Absolute Purity of product Maintained! with Eimco Filters - C&EN

Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: November 21, 1955. Copyright © 1955 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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A b s o l u t e Purity^of product Maintained! with Eimco Filters Absolute purity o f product is m a i n t a i n e d w h e n

lining. The lining is carried out through flanged

using Eimco continuous v a c u u m o r pressure f i l -

connections a n d bolt-on-assemblies so t h a t the


w h i t e P V C m a t e r i a l Is visible f r o m the outside.

The picture a b o v e

illustrates one of


m a n y Eimco filters being used by industries t h a t

This filter

must m a i n t a i n absolute purity such as antibiotics

a u t o m a t i c valve f o r greatest efficiency in oper-

a n d other pharmaceuticals, food a n d allied i n -

ation a n d the Eimco knife advance mechanism.

dustries a n d chemical industries.

is equipped with t h e Eimco Hyflowr

A l l of these features are significant t o the type

To meet the requirements of these industries, Eimco makes a l l filters to specifications produced


application for

this particular



problem receives t h e same detailed consideration

b y cooperative efforts of t h e customer's engineer-

by Eimco engineers w h o are specialized in Filtra- *

i n g staff a n d Eimco's Research a n d Development

tion equipment.


w o r k better, last longer, produce m o r e a n d re-^

That is the reason Eimco filters-

quire less maintenance, square foot p e r square-, The filter shown a b o v e is a high submergence

foot, t h a n a n y other filter.


t y p e filter designed f o r use w i t h precoating m a t e rial.

The d r u m is a i l t y p e 3 1 6

stainless steel

a n d t h e tank is of m i l d steel w i t h 14" thick PVC



Salt L a k e City, U t a h - U . S . A .

W r i t e for problem.

more information on y o u r specific, *

C O R P O R A T I O N Export Offices; Eimco B l d g . , 5 2 South St., N e w York City

N e w York, N Y - Chicago, III. San Francisco, Calif. ElPase, Tex. Birmingham, A l a . Duluth, M i n n . Kef logg, Ida. Baltimore, M d . PiHtburcjh, Po. Seattle, Wash. Pasadena, Calif. Houston, Texas Vancouver, B. C. London, England Gateshead, England Paris, France M i l a n , Italy Johannesburg, South Africa




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