About Atlanta - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Journal of Chemical Education, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, ... This article discusses ideas and resources for making plans in Atlanta,...
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Chemical Education Today

ACS National Meeting

by Lin W. Morris

Founded in 1837 as the terminal of the Western & Atlantic Railroad, Atlanta remains a vibrant transportation hub. The capital city of Georgia, Atlanta is also considered to be the capital city of the southeast; it serves as the world headquarters for 13 Fortune 500 companies. Rich in culture, proud of its heritage, Atlanta paved the way in the civil rights movement and continues to provide the catalyst for commercial development evidenced by the continually changing city skyline.

At Fernbank, kids explore the coastal region of the state in A Walk Through Time in Georgia.

Local Transportation Travel to and within the city is enhanced by a well constructed transportation system. Information on all forms of transport can be found on the city’s Web site at: http:// www.atlantaga.gov/visitors/transportation.aspx. Hartsfield Airport information is at http://atlantaairport.com or phone 404/530-7700 or 1-800/897-1910. The Amtrak station is located at 1688 Peachtree Street NW. Go to http://www.amtrak.com/ or phone 404/881-3062 when in Atlanta. The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) provides bus and train service that will meet all your “getting around town” needs while in Atlanta. You can even take the North/South MARTA train from the airport to downtown. Visit the Web site at http://www.its.marta.com/ or phone 404/848-4711 for assistance. For rental cars, taxis, and carriages check the local yellow pages. The City of Atlanta Web site also has a list of the major attractions and landmarks at http://www.atlantaga.gov/Visitors/ Attractions.aspx for the complete list. Each attraction listed is linked to its Web site.

Atlanta Zoo http://www.zooatlanta.org/home.htm CNN Center http://www.cnn.com/ Centennial Olympic Park http://www.centennialpark.com/ Fernbank Natural History Museum and Science Center http://www.fernbank.edu/museum/ Georgia Aquarium http://www.georgiaaquarium.org/ Georgia Dome http://www.gadome.com/ Georgia State Capitol http://www.sos.state.ga.us/state_capitol/

Some Favorite Attractions

Imagine It, the Children’s Museum of Atlanta http://www.childrensmuseumatl.org/

Here are some popular attractions in Atlanta. Visit http:// www.atlanta.net/index.html for a complete travel planning package. For a Web listing of Kid’s Favorites go to http:// www.atlantakids.net/, a commercial site with loads of stuff, including a list of kid-friendly hotels. (The access date for all sites is Jan 2006.)

Jimmy Carter Presidential Library & Museum http://www.jimmycarterlibrary.org/

Atlanta Botanical Gardens http://www.atlantabotanicalgarden.org/

So, finish preparing your presentation, schedule someone to cover your classes, and head to Atlanta in the Spring. The South awaits you.

Atlanta History Center http://www.atlhist.org/ Atlanta Preservation Center (for walking tours) http://www.preserveatlanta.com/

Journal of Chemical Education

Sweet Auburn Historical District http://www.sweetauburn.com World of Coca-Cola http://www.webguide.com/cokeworld.html

Atlanta Cyclorama & Civil War Museum http://www.webguide.com/cyclorama.html


Martin Luther King Jr. Center http://www.thekingcenter.org/

Lin W. Morris, [email protected], is a JCE assistant editor.

Vol. 83 No. 3 March 2006


Photo by Daemon Baizan. © Fernbank Museum of Natural History

About Atlanta