Abstracts - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

the problem the most expensive material is actually cheapest. J. W. H. Petroleum pays ... awaiting cheaper materials of construction before they can b...
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Abstracts APPARATUS. DEMONSTRATIONS, AND LABORATORY PRACTICE Apparatus for the determination of carbon dioxide. A. HANAK. Chem.-Zlg., 56. A72 (Aug. 24, 1932).-Ordinary pieces of apparatus employed for determining carbon dioxide quantitatively are very fragile and can be cleaned only with difficulty. The apparatus shown in the figure daes away with these difficulties. The apparatus has no stopcock whatsoever but is provided a with a ground-glass joint instead which takes the place of a stopcock by turning part I within part 11. These two vessels are connected by two ground-glass joints. The lower one in vcssel I1 is provided with a small side tube so that by proper rotation a n adjustment can be made which by opening the thin tube of I opens vessel I1 to vessel 111. Vessel I contains concentrated sulfuric acid for the removal of moisture from the gas. A weighed sample of the substance to be analyzed is introduced into the tared vessel I11 which is connected to I1 and then combined with I in such a way that a and b point in opposite directions. As both tubes are open there is no compression of air in I1 and I11 which are also open to each other. On turning I 180a against I1 the tubes o and b point in the same direction thus closing I1 and 111 against each other. Dilute acid is introduced into 11, b is closed and then a. The apparatus is wiped and weighed. a and h are opened hy again turning I 180' against I1 whereafter the acid flows into the decomposition vessel. The analysis is now completed as with the Geissler apparatus. When sufficient quantity of acid has flowed off. h is closed, and the contact between I1 and I11 is broken. When the evolution of gas has stopped, b is opened and connected with rubher tubing to a wash bottle containing sulfuric acid and provided with suction. The tube a is connected t o a n aspirator and I1 and I11 are opened to each other. The flask is heated in the usual manner while the How of air is regulated so that two bubbles pass through the acid per second. After heating for a few minutes the flame is removed and the apparatus is allowed to cool with continued suction of the previously dried air. The rubber tuhing is removed, the apparatus is wiped with a dry cloth and weighed L. S. after closing a and b. Automatic suctionand dropping device. E. LRWENSTEIN. Chenr: Z t g , 69, 6 8 3 4 (Aug. 27, 1932).When a definite quantity of liquid is to be removed from a vessel in the ordimly way by means of a pipet dangerous fumes or liquids sometimes reach the mouth and cause injury to the experimenter. Furthermore, if the liquid is heavy it is FIGURE1 FIGURE2 difficult to adjust the height of the liquid column in the pipet to the correct mark. I n addition it is not to empty the pipet drop by -m - - simple drop if this should he necessary. All these difficulties can be overcome by the construction shown in Figures 1 t o 4. As is evident from these figures the rubber tubing VI is forced through two rubber casters I and I1 whereby the volume in the pipet F IGURE 3 FIGURE 4 and thetubing is increased while the




probidrd with rim and cak be rotated by meancof the hand-whe&'111 which is attached to the frame IV while caster I1 is free movable eccentrically on an axis. The dis-

p, board" large arm, 1 glass float 3/4 e, clips to fas

and connections. screweyes "h" are to guide float and k & t o preveht friction heiween float and tube; a few pointed papillae on the float will also prevent friction and avoid the use of the lower screw eye. switch. Enough mercury, with nitrogen gas inserted to prevent oxidation, is placed in the tube barely to make contact. The cnds are sealed and ~ l a t i n u mwires fused about I/, inch apartnear one end. The cradle is made of sheet c6pper. Proper adjustment

devcce for removing stoppers from bottlcs apparently cemented of an easilr c&tr;cted for all time. Briefly, there is an outside shell of brass tubing 4 inches long and 1'/4 inch in diameter. Two handles project out beyond the shell. The upper handle is attached to a screw and the lower one to a nut, and slides up and down in a slot in the outer shell when the screw is tumcd. The lower handle serves for several purposes: (l),it prevents the nut from turning in the shell; (2) i t serves as a handle to prevent the e n t m puller irom turning when torque is applied to the upper handle; (3) i t serves as an axle for connecting the links to the nut. The lower ends of the links are riveted to jars which are free to turn on rivets. The extractor hasnot failed yet. J. H. G.

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An adjustable apparatus stand and , 258-9 truck. R. W. SHAW. S ~ i e m ~ e76, (Sent. 16. 1932).--An ordinarv lahoratorv a~ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ stand ( A < was mounted on a verv low truck \\ 1; and an ordinary automobile jaik (C) was used to raise or lowcr the adjustable part of the stand. This piece of apparatus is excellent for photographic purposes. G. H. W. Experiments with gas for the home laboratory. R. B. WAILES. Pop. Sc;. Mo., 121, 54 (Oct., 1932).-In this instalment the author treats the subjects of diffusion of both gases and liquids, crystallization, the kinetic molecular theory, electrolysis, and sohtions. A series of experiments using simple apparatus to illustrate each phenomenon is given with directions. Thus, hydrogen gas is made t o diffuse through rubber or tile and force water upward in a glass tube. The effect of diffusion in liquids is shown by the difference in the rate of solution of crystels when placed a t the bottom or a t the surface of a liquid. The kinetic molecular theory is offered to explain these phenomena. A solution of calcium chloride may be evaporated to a sirup, and caused to crystallize by a sudden jar, releasing heat as i t does so. A solution in which wires, leading to an electric lamp properly connected, are immersed will conduct suficient current t o lieht the lamp. H . T. BY Small battery charger supplies current for nickel plating. R . H. ROGERS. Pop. Sci. Mo., 121, 95 (Oct., 1932)-A small battery charger of the "tungar" typc. an elcctrolytic cell which may be made from a sawed-off ice-cream tub or earthenware crock, some nickel salts and nickel castings, provide the equipment necessary to do very s a t i s factory nickel plating. For final polishing, a small motor-driven buffing wheel is convenient. H --. T . R-. Experiments in microscopy. Demonstrating Brownian movement and CottreU precipitation. E. W. BLANK. Sch. Sci. & Math., 32, 281-3 (Mar.. 1932)-A small squarc dish placed on a microscope stage contains smoke. If such a dish is not available a cell may he readily constructed by fastening four square cover glasses on a microscopic slide by means of ambroid cement. On opposite sides of the cell fasten long thin strips of tinfoil to serve as electrodes. Thin copper wires pass to terminals of the secondary of a spark coil. NH&OHand HCI are introduced for making a dense cloud of NH4C1. A strong electric bulb is placed behind a shade having an opening approximately inch in diameter. The pencil of light from this opening is focused on the smoke by means of a double convex lens. The room is darkened. The Brownian movement is observed by focusing a low-powered objective on the beam of light passing through the smoke. The principle of the ultra-microscope can be illustrated by this apparatus. After the Brownian movement has been observed, complete the primary circuit of the spark coil. The white fumes of the N H C I are completely precipitated leaving the cell clear. A sketch accompanies the description. J. H. G. Cellophane a s a substitute for mica. W. E. HAMMOND.Science, 76, 125 (Aug. 5, 1932)-In making quarter-wave mica plates or to build up a mica wedge, it is difficult to obtain plates of mica of the same thickness. Mr. Hanlmond discovered that Cellophane is doubly refractive and remarkably uniform in thickness. Hc has replaced mica ~ ~ . iCellophane th and finds it satisfactory. G. H. W. The Woulffe bottle. See this title, p. 2141.

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KEEPING UP WITH CHEMISTRY Blasting without explosives: A new job for carbon dioxide. F. H. KNEELAND. Clrem. 4 Met. Eng., 39, 4 3 3 4 (Aug., 1932).-In order to secure a pushing or heaving action, as well as to assure safety m the presence of explosive mixtures of gas and air. a blasting device known a s "cardoa" has been developed. The cardox shcll is a cylinder of alloyed steel of very high tensile strength. The cylinder is closed a t one end by a ruptumble disk of mild steel, held firmly by a cap containing vent holes, and screwed into the end of the shell body The inner end of this cap forms a shear ring against which the disk rests. A "heater" is inserted into the 0th- end of the shell. This heater contains a mixture of chemicals capable of reacting and producing heat. This is usually a mixture of a n oxygen carrier as potassium perchlorate and a reducing agent as powdered aluminum or charcoal. The tube also contains an elertric match head or squib. A




wire from the squib terminates a t the side of the heater tube and makes an electrical contact with the shell body a t its terminal opening. Another leg wire passes through the wooden plug that closes the upper end of the heating tube. I t is here wound into a flat coil lying a t the bottom of a cone-shaped depression in the end of the wooden plug. After the heater and disk have been placed and screwed up tight the shell is charged with liquid carbon dioxide a t 0 to 20°F. and 900 lb. to square inch pressure. I n use, this shell is put in the bore hole, lead wires corrrctly attached, and tamped into place. The lead wires are connected with the terminals of a blasting machine and its handle given a twist. The match head being fired starts the heater chemicals into action. I n of a second the heat is sufficient t o gasify the carbon dioxide and the pressure jumps from 900 to 15,000 or 20,0011 lb. per squam inch. This ruptures the soft steel disk releasing the carbon dioxide. which in turn heaves out the material to be mined.

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E. R u r n ~ ~ ~ o nSci. o . Mo., 34, 483-6 (June, 1932).-While it has been evident that gamma rays, emitted from radio elements, represent, in a sense, some of the characteristic modes of vibration of the nuclear structure, it has been difficult t o determine with certainty the ori*n of this radiation. I t was a t

The origin of the gamma rays.


G. U'. S. possibly from other elements. Mixing gas and alcohol. Znd. Bull. of Arthur D.Little, Inc.,69, 1-2 (Sept., 1932).France has been active in studying motor fuels derived from sources other than petroleum and coal. Alcohol is one of the most promising of motor fuels from vegetable origins. In the July number of Chimie ct Zndustrie(Paris) there is an excellent review of the present status of alcohol as a motor fuel. I t is summarized here. The use of pure alcohol in our present engines is impractical, although spccial engines can he built to use it. 15 to 25y0 alcohol will work very well in our present cars, with no change in carburetor adjustments. Alcohol is about twice as effective as benzyl for anti-knock purposes and is safer than tetraethyl. Alcohol also has a cleansing effectso that motors which run on fuels containing alcohol are freer from carbon deposits. I t is probable that in ordinary weather water would do no more harm in al&hol-containing motor fuels than in gasoline, while in freezing weather it would do less harm. The presence of alcohol improves the volatility of gasoline due to the formation of azeotropic mixtures. The auestion of cost depends to a lame extent on taxes and legal reauirementr. The man&cture of absolutehohol for themixture with gasoline is not diffikult or expensive. Ilcre in tl., I:. i \rhr,re there 15 u n l i w t ~ dpetrolturu and very ewc1ir.g drohol laws, thrnit W L I I I I ~ h t gmatcr tlmn th.tt 01 p.i*ny i- mark& i n s 'Slmlluul." .~ . cont:,iuiuc 13"; alcohol. .Almhol i i n d ;I revl.xemcnt fur e a d i n r . (mlv G: 0. anextender. Synthetic ðyl alcohol also has possibilities iike that of ethyl. Unrefined sugar, H. C. S. DE WHALLEY. Chem. 8 Znd., 51, 739-40 (Sept. 2, 1932).-Cane and beet sugar contain almost no vitamins but this is not because the refining process has destroyed them. Raw, unrefined sugar contains negligible amounts of vitamins. Raw s w a r does contain impurities, bits of fibers, micro6rganisms. sugar - E . R . W. lice, etc., which are removed during the ref;ning process. Solubility problem of colloids. E. S. HEDGES. Chem & Iind., 51, 607-9 (July 15, 1932)-While colloidally dispersed material is in equilibrium with material which is molecularly dispersed, the colloidal material itself may be said t o have a solubility since there is usually a maximum concentration of colloid which can remain stahlc under a given set of conditions. I n contrast with the independence of the solubility of simple salts on the amount of salt present, the solubility of colloids is often dependent on the amount of colloid present. The swelling of gels is dependent on the ratio of the amount of swelling liquid to the amount of gel. This fact casts some doubt on the validity of E. R. IT. early experiments on swelling. Tomesite (chlorinated rubber). F. ROSBNDAHL.Chem.-Ztg, 56, 729-30 (Sept. 14, 1932).-Although a patent on chlorinated rubber was taken out as early as 1859 it was only in 1930 that attempts to manufacture it on a large scale became successful. The product is an the market under the name of Tomesite. Tornesitc is a white powder of specific gravity of 1.5. I t is stable a t 150'C. When



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exposed to a n open flame it chars without burning; it is non-combustible. I t s moisture content is 0.32-0.42%, the chlorine content is 72.76Y0, the nitrogen content is 0.13%. while the ash amounts to about 0.13% also. No hydrochloric acid is formed on exposing the material to the action of ultra-violet light for 17 days (4.5 hours daily). I t is soluble in b e n d and its homologs, ethyl acetate, acetone, carbon disulfide, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, linseed oil, wood oil, poppy-seed oil, etc.; it is practically insoluble in water, benzene, and mineral oils. It is not affected a t room temperatures and a t temperatures below its decomposition temperature by acids, alkalies, and aqueous salt solutions. I t is a non-conductor of the electric current but acquires an electric charge on rubbing. I t s tensile strength is 296 kg./cc. The stability of Tornesite makes i t valuable as a rust-proofing chemical and as a protecting agent ( e . p., for concrete) against chemical action. I t is now being used to protect pipe lines, and iron construction of all types. A typical formula is 22% Tornesite. 41% bbenzol, 37% red lead. Tornesite is also used as a substitute for nitrocellulose in lacauers. Tornesite lacauers were found to be hiehlv - . efficient in orotectine shim against the influence of water. L. s.. The structure of the atomic nuclei. E. RUTHERFORD.Chem. News, 144,289-96 (May 6, 1932).-An address a t the Royal Institution, April 28, 1932. F. B. D. How the last two elements were found. See this title, p. 2141. Transparent wraps. Ind. Bull. of Arthur D. Little. 69, 4 (Sept., 1932).-Cellulose continues to provide our wrapping materials, but science is manufacturing it in new and more attractive forms. First by impregnating paper with paraffin, as in waxed paper, some dcgree of transparency and a considerable resistance to moisture was obtained. Glassine papers followed and continue to be used in large quantities, but the

prote&ve lacquer. Today numerous comp&nds of cellulose fromwhich transparent shcets are readily produced, are now upon the market. One of these is cellulose acetate. I t appears under various trade names as Kodapak, Inceloid, and Protcctoid, and it is a direct ompetitor of Cellophane, for its thin sheets are even morc brilliantly transparent than Cellophane. For some of them they claim a lower specific gravity than Cellophane, and consequently afford a coverage per pound 20% or more greater than CelloC, 0



day, aside from the innumerable uses it has already found, aluminuk is again being made into jewelry. I t is beautiful, light, and durable. An aluminum watch has been G.H. W. made which weighs, including the bracelet, under an ounce. Quartz takes up fire-fighting. G. LOCKHART.Sci. Am., 147, 166-7 (Sept.. 1932)--The recent announcement of a quartz bulb sprinkler head has caused widespread interest. The bulb, hcrmctically sealed, contains a measured amount of liquid which expands and bursts the bulb a t a predetermined temperature. The quartz bulb i i sensitive, prompt and effective in action, and is immune t o corrosion. G. H. W. A method for the preservation of book bindings. J. P. SANDERS. Science, 76, 277 (Scpt. 23, 1932).-In place of beeswax dissolved in hexane, which is used by the British Museum as a preservative for book bindings, Mr. Sanders suggests a better war and a cheaper solvent. The solvent is composed of equal volumes of carbon tetrachloride and benzene and the wax is Halowax no. H X R D-2-25. Lanolin is added to G. H. W. give oil protection t o the book. Potassium permanganate as an antidote for snake venom. A. M. REESE. Science, 76, 234-5 (Sept. 9, 1932).-Recently considerable doubt has been expressed as to the efficacy of this chemical in cases of snake bite. After two years of experimenting with white rats, Mr. Reese claims that potassium permanganate did have some beneficial effect under the conditions of his investigation. Therefore, since potassium permanganate in a ly0solution is harmless to living tissues, it should still be used as an antidote G. H. W. to snake venom, a t least as a first-aid treatment. Choosing and using materials for chemical plant construction. W. S. CALCOTT A N D T. R. OLIVE. Chem. t 3 Met. Eng., 39, 476-8 (Sept., 1932).-Rules for choosing corrosion-resisting metals and alloys are given undu. the heads: I. Preliminary Selection based on experience, manufacturers' data, special literature, general literature. availability, safety, mechanical and physical properties, preliminary tests by standard laboratory methods as a check on deductions from experience, literature. and opinion.




11. Laboratory Testing, which includes a revaluation of apparently suitable materials with test pieces included in the laboratory runs of the proposed process and a retest of apparently suitable materials using turnings or filings to determine effect of metals on solutions. 111, ApoLicetion of Data and Final Selection which means the interpretation

perature in&&& (x)effect of heating &hod,

(h) effect of anitat&

&d a comparison

dhtained in the laboratory. J. W. H. Dollars and cents-"The operating cost of corrosion." C. L. MANTELL. Chem. b .1ld Eng., 39, 47Q-80 (Sept., 1932).-Expressed mathematically the operating cost of F Sh +I R -S) -B where L is the expected life in years. corrosion = IO/L ( M .I( is the total cost of material, F is the fabrication cost, S h is the shipping cost, I is the installation cost. R is the cost of removal and salvage, S is the salvage or scrap valuc, and B is the cost of the hypothetical piece of bogey equipment. Examples are calculated for three imaginary alloys from which i t is concluded that for the conditions of J. W. H. the problem the most expensive material is actually cheapest. Petroleum pays increasing toll to corrosion. S. GILL. Chenz. b Met. Eng., 39, 481-3 (Sept., 1932).-Destruction of equipment by corrosion is an important problem in practically every branch of the petroleum industry, from the bottoms of the wells which produce the crude oil to the final steps in transportation and storage of the finished produde. The more destructive corrosive conditions are ( a ) oxygen-free oilwell brines, ( h ) &rated oil-well Mnes, ( c i hydrogen sulfide air and water in vapor spaces above the oil in tanks handling sulfide-bearing oils, (d) corrosive soils, (e) hydrochloric acid from the hydrolysis of calcium and magnesium chlorides of the salt water of crude oils in low-temperature distillations, (f)sulfur and sulfur compounds in high-temperature distillations. Oil-well strainers, casings, tubing pumps, and sucker rods are all attackcd and make the most serious problem of the industry. J. W. H. Pulp and paper advance fight against corrosion loss. J. D. MILLER. Chenz. 2 N e l . Eng., 39,484-5 (Scpt., 1932)-Iron and steel are satisfactory materials for equipment of mechanical grinders, and digesters for making paper pulp by sulfite and alkaline pulping processes. Sulfur-burning furnaces are lined with soapstone or chrome brick. Chromium plating is the most satisfactory for screens, suction box covers, calender rolls, and evaporator tubes. A tile lining is satisfactory for bleachers. Alum added in a drv form obviates the corrosion usually caused when aluminum sulfate is added to the &in-soap sizing. Wood, wood-lined-iteel, cement-lined cast iron and copper pipe are used in making fine papers where contamination from iron is not desired. J. W. H. Dye industry searches for cheaper plant materials. H. MILLER. Chem. &? Met. Eng., 39, 48&8 (Sept., 1932).-Many improved processes in the dye indwtry are awaiting cheaper materials of construction before they can be introduced on a o m -

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content and hence local cokosion. N& to iron and steel lead is'used most because of cheapness and ease of replacement. Aluminum bronze is used for about the samc service as lead and stands up t o heat better. Everdur, a copper-silicon-manganese alloy, is being rapidly introduced where the sulfuric acid is between 40 and F5Y0 and temperatures exceed 50-6O0C. When vats are used for handling acids, cypress gives good J. W. H. service and is the wood most generally used. Non-metals head list in HCL resistance. S. L. TYLER. Chcm. & Met. ling., 39, 488-9 (Scpt., 1932).-Dissolving HCI gas in water is highly exothermic and contributes one of the most serious problems in the commercial production of HCI. Any absorption system that is to be efficient must be designed with heat removal as the main considcration. Water solutions of HCI are among the most corrosive chemicals known, attacking all except the noble metals. Materials in general use for handling HCI arc stone, stoneware, fused silica, rubber, glass, glass enameled steel, carbon refractories, and wood. J. W. H. I t is best stored in rubber-lined tanks of wood or steel Modern nitric acid production demands special alloys. T. MCKNIGHT. Chem. 2 .Ifel. Eng., 39, 490-2 (Sept., 1932).-Nitric acid manufacture by the pressure system of ammonia oxidation has been made commercially possible through the application of special alloys. The material problems involved include: resistance to corrosion; resis.

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tance t o scaling in highly oxidizing gases a t devated temperatures; prevention of contamination and decomposition of the materials in the process. In this process are used the common metals when possible, nickel, high-silicon iron, 18% chrome, and 8% nickel alloys. Sound castings of chrome alloys arc difficult t o obtain. Corrosion resistance may be varied by heat treatment. All working of the alloys in fabrication of equipment should be done undcr rigid specifications. J. W. H. Corrosion looms large in sulfuric-acid plants. J. J. HEALY,J R . Chem. t Met. E n g . 39, 492-3 (Sept., 1932).-In the chamber process lead is used for the chambers, coils, and coolers, lead-lined with acid-proof brick for the Glover and Gay-Lussac towers. In the contact process lead is used for towers, pipe lines, pumps and valves, hut there is little choice between lead and cast iron. Neither is entirely satisfactory. Steellined with acid-proof brick is best for the ahsorbers. Storage materials depend on acid strengths, varying from lead-lined steel or wood to steel. Suggestions are also given as to the best materials to use as acid containers in the various industries using acid solutions of different strengths. J. W. H. Where stainless alloys stand in chemical construction. E. C. WRIGHTAND K. E. LUGER. Chem. G. ,Wet. Eng., 39, 494-6 (Sept., 1932).-Chemical engineers have used stainless steel in meeting one or more of the following specific requirements: (1) severely corrosive service a t moderate temperatures where thc expected life of the equipment is the most important consideration; (2) prevention of contamination of the product to be handled by thc equipment; (3) resistance t o high temperature; (4) general mechanical requirements. Special properties of five stainless steels are given. J . W. H. SCIENTIFIC REVIEWS AND BIBLIOGRAPHIES; TABULATIONS OF SCIENTIFIC DATA Rubber latex. Recent scientific and technical developments. V. N. Monnrs A N D H. W. GREBNW. Ind. Eng. Chem.. 24, i55-70 (July, 1932).-In 1921, latex was a curiosity even to scientists connected with the rubber industry in London. Over 9,000.000 pounds were imported into the U. S. in the fimt ten months of 1931. While the consumption of crude rubher dropped 204: in 1930, the importation of latex increased by about the same amount. Difficulty in transporting latex without coagulation and cost of transporting so much water retarded interest in the direct application of the latex. Most ruhher has thus been collected as latex, coagulated with formic or acetic acid, wa~hed,sheeted, dried, smoked, packed, shipped, unpacked, plasticized by mechanical working in heavy machinery, compounded hy mechanical introduction of the desired ingredient3 and vulcanized in a mold. When manufactured from latex, the latex is concentrated, shipped in the prescncc of a preservative, compounded by stirring thc ingredients into the liquid later in the presence of suitahle protective agents, formed by dipping or othpr methods, and finally dried and vulcanized. Advantages claimed for the latex method are: simplicity in manufacture, freedom from defects due to milling. n1or.e uniform product, h e t t ~ dispersion r of compounding ingredients, better aging, lower accelerator costs, elimination of fire and health hazards in processes formerly requiring rubber cement. Not all of these advantages are accepted without dispute, and present low crude-rubber prices place latex a t a disadvantage. Rubber later is discussed under the following heads: Influence of Anatonly of Trees on Yield of Latex: Structure of Latex Particle; Non-Rubber Constituents in Latex; Determination of Rubber Content; Coagulation; Preservation and Shipping; Concentration of Later; Incorporation of Compounding Ingrcdicnts; Manufacture of Rubber Goods hy Dipping; Manufacture by Electroplating; Other Methods of Manu. facture, Gelling, Molding. Spraying, Milling after Compounding and Coagulating; Imnrcnnation of Fabric: Uscs. The uses includetire and tube manufacture, ccmcnts, adhesives, sealing compounds,

Small amounts of laien have bccn incorporated into viscose and paper. thcrehy incrcasing the strength. Articles may be conveniently made or coated with ruhber hy clectrodeposition. Rcfercncee t o over ZOO papers or patents are given. D. C. L. Modem materials. Clrem. b Mel. Eng., 39, 513-24 (Sept., 1932).-A newspaper 01 corrosion resistance citing recent dcvelanments in the manufacture and utilization of materials of construction. 1.W: H. Modem metals. -Chmm. ti? Met. Eng., 39, 497-512 (Sept., 1932).-A comp~lation of the physical and chemical properties of 2.58 corrosion, heat, and abrasion-resistant J. W. H. metals and alloys.




HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL Jean Antaine Claude Chaptal (1756-1832). Nature, 132, 122 (July 23, 1932).When Chaptal died (July 30, 1832), France lost a man of science and a statesman who had perhaps done more for the progress of arts, industries, and manufactures than any of his contemporaries. A graduate of Montepellier, he became professor of chemistry there in 1784. Later he established works for the manufacture of acids, alum, white lead, etc. His success was such that in 1793 the Committee of Public Safety employed him with Berthollet and Monge t o superintend the manufacture of munitions. Under Chaptal, the output was raised tp one and onc-half tons per day. I n Paris he became one of the first professors in the Ecole Polytechnique. His ambition and energy finally made him Minister of the Interior. He wrote several valuable and much used books an chemistry. His volume on "Chemistry Applied to the Arts" was widely translated and long remained a standard hook of reference. I t had a great influence on American chemistry, the third American edition appearing in 1808. General Washington three times invited him t o emigrate to America, but the offers were declined, and he devoted his life to the service of France. F. B. D . An obituary of Prof. Wilhelm Ostwald (1853-1932). A. FINDLAP. Nature, 129, 750-1 (May 21, 1932).-One of the founders of modern physical chemistry. Ostwald's "work as a teacher and as champion of what might be called the new learning" (Van't Hoff's theory of solutions, Arrhenius' theory of electrolytic dissociation, etc.) was perhaps of still greater value for the advance of science. He was characterized by honesty of purpose, enthu3iasm, freshness of mind, and a variety of interests, among them painting, as is shown by his publications in his later years on the theory of color. He F. B. D. wasa Nobel prizeman(1909) andanexchange professorat Harvard in 1905. The errors of the doctors according to Friar Roger Bacon of the minor order. M . C. WELBORN. Isis, 18, 26-02 (1932).-A mmplcte translation of the work with Bacon's own notes on drugs, critical notes by the translator, a list and glossary of drugs, and a list of the authors and their works mentioned by Bacon. The treatise contains the following interesting reference to alchemy. "Medicine does not explain this development (of the humors and dements of the body) but constantly sends the doctors to alchemy, as is shown by Avicenna in many places, and by other authors of medical works. Whence this alone of the sciences, that is, alchemy, dares to explain what are the first four elements. then the second four. and a third four, up to twelve, from which man and the whole lower world are made. Whence there are twelve corporeal substances which have within themselves the power to determine the species of things and exist in the world per se, and the natural philosopher deals with only four of these elements. However, the doctor, although he touches upon these things docs not explain them but sends the medical students to alchemy, as is shown by Avicenna in the first Canon, the one in which he disagrees with Galen, who says t h a t only blood flows through the parts of the body which need nourishment. For he shows t h a t the other humors are necessary for many reasons, and after putting forth his arguments, he confirms what he has said by means of alchemical experiments. "Therefore for this reason and for countless others, alchemy is necessary in speculative medicine in order to become acquainted with the generation of things and with the properties of natures. When Avicenna in his second Canon argues against Galen concerning the generation of quicksilver he says. 'Galen thinks that quicksilver is made onlv from cinnabar in a base smeared with clay, above which a fire is burned and thus i t i i sublimated,' but this is not true; on the contrary cinnabar is made from quicksilver with sulfur, and then i t is possible to extract it from quicksilver just as i t is extracted from mineral cinnabar. And thus I have treated of the science of alchemy, according to the words of Avicenna in his letter t o Hasen concerninr the value of alchemy, in which is shown the generation of cinnabar from quicksilver a n 8 sulfur. But it would take too long to enumerate the uses of alchemy in its relation to both theoretical and practical T. L. D. medicine; therefore let this be enough for the present." Robert Boyle and his influence on thought in the seventeenth century. J. F . Boyle (1027-lR92) was one of the first in FULTON. Iris. 18. i7-102 (Itl32).-"Robert s c i w ~ yw h m r work \ras a.idr.ly read 1,s thc l a y polhc, and through rlu5 clrcumstancc the ercrted 3 far inclrc iwportant inrlurnrr i l m ic i.onunody rrco~ntrcrl. HC w o t c i l l 3 I ; I W ~ ~ V , t~~~~~h t -~~~ hi. contmm.>rxk-scmtld u n d w ~ m t d :and I k ~ m h h cllv t ~did LOW L I I : ~ ~ .--*---. any one of his time to m a i e science a part of the int&ctual cquioment df educated men. ~ o y l had e never been a student a t a university and throughout his active life he declined to occupy a chair. He touched nearly all branches of knowledge, however, and there is no division of modern science, except possibly astronomy, which cannot trace phases of its origin in his writings. I n addition to his well-known contribution to the gas laws ~



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he was the first modern protagonist of the atomic structure of matter and he gave a clear

of the process on a su6stance extracted from ihe air.

As professor T. S. ~ a t t P r s o nhas

represents an &en &re far-reaching ~ccomplish&nt." T . L: D . HemKopp a s a chemist. B. BESSMERTNY.Archeion, 14, 62-8 (1932). T. L. D. HermannKopp as a n historian. E. 0. VON LIPPMANN.Archeion. 1 4 , 1 5 (1932).A brief examination of the historical writings of Kopp, in particular of his four large works and of their importance for later time. "Geschickte der Chemie," 1843-1847; "Beitrdge aur Geschickte d w Chernie," 1869; "Entwicklung der Chemie i n der neueren Zed." 1871; and "Die Alchemie i n dl& and neuerer Zeit," 1886. T. L. D. Eugene Chemeul, historian of chemistry. H. METZGER. Archeion. 14, 6-11 (1932).-Chevreul's "Hidoire d m Connoissances Chimiques," 1866, contains much interesting material foreign to the history of chemistry and contains very little material on that subject. It is really a n introduction to a much larger work of which only a fragment was published-"Rdsumd d'une histoire de la matiare deptris les philorophes grecs jusp'd Lavoisier indusiument," 1878. Mme. Metzger gives a brief summary of the contents of the latter work. T . L. D. Lavoisier's three notes on combustion: 1772. A. N. MELDRUM.Archeion, 14, 15-30 (1932).-A report of Professor Meldrum's study of three autograph notes of Lavoisier (dated September 10, October 20, and November 1, 1772) which are preserved in the Archives of the Academic des Sciences. "On the tenth of September Lavoisier worked with phosphorusobviously for the first time-watched it glowing, fuming, burning. Forthwith he proposed to verify what Cigna had reported, that phosphorus absorbs air when it burns. "After an interval of nearly 6 weeks Lavoisier recorded progress: during the

parafie1 'bctwe& the substan& that arise in the comh"sti& of phosphorus and of sulfur. " It would seem that Lavoisier, after having studied the conversion of phosphorus into phosphoric acid, came to a pause. The thought then came to him, under the stimulus of disagreement with the views of Sage on phosphoric acid, of writing the memoir, on phosphoric acid and its salts, t h a t is indicated in the title of the 2nd note and that he produced nearly 5 weeks later. Having that purpose in view he prepared phosphoric acid in quantity. With the writing of the 2nd note the pause came to an end: he resumed work on the problems of combustion. "Lavoisier, during the next 12 days, was thinking and working fervently. He established the analogy, of which a glimpse is to be seen in the 2nd note, between the conversion of phosphorus into phosphoric acid and of sulfur into sulfuric acid. He surmised that combustion, and the calcination of a metal, when accompanied by increase in weight, is accompanied also by absorption of air. He proved t h a t the reverse of calcination, the reduction of a calx to a metal, is accompanied by production of air. "Lavoisier made the claim, toward the end of his life, t h a t he had conceived, so early as the year 1772, the doctrine on combustion, as a whole, t h a t he afterward published ("MAmoircs de Chimie," 1805, 2, p. 86). In support of his claim he quoted the note of the 1st November, 1772. The note bears out his claim. I t is a finished composition, thought out, thought through, written with conviction. Facts that are insignificant, each taken by itself, are brought into a relation with one another that proved to have an immense value for chemistry. Lavoisier perceived that absorption of air goes on, and is accompanied by increase in weight, when phosphorus is converted into phosphoric acid, sulfur into sulfuric acid, lead into litharge. Moreover, the reverse change, litharge into lead, is accompanied by production of air. Absorption of air accompanied by increase of weight, production of air accompanied by decrease of weight, on these simple principles he proceeded to establish his doctrine on comhustion and, T L. D. more than that, t o establish a new system of chemistry." Introduction to a study of the r81e of Lavoisier in the history of chemistry. H . M w z c ~ n . Archeion. 14, 31-50 (1932). T . L. D.




The rale of Lavoisier in the history of the sciences. A. MIELI. A r d e i o n , 14, 51-6 (1932). T. L. D. Note on the Arabic mss. on alchemy in the Asaflyah Library, HyderribHd (Deccan), India. H. E. STAPLETON.Archeion, 14, 57-61 (1932). T. L. D. Albert the Great, his scientific views. T. GREENWOOD.Archeion. 14, 09-73 (1932). T . L. D. Report on the MPal-WmagL H . E. STAPLETON A N D H. HUSAIN. Archeion, 14, 7 4 5 (1932).-Preliminary report on the Arabic manuscript of this title from Lucknow The treatise is identical with the Latin "Tabula chemica" of Senior Zadith as printed in T . L. D . the " Theatrum Chemicum." The alchemy and the alchemistic cosmogony of Theophrastus Paracelsus. I;. STRUNZ. Archeion, 14, 76-87 (1932). T. L. D. Nitrogen and phosphorus. "A classic of science." Sci. News Letter, 20, 1 0 2 1 (Aug. 13.1932).-Robert Boyle is author of the paper upon phosphorus which he entitles "The Aerial Noctiluca." Priestley is permitted to report on nitrogenasit is presented in his "Experiments and Observations on Difierent Kinds of Air"; and a cutting from Lavoisier's "Elements of Chemistry" tells of his choice of a name for nitrogen. Boyle obtained his phosphorus from urine. He used sand with the residue left behind in the retort after distillation. Evidently the carbon resulting from the decomposition of the organic matter in the retort served to reduce the phosphorus. Priestley absorbed the oxygen from ordinary air by the use of a mixture of sulfur and iron filings. The unabsorbed air is the gas which hc describes. Lavoisier lavors azote as a name for this gas remaining after Priestley's experiments because it has the "property of depriving B. C. H. such animals as breathe it of their lives." The first morphine. ''A classic of science." Sci. News Letter, 22, 120-1 (Aug. 20. 1932).-This classic was translated from an article, "Ueber dasMorphium." by S e r t m e r in Annalen der P k y i k , volume 55 in 1817. Dried opium was extracted by water and then the extract was saturated with ammonia. The crystalline precipitate, the morphine obtained, was further purified by washing. resolution, and reprecipitation. Itnproperties are described, and cspccial attention is given t o its carbonate, acetate. sulfate, nitrate. and tartrate salts. A large part of the article gives the results of experiments which the author performed upon himself and three young men by administering the morphine internally. B. C. H. Three common elements in group F?..,"A classic of science." Sci. News Letter, 22, 23-4 (July 9. 1932).-Tin, lead. and sd~conare the three elements. The accounts are taken from "The Geography of Strabo." "Georgius Agricola de re Metallica," and Annals of Philosophy. H . C. Hamilton translated the first, Herbert and Lou Hoover. the second, and the last is from a letter from Berzelius. The Tin Islandsare described as being hard t o find and known only to the Phoenicians for a long time. Their chicf minerals were lead and tin. Agricola's treatise is concerned with assaying the lead and tin. I n each case the assay is brought about by a flux such as borax, and a reducer, usually charcoal and heat intensified by a bellows. Berzelius' letter is quite modern, 1823, as compared with Strabo's Geography, A.D. 23, and Agricola's work, 1556. In one part of the letter he tells of isolating silicon and of a study of that element's propertics. He noted its resemblance t o carbon. B. C. H . Sir William Crookes. Chem. News. 144, 387409 (June 17, 1932).-This issue is devoted to an appreciation of Sir William Crookes (1832-1919), who was the founder, and editor of the Chemical News from 1859-1919; and contains the following articles. "William Crookes, The Man and His Work" (1832-1919). by H. W. BLOOD-RYAN. "The Artificial Transformation of the Elements," by LORDRUTHERFORD. "The Fourth State of Matter," an appreciation of Crookes' contributions to modern physics, by PROF.INCOW. D. HACKH. "Crookes' Warning t o Agriculture and thc Response by the Chemical Industry,'' by SIR H ARRY MCGOWAN. "Sir William Crookes," by PROF. NrcHoLns KNIGHT. "Crookes and His Faith," by H ENRY T. F. RHODES. I?. B. D. Michael Faraday and electrochemistry. H. HARTLEY. Chem. News, 144, 410-9 (June 24, 1932).-This lecture delivered before the Royal Institution on Friday, March 4. 1932, gives an interesting account of Faraday's work on electrolysis and its relation t o modern conceptions. He finally quotes a t the end of the address Tyndall's words, "Faraday was more thnn a philosopher; he was a prophet." F. B. D . Faraday. Sce Coal, color, and constitution, p. 2144. Lavoisier, Priestley, and Black. J. BELL. Chem. News, 145, 119-20 (Aug. 26, 1932).-The author quotes from threr letters from Lavoisier t o Black in the years

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1789 and 1790, in one ol which the French scientist expresses his gratification an hearing that Black had accepted his theory and system of nomenclature. The author suggests that the difference in attitude of Lavoisier toward Black and Priestley was due to thc difference between the two British chemists themselves. Iilack, gentle in disposition, never lost his temoer and never lost a friend. while the fiery, controversial Priestley F. B. D. had the unfortunaie knack of making enemies. Forty years of stereochemistry. W. J. POPE. Chem. G Ind., 51, 229T33T (July 15, 1932).-The sixth Messel Memorial Lecture. Pasteur and Le Bel were accomdished crvstalloma~hers.and Van't Hoff was a student of crvstallonraohv. . . . It is ~ r o b kble that k i t h 0 2 this traininx hthese men would not have been able to lay the foGndat ~ o n silf sttrrurbrmi.;try with such ccrcwnty Thc rlnssical %tcreochcmtstry h a i d un rhc s,ork of Icsreur WII cuutinur to cxpsnd ;and to mcrgr int~ra k g r r mwochcm~*try xhich rm1,mrrr 311 r h ~ m i c whitnncrr ~l wla,ther out~r.lll\.active t X rav srurliei KR. W. will be very importantin this newer field. Anthracene centenary. C em. News,144, 313 (May 13, 1932).-This year marks the one hundredth anniversary of the discovery of anthracene by the French chemists Dumas and Laurent, who isolated i t from the higher boiling fractions of coal tar. For nearly forty years i t was of no importance until Graebe, Lieberman, and Cam in Germany and Perkin in England succeeded in convel+ing it into alizarin, the result of which was t o wipe out the French madder industry. Later thc anthracene became the F. B. D. basis of many of the important vat dyes. The Woulffe bottle. R. WINo m n c e . Chew&.-Ztg.,56,681 (Aug. 27, 1932).-In n recent critical discussion of two reference books Georxe W. A. Kahlbaum stated that it is not justifiable to credit Woulffe with the discovery in 1771 of the so-called Woulffe bottle. The bottle was pictured in an article Physique." 1784 the Abb6 in the The Rozier " O so-called b s mthat a t i o nappeared sWoulffe sur la s i/;: : -~! F~ of in ~


bottle of 1 7 i l is not a Woulffe bottle a t all but the ancient Dibicos and Tribicos. Woulffe described and drew many possible constructions. In





., =

>' -


one of the first (Figure 1) the vapors from the retort A are partly condensed in the vessel B; the droplets fall into the bottle C while the remainder of the vapors are ahsorbcd by water in F. In a later $ construction of 1784 (Figure 2 ) Woulffe gave his bottles a flat bottom and appreciably shortened the lateral drain tube. In this construction G is a safety flask and H i s the ahsorption vessel proper. A cylini; drical vessel with three outlets (as !: *!. in Figure 1) and a dropping bottle were also attached to G. - >=_ If the well-known shape of to^ FIGURE2 FIGURE 3 day's Woulffc bottle is considered of grcater importance than the original thought, then i t is not Woulffe but Joh. Carl Wilke who must be credited with this bottle. In I782 he described, drew, and employed the thrce-neck bottle shown in Figure 3. L. S. How the Last two elements were found. H. A . WEBB. Sch. Sci. & Mali$., 32, 475-80 (May, 1932).-The history and thc discovery of elemcnts72.43. 75. 61. and $11 are given first; and then in detail the history and methods of discovery of virginium 87, in pollucite andlepidolite. and of alabamine 8.5, in monazite sand. potash from Germany, J. H. G. seawater, and several other sources.




TEACHING OBJECTIVES, METHODS, AND SUGGESTIONS The tutorial plan a t Buffalo. H. W. POST. Chemist. 9, 601-2 (July. 1932).Sophomore students a t the University of Buffalo petition the department of their choice for the privilege of becoming majors in that department. I n order t o be accepted as a major in chemistry the student must have completed, or be taking, general inorganic chemistry, quantitative analysis, physics, calculus, and must have a reading knowledge of scientific German. The program for the junior and senior years for these students includes fundamental courses in organic and physical and a t least one advanced course in either organic, inorganic, or physical. Each student completes some piece of independent work preferably during the second semester of his senior year. Seminars are attended by these major or tutorial students and their tutors every two weeks. Comprehensive written and oral examinations are given just before commencement. Those who graduate receive the degree bachelor of arts with a major in chemistry. E . R. W. An experiment in visual education in elementary college chemistry. B. S. HopK l N s A N D H. G. DAWSON. Sch. S C ~& . Math., 32, 353-63 (Apr., 1932).-See the same title. J. CHEM.EDUC., 9, 1837 (Od.. 1932). J. H. G. Instruction plan material for science classes. Chemistry. M. MBISTER. Sci. Classroom, 12, 3 (Oct., 1932)-Typical questions, based on the article an page 55 of the October, 1932, issue of Popular Sciace Monthly dealing with ionization and conductivity of solutions, are given as a guide for classrwm discussion. H. T. B. Kern: An instructive chemistry card game. D. BROWN. Sch. Sci. & Malh., 32, 519-21 (May, 1932).-The game Kem is played similarly to Flinch and was developed in Nottingham High School. Illustrations of the cards and full description for playing are given. J. H. G. EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENTS AND DATA A study of the achievements of students of general chemistry in college. W .J. BRAY. Sch. Sci. M Math.. 32, 19-29 (Jan., 1932).-This study was made to consider certain factors which may have some bearing on the success of students of general chemistry a t the college level. Five colleges in different sections of Missouri with a total general chemistry enrolment of 320 students a t the average age of 191/, years cooperated. At the beginning of the quarter, the first form of the Iowa Chemistry Training Test, Revised, was administered and a t the end of the quarter, the second form of the same test was administered. The facts observed in the study seem to warrant the following conclusions: (1) The average student of general chemistry in college is able to score about 18% of the possible score on the I. C. T. T. a t the beginning of his study of the subject in college. (2) There is extreme variability in the cores of the students on the I . C. T. T . , both a t the beginning a n d a t the end of the first quarter of study of the subject in college. (3) The achievement level of the group studied, as measured by the mean scores made on the I. C. T. T.. practically doubled as a result of one quarter's study of the subject in college. (4) A study of teachers' marks indicates that about 50Yo of the group would most probably score between 74 and 87%. (5) The average intelligence quotient of the group as measured by the Otis Self-Administering Test of Mental Ability, Higher Examination, Form C, was 105.94, with the standard deviation of 10.33. The range was from 79 to 131. (6) Students who graduated from the larger high schools seem to have the ability t o score higher on the I. C. T. T. than those from smaller high schools. (7) Students who learned to read in city school systems (over 3000 population) seem t o have the ability t o score higher on the I. C. T . T. than those who learned to read in either rural schools or small town schools. (8) Students who studied chemistry in high school, tend t o score higher on the I. C. T. T., both a t the beginning of the term and a t the end, than those of the whole group studied. tl#.mgh tbvre I S n dvfiuttc tcndrr>cy for that 3 d \ a n t a ~ rto drercnw durtng the term ! 'I'lmst whu h a r e qtudird p11v.i~. in high *cln,ol tend to ware hiyhrr on the I. C . T.T tl>;tnthc avr.r.aer of th.. \r hole ~ r ~ n.tudt~d. m I orb or, the first form and the +cond form of the test, th;ugh there is ahefinite tendincy for this advantage to decrease during the term. (10) Those who studied biology in high school, and those who studied general science in high school, tend t o score lowcr on the I . C. T.T. than the average of the whole group. (11) Those who take chemistry as an elective subject tend to score higher on the I. C. T . T . than those who take it as a required subject. (12) There is a definite tendency noted for the men students to score higher than the women students J. H. G. on the I. C. T . T. Effect of class-size upon the efficiency of instruction. J. H. H. SMITE. High Sch. Quart.. 20, 165-74 (July. 1932);-The article gives a r6sume of the important studies which have been made to determine the relative effect of class-size upon student

VOL.9, NO. 12



achievement. The article points out some factors which have been overlooked in many of these experiments. the author coming to the conclusion that nothing har, been settled and that our old notion that small classes may be more efficient is probably correct. C. M. P. Crime prevention through education. Research Bull. Nal. Educ. Assoc.. 10, 133-201 ( S e ~ t . 1932).-This . bullctin is a rCsum6 of a study carried out by the Research Division bf the ~ a t i o n a Education l Aesociation. The rciort is divided into the following parts: (1) Introduction; (2) Statistics on Crime; (3) Crime Costs and School Expenditures; (4) Factors Associated a-ith Crime; (5) The Problem of the Delinquent Child: (6) The Social Aeencies of Crime Prevention: (7) Organizations Interested in C. M. P. crime Pievention; (8) Silected Bibliography. he& i r i t w e n t y tahles. THE PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION Co6rdinated engineering education. H. S. E VANS . J . Eng. Educ., 23, 5-14 (Scpt., 1932).-A national educational policy would be desirable in order to eliminate manv discre~aneiesbetween the recornition daced UDon certain attainments among the &era1 khools. I t is a serious &dictm&t again& an educational system when sixty per cent, of its studcnts are weeded nut in a four-year course. Schools are criticized because they graduate the crooked politician as well as the statesman The real value of knowledge depends on the use to which it is put, and the training of character and personality is too often overlooked. "Co6rdinated engineering education . . . . involves many more agencies and more years of a young man's life than thc usual span of a college course. I t should begin with the boy in the form of information for his guidance and tests to determine his special abilities and continue through young manhood. I t becomes a problem of the preparatory school and the high school, possibly the grades even, then the university or senior collegc, then thc graduate school, then industq,." H. T . B. FOREIGN CHEMICAL AND EDUCATIONAL CONDITIONS scicnce Science in English schools. Science, 76, 9 (Sept. 9, 1932).-"Better courses for elementary and secondary schools of England, which will train the children for life rather than examination, were urged by W. Mayhowe Heller before the British G. H. W. Arsociation for the Advancement of Science." A comparative study of science education in Sweden and the United States. H. F. The amount of science KILANDER.Sch. Sci. b' Math., 32, 522-30 (May, 1932).-(1) which every Swedish student must study is rather extensive compared with t h a t of the American student. Chemistry is least emphasized. (2) Science education begins earlier in the Swedish schools. (3) Each science, as a rule, is taught yearly so that a student is studying all three sciences simultaneously from one to three hours weekly through almost the entire school time. (4) There is a definite sequence in the science training. This is possible because there are no elective subjects within a given school type. (5) The Swedish state secondary school prepares the student for direct entrance into the professional schools as well ar, the university. (6) Individual laboratory practice is very limitcd. Demonstration experiments occupy much oi the class period and offset the lack of the former type. (7) Term exaninations are given except a t the end of the last school year of the school form. These latter exercise a marked influence on the character of the school work. (8) The instruction centers about the tcacher and the classroom demonstrations rather than about the textbook. (9) The university training of the secondary school teacher is almost entirely academic and very espensive J. H. G. in his two or three fields. His teaching subjects are limited to this group. PROFESSIONAL The place of chemistry in the carpet industry. G. E. HOPKINS. Chemist,9,5611-71 (July, 1932).-The chemist has been called into the carpet industry in a n effort to reduce manufacturing costs. This has been accomplished by a study of the materials in the s ~ e c i a Droducts l used in the industrv. and bv the introduction of scientific o n trol in &me o f t h e traditional processes in the manGfacture of carpets. The chemist is ald~ngin supplying the rnzrket wirh new products chicfly t h r o u ~ hthc rlcvrlo~mentul I W W chemical fini4lcr Fundamcnral rescdn.11 hni pr8mv.l 01 value and thc $olut~lrnuf ievvral soectric i,rul,lcnl~ nwaits the corrrlatlun of thr cfiorts and n w l r c of such rl-scnrch. -. ~ ~ ~ ~ The article contains an interesting account of the development of the carpet industry. P -. R a1 -. Coiirdinated Engineering Education. See this title above.

.~~~ ~.



D ECEMBER , 1932

GENERAL The cost of scientific journals. Science, 76, 267 (Sept. 23. 1932).-In a letter from Dr. M. J. Greenman, director of the Wistar Institute to the editors of all journals published by the institute we find that, though more pages arc being published. individual support of these journals is falling off. Due to the cost of publication, Dr. Greenman suggests that only papers of unusual importance be accepted and that illustrations be limited or that authors contribute toward the cost of illustration. G. H. W. Should scientific discoveries be patented? E. L. S E V R I N G R A ~Science, ~. 76, 233-4 (Sept. 9, 19'32).-In spite of the advantages in the use of the patent, there are grave disadvantages in its use in scientific discoveries. No discovery in science is made by an individual unaided by the enormous background of science in general. Then, too, patents may be granted when no real advance has been made and this will serve to hamper other men who do work in the same field. These suggestions were made not to answer the question, hut to stimulate more public debate on the merits of patenting discoveries. G. H. W. Presentation of the Priestleg medal to Dr. Charles L. Parsons. Science, 76, 269 (Sept. 23, 1932). G. H. W. Dr. Oscar Rice receives annual A. C. S. Langmuh award. Sci. A n . , 147, 133 (Sept., 1932)- The 1000-dollar prize given by Dr. A. C. Langmuir and awarded annually by the American Chemical Society has this year been presented to Dr. Oscar Rice of Harvard University. A short news note with photograph. G. H. W. Coal, color and constitution. H. E. A n ~ s ~ n o ~Nature, c. 129, 787 (May 28, 1932).-Prof. Henry E. Armstrong, the Nestor and iconoclast of English chemistry gave a lecture (May 20) a t the Royal Institution with "Faraday a t the Sign of the Hexagon" as his subject; though "Coal, Color and Constitution" was the alleged theme. The lecture room was decorated with fabrics of every pattern and hue. Thc speaker discarded the ordinary symbols of the orthodox chemist ''as people won't take the trouble to understand them": so straight chains and ring compounds were replaced by the backbone of a mackerel and by a whiting with tail in his mouth; buttons on safety pins represented the unwieldy formulas of the dye chemist. All were used t o illustrate the genealogy of benzene, t h a t pallid infant of the sober Faraday; taken as mistress by Hofmann, with progeny the gentle Ani-line "and her numerous offspring, whose F . B. D. hectic and chromatic careers were vividly described." , 750-9 (Sept. Some aspects of stereochemistry. W. H. MILLS. Chnn. & + I d .51, 9, 1932).-The presidential address delivered before the chemistry section of the British Association for the Advancemcnt of Science. The workof Pasteur, Van't Hoff, andLeBel provided a framework into which we have been able to fit practically all that we know concerning the stereochemistry of carbon compounds. Circularly polarized light may be used to obtain molecularly dissymmetric compounds in a n optically active state without the use af other optically active substances. Circularly polarized light as i t occurs in nature favors the formation of one of the two optically active forms of substances found in living matter. I n living matter every dissymmetric component is present in only one of its two antimeric configurations. The configurations of these components are so cornlatrd that c;irh rl~rsyn,~:lrtrc molecule encaum-ri old\. t!nt form (,i )ti t l i . ~ w ~ : t w t rci o ~ - r ~ x t ~ nwith t s \v!lich it react. the mo.d r.qmIIy 1.iving u . ~ t t e rso cm-,titutd 1. tn~uch~ n < m fliciv:~tth.31~ a h ~ ~ o t t ~ e ram t i c ~i tl) wl.ic4~v w r v d i < ~ v m u e t r i c component is present in equal an~ountsdf both its antimeric roms " ~ h ~ d c v e l o p m ~ n roi th: urgrlnlc kingdwu from il i>ngle~ t r mwould p r ~ \ . t t il l~:lmple exl,lanatwn oi the contiytlrrtwwrl ~vl.~t>rm:hq, w h w h al)pc.:msto c u i t I I C I ~ I ; ~ thv u ~ ~ ~ c s I I Y wtivcomuownrs ui the must dtvcrw i o r w oi Ilfr.. a i rs illurtrated I N thc ocrurrenre 111 nature of glucose in its dextro-rotatory form only." E. R.W. "



istry were presented. Among the more outstanding of these was a molecular model of monochlorbenzene by Professor Donald H. Andrews. The model was constructed of .trrl 1~111, reprtienting IIIL :~cor,ls311d XCCIsprmg. d'picttn~ tlw i o r c e ~br~tweenthml. .m.h tlllt t b . ~ i l r . t i . m fr~,~m.nrie. I ~ t n ~ the . ~ rA~I O ~ IW*C T C r~lnticl10 1 1 1 ~\.ihration trmumc:vc o i thc muleculri rl: mi.l\..:.; :a< darc,rmmt:d lw t!wir 1(smm cvcclr:, Kvideice brought out in a symposium on the "Vitamin B Complex" indicated that this vitamin is not a simple substance but includes several factors, probably seven in all. Photographs of Professor Arthur B. Lamb, president-elect of the Society, and of Dr. Charles L. Parsons. recipient of the Pricstlcy medal, are included in the report. G. W. S.