Absolute Macromolecular Analysis In Minutes!

Our DAWN® laser light scattering instruments can tell you more about your macromolecules in a few minutes than any other analytical technique. A lot ...
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PRODUCTS College Chemistry Consultants. Written to provide academic institutions and other organizations with access to expert advice on scientific and educational issues, this booklet d e s c r i b e s C 3 S , t h e ACS College Chemistry Consultants Service. An application for consulting services is included. 426

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Absolute Macromolecular Analysis In Minutes! Our DAWN® laser light scattering instruments can tell you more about your macromolecules in a few minutes than any other analytical technique. A lot more! By coupling a DAWN to your existing GPC line, you'll be determining absolute molecular weights, sizes and distributions without having to resort to universal column calibrations, assumptions, or "fudge-factors." And if that isn't enough, you'll be able to predict physical properties such as flex life, brittleness and tear strength. Whether you're using the DAWN instruments for GPC, or off-line for static measurements, our ASTRA and AURORA software make absolute macromolecular characterizations for molecules from a few-thousand to tens-of-millions of Daltons in just minutes! At Wyatt Technology, we've been producing state-of-the-art instruments for over seven years. And we back those products with service, training, seminars and consulting. Jump light-years ahead of the competition; CORPORATION call us at (805) 963-5904. It won't take us long to 802 E. Cota St · Santa Barbara, CA 93103 show you just how much you've been missing! Tel: (805) 963-5904 · Fax: (805) 965-4898

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