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of free space, not including the space requiredforHyper-. Card), and an 800K or SuperDrive floppydisk ... Player version 2.1 or later and System Softw...
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About This Issue John W. Moore Jon L. Holmes University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison. WI 53706-1396 How to Use These Programs Chemistry Navigator can be used effectively in introductory chemistry classes a s a visual demonstration aid, particularly when discussing structural chemistry and when imaees from the Periodic Table Videodisc are useful. I n addition, students can use Chemistry Navigator as a reference from which to find information on individual elements that can be used when writing papers for chemistry courses. High School students who have been assigned to choose a n element and write or report orally on it will find Chemistry Navieator a n excellent resource. I n cases where students Ean prepare multimedia papers and submit them electro~cally.Chemistry Navieator can serve as a source of information and images. ~ u i uses h in an educational environment are encouraged; however, users should remember that Chemistry Navigator and the images contained therein are copyrighted by the Division of Chemical Education, Inc. and may not be used for commercial enterprises or wide-scale dissemination without explicit permission. Hardware and Software Requirements Chemistrv Navieator reauires a n Avole Macintosh comr , ~ ' M HHAM (at least 5 puter ( ~ a c k t o s 11 h or h i ~ i ~ ewith MB RAM is recommended.. a hard disk drive (with 15 MB of free space, not including the space required for HyperCard). and a n 800K or SuverDrive flovvv disk drive to install the software. A co1o;monitor is not strictly required but is hizhly recommended. Hypercard or HvperCard Player v e k & 2.1 or later and system ~ o f t w aversion i~ 6.0.7 or later (System 7 is recommended) is required. 'Tb use Chemistry Navigator with the Periodic Table Videodisc requires a compatible Level 111, CAV video laserdisc player with the proper cable connection. Supported players include the Pioneer LD-V2200, LD-V4200, LD-V4400. LD-V8000. and com~atibles:Pioneer LDV6000A skries ( 1 . ~ - V ~ O O OLAD, - V ~ O ~ Oa nAd, LDV6020A1; and Sony LDP-1200, LDP-1500, LDP-2000 se-


Journal of Chemical Education

Picture of asbestos from Chemistry Navigator. ries. Other video laserdisc players may be compatible with the computer commands used by one of the players listed above; these should also work, but i t is essential that you check with your supplier for compatibility information before buying a videodisc player. A special cable will be required to connect a videodisc player to your computer; consult with your videodisc player supplier to obtain the proper cable. Chemistry Navigator is compatible with System 7. Citations ..




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