. At ordinary temperatures press stability is insured by the low vapor pressure and mild hygroscopicity of Hexylene Glycol. At elevated temperatures of flash-dry ovens the relatively high volatility of Hexylene Glycol permits fast drying with higher, m o r e uniform press speeds. Cleaning Compounds. Hexylene Glycol, as a coupling agent in engine cleaners and general industrial cleaners, effects stable and h o m o g e n e o u s emulsions. In pre-spotting soaps, Hexylene Glycol couples the soap with water, contributes solvent p o w e r and facilitates the removal of last traces of soap and water d u r i n g dry cleaning. Other applications suggested by the coupling, wetting and high solvency properties of Hexylene Glycol include soluble cutting oils, g r i n d i n g fluids, w o o d fungicides and textile assistants.



Contains data on industrial applications . . . includes use· ful charts, tables, properties and specifications. Booklet mailed on receipt of your letterhead request. Samples of Hexylene Glycol are available for your évaluation.

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