Ab Initio Emulsion Polymerization by RAFT-Controlled Self

The essence of the method is to use an amphipathic RAFT agent to produce an initial ..... Ferguson, C. J.; Hughes, R. J.; Pham, B. T. T.; Hawkett, B. ...
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Macromolecules 2005, 38, 2191-2204


Ab Initio Emulsion Polymerization by RAFT-Controlled Self-Assembly§ Christopher J. Ferguson,† Robert J. Hughes,†,) Duc Nguyen,† Binh T. T. Pham,† Robert G. Gilbert,† Algirdas K. Serelis,‡ Christopher H. Such,‡ and Brian S. Hawkett*,† Key Centre for Polymer Colloids, Chemistry School F11, University of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia, and Dulux Australia, McNaughton Road, Clayton, Victoria 3168, Australia Received June 19, 2004; Revised Manuscript Received December 27, 2004

ABSTRACT: A method is developed to enable emulsion polymerization to be performed under RAFT control to give living character without the problems that often affect such systems: formation of an oily layer, loss of colloidal stability, or loss of molecular weight control. Trithiocarbonate RAFT agents are used to form short stabilizing blocks from a water-soluble monomer, from which diblocks can be created by the subsequent polymerization of a hydrophobic monomer. These diblocks are designed to self-assemble to form micelles. Polymerization is initially performed under conditions that avoid the presence of monomer droplets during the particle formation stage and until the hydrophobic ends of the diblocks have become sufficiently long to prevent them from desorbing from the newly formed particles. Polymerization is then continued at any desired feed rate and composition of monomer. The polymer forming in the reaction remains under RAFT control throughout the polymerization; molecular weight polydispersities are generally low. The number of RAFT-ended chains within a particle is much larger than the aggregation number at which the original micelles would have self-assembled, implying that in the early stages of the polymerization, there is aggregation of the micelles and/or migration of the diblocks. The latexes resulting from this approach are stabilized by anchored blocks of the hydrophilic monomer, e.g., acrylic acid, with no labile surfactant present. Sequential polymerization of two hydrophobic monomers gives completely novel core-shell particles where most chains extend from the core of the particles through the shell layer to the surface.

Introduction The successful application of RAFT (Reversible Addition-Fragmentation chain Transfer) techniques to both bulk and solution polymerizations is well documented.1-4 A RAFT agent has the generic formula Z-C(dS)S-R, where R is a leaving group that mediates the first transfer event and thereafter remains the non-active end group of the growing polymer chain and Z is an activating group. The essential steps in RAFT polymerization are

Pm• + Z-C(dS)S-Pn h Z-C•(-SPn)S-Pm h Z-C(dS)S-Pm + Pn• (1) Propagation occurs with the polymeric radicals Pn•, whose “free” lifetime is very brief compared to the time that they spend as nonpropagating SdC(Z)SPn entities. The control that this method allows over molecular weight, polydispersity, and chain architecture has allowed many novel polymers to be produced.5-8 While RAFT is well developed for use in homogeneous polymerizations, the same cannot be said for dispersed polymerization systems. Almost all published experiments for RAFT polymerization in conventional emulsion systems have reported one or more of the following §

Preliminary publication of some of this work appeared as a Communication: Ferguson, C. J.; Hughes, R. J.; Pham, B. T. T.; Hawkett, B. S.; Gilbert, R. G.; Serelis, A. K.; Such, C. H. Macromolecules 2002, 35, 9243-9245. * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected]. † University of Sydney. ‡ Dulux Australia. ) Deceased March 17 2003.

problems: poor colloidal stability, poor molecular weight control, or high polydispersity.3,9-14 There have been various mechanisms postulated to explain these problems,9 for example, problems with RAFT agent transport across the aqueous phase.15 This postulate has been supported by evidence from Prescott et al.16 who showed that these problems may be circumvented by ensuring that all of the RAFT agent is located in seed particles before polymerization is commenced. The procedure used by these authors is limited to cases where seed particles are used and thus does not allow ab initio (unseeded) emulsion polymerization under RAFT control (much of the final polymer comes from the seed and is thus not grown under controlled conditions). Another approach that has been used with success is miniemulsion polymerization.17-20 This method removes the need for the RAFT agent to migrate across the aqueous phase, as the particles form from the droplets initially present in the emulsion. This paper expands on our earlier Communication21 describing an alternative method of applying RAFT techniques to ab initio emulsion polymerization (as distinct from miniemulsion). Proposed Particle Formation Model In a conventional ab initio emulsion polymerization, particle formation can occur by three mechanisms: micellar entry, homogeneous nucleation, and droplet nucleation.22 Whichever nucleation route is occurring in a conventional emulsion polymerization, in the presence of RAFT agents, this agent must still migrate into the newly formed particles (from monomer droplets, from monomer swollen micelles, or from the aqueous phase) for the reaction to proceed under RAFT control.

10.1021/ma048787r CCC: $30.25 © 2005 American Chemical Society Published on Web 02/10/2005


Ferguson et al.

Macromolecules, Vol. 38, No. 6, 2005

Figure 1. Process used to create particles.

If the diffusion of RAFT agent is slow on the time scale of particle formation and/or if there is significant RAFT agent in the monomer droplets while polymerization is occurring, then the previously reported problems will occur for the reasons suggested by Prescott et al.9,16 The novel technique used in the present work ensures that the RAFT agent will be located exclusively in the particles as they form and, thus, that the entire polymerization will be under RAFT control. The fundamental idea is that the polymerization process is such that (a) all species formed from the RAFT agent are surface active and therefore able to self-assemble into micellar structures and (b) no other species capable of stabilizing particles are present. Propagation will occur to a point where chains are too hydrophobic to desorb from micelles, and particles will thus be created. As the chains in this newly formed particle grow and the size increases, other diblocks may absorb onto the newly created surface and in turn propagate to a point where they are also not able to desorb from the surface. The sequence of events then becomes similar to that which occurs when particles are nucleated from micelles in a conventional emulsion polymerization, with the obvious distinction that the surfactant molecules in this case are increasing in size and overall hydrophobicity. For this mechanism to operate, the growing RAFT agent must be able to self-assemble to form micelles in water, preferably with the active RAFT end located in the micelle interior to facilitate polymerization of hydrophobic monomer to yield particles. This model is more general than that put forward in our preliminary communication,21 where it was suggested that it was necessary to have the formation of rigid micelles from the diblocks. One way to carry out the process described above is to use the RAFT agent to create amphipathic diblocks

that will self-assemble into micelles. This can be done by the sequential polymerization of first a hydrophilic and then a hydrophobic monomer in the presence of the RAFT agent. Thus, a hydrophilic monomer such as acrylic acid can be polymerized in the presence of a RAFT agent to yield a macro-RAFT agent containing a small number of hydrophilic groups (typically five in this work). Further polymerization with a hydrophobic monomer yields a diblock macro-RAFT agent that is capable of forming micelles. Subsequent polymerization will cause the diblock polymer to grow, and the micelles then evolve into latex particles, which will continue to grow under RAFT control. This process is illustrated in Figure 1. When diblock structures are formed using RAFTcontrolled polymerization, the original RAFT functionality is largely retained at the end of the chain. While any RAFT agent will suffice for the process of selfassembly by hydrophilic/hydrophobic growth, it is more useful to start with a RAFT agent that is amphipathic, specifically where one end is hydrophobic and the other is hydrophilic. This presents the opportunity of forming the amphipathic macro-RAFT agents by polymerizing appropriate monomers, either in separate synthetic steps or in situ. If they are surface active, these diblock polymers are able to self-assemble to form micelles in water. Creating the diblock polymer in situ provides a method that ensures the polymer is able to form micellar structures. The strategy of using an amphipathic RAFT agent ensures that each end of a diblock polymer chain will have character similar to that of the adjacent monomer unit. Having a hydrophilic R group reduces the likelihood of stabilizing chain ends associating strongly with other R groups or the latex particle surface to give rise to reduced stabilizer efficiency and high latex viscosity or colloidal instability through bridging floc-

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culation. A hydrophobic Z group will ensure that the RAFT process will occur in the particle interior rather than at the surface (although the latter might be desirable in some instances). By this approach being empolyed, the problem of RAFT transport across the aqueous phase is avoided. The RAFT agent remains soluble in the aqueous phase until sufficient hydrophobic monomer has been added to make it nonlabile, at which point the RAFT agent will be located exclusively in the proto-particles. Gaillard et al.23 also used RAFT to synthesize AA/BA diblocks of varying sizes and then cleaved the RAFT end. They found that these diblocks behave as conventional surfactants in emulsion polymerization. This supports the basic ideas behind the protocols developed in the present paper. It is important to avoid the presence of monomer droplets,9,16 at least up to the point where the RAFT agents have propagated with sufficient hydrophobic monomer to become locked into the particles since otherwise the macro-RAFT agents can migrate to the droplet surface and stabilize the monomer/droplet/water interface. In a conventional emulsion polymerization, labile surfactant can desorb from droplets as monomer is transported to the growing particles, thereby allowing the droplets to shrink. However, if one simply added the RAFT agent to a conventional emulsion polymerization with monomer droplets present, growth of the chain would then immobilize the macro-RAFT agent on the droplet surface and reduce monomer loss from the droplets, thereby giving rise to droplet nucleation.16 Having polymerization occurring in the droplets is undesirable, as the relative concentrations of RAFT agent and monomer will be different from what they are in the particles, thereby giving rise to a broader molecular weight distribution, as well as creating particles which are of a different size to those created from micelles and which are prone to coalescence. This approach has many potential benefits. The most obvious is controlling polymer molecular weight and microstructure in a way not hitherto available in emulsion polymerization. This is a result of the particles all having RAFT agent present and attached to essentially all the chains from the time they were created. Another benefit is that the particles can be formed in the absence of free surfactant, as colloidal stability will be afforded by the hydrophilic chain ends located on the particle surface (either a species which can be charged, such as acrylic acid, or uncharged, such as acrylamide, or any combination of ionizable and nonionizable monomers), which cannot subsequently desorb from the particle. The absence of free surfactant is desirable in many technical applications. The method by which the particles are created also provides the opportunity to functionalize the particle surface (by beginning with a functionalized RAFT agent or adding functional monomer with the hydrophilic monomer) and control particle morphology (by changing the feed composition after the particles have formed). Selection of Reaction Conditions The basic procedure described could be carried out in a multitude of ways. In this work, it was considered important to have a system that was as simple as possible and also able to be easily characterized. As described above, it was desired to utilize a RAFT agent with a hydrophobic Z group and a hydrophilic R group.

Figure 2. Structures of RAFT agents, 2-{[(butylsulfanyl)carbonothioyl]sulfanyl}propanoic acid, (a), and 2-{[(dodecylsulfanyl)carbonothioyl]sulfanyl}propanoic acid, (b).

The structures of the chosen RAFT agents, which are trithiocarbonates and where the R group is propanoic acid, are shown in Figure 2: 2-{[(butylsulfanyl)carbonothioyl]sulfanyl}propanoic acid (a) and 2-{[(dodecylsulfanyl)carbonothioyl]sulfanyl}propanoic acid (b). The carboxylic acid group was chosen to be similar to acrylic acid, which will be polymerized as the hydrophilic block. The R group yields a secondary radical on cleavage from the RAFT agent, which is sufficiently stable to allow both the cleavage process and monomer addition to occur under the reaction conditions chosen. This trithiocarbonate class of RAFT agents has a low susceptibility to hydrolysis in the pH range used here (although hydrolysis can occur under more alkaline conditions24). This low susceptibility to hydrolysis, which we confirmed by UV-visible spectroscopic analysis of a water solution of the RAFT agent, contrasts to the higher susceptibilityofthecommonerdithioesterRAFTagents.25-29 Acrylic acid was chosen as a convenient monomer to make the hydrophilic block, as it polymerizes well under the control of the chosen RAFT agent, and short anchored blocks are able to stabilize latex particles when the acid groups are neutralized. Butyl acrylate was chosen as a convenient second-stage monomer due to its high propagation rate coefficient30,31 and favorable reaction kinetics with the RAFT agent and acrylic acid. This ensures that the polymerization will proceed at a reasonable rate. The process could be sub-optimal during the aqueous polymerization step as a result of the monomer concentration being very low (due to the low water solubility of most monomers used in emulsion polymerization). This leads to a reduced rate of propagation in relation to termination, which will result in some terminated aqueous diblock species. While radicals would propagate mainly in micelles once they formed, aqueous-phase termination might still occur to some extent in the very early stages of the process, when there is some lability of chains (as inferred in a later section), leading to some transfer of radical activity between micelles. Any new chains that are initiated in the aqueous phase without a RAFT agent will still have a carboxylic group from the initiator, but this will be less effective in stabilizing the particles than the acrylic acid block, as well as producing chains that are free to desorb from the particles. Thus, it is important to optimize polymerization during this period to ensure that as many chains as possible have both the targeted acrylic acid block on the end and RAFT functionality. To optimize the yield of the desired product and have an easily characterizable system, it was decided to preform the acrylic acid-containing macro-RAFT agent in concentrated aqueous solution. The initiator chosen for this purpose was 4,4′-azobis(4-cyanopentanoic acid) (V-501), as it is water-soluble and carries an acid functionality similar to the R group from the RAFT agent. An additional benefit is that this initiator does not contain a peroxide group, a class of compound that is thought to be responsible for oxidation of some RAFT agents.1


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The second stage involves the formation of diblock in water. Diblocks containing both hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups will form micelles as they become surface active. The strategy for formation of the hydrophobic part of the diblock is not straightforward, on account of the low water solubility of butyl acrylate. The proposed mechanism calls for all the chains to grow to a length where they are able to self-assemble as micelles, which will then swell with monomer, which in turn will give rise to an acceleration of the polymerization rate (the monomer concentration at the locus of polymerization increases dramatically at this stage). There are many strategies for optimization of this second step. For example, the use of a more watersoluble monomer (e.g., methyl acrylate) would speed up this process. Counterbalancing this is the requirement that diblocks are able to come to a pseudo-equilibrium distribution (see eq 1) before further polymerization begins to lock them into particles. In another strategy, the number of aqueous propagation steps required could be reduced by beginning the diblock formation in an organic solvent. While this will have the desired effect of reducing the time taken to form micelles, the downside is that some organic solvent will still be present in the latex synthesis, which may be undesirable if not removed. The other consideration for achieving RAFT-controlled emulsion polymerization by the present mechanism is to avoid the presence of monomer droplets, especially at early times in the reaction. To this end, the reactions were run under a controlled feed of monomer, with a feed profile chosen using conversiontime data from monomer-flooded experiments, i.e., experiments where excess monomer was always present. Monomer concentration needs to be kept as high as possible (while avoiding the presence of droplets) so as to maximize propagation in relation to chain-stopping events. Once all the particles have formed (and thus the RAFT agents are all locked into the particles), the presence of monomer droplets should not present a problem, and the monomer-saturated conditions in the particles will maintain the polymerization rate at a high value. The acid groups on the initiator and macro-RAFT agent need to be at least partially neutralized in order for the RAFT agent and initiator to dissolve in water. This was accomplished by adding sufficient NaOH to bring the total added molar concentration (which includes that added during the macro-RAFT agent synthesis) to the same as that of the added acrylic acid. This ensures that there is some buffering action from the carboxylic acid species. This degree of neutralization leads to a measured pH of around 6 for latex preparation. Maintaining an acidic pH was considered important to minimize hydrolysis of the RAFT agent, as has been observed by a number of authors.28,29 The ionization of the acid groups ensures that the acid groups are able to provide electrostatic stabilization to the particles as they form. Experimental Section Reagents. Milli RO water was used in the synthesis of latexes and acrylic acid-containing RAFT agents. Acrylic acid (Sumika) and styrene (Synthetic Resins) were purified by distillation under reduced pressure. Butyl acrylate and methyl acrylate (Aldrich) had inhibitor removed by passing them through an inhibitor-removal column (Aldrich). Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) (Aldrich) and 4,4′-azobis(4-cyanopentanoic

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Figure 3. Raw GPC traces showing the effects of eluent and sample preparation: (a) latex sample dissolved directly and run in THF eluent, (b) dried latex sample dissolved in THF and run in THF/acetic acid, and (c) from procedure of dissolving latex directly and run in THF/acetic acid (the optimal procedure). acid) (V-501) (Wako) were used as received. Dioxane (Aldrich) was distilled before use. Electrospray Mass Spectrometer Analysis was carried out using a Finnigan Mat LCQ MS detector with Finnigan LCQ Data Processing and Instrument Control Software. Tenmicrogram samples were dissolved in 10 mL of 50:50 methanol/ H2O and fed into the electrospray ionization unit at 0.2 mL min-1. The electrospray voltage was 5 kV, the sheathing gas was nitrogen at 415 kPa, and the heated capillary was 200 °C. GPC Analysis. Molecular weight distributions were determined using gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Analyses were carried out using a Shimadzu system fitted with a series of Waters columns (HR4, HR3, and HR2). Molecular weight was determined from refractive index data analyzed with Polymer Laboratories Cirrus software, with all molecular weights being relative to polystyrene standards and converted to poly(butyl acrylate) or poly(methyl acrylate) using “universal calibration”32 and the following Mark-Houwink parameters: 33 styrene, K ) 11.4 × 10-5 dL g-1, a ) 0.716; BA, K ) 12.2 × 10-5 dL g-1, a ) 0.70; MA, K ) 26.1 × 10-5 dL g-1, a ) 0.659. Sample preparation for GPC analysis was an important aspect of this work. The presence of acrylic acid at the chain end was capable of producing artifacts in the chromatograms if precautions were not taken. It appears that acrylic acid on the chain ends can be responsible for two phenomena. (1) The first of these is that an irregular peak structure was often observed at longer elution times than that of the main polymer peak when the samples were analyzed using tetrahydrofuran (THF) as the eluent. Figure 3 shows the raw GPC traces with DRI detection for the same polymer sample run under different conditions. Trace (a) is typical of polymer samples that have been run with 100% THF as the eluent. An improved procedure was to mask carboxylic acid interactions34 by adding 5% acetic acid to the eluent. (2) The other phenomenon is aggregation of polymer chains due to the low solubility of the acrylic acid chain ends in THF, which would also lead to a larger apparent molecular weight. This is assumed to be the reason it was very difficult to solubilize the polymer films in order to prepare GPC samples. This problem was overcome by adding a little water to the THF used to dissolve the dried polymer, or alternatively dissolving the latex directly into the eluent. If neither of these measures were taken, the GPC showed a peak at approximately 20 times the molecular weight of the main peak, as shown in trace (b) of Figure 3, which was assigned as an inverse-micelle structure forming in the THF.

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Trace (c) illustrates the type of trace observed through the use of the adopted procedure of dissolving the latex directly in THF and using a 1:19 blend of acetic acid and THF as the eluent. It is noted that the use of this protocol was sometimes not completely effective in suppressing these artifacts. Particle Size Analysis. Determination of particle size was carried out using CHDF (capillary hydrodynamic fractionation) with a Matec Applied Sciences CHDF 1100. It is noted that the calibration method for CHDF assumes that the latex has the same dependence of refractive index on size as do the standards used for calibration (polystyrene in this case). While this assumption is not always accurate, the particle size distributions will be semiquantitative (the refractive indices of bulk polystyrene, poly(butyl acrylate), and poly(methyl acrylate) being close in value35), and the size polydispersities are likely to be quite reliable. Preparation of RAFT Agents. Melting points were measured using a Perkin-Elmer Pyris 6 differential scanning calorimeter. Infrared spectra were determined using a PerkinElmer Spectrum One FTIR spectrometer. 1H NMR (400 MHz) and 13C NMR (100 MHz) spectra were recorded on a Bruker DRX400 spectrometer as solutions in CDCl3 using tetramethylsilane as an internal reference. Microanalyses were performed by the Campbell Microanalytical Laboratory, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. 2-{[(Butylsulfanyl)carbonothioyl]sulfanyl}propanoic acid (Figure 2a) was synthesized as follows. A 50% NaOH solution (32.00 g, containing 16.00 g, 400 mmol of NaOH) was added to a stirred mixture of butanethiol (36.00 g, 400 mmol) and water (60 mL). Acetone (20 mL) was then added, and the resulting clear, colorless solution was stirred for 0.5 h then cooled to near-room temperature and treated with carbon disulfide (27 mL, 34.2 g, 450 mmol) to give a clear orange solution. This was stirred for 0.5 h then cooled in an ice bath to an internal temperature of