Absolute entropies, conformation, and Debye temperatures of bicyclo

Absolute entropies, conformation, and Debye temperatures of bicyclo[2.2.2]octane- and of bicyclo[3.2.2]nonane-type molecules. L. M. Amzel, Martha C. M...
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Absolute Entropies, Conformation, and Debye Temperatures of Bicyclo[2.2.2]octane- and of Bicycle[ 3.2.2lnonane-Type Molecules by L. M. Amzel,* Martha C. M. Cucarella, and L. N. Becka Escuela de Quimica, Universidad Central de Venezuela and Department of Biophysics, T h e Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland 21205 (Received September 16, 1970) Publication costs borne completely by T h e Journal of Physical Chemistry

The spectroscopic entropies of bicyclo [2.2.2]octane(BCO), 1-azabicyclo[2.2.2]octane(ABCO),1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane (DABCO), 3-oxabicyclo[3.2.2]nonane(OXBN), and 3-azabicyclo[3.2.2]nonane(AZBN) were calculated. For AZBN the ir spectra between 200 and 4000 cm-l are reported, together with a calculation of frequencies of the skeletal normal modes and the unit cell dimensions and space group of the high- and lowtemperature crystalline phases (at 20°, orthorhombic, Aba2 with a = 21.3, b = 11.3, and c = 6.15& Z = 8; at 50°, face-centered cubic, a = 9.47 8 , Z = 4) obtained by X-ray diffraction. The conclusions reached from the comparison between calculated and experimental third-law entropies are that there is residual entropy in the low-temperature phase of ABCO and OXBN but not in BCO and AZBN, and that the calculated frequency for the torsional mode of these compounds, ~ 6 cm-1, 0 should be at least 15% higher for the bicyclooctanes and at least 15% smaller for the bicyclononanes. Furthermore, an analysis of the previous information in conjunction with the published values and the interpretation of the solid-solid phase transition entropy increments of these compounds leads us to propose the following symmetries for the molecular conformations: D3hfor BCO, Ca for ABCO, and C, for OXBN (with the two twisted forms coexisting at all temperatures), and Ci for AZBN. Finally, the experimental entropy us. temperature curves are analyzed in terms of temperature-dependent Debye temperatures. The resulting curves, having a pronounced downward slope before the transition temperature, are regarded as characteristic of plastic crystals and as evidence of the onset of molecular disorder before the transition.

Introduction This paper deals with the interpretation of recently measured thermodynamic data of the following compounds of the bicyclo[2.2.2]octane type

Bicyclo[2.2.2]octane (BCO)

l-Azabicyclo[2.2.2]octane or quinuclidine (ABCO)

1,4-Diazabicyclo[2.2.2] octane or triethylenediamine (DABCO)

and the following of the bicyclo [3.2.2]nonane type

3-0xabicyclo[3.2.2lnonane (OXBN)

3-Azabicyclo[3.3.3]nonane (AZBN)

We are interested in these globular molecules because they are among the most studied of those that have a crystalline phase of the plastic (or embefic) type. I n what follows we shall present: (a) values for the spectroscopic entropies and the corresponding experimental third-law entropies a t 298.15'K; (b) a discussion of these results in terms of molecular conformation; (c) comments on the validity of the force field used to calculate the intramolecular vibration frequencies; (d) an analysis of the entropies of the solids in terms of temperature-dependent Debye temperatures, 0,'s. Spectroscopic and Experimental Third-Law Entropies. The experimental third-law entropies for the five compounds mentioned above are given in Table I. The absolute entropies of the solids are those reported in the l i t e r a t ~ r e l -(obtained ~ by integration of specific heat measurements performed in Professor Westrum's laboratory). The sublimation data for BCO, ABCO, OXBN, and AZBN were recently reported by Westrum, Wong, and M ~ r a w e t z mho , ~ measured pressures and enthalpies of sublimation directly, so that the largest error in the resulting third-law entropies for these (1) S. S. Chang and E. F. Westrum, Jr., J . Phys. Chem., 64, 1551 (1960). (2) J. C. Trowbridge and E. F. Westrum, Jr., ibid., 67, 281 (1963). (3) C. M. Barber and E. F. Westrum, Jr., ibid., 67, 2373 (1963); C. A. Wolff and E. F. Westrum, Jr., ibid., 68, 430 (1964). (4) E. F. Westrum, Jr., W.-K. Wong, and E. Morawetz, ibid., 74, 2542 (1970).

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, No. 8, 1971


1074 Table I: Experimental Third-Law Entropies (in eu) a t 298.15'K








So crystal S vaporization, AHv/T S compression, R In (p/760) So (298.15)

37.7a 40. ge -15.0e 73.1

49.5b 40.71 -13.3, 76.9

50.20 38.51 -11.21 77.5

56. Id 46.3f -15.81 86.6

56. 5b 42.71 -14.71 84.5

Reference 2.


Reference 4.


Reference 1.


Reference 3.

four compounds is due to the error in the vapor pressure values. This error is of about 40010, which gives an error in the third-law entropy of about 0.5 eu. For DABCO the only sublimation data available are those published by Wada, et in the form of a ClausiusClapeyron equilibrium pressure equation. Large errors in the heat of sublimation derived from this equation and in the value of the vapor pressure at a given temperature must be expected. Thus, there will be an error of several entropic units in the value presented here for the experimental entropy of DABCO. We have nevertheless included this compound in our discussion since it completes the series of bicyclooctanes and some of the results obtained for the other compounds could be extended to it. The vibrational contribution to the spectroscopic entropies for ABCO, BCO, and DABCO were calculated using the vibrational frequencies given by Bruescl.l.e We calculated the rotational contribution for these three compounds using the molecular dimensions reported for DABCOT to obtain moments of inertia, taking a value of 6 for the symmetry number (u) of BCO and DABCO (they have symmetry Dah or D3) and 3 for ABCO (with symmetry Car or C3). For AZBN and OXBN we calculated the skeleton frequencies using the force constants given by Bruesch.6 The definition of the internal coordinates is given in Table V. The same skeleton frequencies were used for both compounds. The assignment of frequencies was completed in each case by taking the values given for CH2, CH, and NH groups in characteristic group frequencies tables.* These frequencies for AZBN and OXBN are given in Table IV, together with the experimental values of the frequencies of AZBN observed in the ir spectra taken in the region 2004,000 cm-I. I n order t o obtain approximate molecular dimensions to calculate moments of inertia, and in order to decide on the most likely symmetry for OXBN and AZBN, we built molecular models. From these we concluded that OXBN would probably have C, symmetry, and therefore u = 1 and AZBN would have no symmetry with u = 1. The spectroscopic entropies and the differences from the corresponding experimental values are given in Table 11. The largest difference is that for DABCO, but since the experimental sublimation entropy is affected by the above mentioned errors for this comT h e Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. '76,No. 8,1971


Reference 5.


Reference 4.

Table I1 : Spectroscopic Entropies (in eu) at 298.15'K Compd

So translational So rotational So vibrational So calcd S'obsd

- S'speotr


40.0 23.9 13.96 77.8 -4.7




40.0 25.3 14.0a 79.3 -2.4

40.0 23.9 14.1a 78.0 -0.5

40.3 28.1 17.56 85.9 0.7


40.3 28.1 17.30 85.7 -1.2

The vibrational frequencies used were those calculated by Bruesch in ref 6. 6 The vibrational frequencies used were those given in Table IV. The same values for AZBN were used, subtracting the contribution of the two NH bending modes. a

Table 111: Crystal Data for the Two Solid Phases of AZBN (a) Low-temperature phase (at 20') System: orthorhombic, space group: Aba2 or A21/c2/a2/m compatible with extinction conditions. Aba2 chosen from intensity statistics; cell dimensions: a = 21.3, b = 11.3, c = 6.15 A, D measured = 1.12 g/cma D calculated (for eight molecules in unit cell) = 1.12 g/cma (b) High-temperature phase At 50': face-centered cubic, with a = 9.47 A; supercooled at 20'; face-centered cubic, with d = 9.41 A

pound, we shall not discuss the difference any further except to remark that if there is residual entropy in the solid the difference would become smaller, as would also be the case if the calculated frequencies for the low-frequency modes are too small. ABCO and BCO have calculated values that are too large also, but for BCO the difference is within the experimental error, while for ABCO it would be within experimental error if a residual disorder of a magnitude of R In 2 = 1.4 eu is added to the third-law entropy. For OXBN, considering the maximum possible molecular symmetry as C , a residual entropy of R ln 2 is obtained. This can be interpreted as being due to the presence (5) T . Wada, E. Kishida, Y. Tomiie, and H . Suyd, S. Seki, and I. Nitta, Bull. Chem. SOC.Jap., 33, 1317 (1960). (6) P . Bruesch, Spectrochim. Acta, 22, 867 (1966). (7) G. 8 . Weiss, A. S. Parkes, E. R . Nixon, and R. E. Hughes, J. Chem. Phys., 41, 3759 (1964). (8) A. Weissberger, Ed., Tech. O w . Chem., 9, 564 (1956).





Table IV : Observed and Calculated Vibrational Frequencies for AZBN (a) Skeletal vibrations, below 700 cm-1 Calculated (used for entropy calculation): 59, 229, 274, 365, 385, 465, 498, 505, 585, 590, 660 Observed: 240, 270, 340, 390, 410, 450, 500, 610, 660 (b) Skeletal vibrations, above 700 cm-1 Calculated (used for entropy calculations): 752, 757, 819, 880, 904, 1045, 1103, 1165, 1189, 1193 Observed: 755, 815, 865, 890, 1040, 1080, 1160, 1210 (c) Group frequencies


710, 775 835 940, 1040, 1060, 1070 1240, 1250, 1290, 1320, 1350, 1360 1440, 1460 1630 2660, 2720, broad band from 2800 to 3000 Broad sound a t 3300

Oscillator frequencies used for entropy calculation


CH2 twisting CH2, CH wagging CH2 deformation NH deformation CH2, CH stretching

8 modes at 750 cm-1 1 mode of 835 cm-1 6 modes of 1000 cm-1 8 modes of 1300 cm-1 6 modes of 1450 cm-1 1 mode of 1600 cm-1 14 modes of 2800 cm-1

N H stretching

1 mode of 3300 cm-1

CH2, CH rocking

NH "rocking"

of molecules with the oxygen atom pointing in the two possible directions on crystallographically equivalent positions. This will give the molecule a crystallographic C2$ symmetry compatible with the interpretation of the transition e n t r ~ p y . ~The , ~ difference in AZBIY is within experimental error. Molecular Conformation and Transition Entropies. Various studies have been published on the molecular conformation of BCO to determine whether it has D3h or the twisted Da structure.1° Recently, Dunitz and Ermerll reported a calculation of energy eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for the twisting of BCO and concluded that it had effective DS symmetry as far as diffraction methods are concerned. The thirdlam calculation presented here indicates that there is no residual entropy, thus excluding the possibility of a diffraction Dah symmetry being due to the coexistence of the two twisted D3 forms at low temperatures. Furthermore, it agrees with the model proposed for the description of the mechanism of the solid-state transition, namely, that above the transition temperature the BCO molecules take the 20 possible distinguishable orientations generated when aligning its D3hsymmetry elements with those of the o h space group of the face-centered cubic (fcc) p h a ~ e .For ~ ~ABCO ~ the possible conformations are of symmetry CaVor C3. Bruesch and Gunthard12have measured the vibrational spectra of both solid phases of BCO, concluding that the molecule could have effective C3"symmetry at high temperature, whereas at low temperature the site symmetry could not have a threefold axis. Bruesch also obtained X-ray powder diagrams for the low-temperature phase of ABCO and indexed it using an hexagonal unit cell, requiring two molecules per cell.13 I n the hexagonal space group the only sites with twofold multiplicity have at least threefold symmetry. If Bruesch's inter-

pretation is correct, one would have to envisage a lowtemperature phase in which the ABCO molecules have their threefold symmetry axis not coincident with the crystallographic threefold ax& and. taking different orientations about the latter. This would mean there would be a contribution of R In 3 eu to the entropy due to residual disorder, but this hypothesis becomes untenable if the transition entropies are to be interpreted in a simple way, as has been successfully accomplished for a number of plastic cryst a l ~ . ~ In ~ *the~ ~simple ) ~ ~rnodel'j the energetically favorable orientations are those in which elements of symmetry of the molecules are aligned Kith equivalent symmetry elements of the cell. I n that case, the number of possible orientations of ABCO, considered as having CSv symmetry, in the site with 0, symmetry of the fcc phase will give a transition entropy of R In 16 = 5.54 eu in good agreement with the observed value4 6.34 eu. On the other hand, if the molecules had C3 symmetry they could take both the clockwise and the anticlockwise twisted conformations in the low-temperature phase, leading to a residual entropy of R In 2 eu and would keep that disorder a t high temperature in addition to the previously mentioned 16 orientations of the molecule. Thus, we con(9) W.-K. Wong, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1966; Diss. Abstr. B, 28 (a), 874 (1967). (10) J. D. Dunitz and 0. Ermer, Chem. Commun., 567 (1968), and references therein. (11) J. D. Dunitz and 0. Ermer, Collected Abstracts, VI11 International Congress of Crystallography, 1969, p s-126 Actr CrystaZZogr., Sect. A , 25, S3 (1969). (12) P. Bruesch and Hs. H. Gunthard, Spectrochim. Acta, 22, 877 (1966). (13) P. Bruesch, ibid., 22, 861 (1966). (14) L. M. Amzel and L. Becka, J . P h y s . Chem. Solids,30,529 (1969). (15) G . B. Guthrie and J. P. McCullough, ibid., 18, 53 (1961). The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vo1. 76,No. 8,1071

1076 clude that the ABCO crystal has molecules with Ca symmetry, that there is a residual entropy of R In 2 due to the coexistence of both twisted forms, and that the crystal symmetry at low temperatures is lower than hexagonal. One of us (L.M.A.) has studied both phases of AZBN by X-ray diffraction, obtaining the crystal data shown in Table 111. The number of molecules in the lowtemperature phase unit cell is equal to the multiplicity of a general position of the space group, so that the X-ray crystal data are compatible with the assumption of C1 symmetry for AZBN. The model used to calculate the transition entropy of AZBW4 is also compatible with the C1conformation which in the models we built seemed to be less strained than the conformation of symmetry C,. The latter is also compatible with the ir, X-ray, and thermodynamic data presented above. We have no data on OXBN other than thermodynamic functions. The calculation of the spectroscopic entropy and of the transition entropy were done assuming C, symmetry and residual disorder with CBvapparent symmetry. The agreement between the calculated and experimental values supports this choice of conformation for OXBN. Entropy Contribution from Torsions. The calculated vibrational frequencies for ABCO, DABCO, and BCO agree quite well with the frequencies observed above 300 cm-l and this agreement extends to the region of 200 cm-l for AZBN. Differences up to 50 cm-l as found between some of the observed and the calculated values in the 300-cm-l region would not seriously affect the entropy contribution of these modes at temperatures of up to 400°K. On the other hand, differences of the order of 10 cm-l in the lowest calculated frequency (-60 cm-l) would lead to differences of about 0.3 eu in the 300°K region. None of the measured vibration spectra extended to values in the neighborhood of 60 cm-I, which is the calculated frequency for the skeletal torsional modes if the value dyn/cm6 is used for the corresponding of 0.024 X force constant ( H T ) . This constant is the most important individual force constant for this calculation. So far there are no spectroscopic data that allow a unique choice of torsional force constant in these dyn/cm bicyclic molecules. The value 0.024 X used by Bruesche is the value proposed by Schachtshneider and Snyder’o based on an analysis of noncyclic hydrocarbons and therefore not necessarily transferable to the bicyclic molecules. Our choice of force constant for AZBN (Table V) was made in order to follow closely the calculations reported by Bruesch for BCO, ABCO, and DABCO since we felt that in any case there was no better choice on the basis of what is known so far. If H , is changed by 30% the frequency of the torsional mode will change by about 15’% in the same sense and the calculated vibrational entropy a t 298°K would change by 0.3 eu in the opposite The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, No. 8,1971

L. M. AMZEL,M. C. ill. CUCARELLA, AND L. N. BECKA Table V : Internal Coordinates for AZBN

Force oonstant typea

K R (CH2-CHz-stretching)

K R , (-CHz-CH-stretching)

KRN(-CHz-N-stretching) H,N (NCC-bending CHZ)

H , (CCC-bending CH2)

H , (CCC-bending CH)

H , (CNC-bending NH) H , (NCCC-torsion)

a The force constant types corresponds to those used by Bruesch.0 For each individual force constant the atoms listled in one line define one internal coordinate. The interaction force constants were used as defined by BruescheO The labels of the atoms are defined as follows: (i) N-H nitrogen is labeled as N; (ii) C-H carbons are labeled as C (1) and C (4); (iii) CHt carbon bound to N and C (1) is labeled as C (2); (iv) CHZ carbon bound to N and C (4)is labeled as C (3); (v) CH2 carbons bound to C (1) but not to N are labeled as C (2‘) and C (2”); (vi) CH2 carbon bound to C (2’) and C (4)is labeled as C ( 3 f ) ; (vii) CHz bound to C (2”) and C (4)is labeled as C ( 3 ’ f ) .

sense, thus making it possible to attribute part of the discrepancies between calculated and observed third-law entropies to errors in the H , values. Thus if the value of H , is taken as 0.037 X dyn/cm for bicyclooctanes and 0.017 X dyn/cm for the bicyclononanes the differences Sex,- Sspeotr would now be: BCO, -0.2 eu; ABCO (including residual entropy), -0.7 eu; OXBN (including residual entropy), -0.1 eu; AZBN, $0.4 eu. These changes in the torsional force constant (22,) will affect other low-frequency modes. However, since the torsional coordinate contributes mostly to the torsional mode and little to the other modes,6 revised values for the frequencies above 200 cm-1 will not greatly change their calculated (16) J . H.Schachtschneider and R. G. Snyder, Spectrochim. Acta, 21, 169 (1966).





36 30

3 4









IO 6-


t 0 0


8 0

















2ol I













35 -

8 0


















0 ~ 0

" " 40

" " 8 0



" " " " " " 120 160 200 240







30 -



20 -


4 0

8 0


Figure 1. Lattice entropies in cal mol-' OK-', eu for bicyclooctanes and bicgclononanes. Vertical lines crossing the curves indicate transition temperatures.

contributions to the entropy in the temperature range in which we are interested (20400°K). Debye Temperatures. It seemed interesting to analyze the temperature dependence of the experimental entropies in some convenient way in order to establish whether these crystals show some characteristic behavior in their entropies, apart from the changes in entropy at the transition temperatures. With crystals of more rigid molecules, such as hexamethylenetetramine (HMT), it was possible to reproduce the experimental

entropy curve by assuming the following frequency distribution for the solid: Einstein-type branches for the intramolecular vibrations and a temperature-dependent Debye distribution plus a temperature-dependent Einstein distribution for the intermolecular vibrations. l7 Even though the experimentally determined dispersion curves and frequency distribution (17) L. N. Becka and D. W. J. Cruickshank, Proc. Roy. Soc., Ser. A , 273, 455 (1963).

The Journal of Physical Chernhtry, VoZ. 76,No. 8,1071


1078 for HMT does not follow these simple models, the calculated entropies were in agreement with their observed values. This is probably a consequence of the fact that the entropies are a result of the integration of specific heat curves, which in turn are the result of integrals involving the frequency distribution, and therefore the calculated entropies are not very sensitive to the detail of the frequency distribution and less to the detail of the dispersion curves. Thus, there is some justification in using Debye temperatures and/ or Einstein temperatures to give some simple numerical measure of the overall thermodynamic behavior of solids, even though for some monoatomic solids the measured dispersion curves do not correspond to a Debye distribution. I n the case of flexible molecules, such as those studied here, it is almost certain that the lowest frequency internal mode will be mixed with the intermolecular vibrations, leading to an even more complex dispersion curve. Even though a very simple model will be an unrealistic description of the dispersion curves, we think it can allow an analysis of systematic features in the experimental entropies by reducing the measured entropy curves to a form more suitable for that analysis. Thus, we decided to use the model employed for the more rigid HMT molecules. That is, we assumed that all the internal modes of vibrations follow an Einstein type distribution including the problematic torsional mode. The difference between the experimental entropies and the contribution of the internal modes we shall call “lattice entropy.” I n order t o have comparable results for the different compounds we have subtracted the transition entropy from the values of the high-temperature phase. The resulting “lattice entropy” us. temperature curves are plotted in Figure 1. The model used previously for was applied to these “lattice entropies.” This model was tested trying to obtain the best set of “6”” and c‘u” values in the expressions b ,E = ~ D , E ” - UD,E!!’ that would give calculated values (SLc*lod in agreement with “lattice entropies” in the region 20-200°K using XLcalCd(T)



+ 3&%(T,

and fitting the low- and high-temperature phases separately. As we were unable to obtain a reasonable fit with this model, we proceeded to analyze these entropies in terms of a sixfold degenerate temperature dependent Debye distribution. The Debye temperature (0,) at each temperature was chosen to give exactly the “lattice entropy” at that temperature. The curves resulting from plotting these BD’s us. temperature are shown in Figure 2, where we have included another globular compound with plastic phase adamantane, and the geometrically analogous but nonplastic HMT. The most striking feature that emerges from this way of looking a t the solid-state entropies is the marked sloping trend of the en’s curves shown by all the plastic crystals The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Val. 76,N o . 8,2971


HMT A D A M : T, a 2 0 8 . b * K Tmn 5 4 3

7 00

~ 4”0 ” 8” 0

1 2 0 * I 6” 0 ’ 2 0” 0 ’ 2 4’ 0 ” 2 8 ’ 0 ’

3”2 0 ~ 360




150 140 q

80 70 60

__ 0 5”











T, - 1 6 4 - K Tm ~ 4 4 O 7K 0



4 0 0






D A B C O : T t =361’K T


eo I ‘ K I 150 140

130 120 110

100 90 80 70











Figure 2. Debye temperature for bicyclooctanes, bicyclononanes, hexamethylenetetramine, and adamantane. ~ D ( T )is defined so that S L ( T )= 6S8=(~,. Transition and melting temperatures are indicated.

analyzed here, as opposed to the practically constant BD obtained for H N T . This could be interpreted as a “softening” of the lattice, an increase in orientational positional disorder, etc. starting at temperatures of the order of 100°K below the transition. The magnitude of the decrease of OD with temperature seems larger than would be expected from just lattice expansion since the volume expansion at the transition is only about 6% for BC0,13 2.3% for adamantane’s

DEEXCITATION OF MOLECULAR VIBRATIONON COLLISION with the largest measured so far being that of DABCO with 11.5?&. The idea that the reduction in OD’s is due to an increase in entropy produced by the onset of orientational and positional disorder would be in qualitative agreement with the model and results given in a previous paper dealing with the interpretation of the thermodynamic properties of these crystals at the transition t e m p e r a t ~ r e . ’ ~An independent indication of the qualitative meaningfulness of the OD’s defined above is that the lattice dimension of the fcc phases of DABCO,


ABCO, BCO, and AZBN increase in that order, whereas the OD’s are smaller in that order, as would be reasonable if the OD and the cell dimensions reflect the magnitudes of the intermolecular forces in molecules of roughly the same shape.

Acknowledgment. One of us (L. M. A.) was supported by a Damon Runyon Memorial Fund for Cancer Research postdoctoral fellowship during the completion stages of this work. (18) K . V. Mirskaya, Sow. Phys. Crystalloor., 8 , 167 (1963).

Deexcitation of Molecular Vibration on Collision: Vibration-to-Rotation Energy Transfer in Hydrogen Halides by Hyung Kyu Shin Department of Chemistry,’ University of Nevada, R e w , Nevada 80607 (Received October $8, 1970) Publication costs assisted by the Air Force Ofice of Scientific Research

Vibrational relaxation of hydrogen halides has been investigated on the basis of the vibration-to-rotation energy transfer mechanism, with rigorous considerationof the participation of the translational motion. The collision model consists of a rotation-averaged oscillator and a rigid rotator, in which two hydrogen atoms interact strongly a t close-in collisions. An expression for the probability of vibration-rotation energy transfer has been formulated by solving Hamilton’s equations of motion. Calculated values of the vibrational relaxation times at 1 atm for HCl, DC1, HBr, and HI agree satisfactorily with experiment over the temperature range from 800 to 2000’K. The present treatment also explains the observed isotope effect between HC1 and DCl; Le., the deuterated molecule relaxes more slowly than the normal molecule in spite of the fact that its vibrational frequency is significantly smaller than that of the normal molecule. The effect of the translational motion on vibrational relaxation is found to be most important in the hydrogen chloride molecules, the deuterated chloride being more significantly affected by the translational motion than the normal molecules, while in the hydrogen iodide molecules the effect is least important.

Introduction Vibrationally excited deuterated molecules are known t o relax more slowly than normal molecule^.^-^ According to the predictions of conventional vibrationto-translation (V-T) energy transfer theories,616 we would expect the opposite result because of an increase in their masses and a decrease in vibrational frequencies. The vibrational relaxation times of CD, and SiD4 have been found by Cottrell and R/Iatheson2bto be longer than those of CH, and SiH4, respecbively; they then suggested that this might be due to vibration-to-rotation (V-R) energy transfer. From sound absorption and velocity measurements, Shields and Burks3&found that DzO is from ’/3 t o 1/5 as efficient as HzO in deexciting the bending-mode vibration of COz in the temperature range from 300 to 500°K. Recently,

Breshears and Bird3bshowed that HC1 molecules relax more rapidly than DC1 molecules in the range from 700 to 2100°K. Although in these molecules vibrational relaxation times become longer on deuteration, (1) Theoretical Chemistry Group Contribution No. 8-1030. (2) T. L. Cottrell and A . J. Matheson, (a) Proc. Chem. Soc., 114 (1061); (b) Trans. Faraday Soc., 5 8 , 2336 (1962); (c) ibid., 59, 824 (1963). Also see T. L. Cottrell, R. C. Dobbie, J. McLain, and A. W. Read, ibid., 60, 241 (1964). (3) (a) F. D. Shields and J. A . Burks, J . Acoust. Soc. Amer., 43, 510 (1968); (b) W. D. Breshears and P. F. Bird, J . Chem. Phys., 50, 333 (1969); ibid., 51, 3660 (1969). (4) R. C. Millikan and L. A. Osburg, ibid., 41, 2196 (1964). ( 5 ) T. L. Cottrell and J. C. McCoubrey, “Molecular Energy Transfer in Gases,” Butterworths, Washington, D. C., and London, 1961, Chapter 6. (6) D. Rapp and T . Kassal, Chem. Rev., 69, 61 (1969); an excellent review article on the problems of V-T energy transfer.

The Journal of Physieal Chemistry, Vol. 76, No. 8,1071