abstracts - ACS Publications

Pop. Sci. Mo., 121, 48 (Nov.,. 1932).—The spout from an oil can is inserted, small end down- ..... with the sulfuric acid plus phosphate rock method...
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ABSTRACTS R. A. BAKER,Ab~fractEditor


A simple apparatus for preparing aldehydes. 0.I., IIARL Ilormorr, 472-S (Apr., l!i:l2).-.4ldehydt* sre nut alwayi handy or plentiful in a n oreantc laborator).. Formnldrhyde is a u;is whkh is usually u%cJin a warer sdution. Acetaidehyde is a \.cry volatile liquid at room ternpcraturc and it must be kept in a sealed hottle. Once a 1,ottlr of ncetaldchvdc is oocned. thc unused portion of t h e aldehyde disappears inless t i e bottle is resealed. The method of preparing aldehydes as outlined below ob\lates this procedwe a%the appanrur may remain set up ready for use, and any amount uf aldehyde rnly he prepared a t once. thercbv suffidnr fur the need of rach individual rrocrintrrtt. he-apparat;~ as shown in the illustration is easily set up,

simple in operation, and any amount of aldehyde may be prepared by the simple use of alcohol alone. (A) is around bottom flask in which is placed the desired amount of alcohol. The kind of alcohol used is dependent on the aldehyde required. (B) is a 36 Em. piece of co~nbustiontubing, inside of which is placed a copper spiral 12 em. long. (C) is an Erlenmeyer suction flask in which is placed water for use in the preparation of aldehyde solutions such as formaldehyde solution. Otherwise, this flask remains empty. This flask is placed in an ice bath. The side-arm of the suction flask is connected to an aspirator. I n the preparation of acetaldehyde or any other volatile aldehyde, a water condenser is connected between (B) and (C). The operation is simple. The combustion tube (B) is placed on a two or four-burner gas furnace. The gas is ignited until the copper spiral becomes dull red. The flask (A) is heated on a water bath a t a temperature below t h a t of the boiling point of the alcohol in order t o vaporize the alcohol slowly. The suction is turned on a t the aspirator. The air entering the flask due t o the suction is mixed with the alcohol vapors. I n tube (B) the air in the presence of the red-hot copper spiral oxidizes the copper to copper oxide. The alcohol vapor, in the presence of the hot copper oxide, is oxidized t o the aldehyde, the copper oxide being reduced t o metallic CODDer. Thus the Drocess is a n everlasting one providing the alc&ol is replenished. The suction came: the aldehyde formed into the flask (C) where i t is either dissolved in water or condensed as a liquid. If the suction is removed and a stream of oxygen gas is forced through the whole apparatus, the apparatus becomes more efficient, as the oxidation is greater and the output is greater. n R Simple air pump. ANON. Pop. Sci. Ma., 121. 48 (Nov., 1932).-The spout from an oil can is inserted, small end downward, through a hole in t h e side of a rubber tube which has been fastened t o a water faucet. Another piece of rubber tubing is fastened t o the large end of the oil can spout; when the water faucet is opened, suction is developed a t the end of this rubber H. T. B. tube.


New-type analytical air-damping balance with projection scale. ( : h p m -Zr#.. 56, 81 1 (Oct 12. 1931..-\Vhm uiinu the new tylw of analvtical alr-rlamvine balances it is not necessan to wait untd the baiance has come rest after a number of >wings. The Ix4nncc m m r s to rsst after a -inglc swing 3rd the reading can be tnnde on a microphotographic scrle down t o one-tenth of a millicram. The location of the damom. is of imnortance. ~ - "cvlindrrr *---i n the construction shown in the figure accompanying the article they are placed directly under the beam. The microphotos a p h i c scale is illuminated by means of 3 low-power bulh and is projected w r y clearly on frmtcd glass. Thc lighr bulb is isolated irotn the balancr ca3r to avoid radiation. T h e current is turned on automatically on operating the balance. By means of a very practical device a n the outside i t is possible t o add fractional weights automatically. L. S. Experiments with carbon for the home chemist's laboratory. K. J3. \ i ' n r ~ n j . Pop. S'rt Jlo., 121, ti.) (No\.., 1!1%2,.-hlmy of thc . wumrtics a r d uws of carbon arc nrcsented in u n intvrccrine . manner. Several experiments dealin'g with the absorption by charcoal or hone-black of both gases and solids (suspended in some fluid) are given. There is also an experiment illustrating the reduction by carbon of certain metallic oxides. These experiments use simple apparatus which may be found in the amaH. T. B. teur chemist's private laboratory. Experiments with carbon.-See this title, p. 60. Electrodeposition of metals. E. K. STRACKAN. Rep. New Eng. Assoc. Chem. Teachen, 34, 6-9 (Sept., 1932).-In aqueous solution we have present not only the ions of the metal which we seek t o deposit but hydrogen ions as well. I n the case of metals that stand lower in the electromotive series than hydrogen, the hydrogen ions give little trouble so t h a t metals can be deposited from quite acid solutions. The acid copper-plating solutions are a n excellent example of this. I n a general way, the higher,the acid concentration the harder the copper deposit. , Direct~ons for preparing acid copper, nickel-plating, silver-plating cyanide 0. C. copper and brass-plating baths are given. Easy ways to identify modern alloys.-See this title, p. 59. A modified mercury-sealed stirrer. C. J. HAGoenm. Hormone. 6, 72 (Apr., 1932).-It is quite common in the use of the ordinary glass-fashioned mercury-sealed stirrer that a t high speeds the mercury is a p t t o be thrown out by the rotating shaft. I n order t o obviate this difficulty in our laboratory we have placed on the top of the mercury well a cork ll!l stopper. This actually serves two purposes for, on the one hand, it centers the rotating shaft and on the other i t urevents the mercnrv from heine thrown out of the well. One could insert a piece of glass tubing in tht; cork if he so desired which would ncr a another benring for the rotating shaft. We f i r 4 L ~ t t c r n n t r dto solve this dilkicultv IN attachinr! the c&k ii t h e iotatina shaft, but &xi attemptswere' I I unsuccessful except i t low speeds. We believe t h a t i t is certainly preferable t o attach t h e cork t o the well and then the stirrer may be rotated a t very high speeds without any mercury being thrown out of the well. The accompanying illustration may assist one in understanding exactly what we mean. It will be noticed t h a t we have placed the upper glass bearing in as close nroximitv t o the sealine oart of the rotating shaft'aspossidle. I t is alsoa goid idea t o round off the stopper which is connected t o t h e sealing part of the stirrer so t h a t any mercury which may be thrown up onto the bearing or stopper will return 0. R. t o the well. ~










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KEEPING UP WITH CHEMISTRY produced a t the rate of a ton a day. When it is realized that the E5cient production of manufactured ice. D. B u m s , JR. Ind. Eng. Chem., 24, 605-10 (June, 1932).-Marketable artificial concentration of magnesium bromide is from two to three times ice could be produced from solutions only after the salts had been that of the German potash brines, and from three to five times removed by distillation. I n steam-operated plants the exhaust that of the American brines, the statement that this material steam was condensed and frozen. With the use of electrical can he shipped to England in direct competition with the Gerpower, production costs could be decreased but distilled water man product does not seem unreasonable. The Dead Sea possiwas no longer available. Ice from natural waters was usually bilities of potash are almost unlimited. It is estimated that as opaque due t o dissolved salts. It is here shown that by using a a result of enlarged plant facilities, 10,000 t o 12,000 tons of pure special type of can with air agitation marketable ice can be pro- potash will be extracted in 1933 as against 2500 tons in 1931. duced even from water containing 1300 parts per million. As G. 0 . freezing proceeds the core is removed several times depending on Chemistry in the glass industry. R. A. MILLER. Chemist, 9, the salt concentration. The freezing temperature is lowered from 765-8 (Oct., 1932).-The great increase in quantity production 1 6 T . t o 6'F. This reduces the freezing time by one-half with a in various branches of the glass industry has been the result of resultant inaease in plant capacity and about 30% reduction in mechanical research. The composition of the great bulk of the cost. Ice when formed a t 6°F. has a tendency t o crack. This is glass made today remains the same that it was in medieval almost eliminated by adding 75 parts N H C l per million and times. Chemistry is primarily important in the analysis and D. C. L. raising the temperature slowly or annealing. control of raw materials and of the finished products. ConsiderCellulose in industry. H. J. SKINNER. Ind. Eng. Chem.. 24, able investigation of the color effects of various metallic oxides 694-704 (June, 1932);-Cellulose is classified according t o the and of colloidally dispersed metals has been carried out. It has part of the plant from which i t is derived and in accordance with been found possible to control the optical properties of glass by its industrial uses. Cotton is the main textile cellulose fiber, and careful control of its composition. There is much room and need E.R. W. since i t consists of one tubular cell its position will never he seri- for furfher productive research in this field. ously endangered by flax, jute, hemp, and similar fibers which are Krypton chloride. Science. 76, 10 (Oct. 7, 1932).-Drs. A. really bundles of fibers cemented together. The chemistry and Von Antropoff, K. Weil, and H. Frauenhof of the Chemical Instieconomics of the paper-making fibers is discussed and i t is shown tute a t Bonn have produced what they believe t o be krypton that the high cost of collecting straw and cornstalks renders their chloride by a combination of low pressure, low temperature, and use impracticable, although the waste fiber from sugar operations electric discharge. This is the first time that krypton, one of the G. H. W. could be utilized. Under cellulose derivatives we have a short rare gases, has been forced into chemical union. account of nitrocellulose, rayon, cellulose acetate, and cellophane. The isolation of hexuronic acid. E. K. NELSON. Science, D.C. L. 76,345 (Oct. 14, 1932).-Difliculties encountered in the isolation Refrigeration in chemical industries. A s m e y of applications. of hexuronic acid from orange juice are brought to t h e attention of others working in this field. The lead acetate used must be D. H. K I L L E ~ E R .Ind. Eng. Chem., 24, 601-5 (June, 1932).The necessity and importance of refrigeration in the chemical free from traces of copper, as this metal catalyzes the oxidation of process industries is discussed under six headings: (1) Liquejac- hexuronic acid; unfermented juice eliminates the possibility of tion o f Gases. discusses the ~roductianof liquid air. C02 and CI*. havina metabolic ~ r o d u c t sof the yeast carried through with hexuronic acid; best results are achieved with absoluiely dry reLOW-iemper&urecondensaiion is also essential in the production of CSz, CCl,, and other organic liquids especially where there is agents and a dry room in which t o work. G. H. W. a 6re hazard. (2) Solidification o j Liquids. Vegetable lards Ultra-violet light and forgery. E. W. STEIN. Sci. Am., 147. and margarine are mixtures, and if allowed t o cool slowly will 204-6 (Oct., 1932).-The quartz mercury vapor arc. which not be uniform, so rapid chilling is necessary. (3) Crystallization. radiates a high percentage of ultra-violet rays has come t o be of Phase rule studies of salt mixtures often require close temperature meat value in the detection of forgeries. The filtered ultracontrol. I n the potash industry low-temperature crystallization &let light causes the phenomenon of fluorescence when i t often avoids the expensive evaporation of water. (4) Separation strikes certain substances, a number of which are used in docuof Mixtures. Manufactured gas and tar distillates are purified by ments. This enables experts t o distinguish certain materials condensation of impurities. I n air-conditioning required in some from each other, brings certain things that are invisible under the industries, such as rayon, the law humidity is best obtained by microscope into visibility, and makes possible the photographing refrigeration. Similar use is made in solvent recovery, condens- of the peculiar effect of the ultra-violet light. Erased signatures, ing CO from Hz in water gas, separating gasoline from natural G. H. W. dates, etc., may often be seen quite clearly. gas. ( 5 ) Control of Reactions. This is important in many indusThe nicotine and ammonia contents of tobacco smoke. L. tries, such as nitration, azo dyes, photography, bakeries. (6) BARTAAND E. TOOLE. Z. anpew. Chem.. 43. 671-3 (Oct. 22. Miscellaneous Applications include quick freezing of foods, silk 1932).-Two types of smoke a& formed in skoking Agarettes weighting, petroleum refining, cellulose acetate manufacture, or agars: the "outer smoke" which rises from the glowing hide storage, candy manufacture, medicine, and rubber._ tip and the "inner smoke" which is drawn t h o u g h the cigarette U.L. L. or cigar. The authors arrive a t the following results from their Urea-ammonia liquor: a new fertilizer material. F. W. experiments: (1) 93.5% of the nicotine content of cigarettes esP ~ E AND R F. G. KEENEN. C k m . & Met. Eng.. 39, 54&1 capes m the smoke. (2) The distribution of nicotine in the outer and inncr smoke depends on the rime the cigwctte is glowing. (Oct., 1932).-Urea-ammonia liquor is essentially a solution of crude urea in aqua-ammonia. Specific gravity is the same as (3, The ammonil! content of t l cignrcttr ~ stnokc ( I .OR to I .Fj?) water. Total ammonia content is 55%. Two-thirds of the is lareer in even. case th;in the ammonia content of the tol,:wco ammonia is inorganic, mostly uncombined; one-third is urea. (0.21-to 0.88%',j (4) Independently of the time of glowing the The liquor is therefore a source of both organic and inorganic greater part of the ammonia (73 t o 93%) is found in the outer -. -. nitrogen in the ratio often found in complete fertilizers. The water content is 20%, but this does not make i t stick t o the walls Hardwood distillation faces new economic and raw material of a mixer. It is shipped in 11,000 gal. steel tank cars and may problems. R. S. M c B n m ~ . Chem. & Met.. Eng., 39, 534-8 be used as shipped, diluted, or in the same manner as anhydrous (Oct., 1932).-Wood-distillation plants are a5hllated with various ammonia. .As a fertilizer i t has the same "availability" as tvoeq ~- of - - industries as ~~-the charcoal-iron business. the lumberine " ammonium sulfate and is superior t o i t in that i t does not increase industry, other chemical establishments; or they may operate soil acidity. Urea is superior t o other organic sources of am- independently. These plants always go t o the source of their monia and is an exceptionally good source of nitrogen for tobacco, raw material due t o the bulky character of wood and its high potatoes, and many truck crops. It is not readily leached from cost of transportation, It is therefore limited t o those areas the soil by heavy rains. I n the soil urea is converted into am- where there is an abundance of hardwood a t low cost. The monia compounds and these in turn into nitrates. The plant principal woods used are maple, beech, birch, oak, hickory, cherry. 1. W. H. can absorb the urea as such. &d tupelo. Th: nwrag? &it of wood is 'T3 50 to S4tiJ a cord. Life from the Dead Sea. Ind. BUN. o j Arllrur D. Lildc. Inr.. dclivcrcrl and stacked up a t the factory. Forty tu fifty cents 70, .1 ( U c t , 1!132 .-lla~ncsiomhrunAc is being a; its hulky character soon taxcs storage space if it is not sold






The total value of t h e products of this industry in t h e United States was 519,478,000 in 1929 and $7,400,000 in 1931. 1. W. H. Rotenone. Ind. Bd1. of Arthur D . Little, Inc., 70, 3 (Oct., 1932).-Rotenone is the poisonous principle of various plants of which derris root and Cube are tvoical examules. Since the orieinal patent on the use of derri;;oot or tuda extract is now &pired, this material is open for exploitation. The price of rotenone is high-in the neighborhood of $25 per pound-but the high cost does not rule i t out as an insecticide or poison since 1% mixed with 99% of clav is said to be a mast active ~ o i s o nfor cockroaches, a d one-tekh per cent. solution is a good household spmy. I t is a splendid contact insecticide. In thc .V'ntio,l.d G'rogmphic 3 f u g a z i u ~Scptcmhrr, . 193 1, i i a picture of a nntive of Morrav Island in the Turrri Strait.; catchine nuisuned firh bv hand. . I n various parts of the Tropics a number of different plants, particularly of the pea and bean family, are used for the poisoning of fish and all cold-blooded life. It is thirty times as ooisonous as lead arsenate. Rotenone is sensitive t o lieht. Gigomus efforts are being made t o find either a means of prot&tingrotenone from the light or some derivative of rotenone which is toxic hut not light-sendvr.. The u j c of rotmane in fly ,prays ha,, it is said, Iwm patented by a 13rgc oil COmD3"Y. I t i, lwpcd to brine down the nricc of the roots bv ohntation method; or t o maki the active ingredient syntheticiliy. G. 0 . Easy ways toidentiiy modern alloys. W. G. H A ~ O N DPop. . Sci. Mo., 121, 92 (Nov., 1932).-By means of chemical reaction toward nitric acid, magnetism, and specific gravity tests, many H. T. B. modern alloys may he classified into groups. Plastics with special reference to phenol-aldehyde condensation products. A. V. H. MORY. Rep. New Eng. Assoc. Chem. Teachers, 34, 17-20 (Sept., 1932).-A number of the industrial applications of the phenol-aldehyde condensation products are brieflv 0 . C. ~ - mentioned. ~ Phosphoric acid imposes severe corrosive burden. W. C. WEBER. Chem. & Met. Eng., 39, 542-5 (Oct., 1932).-Phpsohoric acid in ooint of volume of omduction ranks well uo m t h hydrochloric and nitric acids. since phosphorus is o n e i f the three essentials of the fertilizer triad, the fertilizer industry is one of the largest uscrs of phoiphoric acid Thi.; ~rticlt.i, cunccrnrd wlth th.. wlfuric acid plus phosphate rock method uf prurluction.




I t employs continuous digcstion and corltinuous countcr-current waihing of the gyprum 4udgr. 'I'hiq i.; don? undrr conditions which subirct thr material.; of construction t o w r v severe service. In generai stoneware and h i ~ hsilica, acid-resi&ug bricks. and cement 3rl: thorou~hlyrciistant. Lend 1s the only satisfactory metal, hut must not be sul,,cctcd to the gacrr evolved 4 lowcarhon chrornr-nickel-molvhdcnu~nsteel is the unlv eood allov. A long staple nitrated cotton has been developed-fa; filtrati6n of acid up t o 35% P90s a t temperatures of 70°C. Interior surfaces of tube mills for grinding phosphnte rock are lined with a special ruhbcr lining. Agitation rnnks may ht of X ~ C C wood. I , or connrte. All t lkctric rwtur.; m w t be cncluicd as orotection a ~ a i n sfumes, t dust, and spillages. Asphalt-covered cement floors are used wherever there & danger of spillage. J. W. H. Chemical plant design. R. WOODWARD.Chem. & Met. Eng.. 39. 552-5 (Oct.. 1932J.-The obiect in olannine anv chem~cal m&ufactuhna drocess'is t o prod& a c o t k o d i t v on a manufacturing scale &=lower cost or in a more usable form than has beeu done before and, a t the same time, t o utilize cheaper raw materials, if possible, to produce less non-salable waste than formerlv. or to abate all effluents t h a t might create a Dublic nuisance. Thelogical way to carry this out isfirst t o make an economic nnalysls, followed by n laboratory investigation and dt.velupmtut of s tentative !low sheet, thcn n detrrn~irutiunof tcntutivr. design and cost :ctim;atr.s. a qcmi-work, nlant itwestiration and derrlooment of final flaw sheet. This must be foll&ed by a detailgd engineering study of equipment and buildings with final cost estimates. Each one of these items is discussed in detail. J. W. H. Facilitating higher vacuums in industrial processes. D. H. JACKSON. Chem. & Met. Eng., 39,549-51 (Oet., 1932);-Along with the tendency t o use high pressure in many industrial processes is the extensive development of low pressures approaching absolute vacuum. The steam-jet type of vacuum producer (known as ejector. evactor, or thermocompressor) is the most recent type used. I t has no moving parts and works much better than any type of mechanical vanrum pump. A single stage unit: consists only of a steam nozzle fitted in a small suction chamber which is attached to a combining throat. It is used in the petroleum industry for fractionating; in the vegetable oil industry for deodorizing purJ. W. H. poses; and for the vacuum refrigerating process.


SCIENTIPIC REVIEWS AND BIBLIOGRAPHIES; TABULATIONS O F SCIENTIFIC DATA Organo-alkali compounds. C. B. WOOSTER. Chem. Reuiews, 11, 1-91 (Aug., 1932).-This art'ide discusses mono-alkali comoonnds. their ohvsical nrooerties and constitution: the addition of alkali me&& t k mult'iplecarhon-carbon bonds; the addition of alkali metals t o multiple bonds between carbon and other elements; orgauo-alkali compounds as intermediates in chemical reaction. T. W. H. ----. Crystal energies of ionic ~ m p o u n d sand the&ochemical applications. J. SHERMAN. Chem. Reuiews, 11, 93-169 (Aug., lir2)--A dis6usGm of the latttcc r.ntrm of ionic crystal*; the Born-llulrr thern~ochernicalcycle and its npplirationa; and c r p t n l entrgwj obtained independently of the Born theory.

,T . \.x.i . .U..

Indium available in commercial quantities. W. S. ~ ~ L . K K A Y . Ind. ling Cbem , 24, ti80 (June. IW2,-Althuuyh discuvrnd in 1 X t i 8 . due to its scarcitv hut little work has been dune in utilinne gd&. I t s physicaleand chemical properties are listed. & deposits have recently beeu discovered and developed. Most att G ~ l , t sto utilire it have been along rlrctruchrmiwl lines. It a n now lbe plated h g l g or simultancuujly wtth othrr metals. New uccc will orol>al,lv he devrlonrJ in nuromoti\ e. t.lt.ctrtwl. iewrlrv. D: 'c. L and den& fields:

Progress report in organic chemistry 1929 to 1931. II. Acyclic series. H. KLEINFELLER.Z. angem. Chem., 43,62&39 Hydrocarbons. 1. Pvrolvses. 2 . Polweri(Oct. 1. 19321.-I. ;ation simple Olefin& 3. Addition actions of ~ n s a t b a t e d


~ b ~ y v a ~ilcohois: ent ~ly'cerin. I ~ I . Oxy-Carbonyl Compounds. V. Fatty Acids.

Molecular Alcohols. 3.

Peroxides. IV.

1. Reduction. 2. Electro-Synthesis of Hydmarbons. 3. Dibasic Acids. VI. Unsaturated Acids. 1. Polyen-Carbonic Adds. 2. Hydrogenation. 3. Additions. 4. Removal of Carboxyl Groups. 5. Polymerization. VII. Oxy-Acids. 1. Formation of Complexes. 2. Oxydation. 3. Biochemical Reactions. VIII. 0x0-Acids. I X . Amino Acids. 1. Syntheses. 2. Identification. X. Polvbebtides. 1. Determination of Structure. 2. Decomposition -6y'Alkalies and Ferments. 3. Glutathian. XI. Orides of Carbon. Urea. XII. Ufic Acid. XIII. Cyan Compounds. 1. Dicyan. 2. Pseudohalogens. 3. Polvmeric Fulminic Acids. o n e hundred thirty-seven references are listed. L. S.


An ancient Chinese treatise on alchemy, entitled "Ts'an about 142 A.D., now transT'unz Ch'i," written by WEIPO-VANO lated-from the Chinese into English by Lu-CH'IANGWu, with an introduction and notes by TENNEYL. DAVIS. Isis, 18,210RQ translation the~earliest .. 11932\.-A \-.--, ~ ~ -of ~ ~ known ~ ~ treatise ~ ~ in~anv language devoted exclusively t o the subject of alchemy, and t h i first translation of the whole of a Chinese treatise a n alchemy into a Europenn languagt. Thc introduction summarizes what has k c n prevtausly known t o I h r u p r a r ~scholars eoncerninl: Chinesc alchemv and contains some n r w material. The notri facilitate a comparison of Chinese with European alchemy ~



Alchemy appears to have arisen spontaneously in China, in the third century B.C., as a n offshoot from the magical and fantastic side of the Taoist religion. Chinese alchemists worked with cinnabar, litharge, etc., the same materials as were later used by the European alchemists, and they attempted to prepare artificial gold and the pill of immortality. They sought artificial gold not because of its value but because of its magical efficacy. Food eaten from vessels of artificial gold prodund longevity. They sought by chemical means t o produce the pill of immortality by which one might become a hsien or benevolent and immortal supernatural being possessing extraordinary po'wers. Chinese

alchemical theory is based upon the very ancient Chinese notion of the five elements (wu-hsingj and upon that of the two contraries (%n-yeng) which first appeared in Chinese thought a t about the same time that alchemy appeared and that Taoism took on its magical and fantastic relationships. The Ts'an T'ung Ch'i in many respects resembles the later treatises of the Arabs and Latins, in its figurative language, in its obscurity and evasiveness, in the advice which i t gives to the aspiring alchemist, in the declared intention of its author t o be clear and explicit, and in the author's feeling of his own inadeouacv as an eaoositor of so noble a science. it describes precis& tbe same akhemical prows- as does the "Sp~culum ;llrhemiae" [see J . CHEM.E u t c , 8, 1945 53 (1931)l which is ascribcd to Roger liacon thc proces9 i n which the two contrarv orincinles are heated toecthrr in a closed vessel, gently a t 6rsi i n d &en more strongg, in such manner that the flames reverberate around the vessel and the T.L. D. heat docs not cscaye. Enquiry into the authorship of the "Ordinall of Alchimy." M. N I I I K L S S I EALNSU 1'. F. CHAPHAS. 131s. 18. 280-XI (l[13?): After examining numerous conflicting statem& concerhing that Thumn.; S u r t u i of lkirtol who is iepotcd to have writt& thr Ordinall of Alchimy." Sirwn.itein and Cllnpn.an Itnw cxamintd the ancient records of the curt,oratm~of llristol. csocc~allvathey relate t o several s ham as-s or tons who lived atAabou