A Wing Top Water Spreader

We have used a very simple device to increase the efiiciency of the condensate collecting flask on our Bnchler Rotary Evap- orator. The faucet connect...
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A Wing Top Water Spreader We have used a very simple device to increase the efiiciency of the condensate collecting flask on our Bnchler Rotary Evaporator. The faucet connection supplied with the instrument provides a stream of cold wat,er onto the rotat,ing condensing flask. This stream is of very narrow width, and we desired to increase the surface area of water flowing over t,he flask. To dhis end, we have made a "water spreader" from a flame spreader and a cork. The flame spreader is simply inserted into one end of a bored cork, and the other end oi the cork is attached to the failcet connection. This simple device spreads the water over a wider area of the flask with essentinlly no splashing.


Volume 45, Number 7, July 1968
