About This Issue - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS Publications)

Apr 1, 1992 - Abstract: "The World of Chemistry: Selected Demonstrations and Animations I" is a special video laserdisc issue of JCE Software with a ...
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Chemical Education: Software Abstract of Special lssue Number 3: The Images of Chemistry Series The World of Chemistry: Selected Demonstrations and Animations I Nava Ben-Zvl Hebrew University of Jerusalem Department of Science Teaching Jerusalem, Israel 91904

A Generic Spectroscopic Instrument The Mol+From Counting to Weighing Blowing Balloons with Moles of Hydrogen Water and Ice A Solution with Water Alcohol Dissolves in Water Water and Oil An Exothermic Reaction An Endothermic Reaetion Activation Energy Copper-Zinc Eledrachemical Cell Water Surface Tension Color Indicators and Dry Ice

The video laserdisc medium obviates concerns that norLlsa Raasdale mally accompany demonstrations: safety, availability, and The World of ~ n & m s t ~ disposal of reagents, cost and time of constructing apparaUn'versity of Maryland at Co lege Par* tus, and visibility of the presentations to all members of College Park. MD 20742 the class. Note: The World of Chemistry received major funding fmm the AnnenbergtCPB Project. "The World of Chemistm: Selected Demonstrations and Animations I" (available june 1, 1992) is a special video laserdisc issue of JCE: SoRware with a selection of demonAbout This lssue strations and animations'taken from the video component John W. Moon and of The World ofChernistrv telecourse. The orieinal series of Jon L. Holmes video provides a new di&ension to the teachrng of chemisUniven~tyof Wiscons n-Mad~son t~ bv the extensive use of four main ~roductionelements: Madfson,W 53706 dem&strations, animation, interviews, and real-life stot sturies. The video serves as the vehicle to t r a n s ~ o r the In this s ~ e c i a issue. l Nava Ben-Zvi and Lisa Raesdale dent upon alternate roads-avenues that cannot be exhave care&lly selected demonstrations and animitions plored otherwise from within the classroom situation. from The World of Chemistry and put them into a format This video laserdisc has been designed so that a variety that allows teachers to access each video segment rapidly. of demonstrations-the macro world of chemistry-are folIn the documentation each video seement is numbered and lowed by animations that carry the learner to the molemsegments are grouped by order andlby subject. For each set lar world. By the students to bath facets of chem. exposing . of segments the following information is provided: a genistry-the macro a n d micro worlds-we believe that the eral title, The World of Chemistry original video program student may conceptualize more easily and overcome a t from which they are excerpted, key concepts, suggestions least some of the misconceptions commonly held and imon use and "if the students ask"-the equation for the reprove their ability to move back and forth between the two. action performed. This information is followed by the full I n this video laserdisc, we have compiled segments by script of the segment in which the key concepts are in bold subject areas basic to general chemistry courses. Subject letters. areas include: states of matter. measurement. atomic The demonstrator who appears on this video laserdisc is structure, the periodic table, molecular structure, introDonald Showalter, demonstrator for The World of Chemisduction to thermodynamics, electrochemistry, molecular try video series. Showalter is currently a professo; of chemstructure, and acids and bases. Most of the demonstrations istry at the University of WisconsinStevens Point and is are followed bv molecular animation. but some demonstraa frequent presenter a t chemical education workshops tions and animated segments can be used independently. throughout the United States. Video segments included on this disk are listed below. Side A Mercury Determination Using a SpectmphotometerAccuracy and Precision Experimenting with Gas Pressure I Experimenting with Gas Pressure I1 Effectof Temperature on Pressure Experimenting with Gas Pressure 111 Lianid Nitroeen and Racauet Balls changes of Gate in ~romine Experimenting with Electrical Charges 'The Rutherford Experiment Similarities and Trends in Groups: I-Noble Gases 'Similarities and Trends in Groups: II-Alkali Metals Energy States and a Sound Wave Analogy Side B Energy States and Chlorophyll 304

Journal of Chemical Education

HardwareISoftware Reauired "The World of Chemistry: Selected Demonstrations and Animations I" is a 12-in., double-sided, 60-min, CAV-type video laserdisc. I t may be operated from any video laserdisc player using the hand-held remoteeontrol keypad and entering a frame number from the Video Image Directory provided and then playing the video sequence that begins with that frame. To make the video presentation visible to students in a classroom either a laree-sereen color monitor or a color ~~~~video projection unit 4 1 be needed. The size of the monitor (or the need for a ~roiectionunit) d e ~ e n d on s the size of the class to which th;! p;esentation'kilibe made. ~


Note: This disc wmpliea with NTSC standards and thus is incompatible with the PAL standard used on the video laserdisc players in many European countries.